Rand Paul on Democrat Impeachment Efforts, "When Will It End?"


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I agree with Rand Paul on this one. This is intended to be a constant bitch party about Trump that Dems think the public will associate with Trump, but it is going to blow back in their face. Everyone except partisan Democrats can see that this is harassment of Trump. He wants to pass legislation but Dems want to spitball fight instead of getting the nations responsibilities taken care of. The public sees who keeps starting this shit, and it identifies it as the Dems.

Exclusive — Rand Paul on the Fake Witch Hunts: BASTA!

In an op-ed for the Washington Post on Tuesday, Marc Thiessen highlighted a letter several Democrat senators sent to Yuriy Lutsenko, then Ukraine’s prosecutor general, saying they “are writing to express great concern about reports that your office has taken steps to impede cooperation with the investigation of United States Special Counsel Robert Mueller.”

After stating, “Ours is a relationship built on a foundation of respect for the rule of law and accountable democratic institutions,” and reiterating their support for Ukraine’s “capacity-building process” regarding those ideas, they note their “disappoint[ment] that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump.”

They then write, “If these reports are true, we strongly encourage you to reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation.”

Thiessen rightfully asks, “So, it’s okay for Democratic senators to encourage Ukraine to investigate Trump, but it’s not okay for the president to allegedly encourage Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden?”

Or how about instances such as Democrats pushing the Ukrainian president “not to heed the requests from Mr. Giuliani” and “warning that to do so could threaten bipartisan support for Ukraine in Washington”?

We must ask some other key questions.

For one, is there really something wrong with making aid contingent on behavior? Shouldn’t it be made clear to the new Ukrainian president that our aid is contingent on them not being corrupt?

Shouldn’t we want the European Union to send their fair share of aid instead of our government taking more and more resources from the American taxpayer?

Shouldn’t we want to get to the bottom of what Ukraine knows, including lingering details from the Russia investigation?

Shouldn’t we want to know why a foreign oligarch suspected of corruption was paying the then-sitting vice president’s son $50,000 a month?

Shouldn’t we want to know why the former vice president — on video — bragged about getting the prosecutor fired who was tasked with investigating that corruption?

How is it okay for Vice President Biden or Democrat senators to threaten aid to Ukraine but somehow impeachable for a president to allegedly do so?

The fact that House Democrats and the liberal media screeched for impeachment BEFORE even knowing a thing about what did or did not happen — that tells me we are in for another partisan ride, led by people who cannot and will not concede that Donald Trump is their president.

Finally, let’s consider the question I asked at the beginning: when will it end?

Simply put, never. The transcript will not be enough. The full whistleblower complaint, which I support Congress receiving, will not be enough. Testimony from the whistleblower – even if every single employee of the national security state testified in front of Congress on any topic – would not be enough. If there’s nothing to be found here, Democrats will simply try to find something else or return to old accusations.

The hatred for the Trump presidency runs deep on the left, and hate is consuming. It’s consuming Congress’ energy and time and the American people’s patience, for starters, and it’s time for the games to stop.​
I agree with Rand Paul on this one. This is intended to be a constant bitch party about Trump that Dems think the public will associate with Trump, but it is going to blow back in their face. Everyone except partisan Democrats can see that this is harassment of Trump. He wants to pass legislation but Dems want to spitball fight instead of getting the nations responsibilities taken care of. The public sees who keeps starting this shit, and it identifies it as the Dems.

Exclusive — Rand Paul on the Fake Witch Hunts: BASTA!

In an op-ed for the Washington Post on Tuesday, Marc Thiessen highlighted a letter several Democrat senators sent to Yuriy Lutsenko, then Ukraine’s prosecutor general, saying they “are writing to express great concern about reports that your office has taken steps to impede cooperation with the investigation of United States Special Counsel Robert Mueller.”

After stating, “Ours is a relationship built on a foundation of respect for the rule of law and accountable democratic institutions,” and reiterating their support for Ukraine’s “capacity-building process” regarding those ideas, they note their “disappoint[ment] that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump.”

They then write, “If these reports are true, we strongly encourage you to reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation.”

Thiessen rightfully asks, “So, it’s okay for Democratic senators to encourage Ukraine to investigate Trump, but it’s not okay for the president to allegedly encourage Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden?”

Or how about instances such as Democrats pushing the Ukrainian president “not to heed the requests from Mr. Giuliani” and “warning that to do so could threaten bipartisan support for Ukraine in Washington”?

We must ask some other key questions.

For one, is there really something wrong with making aid contingent on behavior? Shouldn’t it be made clear to the new Ukrainian president that our aid is contingent on them not being corrupt?

Shouldn’t we want the European Union to send their fair share of aid instead of our government taking more and more resources from the American taxpayer?

Shouldn’t we want to get to the bottom of what Ukraine knows, including lingering details from the Russia investigation?

Shouldn’t we want to know why a foreign oligarch suspected of corruption was paying the then-sitting vice president’s son $50,000 a month?

Shouldn’t we want to know why the former vice president — on video — bragged about getting the prosecutor fired who was tasked with investigating that corruption?

How is it okay for Vice President Biden or Democrat senators to threaten aid to Ukraine but somehow impeachable for a president to allegedly do so?

The fact that House Democrats and the liberal media screeched for impeachment BEFORE even knowing a thing about what did or did not happen — that tells me we are in for another partisan ride, led by people who cannot and will not concede that Donald Trump is their president.

Finally, let’s consider the question I asked at the beginning: when will it end?

Simply put, never. The transcript will not be enough. The full whistleblower complaint, which I support Congress receiving, will not be enough. Testimony from the whistleblower – even if every single employee of the national security state testified in front of Congress on any topic – would not be enough. If there’s nothing to be found here, Democrats will simply try to find something else or return to old accusations.

The hatred for the Trump presidency runs deep on the left, and hate is consuming. It’s consuming Congress’ energy and time and the American people’s patience, for starters, and it’s time for the games to stop.​
If Biden is guilty of something then bring him down. But Donny is making US aid contingent on helping him out on a personal matter. That cant be airbrushed away. There is a case to answer.
I agree with Rand Paul on this one. This is intended to be a constant bitch party about Trump that Dems think the public will associate with Trump, but it is going to blow back in their face. Everyone except partisan Democrats can see that this is harassment of Trump. He wants to pass legislation but Dems want to spitball fight instead of getting the nations responsibilities taken care of. The public sees who keeps starting this shit, and it identifies it as the Dems.

Exclusive — Rand Paul on the Fake Witch Hunts: BASTA!

In an op-ed for the Washington Post on Tuesday, Marc Thiessen highlighted a letter several Democrat senators sent to Yuriy Lutsenko, then Ukraine’s prosecutor general, saying they “are writing to express great concern about reports that your office has taken steps to impede cooperation with the investigation of United States Special Counsel Robert Mueller.”

After stating, “Ours is a relationship built on a foundation of respect for the rule of law and accountable democratic institutions,” and reiterating their support for Ukraine’s “capacity-building process” regarding those ideas, they note their “disappoint[ment] that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump.”

They then write, “If these reports are true, we strongly encourage you to reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation.”

Thiessen rightfully asks, “So, it’s okay for Democratic senators to encourage Ukraine to investigate Trump, but it’s not okay for the president to allegedly encourage Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden?”

Or how about instances such as Democrats pushing the Ukrainian president “not to heed the requests from Mr. Giuliani” and “warning that to do so could threaten bipartisan support for Ukraine in Washington”?

We must ask some other key questions.

For one, is there really something wrong with making aid contingent on behavior? Shouldn’t it be made clear to the new Ukrainian president that our aid is contingent on them not being corrupt?

Shouldn’t we want the European Union to send their fair share of aid instead of our government taking more and more resources from the American taxpayer?

Shouldn’t we want to get to the bottom of what Ukraine knows, including lingering details from the Russia investigation?

Shouldn’t we want to know why a foreign oligarch suspected of corruption was paying the then-sitting vice president’s son $50,000 a month?

Shouldn’t we want to know why the former vice president — on video — bragged about getting the prosecutor fired who was tasked with investigating that corruption?

How is it okay for Vice President Biden or Democrat senators to threaten aid to Ukraine but somehow impeachable for a president to allegedly do so?

The fact that House Democrats and the liberal media screeched for impeachment BEFORE even knowing a thing about what did or did not happen — that tells me we are in for another partisan ride, led by people who cannot and will not concede that Donald Trump is their president.

Finally, let’s consider the question I asked at the beginning: when will it end?

Simply put, never. The transcript will not be enough. The full whistleblower complaint, which I support Congress receiving, will not be enough. Testimony from the whistleblower – even if every single employee of the national security state testified in front of Congress on any topic – would not be enough. If there’s nothing to be found here, Democrats will simply try to find something else or return to old accusations.

The hatred for the Trump presidency runs deep on the left, and hate is consuming. It’s consuming Congress’ energy and time and the American people’s patience, for starters, and it’s time for the games to stop.​
If Biden is guilty of something then bring him down. But Donny is making US aid contingent on helping him out on a personal matter. That cant be airbrushed away. There is a case to answer.
None of your business you fat tub of shit
if Trump can win another term it will be a repatriation of America. Pushing the agenda of the global socialists down the line even further and forcing some of the old, tired, crooked money to live for another four years for any shot at them getting a weak U.S president back in office.

Hillary winning would have been difficult for the West to overcome without major damage to liberty. Trump could indeed go down in history as the Churchill of our time, having a greater impact than even Reagan.

There will be constant effort to destroy him but as he said yesterday, "I deal with it, it's like putting on a suit". The guy is truly fearless.
if Trump can win another term it will be a repatriation of America. Pushing the agenda of the global socialists down the line even further and forcing some of the old, tired, crooked money to live for another four years for any shot at them getting a weak U.S president back in office.

Hillary winning would have been difficult for the West to overcome without major damage to liberty. Trump could indeed go down in history as the Churchill of our time, having a greater impact than even Reagan.

There will be constant effort to destroy him but as he said yesterday, "I deal with it, it's like putting on a suit". The guy is truly fearless.
You are in denial.
I agree with Rand Paul on this one. This is intended to be a constant bitch party about Trump that Dems think the public will associate with Trump, but it is going to blow back in their face. Everyone except partisan Democrats can see that this is harassment of Trump. He wants to pass legislation but Dems want to spitball fight instead of getting the nations responsibilities taken care of. The public sees who keeps starting this shit, and it identifies it as the Dems.

Exclusive — Rand Paul on the Fake Witch Hunts: BASTA!

In an op-ed for the Washington Post on Tuesday, Marc Thiessen highlighted a letter several Democrat senators sent to Yuriy Lutsenko, then Ukraine’s prosecutor general, saying they “are writing to express great concern about reports that your office has taken steps to impede cooperation with the investigation of United States Special Counsel Robert Mueller.”

After stating, “Ours is a relationship built on a foundation of respect for the rule of law and accountable democratic institutions,” and reiterating their support for Ukraine’s “capacity-building process” regarding those ideas, they note their “disappoint[ment] that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump.”

They then write, “If these reports are true, we strongly encourage you to reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation.”

Thiessen rightfully asks, “So, it’s okay for Democratic senators to encourage Ukraine to investigate Trump, but it’s not okay for the president to allegedly encourage Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden?”

Or how about instances such as Democrats pushing the Ukrainian president “not to heed the requests from Mr. Giuliani” and “warning that to do so could threaten bipartisan support for Ukraine in Washington”?

We must ask some other key questions.

For one, is there really something wrong with making aid contingent on behavior? Shouldn’t it be made clear to the new Ukrainian president that our aid is contingent on them not being corrupt?

Shouldn’t we want the European Union to send their fair share of aid instead of our government taking more and more resources from the American taxpayer?

Shouldn’t we want to get to the bottom of what Ukraine knows, including lingering details from the Russia investigation?

Shouldn’t we want to know why a foreign oligarch suspected of corruption was paying the then-sitting vice president’s son $50,000 a month?

Shouldn’t we want to know why the former vice president — on video — bragged about getting the prosecutor fired who was tasked with investigating that corruption?

How is it okay for Vice President Biden or Democrat senators to threaten aid to Ukraine but somehow impeachable for a president to allegedly do so?

The fact that House Democrats and the liberal media screeched for impeachment BEFORE even knowing a thing about what did or did not happen — that tells me we are in for another partisan ride, led by people who cannot and will not concede that Donald Trump is their president.

Finally, let’s consider the question I asked at the beginning: when will it end?

Simply put, never. The transcript will not be enough. The full whistleblower complaint, which I support Congress receiving, will not be enough. Testimony from the whistleblower – even if every single employee of the national security state testified in front of Congress on any topic – would not be enough. If there’s nothing to be found here, Democrats will simply try to find something else or return to old accusations.

The hatred for the Trump presidency runs deep on the left, and hate is consuming. It’s consuming Congress’ energy and time and the American people’s patience, for starters, and it’s time for the games to stop.​
If Biden is guilty of something then bring him down. But Donny is making US aid contingent on helping him out on a personal matter. That cant be airbrushed away. There is a case to answer.
Did you read the transcript? Maybe you could say that if you added things into the conversation that was not there.
if Trump can win another term it will be a repatriation of America. Pushing the agenda of the global socialists down the line even further and forcing some of the old, tired, crooked money to live for another four years for any shot at them getting a weak U.S president back in office.

Hillary winning would have been difficult for the West to overcome without major damage to liberty. Trump could indeed go down in history as the Churchill of our time, having a greater impact than even Reagan.

There will be constant effort to destroy him but as he said yesterday, "I deal with it, it's like putting on a suit". The guy is truly fearless.
You are in denial.

I listened to Clintons policies. I'm watching the outrage and full court press against Trump, which began even before he sat down in office. I watched the character assassination of Kavanaugh, the gofundme accounts, the interwoven connection between high level people with lifetime careers in politics.

I've never been a conspiracy guy, but something is rotten in Denmark. It's when I really started to analyze the global socialism movement, which really will end capitalism and with it liberty.

All of this says to me, Trump 2020 or America and he rest of the West is walking into the unknown, China just waiting to rise again with the same force they did before Trump.
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if Trump can win another term it will be a repatriation of America. Pushing the agenda of the global socialists down the line even further and forcing some of the old, tired, crooked money to live for another four years for any shot at them getting a weak U.S president back in office.

Hillary winning would have been difficult for the West to overcome without major damage to liberty. Trump could indeed go down in history as the Churchill of our time, having a greater impact than even Reagan.

There will be constant effort to destroy him but as he said yesterday, "I deal with it, it's like putting on a suit". The guy is truly fearless.
You are in denial.

I listened to Clintons policies. I'm watching the outrage and full court press against Trump, which began even before he sat down in office. I watched the character assassination of Kavanaugh, the gofundme accounts, the interwoven connection between high level people with lifetime careers in politics.

I've never been a conspiracy guy, but something isn't right in Denmark. It's when I really started to analyze the global socialism movement, which really will end capitalism and with it liberty.

All of this says to me, Trump 2020 or America and he rest of the West is walking into the unknown, China just waiting to rise again with the same force they did before Trump.
So there is absolutely no way that trump has acted illegally ?
if Trump can win another term it will be a repatriation of America. Pushing the agenda of the global socialists down the line even further and forcing some of the old, tired, crooked money to live for another four years for any shot at them getting a weak U.S president back in office.

Hillary winning would have been difficult for the West to overcome without major damage to liberty. Trump could indeed go down in history as the Churchill of our time, having a greater impact than even Reagan.

There will be constant effort to destroy him but as he said yesterday, "I deal with it, it's like putting on a suit". The guy is truly fearless.
You are in denial.

I listened to Clintons policies. I'm watching the outrage and full court press against Trump, which began even before he sat down in office. I watched the character assassination of Kavanaugh, the gofundme accounts, the interwoven connection between high level people with lifetime careers in politics.

I've never been a conspiracy guy, but something isn't right in Denmark. It's when I really started to analyze the global socialism movement, which really will end capitalism and with it liberty.

All of this says to me, Trump 2020 or America and he rest of the West is walking into the unknown, China just waiting to rise again with the same force they did before Trump.
So there is absolutely no way that trump has acted illegally ?

Of course there is a way, nothing is impossible, I'm not privy to that. The difference is in the efforts to destroy his policies, judicial picks and the like. Even if someone said "we don't want him to do any good for his comrades he's in cahoots with", what benefit would Russia get for a wall and defense of your border? How about USMCA? Walking away from Paris Accord, cutting taxes. NONE of this helps Putin. At least some of it should be supported by the Dems.

It makes me think more and more they have to be insane with a thirst for power. Where were the so-called Whistleblowers when Obama shipped cash to Iran, meddled in Israels election, "fast and furious", Uranium One, on and on.

There was none. Why not?

It's not Trump supporters who are being hoodwinked, I've come to this conclusion.
if Trump can win another term it will be a repatriation of America. Pushing the agenda of the global socialists down the line even further and forcing some of the old, tired, crooked money to live for another four years for any shot at them getting a weak U.S president back in office.

Hillary winning would have been difficult for the West to overcome without major damage to liberty. Trump could indeed go down in history as the Churchill of our time, having a greater impact than even Reagan.

There will be constant effort to destroy him but as he said yesterday, "I deal with it, it's like putting on a suit". The guy is truly fearless.
You are in denial.
And you have only shit for brains because he was right on the money and you're the one in deep denial and all of you leftarded nitwirts have been since Trump kicked your britches ass to the curb.
Buckle up butter cup because Trump II is coming and it's going to be a lot worse with only a few scaps of a democratic party left because you're going to go down hard in 2020. Anyone with any brains at all has already jumped the demodimwit ship leaving only a few morons like you behind and the what's left of the loony left aren't doing anything to win any new friends.
if Trump can win another term it will be a repatriation of America. Pushing the agenda of the global socialists down the line even further and forcing some of the old, tired, crooked money to live for another four years for any shot at them getting a weak U.S president back in office.

Hillary winning would have been difficult for the West to overcome without major damage to liberty. Trump could indeed go down in history as the Churchill of our time, having a greater impact than even Reagan.

There will be constant effort to destroy him but as he said yesterday, "I deal with it, it's like putting on a suit". The guy is truly fearless.
You are in denial.

I listened to Clintons policies. I'm watching the outrage and full court press against Trump, which began even before he sat down in office. I watched the character assassination of Kavanaugh, the gofundme accounts, the interwoven connection between high level people with lifetime careers in politics.

I've never been a conspiracy guy, but something isn't right in Denmark. It's when I really started to analyze the global socialism movement, which really will end capitalism and with it liberty.

All of this says to me, Trump 2020 or America and he rest of the West is walking into the unknown, China just waiting to rise again with the same force they did before Trump.
So there is absolutely no way that trump has acted illegally ?

Of course there is a way, nothing is impossible, I'm not privy to that. The difference is in the efforts to destroy his policies, judicial picks and the like. Even if someone said "we don't want him to do any good for his comrades he's in cahoots with", what benefit would Russia get for a wall and defense of your border? How about USMCA? Walking away from Paris Accord, cutting taxes. NONE of this helps Putin. At least some of it should be supported by the Dems.

It makes me think more and more they have to be insane with a thirst for power. Where were the so-called Whistleblowers when Obama shipped cash to Iran, meddled in Israels election, "fast and furious", Uranium One, on and on.

There was none. Why not?

It's not Trump supporters who are being hoodwinked, I've come to this conclusion.
Well that is just a load of blather. Deal with this issue. Trump is abusing his position. Even Gopers see it.
It will end when trump leaves office in 2025. Then it will immediately resume in an attempt to impeach that next Republican President.

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