Remember how Conservatives complain bitterly about the 47%...

...who pay no income taxes?

Trump's tax plan would dramatically increase that number. Now you support that?
No , i don't remember the Conservatives complain bitterly about the 47%, ]

That would be attributable either to your being uninformed, or dishonest.

I am still waiting for your Link?
I provided three from a cursory search of one forum.
So did you learn anything ?
You see, here's the problem. The GOP desperately wants massive tax cuts for the Rich, but politically,

you can't run with a tax plan that ONLY cuts taxes for the Rich, so they have to throw a bone to lower income Americans,
but they're running out of room to cut taxes for lower income Americans.

Skin in the game!!!

How many times have we heard that line from conservatives complaining about low income Americans paying no income tax?
No only do low income American not pay income tax but get an EITC which is another redistribution of wealth from those that work to those that don't. NYcarbinated, you are probably one of those that sit in your parents basement, smoking dope and getting that EBT card so you can eat just enough to survive, but then bitch and moan how life is unfair. I was a low income American back in 1976, but instead of thinking I was a VICTIM, I got skills that enabled me to find a job that would pay me 6 figures as was what my skills were worth. Liberals are worthless , are paid to be worthless, yet their politicians make 100,000's of dollars and the stupid fucking voters say nothing about them. Just cant get anymore stupid than a liberal.
...who pay no income taxes?

Trump's tax plan would dramatically increase that number. Now you support that?
No , i don't remember the Conservatives complain bitterly about the 47%, ]

That would be attributable either to your being uninformed, or dishonest.

I am still waiting for your Link?

google Trump tax plan

I down loaded it a week ago.

Then why are you asking for a link to it?

Skin in the game!!!

How many times have we heard that line from conservatives complaining about low income Americans paying no income tax?
No only do low income American not pay income tax but get an EITC which is another redistribution of wealth from those that work to those that don't. NYcarbinated, you are probably one of those that sit in your parents basement, smoking dope and getting that EBT card so you can eat just enough to survive, but then bitch and moan how life is unfair. I was a low income American back in 1976, but instead of thinking I was a VICTIM, I got skills that enabled me to find a job that would pay me 6 figures as was what my skills were worth. Liberals are worthless , are paid to be worthless, yet their politicians make 100,000's of dollars and the stupid fucking voters say nothing about them. Just cant get anymore stupid than a liberal.

I'm retired on 2 pensions.

So do you want Trump to cut more taxes to zero for lower/middle income Americans or not?
...who pay no income taxes?

Trump's tax plan would dramatically increase that number. Now you support that?
No , i don't remember the Conservatives complain bitterly about the 47%, ]

That would be attributable either to your being uninformed, or dishonest.

I am still waiting for your Link?

Wait, you can't find his tax plan?
...who pay no income taxes?

Trump's tax plan would dramatically increase that number. Now you support that?
No , i don't remember the Conservatives complain bitterly about the 47%, ]

That would be attributable either to your being uninformed, or dishonest.
I just gave you link proving my honesty and how dishonest you are, and also how much of a goose stepping, kool aid drinking, low information, mind numbed useful liberal idiot that you are.


Skin in the game!!!

How many times have we heard that line from conservatives complaining about low income Americans paying no income tax?
No only do low income American not pay income tax but get an EITC which is another redistribution of wealth from those that work to those that don't. NYcarbinated, you are probably one of those that sit in your parents basement, smoking dope and getting that EBT card so you can eat just enough to survive, but then bitch and moan how life is unfair. I was a low income American back in 1976, but instead of thinking I was a VICTIM, I got skills that enabled me to find a job that would pay me 6 figures as was what my skills were worth. Liberals are worthless , are paid to be worthless, yet their politicians make 100,000's of dollars and the stupid fucking voters say nothing about them. Just cant get anymore stupid than a liberal.

I'm retired on 2 pensions.

So do you want Trump to cut more taxes to zero for lower/middle income Americans or not?
you are Retarded with 2 pensions? I can see how that money isn't being well spent.

Skin in the game!!!

How many times have we heard that line from conservatives complaining about low income Americans paying no income tax?
No only do low income American not pay income tax but get an EITC which is another redistribution of wealth from those that work to those that don't. NYcarbinated, you are probably one of those that sit in your parents basement, smoking dope and getting that EBT card so you can eat just enough to survive, but then bitch and moan how life is unfair. I was a low income American back in 1976, but instead of thinking I was a VICTIM, I got skills that enabled me to find a job that would pay me 6 figures as was what my skills were worth. Liberals are worthless , are paid to be worthless, yet their politicians make 100,000's of dollars and the stupid fucking voters say nothing about them. Just cant get anymore stupid than a liberal.

I'm retired on 2 pensions.

So do you want Trump to cut more taxes to zero for lower/middle income Americans or not?
So you are not paying your fair share and are hiding money?

Skin in the game!!!

How many times have we heard that line from conservatives complaining about low income Americans paying no income tax?
No only do low income American not pay income tax but get an EITC which is another redistribution of wealth from those that work to those that don't. NYcarbinated, you are probably one of those that sit in your parents basement, smoking dope and getting that EBT card so you can eat just enough to survive, but then bitch and moan how life is unfair. I was a low income American back in 1976, but instead of thinking I was a VICTIM, I got skills that enabled me to find a job that would pay me 6 figures as was what my skills were worth. Liberals are worthless , are paid to be worthless, yet their politicians make 100,000's of dollars and the stupid fucking voters say nothing about them. Just cant get anymore stupid than a liberal.

I'm retired on 2 pensions.

So do you want Trump to cut more taxes to zero for lower/middle income Americans or not?
So you are not paying your fair share and are hiding money?
I am using every available tax loophole that the government is allowing me to get away with. Why shouldn't I use the very same system that those liberals up on the hill use to stash their money away?
...who pay no income taxes?

Trump's tax plan would dramatically increase that number. Now you support that?

As usual you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

This so called "Tax Reform Plan" hasn't even published the income ranges for the proposed brackets yet so you have no idea of it's effects on the breadth of the tax base.

You cannot lower the marginal rates AND double the standard deduction - all else being equal - and not put more households in the no tax category.
You see, here's the problem. The GOP desperately wants massive tax cuts for the Rich, but politically,
Ummm.. apparently you missed the part in the so-called plan which eliminates ALL deductions except for a 12K/24K standard deduction, mortgage interest and charitable giving who do you think that hurts the most ? Any clue regarding which level of income earners get the most out of the 1000's of personal deductions that are available in the current tax code?

If President Obama had proposed this "plan" (it's not really a plan, it's an outline of a plan to create a plan) you gub'mint worshiping left wingers would have been drooling all over yourselves regarding sticking it to the rich by taking away all their pet deductions but since it's Donald Duck that's putting it out there you suddenly can't add 2 and 2 together and fall back into your default hyper-hypocrisy nonsense mode.

The fact of the matter is that this outline along with the subsequent statements by the Administration regarding eliminating carried interest is very similar to what Simpson-Bowles proposed for taxes and Congressional Democrats supported but President PeeWee was too spineless and disingenuous to get behind because he was afraid of the political backlash FROM THE RICH.
...who pay no income taxes?

Trump's tax plan would dramatically increase that number. Now you support that?

As usual you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

This so called "Tax Reform Plan" hasn't even published the income ranges for the proposed brackets yet so you have no idea of it's effects on the breadth of the tax base.

You cannot lower the marginal rates AND double the standard deduction - all else being equal - and not put more households in the no tax category.
Ummm... no YOU can't because it's clear that you no concept of mathematics but people with a functioning brain can, it all depends on the income ranges for the brackets and those have not been published.
No , i don't remember the Conservatives complain bitterly about the 47%, ]

That would be attributable either to your being uninformed, or dishonest.

I am still waiting for your Link?

google Trump tax plan

I down loaded it a week ago.

Then why are you asking for a link to it?

It's your OP

Inform us
...who pay no income taxes?

Trump's tax plan would dramatically increase that number. Now you support that?

They don't care as long as Trump is one of the 47%
For the millionth time you really think Trump is doing it for the money?

Yes, I absolutely believe that Trump is looking at his own bottom line in considering what gets done in tax reform
So all this talk was a ruse in your opinion?
...who pay no income taxes?

Trump's tax plan would dramatically increase that number. Now you support that?

They don't care as long as Trump is one of the 47%
For the millionth time you really think Trump is doing it for the money?

Yes, I absolutely believe that Trump is looking at his own bottom line in considering what gets done in tax reform
So all this talk was a ruse in your opinion?

So Trump was setting it all up , collaborate with the Russian's, destroyed Hillary.. just to get a tax break

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