Quick History lesson

Barry Goldwater ran for president against LBJ. Barry decided not to back the 1964 voting law, Afro-Americans supported LBJ(D), not Goldwater(Rep).
I too voted GOP in the later 1970's, then came Reagan and the GOP lost my vote by raising my taxes when they claimed they were lowering it.

There are good reasons that Eisenhower was able to win 39% of the black vote, but not the South, in 1956, and,

that Goldwater in 1964, after voting AGAINST the Civil Rights Act, could only win in the South.

As the segregationist conservative Zell Miller said...he didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left him.

The Democratic Party left the racists behind and moved on. The racists quickly found open arms and a home,

in the Republican Party.
I too voted GOP in the later 1970's, then came Reagan and the GOP lost my vote by raising my taxes when they claimed they were lowering it.

I lasted with the GOP until the early 90s when the Gingrich Republicans took over and drove out us moderates.

The GOP became the party of the wealthy, the religious right and the covert racists
13th amendment: abolished slavery
100% republican support, 23% democrat support

14th amendment: gave citizenship to freed slaves
94% republican support, 0% democrat support

15th amendment: right to vote for all
100% republican support, 0% democrat support

0% republican support
100% democrat support

Need I say more? :eusa_whistle:

Name the Democrats who voted against the 13th amendment who also voted for Obamacare.

Comon, now, let's not take all day, Redfish. Put your thinking cap on (hint: it's not the pointed one).
Barry Goldwater ran for president against LBJ. Barry decided not to back the 1964 voting law, Afro-Americans supported LBJ(D), not Goldwater(Rep).
And one powerful supporter of Barry Goldwater's 1964 run for president proclaiming proudly how he stood with Goldwater -- was a Hollywood actor...who gave an impassioned speech for the GOP nominee that raised millions --

that actor later became known

as St. Ronnie.
Good history lesson.
Political parties, unlike political ideologies can and do change.
The real history lesson, however, is the mistake the Republicans are now making is trying to keep the nation in a pre-recession economy with their stalling, shutting down the government and No-votes, instead, the Republicans should be working at making the nation prosperous. History tends to prove that people wallowing in economic-prosperity tend to vote conservative, and in a bad economy vote Democratic.
Those are remarkable statistics

They show when Republicans used to actually care about Americans

They still do, supporting real freedom is the ultimate in caring for Americans, supporting slavery to the government feeding trougth is the ultimate is not caring.

you have it totally backwards, norton. too much time breathing sewer gas?

Thanks for reminding us how great the Republican Party used to be. It is part of the reason I became a Republican. They were the party that cared about working Americans. The party of equal rights
But then, a radical shift occurred. They became the unabashed party of the rich. Trickle down was their mantra......take care of the rich and they will take care of you
The working class became the enemy

Party of the rich? Really you are still selling those long dead fish stories?

7 of the top ten richest in congress are democrats: The 50 Richest Members of Congress — 112th : Roll Call

Obama certainly has not been and enemy of the rich. The Wallstreet bailout certainly proves that Obama takes care of his own. His record of black unemployment certainly shows his concern is somewhere else. Hell Reagan did better for blacks then does this democrat president.

What "shift" is it that you speak? The shift of those in the south sick of the interference in their lives by the federal government switching to Republicans? Really is that all you got? You really have to do better. Reagan signed into law MLK's birthday so it is incumbent on you to provide us with the legislation that the republicans have pushed that hurt blacks. Certainly I can point out how LBJ's great society has decimated the black community. With help like that who needs enemies? So enemies must be created thus the invention of the lie about the Republican party. Sal Alynski would be very proud.
They still do, supporting real freedom is the ultimate in caring for Americans, supporting slavery to the government feeding trougth is the ultimate is not caring.

you have it totally backwards, norton. too much time breathing sewer gas?

Thanks for reminding us how great the Republican Party used to be. It is part of the reason I became a Republican. They were the party that cared about working Americans. The party of equal rights
But then, a radical shift occurred. They became the unabashed party of the rich. Trickle down was their mantra......take care of the rich and they will take care of you
The working class became the enemy

Party of the rich? Really you are still selling those long dead fish stories?

7 of the top ten richest in congress are democrats: The 50 Richest Members of Congress — 112th : Roll Call

Obama certainly has not been and enemy of the rich. The Wallstreet bailout certainly proves that Obama takes care of his own. His record of black unemployment certainly shows his concern is somewhere else. Hell Reagan did better for blacks then does this democrat president.

What "shift" is it that you speak? The shift of those in the south sick of the interference in their lives by the federal government switching to Republicans? Really is that all you got? You really have to do better. Reagan signed into law MLK's birthday so it is incumbent on you to provide us with the legislation that the republicans have pushed that hurt blacks. Certainly I can point out how LBJ's great society has decimated the black community. With help like that who needs enemies? So enemies must be created thus the invention of the lie about the Republican party. Sal Alynski would be very proud.
Poor metrics - using a teeny subset of the population - congresscritters. lol

What party continually refuses to allow tax increases, by even a smidgeon, on the rich? We know who that party is.

Obama consistently has said he wants to raise taxes on the 1%, so that shoots down your second comment.

Third, Reagan only signed the MLK holiday because there was a veto proof majority. He didn't want to sign it.
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They still do, supporting real freedom is the ultimate in caring for Americans, supporting slavery to the government feeding trougth is the ultimate is not caring.

you have it totally backwards, norton. too much time breathing sewer gas?

Thanks for reminding us how great the Republican Party used to be. It is part of the reason I became a Republican. They were the party that cared about working Americans. The party of equal rights
But then, a radical shift occurred. They became the unabashed party of the rich. Trickle down was their mantra......take care of the rich and they will take care of you
The working class became the enemy

Party of the rich? Really you are still selling those long dead fish stories?

7 of the top ten richest in congress are democrats: The 50 Richest Members of Congress — 112th : Roll Call

Obama certainly has not been and enemy of the rich. The Wallstreet bailout certainly proves that Obama takes care of his own. His record of black unemployment certainly shows his concern is somewhere else. Hell Reagan did better for blacks then does this democrat president.

What "shift" is it that you speak? The shift of those in the south sick of the interference in their lives by the federal government switching to Republicans? Really is that all you got? You really have to do better. Reagan signed into law MLK's birthday so it is incumbent on you to provide us with the legislation that the republicans have pushed that hurt blacks. Certainly I can point out how LBJ's great society has decimated the black community. With help like that who needs enemies? So enemies must be created thus the invention of the lie about the Republican party. Sal Alynski would be very proud.

You can blame whom ever you like. The real story of the GOP is happening now, not 50-60 years ago. The minorities do not have all their votes bought with welfare money, that is a lie perpetrated by a losing party looking for justification for it's losses.
Thanks for reminding us how great the Republican Party used to be. It is part of the reason I became a Republican. They were the party that cared about working Americans. The party of equal rights
But then, a radical shift occurred. They became the unabashed party of the rich. Trickle down was their mantra......take care of the rich and they will take care of you
The working class became the enemy

Party of the rich? Really you are still selling those long dead fish stories?

7 of the top ten richest in congress are democrats: The 50 Richest Members of Congress — 112th : Roll Call

Obama certainly has not been and enemy of the rich. The Wallstreet bailout certainly proves that Obama takes care of his own. His record of black unemployment certainly shows his concern is somewhere else. Hell Reagan did better for blacks then does this democrat president.

What "shift" is it that you speak? The shift of those in the south sick of the interference in their lives by the federal government switching to Republicans? Really is that all you got? You really have to do better. Reagan signed into law MLK's birthday so it is incumbent on you to provide us with the legislation that the republicans have pushed that hurt blacks. Certainly I can point out how LBJ's great society has decimated the black community. With help like that who needs enemies? So enemies must be created thus the invention of the lie about the Republican party. Sal Alynski would be very proud.
Poor metrics - using a teeny subset of the population - congresscritters. lol

What party continually refuses to allow tax increases, by even a smidgeon, on the rich? We know who that party is.

Obama consistently has said he want to raise taxes on the 1%, so that shoots down your second comment.

Third, Reagan only signed the MLK holiday because the was a veto proof majority. He didn't want to sign it.

Nor did Reagan approve of the Nam War Memorial.
13th amendment: abolished slavery
100% republican support, 23% democrat support

14th amendment: gave citizenship to freed slaves
94% republican support, 0% democrat support

15th amendment: right to vote for all
100% republican support, 0% democrat support

0% republican support
100% democrat support

Need I say more? :eusa_whistle:

Yea you do need to say more. When was it that the Republican party decided they no longer wanted to support minorities?

When did the Repubs decide they no longer needed the support of minorities?

And if ANY political party decided to make a minority (blacks and Hispanic) a political scapegoat, how long do you think the minority will support this political party?
Obamacare is about control, has nothing to do with minorities, unless it condones racism by blacks? Thought so.Some of the biggest racists I know are black.
13th amendment: abolished slavery
100% republican support, 23% democrat support

14th amendment: gave citizenship to freed slaves
94% republican support, 0% democrat support

15th amendment: right to vote for all
100% republican support, 0% democrat support

0% republican support
100% democrat support

Need I say more? :eusa_whistle:

Yea you do need to say more. When was it that the Republican party decided they no longer wanted to support minorities?

When did the Repubs decide they no longer needed the support of minorities?

And if ANY political party decided to make a minority (blacks and Hispanic) a political scapegoat, how long do you think the minority will support this political party?

So the ACA is to just provide healthcare to minorities?
Did You Know? | Frederick Douglass Republican | Turning Values Into Votes In 2012 And Beyond

Did You Know?

“Between speaking fees, investments and income from presidential appointments, Frederick Douglass’ was able to mass $300,000 in savings–an equivalent of more than $10 million dollars today. We shouldn’t ENVY those earning $250,000 per year. We should EMULATE them. That’s how jobs are created.” ~ KCarl Smith, ConservativeMESSENGER

African Americans originally came to America unwillingly, having been stolen and sold by Muslim slave-catchers in Africa to Dutch traders journeying to America in 1619.

The Three-Fifths Clause dealt only with representation and not the worth of any individual.

In 1857, a Democratically controlled Supreme Court delivered the Dred Scott decision, declaring that blacks were not persons or citizens but instead were property and therefore had no rights.

The 13th Amendment to abolish slavery was voted for by 100% of the Republicans in congress and by 23% of the Democrats in congress.Not one Democrat either in the House or the Senate voted for the 14th amendment declaring that former slaves were full citizens of the state in which they lived and were therefore entitled to all the rights and privileges of any other citizen in that state.

Not a single one of the 56 Democrats in Congress voted for the 15th amendment that granted explicit voting rights to black Americans.

In 1866 Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan to pave the way for Democrats to regain control in the elections.George Wallace was a Democrat.Bull Connor was a Democrat.In the 19th century, Democrats prevented Black Americans from going to public school.In the 20th and 21st century Democrats prevented Black Americans trapped in failing schools from choosing a better school. In fact Democrats voted against the bill by 99%.

Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, grandfather clauses, Literacy tests, white only primaries, and physical violence all came from the Democratic Party.Between 1882 and 1964, 4,743 individuals were lynched. 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites. Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and Democrats successfully blocked those bills.

Though both the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were signed into law under Democrat President, Lyndon Johnson, it was the Republicans in Congress who made it possible in both cases – not to overlook the fact that the heart of both bills came from the work of Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

In the 108th Congress, when Republicans proposed a permanent extension of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, it was opposed by the Congressional Black Caucus (composed only of Democrats).Following the Civil War, Frederick Douglass received Presidential appointments from Republican Presidents Ulysses Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, and James A. Garfield. Democratic President Grover Cleveland removed Frederick Douglas from office but Republican President Benjamin Harrison reappointed him.

Very few today know that in 1808 Congress abolished the slave trade. Although slavery still had not been abolished in all the states, things definitely were moving in the right direction.

By 1820, most of the Founding Fathers were dead and Thomas Jefferson’ party (the Democratic Party) had become the majority party in Congress.In 1789, Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance that prohibited slavery in a federal territory. In 1820, the Democratic Congress passed the Missouri Compromise and reversed that earlier policy, permitting slavery in almost half of the federal territories.In 1850, Democrats in Congress passed the “Fugitive Slave Law”. That law required Northerners to return escaped slaves back into slavery or else pay huge fines.Because the “Fugitive Slave Law” allowed Free Blacks to be carried into slavery, this law was disastrous for blacks in the North; and as a consequence of the atrocious provisions of this Democratic law, some 20,000 blacks in the North left the United States and fled to Canada.

The “Underground Railroad” reached the height of its activity during this period, helping thousands of slaves escape from slavery in the South all the way out of the United States and into Canada – simply to escape the reach of the Democrats’ Fugitive Slave Law.

In 1854, the Democratically controlled Congress passed another law strengthening slavery: the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Even though Democrats in Congress had already expanded the federal territories in which slavery was permitted through their passage of the Missouri Compromise, they had retained a ban on slavery in the Kansas-Nebraska territory. But through the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Democrats repealed those earlier restrictions, thus allowing slavery to be introduced into parts of the new territory where it previously had been forbidden.Following the passage of these pro-slavery laws in Congress, in May of 1854, a number of the anti-slavery Democrats in Congress – along with some anti-slavery members from other political parties, including the Whigs, Free Soilers, and Emancipationists, formed a new political party to fight slavery and secure equal civil rights for black Americans. The name of that party? They called it the Republican Party because they wanted to return to the principles of freedom and equality first set forth in the governing documents of the Republic before pro-slavery members of Congress had perverted those original principles.

One of the founders of the Republican was U.S. Senator Charles Sumner. In 1856, Sumner gave a two day long speech in the U.S. Senate against slavery. Following that speech, Democratic Representative Preston Brooks from South Carolina came from the House, across the Rotunda of the Capitol, and over to the Senate where he literally clubbed down Sumner on the floor of the Senate, knocked him unconscious, and beat him almost to death. According to the sources of that day, many Democrats thought that Sumner’s clubbing was deserved, and it even amused them. What happened to Democrat Preston Brooks following his vicious attack on Sumner? He was proclaimed a southern hero and easily re-elected to Congress.

In 1856, the Republican Party entered its first Presidential election, running Republican John C. Fremont against Democrat James Buchanan. In that election, the Republican Party issued its first-ever Party platform. It was a short document with only nine planks in the platform, but significantly, six of the nine planks set forth bold declarations of equality and civil rights for African Americans based on the principles of the Declaration of Independence.

In 1856, the Democratic platform took a position strongly defending slavery and warned: “All efforts of the abolitionists… are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences and all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people”.

It is worth noting that for over a century and a half, Democrats often have taken a position that some human life is disposable – as they did in the Dred Scott decision. In that instance, a black individual was not a life, it was property; and an individual could do with his property as he wished. Today, Democrats have largely taken that same position on unborn human life – that an unborn human is disposable property to do with as one wishes.African Americans were the victims of this disposable property ideology a century and a half ago, and still are today. Consider: although 12 percent of the current population is African American, almost 35 percent of all abortions are performed on African Americans. In fact, over the last decade, for every 100 African American live births, there were 53 abortions of African American babies. Democrats have encouraged this; and although black Americans are solidly pro-life with almost two-thirds opposing abortion on demand, a number of recent votes in Congress reveals that Democrats hold exactly the opposite view, with some 80 percent of congressional Democrats being almost rabidly pro-abortion and consistently voting against protections for innocent unborn human life.
Reagan landed in office at the end of a recession, Oblama the beginning.

Reagan came into office in the middle of not only a recession, but more of a national malaise. The recession actually got worse his first year in, but then things started turning around. Three years into his first term and the economy finally started showing robust growth. To put it simply, Reagan fixed the recession. Furthermore, his rapid growth in the military forced Russia to try to match it, and it broke their financial back, resulting in the fall of the Berlin wall and a truly victorious end to the Cold War. Not saying he was a perfect president, but he damn sure was a good one.

Obama also came in at what should have been the middle of a recession. Unfortunately he has done nothing to truly fix the economy, but instead has been putting on some very expensive bandages over it (stimulus, cash-for-clunkers, QE, etc) which makes the wound look better, but doing nothing to actually heal the problem.
Thanks for reminding us how great the Republican Party used to be. It is part of the reason I became a Republican. They were the party that cared about working Americans. The party of equal rights
But then, a radical shift occurred. They became the unabashed party of the rich. Trickle down was their mantra......take care of the rich and they will take care of you
The working class became the enemy

Party of the rich? Really you are still selling those long dead fish stories?

7 of the top ten richest in congress are democrats: The 50 Richest Members of Congress — 112th : Roll Call

Obama certainly has not been and enemy of the rich. The Wallstreet bailout certainly proves that Obama takes care of his own. His record of black unemployment certainly shows his concern is somewhere else. Hell Reagan did better for blacks then does this democrat president.

What "shift" is it that you speak? The shift of those in the south sick of the interference in their lives by the federal government switching to Republicans? Really is that all you got? You really have to do better. Reagan signed into law MLK's birthday so it is incumbent on you to provide us with the legislation that the republicans have pushed that hurt blacks. Certainly I can point out how LBJ's great society has decimated the black community. With help like that who needs enemies? So enemies must be created thus the invention of the lie about the Republican party. Sal Alynski would be very proud.
Poor metrics - using a teeny subset of the population - congresscritters. lol

What party continually refuses to allow tax increases, by even a smidgeon, on the rich? We know who that party is.

Obama consistently has said he wants to raise taxes on the 1%, so that shoots down your second comment.

Third, Reagan only signed the MLK holiday because there was a veto proof majority. He didn't want to sign it.

What party? The majority party is whom anyone with logic would blame. Remember when Obama came to power and had a democrat congress behind him for a full year? Could have done anything he wanted, anything. What did he do, Obamacare. For a full year nothing on the economy, nothing to help with fuel prices, nothing to put people permanently back to work, only Obama care. For 7 long years the BS from democrats has been that elections have consequences and Republicans can't win elections. But that does not stop democrats from blaming THEIR failures on the minority party.

Obama says a lot of BS, actions speak and he has taken absolutely none, except extend the Bush tax cuts. That truth must really hurt.

Reagan signed MLKs birthday into law, end of story.

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