Zone1 Reasons to Believe Jesus is Returning soon


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
Jesus established ONE Church... Easy to count, huh? :)

Protestant communities are called by this One Church "ecclesial communities" and are only imperfectly part of THE Church, the original, which is the Catholic Church. If you go back in history to the first century, you will find CATHOLICISM. .. Eucharist, confession to a priest and so on..

So the Church existed for 1521 years until Luther-- apostate Catholic priest who didn't want to maintain priestly celibacy (etc)-- broke with the Church

And it was bad, the Division that ensued... very bad. 500 years later, most Protestants do not have the first clue about Catholicism and so they have all these myths, fostered by their agenda-driven pastors who hate the Catholic Church (competition?).

But still the CC survived.. and I suppose it still survives, but NOT in the same form as before! In 1958, the Vatican was taken over by crooks, anti-Christian people who had their own nefarious reasons for wanting Catholicism to drop dead.

To some, it appears they got what they wanted. And yet, Traditional Catholicism lives on in SSPX Churches and in the Sedvacantist Churches.

I think that this is the final straw for Jesus... the Church being essentially commandeered by anti-Christs. True, a lot of priests are sincerely Catholic, so this takeover is not absolute at all. And yet...

Well, I know more about all this than most or all posters here and there is also EXPERIENCE that informs me.

And so, yeh, I think this latest development in Christ's Church is a CLEAR and unmistakable sign that Jesus just has to come back SOON
The Catholic church suffers from problems of its own making.
well, that's kind of what I am saying here. But really, I guess.. scratch that. No, the Catholics did not do this to themselves.. They had no control of what happened at V2 where things got .. heretical and "modern."

So maybe you are really saying that the Vatican suffers from problems of its own making (no the Church)?

used to be one and the same

but it no longer is, which is my biggest point
Jesus established ONE Church... Easy to count, huh? :)

Protestant communities are called by this One Church "ecclesial communities" and are only imperfectly part of THE Church, the original, which is the Catholic Church. If you go back in history to the first century, you will find CATHOLICISM. .. Eucharist, confession to a priest and so on..

So the Church existed for 1521 years until Luther-- apostate Catholic priest who didn't want to maintain priestly celibacy (etc)-- broke with the Church

And it was bad, the Division that ensued... very bad. 500 years later, most Protestants do not have the first clue about Catholicism and so they have all these myths, fostered by their agenda-driven pastors who hate the Catholic Church (competition?).

But still the CC survived.. and I suppose it still survives, but NOT in the same form as before! In 1958, the Vatican was taken over by crooks, anti-Christian people who had their own nefarious reasons for wanting Catholicism to drop dead.

To some, it appears they got what they wanted. And yet, Traditional Catholicism lives on in SSPX Churches and in the Sedvacantist Churches.

I think that this is the final straw for Jesus... the Church being essentially commandeered by anti-Christs. True, a lot of priests are sincerely Catholic, so this takeover is not absolute at all. And yet...

Well, I know more about all this than most or all posters here and there is also EXPERIENCE that informs me.

And so, yeh, I think this latest development in Christ's Church is a CLEAR and unmistakable sign that Jesus just has to come back SOON
Wow! Jesus didn't know when he'd return but you do.
Wow! Jesus didn't know when he'd return but you do.
I don't recall saying EXACTLY when

just can't wait to find a Catholic "wrong," can you? :rolleyes:

Gee, if I didn't like a particular religion, I'd just put it out of my mind, go about my business..
The greatest evidence for the return of Jesus Christ is that he taught that he would come again. Jesus, in association with his return, taught that we could know when his return was upon us by the signs of the times. He likened his return to an olive tree and when you see it start to put forth leaves then you know that summer is nigh.

Matthew 24:32-33
32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.

When we see the fulfillment of the prophesies and signs of the times, then we can know that the time is near. Two great signs that we are told in scripture are that there will be two great prophets who will prophesy in Jerusalem for 3.5 years just prior to the coming of the Lord. The grand sign is that Jerusalem will again be under siege just before Jesus comes and sets his foot upon the Mount of Olives. When those two things occur, you may not have much time to prepare. So what are the other signs in the scriptures that will let us know that the time is drawing near?
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Jesus established ONE Church... Easy to count, huh? :)

Protestant communities are called by this One Church "ecclesial communities" and are only imperfectly part of THE Church, the original, which is the Catholic Church. If you go back in history to the first century, you will find CATHOLICISM. .. Eucharist, confession to a priest and so on..

So the Church existed for 1521 years until Luther-- apostate Catholic priest who didn't want to maintain priestly celibacy (etc)-- broke with the Church

And it was bad, the Division that ensued... very bad. 500 years later, most Protestants do not have the first clue about Catholicism and so they have all these myths, fostered by their agenda-driven pastors who hate the Catholic Church (competition?).

But still the CC survived.. and I suppose it still survives, but NOT in the same form as before! In 1958, the Vatican was taken over by crooks, anti-Christian people who had their own nefarious reasons for wanting Catholicism to drop dead.

To some, it appears they got what they wanted. And yet, Traditional Catholicism lives on in SSPX Churches and in the Sedvacantist Churches.

I think that this is the final straw for Jesus... the Church being essentially commandeered by anti-Christs. True, a lot of priests are sincerely Catholic, so this takeover is not absolute at all. And yet...

Well, I know more about all this than most or all posters here and there is also EXPERIENCE that informs me.

And so, yeh, I think this latest development in Christ's Church is a CLEAR and unmistakable sign that Jesus just has to come back SOON
there is no marriage prohibition in the Bible for preachers, try reading
The greatest evidence for the return of Jesus Christ is that he taught that he would come again. Jesus, in association with his return, taught that we could know when his return was upon us by the signs of the times. He likened his return to an olive tree and when you see it start to put forth leaves then you know that summer is nigh.

Matthew 24:32-33
32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.

When we see the fulfillment of the prophesies and signs of the times, then we can know that the time is near. Two great signs that we are told in scripture are that there will be two great prophets who will prophesy in Jerusalem for 3.5 years just prior to the coming of the Lord. The grand sign is that Jerusalem will again be under siege just before Jesus comes and sets his foot upon the Mount of Olives. When those two things occur, you may not have much time to prepare. So what are the other signs in the scriptures that will let us know that the time is drawing near?
Well, people's experiences are important. God reveals Himself to those who love Him.

And we are told to watch the signs of the times, so if you are disagreeing with me, well.. whatever
Well, people's experiences are important. God reveals Himself to those who love Him.

And we are told to watch the signs of the times, so if you are disagreeing with me, well.. whatever
Not disagreeing, just responding to the title of your thread. Jesus is saying we need to get our lives in order and watch for the signs. I think you are saying that the down grade of your church may be a sign. I just wanted to also bring in scriptural signs that have been given.
were that a calamatice return there will be no survivors which is assured were the desert bibles still to be available as presently written.
I don't recall saying EXACTLY when

just can't wait to find a Catholic "wrong," can you? :rolleyes:

Gee, if I didn't like a particular religion, I'd just put it out of my mind, go about my business..
I think you have a persecution complex. I never said, and don't believe, Catholicism is any better or worse than any other Christianity or religion.

I find the history and evolution of Christianity to be an endlessly fascinating subject and am amazed how little so many Christians know about their own history.
Well, people's experiences are important. God reveals Himself to those who love Him.

And we are told to watch the signs of the times, so if you are disagreeing with me, well.. whatever
This is an important passionate subject and you are right to be assertive here, At the same time (imho) pondering the notion of the return of Christ's "presence" takes a lot of humility along with an acceptance of reality on its own terms. Please let me know if you're interested in exploring the Return w/ me as I know I'd learn a lot.

One other thought is we've got to also think of the Divine imperative of unity. Only half of Christians are Catholic, and to antagonize the other half seems well, unChristian.
The Conspiracy theory that Cult Christians trot out at least once a week .

Two thousand years and counting .

" Give me a good thrashing, Jesus , I want to feel guilty and worthless and just a speck of dust at your beck and call and command .
More mind control .

But for Sheeple It may be better than Bingo .Helps them imagine they are important
Not disagreeing, just responding to the title of your thread. Jesus is saying we need to get our lives in order and watch for the signs. I think you are saying that the down grade of your church may be a sign. I just wanted to also bring in scriptural signs that have been given.
well, "down grade" is not exactly the correct or more accurate term for what happened (Vatican II and etc). It was a Takeover, a "possession" IMO.

And many of us Catholics are very frustrated (and essentially live without Christ, or are deprived of Him in the same way we had him before... can't find the best words here..)

I can't really speak on this much further because some of it is mysterious.. hard to articulate, but basically, I feel some of us have to go without the Mass because a lot of the novus ordo Churches are just... I don't know how to word it? The priests are often insincere and some could be infiltrators who never were Catholic. Historically, there have been many groups who wanted to infiltrate the Church so as to destroy it. . the Communists, for one, and secret societies, and it looks like they've (finally) done that and done a good job.. But no one can destroy the TRUE Church. Jesus promised His Church would not fail (Mt 16:18)
This is an important passionate subject and you are right to be assertive here, At the same time (imho) pondering the notion of the return of Christ's "presence" takes a lot of humility along with an acceptance of reality on its own terms. Please let me know if you're interested in exploring the Return w/ me as I know I'd learn a lot.

One other thought is we've got to also think of the Divine imperative of unity. Only half of Christians are Catholic, and to antagonize the other half seems well, unChristian.
Why do you accuse me of antagonizing?

Why do you not see that I am trying to teach people what I know? If i didn't think what I know is important, I wouldn't bother...
The Conspiracy theory that Cult Christians trot out at least once a week .

Two thousand years and counting .

" Give me a good thrashing, Jesus , I want to feel guilty and worthless and just a speck of dust at your beck and call and command .
More mind control .

But for Sheeple It may be better than Bingo .Helps them imagine they are important
You need to pray the rosary.

The Virgin appeared to 3 children 1917 Fatima and told them to pray the rosary.

That message was for the entire world.
I find the history and evolution of Christianity to be an endlessly fascinating subject and am amazed how little so many Christians know about their own history.
well, I don't have a persecution complex.. I really have been persecuted many many times

But I can totally relate to this last thing... I also am amazed how little many Christians know (or even seem to WANT to know) about their history...

I guess some things are more important to them...?

But to study Church history is to study Christ.. to walk with him through that history, where he definitely walked and helped mankind

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