Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

It is amazing how the far left is continuing the FDR philosophy.

President Franklin Roosevelt used his 1944 State of the Union address to advance his “Second Bill of Rights”: a broad vision of the role of government in making lives more secure through expanded government programs. The recurring theme throughout is “security” and the necessary action called for is unrelenting war against the enemies of the New Deal, both foreign and domestic.
Hey stupid....did you ever to look at why ?

After you do, get back to us.

Hint: In the case of many "Red" states...they used to be "Blue" states and have a high number of blacks on welfare. Look around Wiener.

deanie never actually READS his sources ;)

Right out of the link I didn't read and State Demographics:

Arizona is 4% black.

South Dakota is 1% black.

West Virginia is 3% black.

Montana is 0.6% black.

Maine is 1% black.

New Mexico is 3% black.

There are others that are just outside the top ten:

Kentucky is 7% black.

Kansas is 6% black.

Idaho is 1% black.

See? I knew these ignorant white wingers would say something like that. They just can't stand that GOP policies are failures. It's always someone else's fault. The blacks. The Hispanics. The Democrats. The truth is, conservative policies are failures because they just are. "Reality" PROVES it beyond a doubt again and again and again and.............

Hey moron,

You said red states.

New Mexico is not a red state.

Main is not a red state.

Montana is not a red state.

West Virginia....red ?

Arizona....red ?

How is it that red states gave you Kathleen Sebelius (governor of KS for 8 years....you think maybe she had something to do with it ?). Or that wench Napolotano (former gov of AZ......you think maybe ??).

You said red states.

Where is Missisippi and Alabama on this list ?
What conservative policies are we living with today?

We're living with the deregulated nirvana that was supposed to free companies to expand and give regular folks wonderful jobs and lives. Remember? It's too bad they chose instead to de-industrialize this country and replace those jobs with Walmart checker opportunities.
What conservative policies are we living with today?

We're living with the deregulated nirvana that was supposed to free companies to expand and give regular folks wonderful jobs and lives. Remember? It's too bad they chose instead to de-industrialize this country and replace those jobs with Walmart checker opportunities.

What deregulation? Be specific.
What conservative policies are we living with today?

We're living with the deregulated nirvana that was supposed to free companies to expand and give regular folks wonderful jobs and lives. Remember? It's too bad they chose instead to de-industrialize this country and replace those jobs with Walmart checker opportunities.

Please point to any deregulation that happened in the last 25 years. There has been none. There has been the opposite in fact.
We are living in an over regulated dystopia designed by liberal Democrats and RINOs where gov't tells everyone what they can and cannot do. How has that been working out?
The incessant "too many regulations" comes out time after time. Imagine what our air would look like and our water quality would be without regulation. Answer? If left to the corporations to police themselves the air would be unbeatable and the water totally polluted... but that would be fine as long as profit is created.
The incessant "too many regulations" comes out time after time. Imagine what our air would look like and our water quality would be without regulation. Answer? If left to the corporations to police themselves the air would be unbeatable and the water totally polluted... but that would be fine as long as profit is created.

Imagine what our air would look like and our water quality would be without regulation.

Imagine what our economy would look like if we stopped adding thousands of pages of new regulations annually, now that our air and water are much, much, much cleaner than 50 years ago.
The incessant "too many regulations" comes out time after time. Imagine what our air would look like and our water quality would be without regulation. Answer? If left to the corporations to police themselves the air would be unbeatable and the water totally polluted... but that would be fine as long as profit is created.

Yeah if it werent for monstrosities like Dodd Frank, Sarbanes Oxley, ACA, EPA then we'd all be living in 3rd world sewers, right?
Again, if left unchecked do you have faith that American corporations would properly take care of things? I surely don't trust them in any way, shape, or form. They would willingly cut corners to secure more profit.... at the expense of our natural resources. Perhaps there are too many regulations. Get rid of the needless ones. But a case like what happened in west Virginia when the river was polluted? That should have resulted in a huge monetary penalty for pure negligence on the part of the company. Profit over the health of people.
The GOP has to find a way to get away from the stigma of supporting large corporations and being known for catering to the wealthy. Supporting those groups isn't a good platform.

Sure it is. It's a good platform for losing.

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Poverty and Government dependence.

offering Poverty and Government dependence.....?

you're nuts....why would they offer something the Dimwits already did...?

the Dimwits have already provided Poverty and Government dependence....lots of it...

and they also have plans for alot more....

Why do you think Red State governors go to Blue States like California and New York looking for skilled workers? Because Republicans don't believe in education.

You will never see Democrats mocking education. If Red States invested in their base, they wouldn't need to lure workers from other states. Course, helping people is (gasp) "socialism".

Even when the truth is thrown in right wing faces and smeared all over their collective noses, they still refuse to see it. It's called "determined ignorance".
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