Reminder: Jimmy Carter banned all Iranians from entering US (Trump is correct ...again)

Gee, three people have started topics about Iranian refugees not being let in by Carter.

Coincidence? Or are they all drinking from the same piss cup? Ya think? What a brainless herd of gnus you Gnu Right tards are.

Reagan let in over 11,000 Iranian refugees, while Iran had terrorist training camps and was blowing up a Marine barracks and two of our embassies and funding Hamas and Hezbollah. That was the largest group of refugees Reagan took in during that period. Iranians. From our number one enemy.

And guess what? Not one of those Iranian refugees from the state sponsor of terror Iran blew any shit up! WOW!!!

I don't know who you quivering cowards are, but you sure as shit aren't Reagan Republicans, and you need to find whatever group of people took in all those pants shitting 70s and 80s liberals, because you have much more in common with them.

Of course, giving your post any validity would require the willful suspension of current reality, name one radical islamic organization that threatened the US home land during Reagan's time. Iran at the time had been moving toward a more secular society and away from the traditional muslim model. Also new technology has given radical organizations recruiting tools they could have never dreamed of during the Reagan administration.
Seems DemoRATS have a history of these sort of things!

Poor Richards News ^ | 12/08/15 | Poor Richard
This is just a reminder to all the liberal Democrats out there wringing their hands about Donald Trump’s latest comments. from Front Page: During the Iranian hostage crisis, Carter issued a number of orders to put pressure on Iran. Among these, Iranians were banned from entering the United States unless they oppose the Shiite Islamist regime or had a medical emergency. Here’s Jimmy “Hitler” Carter saying it back in 1980. Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not...

This one has hit the echo chamber.

If Carter allowed Christian Iranians in, but not Muslim'd have a point.

From the OP.

Among these, Iranians were banned from entering the United States unless they oppose the Shiite Islamist regime or had a medical emergency.

I guess he would allow Iranian Christians if they opposed the Shiite regime.
When Carter banned Iranians did the Democrats and the press freak out? I'm beginning to wonder about Trump, its like he's leading these fools into one trap after another he could be smarter than I thought :laugh:
He's pretty smart, and is able to hire the very best people.
When Carter banned Iranians did the Democrats and the press freak out? I'm beginning to wonder about Trump, its like he's leading these fools into one trap after another he could be smarter than I thought :laugh:

I am beginning to despair of my fellow Americans on the Far Right.

Is it some particular facet of education among the Far Right that they cannot distinguish discriminating against a person- for being Christian, Jewish or Muslim- and discriminating against a person from coming from a country the United States is in conflict with?

The left can't seem to handle more complex problems, they like things boxed into simple black or white choices. The fact is Islamic extremists are not confined to the borders of a particular country, its a more complex problem. You seem to have no issue with broad brushing an entire country like Iran and banning them from the US, because that's simple. I guess just leave the more complex problems to conservatives we'll take care of it.
Heaven forbid that someone remembers JC at his prime. Regardless, Trump's comments remain unacceptable, the GOP is better then that!
But this is the absolute first time the country of religious freedom, where people of a specific religion are banned from entering "the Land of the Free"!

so? it is not the first time that the US has imposed barriers to people of this or that origin or this or that affliction from entering the USA-------a kindergarten mosque
education is enough
I know where IRan is on the map and can point to it.
I know where Japan and Germany are on the map and can point to them.

Can anyone show me where "Islam" is on the map and point to it? Whether it is constitutional or not is irrelevant. It is a terrible stupid idea.
From the previous time period, yes
Seems DemoRATS have a history of these sort of things!

Poor Richards News ^ | 12/08/15 | Poor Richard
This is just a reminder to all the liberal Democrats out there wringing their hands about Donald Trump’s latest comments. from Front Page: During the Iranian hostage crisis, Carter issued a number of orders to put pressure on Iran. Among these, Iranians were banned from entering the United States unless they oppose the Shiite Islamist regime or had a medical emergency. Here’s Jimmy “Hitler” Carter saying it back in 1980. Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not...
A month ago you guys were worshipping Putin now Carter?
So since carter isn't the worst president anymore. You are gonna go against him now?

carter is still the worst president-----Iranian immigrants to the USA have been a TREASURE
Seems DemoRATS have a history of these sort of things!

Poor Richards News ^ | 12/08/15 | Poor Richard
This is just a reminder to all the liberal Democrats out there wringing their hands about Donald Trump’s latest comments. from Front Page: During the Iranian hostage crisis, Carter issued a number of orders to put pressure on Iran. Among these, Iranians were banned from entering the United States unless they oppose the Shiite Islamist regime or had a medical emergency. Here’s Jimmy “Hitler” Carter saying it back in 1980. Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not...

Iran = Country.

Iranian = Nationality (listed on Passport)

Muslim = a person who follows the religion of Islam, (49 ++countries or 30% of worlds population) **not listed on passport


You = Pathetic FAILURE.

And what of the folks your dear leader banned from coming to the country during the ebola epidemic, was he also being un-American, or was he trying to protect the American people against a known threat?

so you are comparing a religion to a disease?

while I agree religion is a mental disease, the comparison really doesn't hold up.

A threat is a threat, your dear leaders first obligation is to mitigate threats. Of course we should not be surprised, the dear leader told us many years ago where his loyalty lies.

From Audacity of Hope: "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

Like ISIS, I guess he is keeping his word.

I guess like most Right Wing whacko's you are more than willing to lie in order to attack Obama

That quote is of course- as you know- a lie.

It appears you are some what correct, according to snopes it was paraphrased but the meaning is the same. Heres the quote in full context give by snopes.

In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

Considering the quote was in direct relation to 9/11, I really don't think he was talking about Christians or Buddhist, but it couldn't have come form his book, which was published 6 years before 9/11. Snopes doesn't say where their quote came from.

.Coil of Rage
Oh I was not 'somewhat' correct- I was absolutely correct- the person who told you that was a quote by President Obama lied to you. The use of quotation marks means the person wanted you to believe those were Obama's actual words. And you did.

And the meaning is far from the same- not a word about 'standing with Muslims'- but standing with Americans- who happen to be Arab or Pakistani- regardless of their religion(you do realize that many Arab refugees in the United States are Christians- right?)- if their rights are threatened.

Where did the erroneous quote come from? Well who would want to lie and claim that Obama had said that- calling it a quotation- and expect that people would not bother to check?

Oh and Audacity of Hope- published 2006.

Snopes didn't bother to make that distinction, the only publication date mentioned in the snopes article was 1996, or did you not bother to read the link?

BTW, speaking of not checking the facts, you are eating the shit out of the broad statements about what Trump supposedly said without looking at the details. His proposal is for a temporary suspension until proper vetting systems are put in place. And don't tell me the current administration has a viable vetting system in place when they didn't even know the bitch in the San Bernardino shooting gave a nonexistent address on her visa application, and she was radicalized before the rise of ISIS. All the information being discovered now was available when her visa application was processed, this administration just didn't bother to look.
But this is the absolute first time the country of religious freedom, where people of a specific religion are banned from entering "the Land of the Free"!

so? it is not the first time that the US has imposed barriers to people of this or that origin or this or that affliction from entering the USA-------a kindergarten mosque
education is enough
I know where IRan is on the map and can point to it.
I know where Japan and Germany are on the map and can point to them.

Can anyone show me where "Islam" is on the map and point to it? Whether it is constitutional or not is irrelevant. It is a terrible stupid idea.
Being constitutional is the only relevance involved.
Gee, three people have started topics about Iranian refugees not being let in by Carter.

Coincidence? Or are they all drinking from the same piss cup? Ya think? What a brainless herd of gnus you Gnu Right tards are.

Reagan let in over 11,000 Iranian refugees, while Iran had terrorist training camps and was blowing up a Marine barracks and two of our embassies and funding Hamas and Hezbollah. That was the largest group of refugees Reagan took in during that period. Iranians. From our number one enemy.

And guess what? Not one of those Iranian refugees from the state sponsor of terror Iran blew any shit up! WOW!!!

I don't know who you quivering cowards are, but you sure as shit aren't Reagan Republicans, and you need to find whatever group of people took in all those pants shitting 70s and 80s liberals, because you have much more in common with them.

Of course, giving your post any validity would require the willful suspension of current reality, name one radical islamic organization that threatened the US home land during Reagan's time. Iran at the time had been moving toward a more secular society and away from the traditional muslim model. Also new technology has given radical organizations recruiting tools they could have never dreamed of during the Reagan administration.
Wow. That's some serious revisionist history you have there.

Iran was a state sponsor of terror. They bombed two embassies, killing dozens. They blew up a Marine barracks in Lebanon. They were funding and supplying Hezbollah and Hamas.

They had terrorist training camps in Iran.

So...yeah. You want terrorism? Iran had it. In spades. Aimed at the West. "The Great Satan". That's where that term originated, you know. Iran was calling the US "the Great Satan".

And Reagan let in more than 11,000 Iranian refugees, pants shitter.

I don't know what you are, but you sure as shit aren't a Reagan Republican.
And like it didn't happen, or is it justified as with FDR and his internment camps? Hazlnut, time to put your bong away.
Are you tards really that ignorant of modern history? Really? You are that clueless as to the state of affairs between Iran and the West during Reagan's Administration?


I can see by the parroting of three topics about Carter and Iran, you all clearly learn things from the same propaganda ministry which succeeds precisely because of your ignorance.

Reminders, eh? You want some reminders?

Terrorist Attacks On Americans, 1979-1988 | Target America

April 18, 1983

Bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut

The Hezbollah operatives who carried out the attack on the embassy reportedly were receiving financial and logistical support from both Iran and Syria.

62 people killed, including 17 Americans.

And still...Reagan let in the Iranian refugees.

Oct. 23, 1983

Bombing of Marine barracks in Beirut

In mid-September 1982 -- after the U.S. troops had left -- Israel's Lebanese allies massacred an estimated 800 unarmed Palestinian civilians remaining in refugee camps.

The president assembled his national security team to devise a plan of military action. The planned target was the Sheik Abdullah barracks in Baalbek, Lebanon, which housed Iranian Revolutionary Guards believed to be training Hezbollah fighters.

Bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait

The suspects were thought to be members of Al Dawa, or "The Call," an Iranian-backed group and one of the principal Shiite groups operating against Saddam Hussein in Iraq.

Five people killed.
And Reagan STILL let the 11,000+ refugees in.

That's what a Republican with balls looks like, boys and girls.

And guess what?

Not one of the refugees blew any shit up!
OKTexas is a far right reactionary with an strong libertarian influence: just an outright losing ideology.
Cowards. Cowering in a corner in your shit-filled pants.

ISIS has you right where they want you.
OKTexas is a far right reactionary with an strong libertarian influence: just an outright losing ideology.
I have a wide libertarian streak myself. I just have more common sense and pragmatism than most Libertarians with a capital L. And I have a much, much better understanding of human nature.
When Carter banned Iranians did the Democrats and the press freak out? I'm beginning to wonder about Trump, its like he's leading these fools into one trap after another he could be smarter than I thought :laugh:

I am beginning to despair of my fellow Americans on the Far Right.

Is it some particular facet of education among the Far Right that they cannot distinguish discriminating against a person- for being Christian, Jewish or Muslim- and discriminating against a person from coming from a country the United States is in conflict with?

The left can't seem to handle more complex problems, they like things boxed into simple black or white choices. The fact is Islamic extremists are not confined to the borders of a particular country, its a more complex problem. You seem to have no issue with broad brushing an entire country like Iran and banning them from the US, because that's simple. I guess just leave the more complex problems to conservatives we'll take care of it.

You can't seem to handle things like admitting that religious discrimination is un-American. Conservatives of your ilk- such as Trump- are okay with violating the Constitution by banning American Muslims from returning to the United States- and banning Muslims who are fleeing our enemies- Islamic extremists- from entering the United States. Conservatives like you continually attempt inflame a religious war between the West and the Muslims of the world- playing right into the hands of ISIS the death cult.
Seems DemoRATS have a history of these sort of things!

Poor Richards News ^ | 12/08/15 | Poor Richard
This is just a reminder to all the liberal Democrats out there wringing their hands about Donald Trump’s latest comments. from Front Page: During the Iranian hostage crisis, Carter issued a number of orders to put pressure on Iran. Among these, Iranians were banned from entering the United States unless they oppose the Shiite Islamist regime or had a medical emergency. Here’s Jimmy “Hitler” Carter saying it back in 1980. Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not...

Iran = Country.

Iranian = Nationality (listed on Passport)

Muslim = a person who follows the religion of Islam, (49 ++countries or 30% of worlds population) **not listed on passport


You = Pathetic FAILURE.
Wow. When Hazlnut makes sense the world must be ending.
so you are comparing a religion to a disease?

while I agree religion is a mental disease, the comparison really doesn't hold up.

A threat is a threat, your dear leaders first obligation is to mitigate threats. Of course we should not be surprised, the dear leader told us many years ago where his loyalty lies.

From Audacity of Hope: "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

Like ISIS, I guess he is keeping his word.

I guess like most Right Wing whacko's you are more than willing to lie in order to attack Obama

That quote is of course- as you know- a lie.

It appears you are some what correct, according to snopes it was paraphrased but the meaning is the same. Heres the quote in full context give by snopes.

In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

Considering the quote was in direct relation to 9/11, I really don't think he was talking about Christians or Buddhist, but it couldn't have come form his book, which was published 6 years before 9/11. Snopes doesn't say where their quote came from.

.Coil of Rage
Oh I was not 'somewhat' correct- I was absolutely correct- the person who told you that was a quote by President Obama lied to you. The use of quotation marks means the person wanted you to believe those were Obama's actual words. And you did.

And the meaning is far from the same- not a word about 'standing with Muslims'- but standing with Americans- who happen to be Arab or Pakistani- regardless of their religion(you do realize that many Arab refugees in the United States are Christians- right?)- if their rights are threatened.

Where did the erroneous quote come from? Well who would want to lie and claim that Obama had said that- calling it a quotation- and expect that people would not bother to check?

Oh and Audacity of Hope- published 2006.

Snopes didn't bother to make that distinction, the only publication date mentioned in the snopes article was 1996, or did you not bother to read the link?

See once again- unlike yourself, I am able to use Google. I use Snopes for a quite reference- and then I look for primary sources- often referred to by Snopes.

In this case, I simply went to Amazon- and checked the publication date- and what Obama actually said in Audacity of Hope.

Do not blame myself or Snopes for you posting some Conservative lie about what Obama said.

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