Removing The Burden Of America’s Original Sin

Once again it falls to me to provide the education government schooling hid from you.

Too bad you never read books, or educated yourself.

1. Andrew Jackson is known as the Father of the Democrat Party. Pretty significant....death, and Democrats again.

2. My thesis, this thread, erases the slanders about America of the 17th century.
Your feeble complaint refers to the 19th century, after years of slaughter and attacks by the stone age savages, the Indians.

Let's remind all of how stupid, and how dishonest, you are.

Given this choice.....


.....Or this.....


You avowed to choose the dumpster fire.
You mean the Andrew Jackson that your orange god had a painting of hanging in the oval office, idiot?

Now bleat.......
The Industrial Revolution is what makes the difference. China had the most advanced civilization long before even the Indians, as far as we can tell from archaeology, at least. However, how you start matters less than how long you advance. China stagnated in technological advancement around the same time as the Europeans industrialized. England was able to conquer India for the same reason.

The progression of history is unfortunately not usually about good and evil so much as it is strategy, economics, and technology. Europeans had the upper hand with technology for a while, but now China and India are catching up.

History overall is not European-centric, although it can seem that way if you're only able to read texts in English. Non-European languages paint a different picture, because their texts typically cater to a different audience.

The term "advanced civilization" is in no way appropriate in a discussion of the vast majority of inhabitants the European setters found.

When I have the time, I will plan a thread that proves the Judeo-Christian faith as the trigger for Western Civilization, and without it we have slavery, wholesale slaughter, and oppression.

I hope you will read it.
Seems like your private schooling was incomplete:

Indian Removal

Andrew Jackson had long been an advocate of what he called “Indian removal.” As an Army general, he had spent years leading brutal campaigns against the Creeks in Georgia and Alabama and the Seminoles in Florida–campaigns that resulted in the transfer of hundreds of thousands of acres of land from Indian nations to white farmers. As president, he continued this crusade. In 1830, he signed the Indian Removal Act, which gave the federal government the power to exchange Native-held land in the cotton kingdom east of the Mississippi for land to the west, in the “Indian colonization zone” that the United States had acquired as part of the Louisiana Purchase. (This “Indian territory” was located in present-day Oklahoma.)

The law required the government to negotiate removal treaties fairly, voluntarily and peacefully: It did not permit the president or anyone else to coerce Native nations into giving up their land. However, President Jackson and his government frequently ignored the letter of the law and forced Native Americans to vacate lands they had lived on for generations. In the winter of 1831, under threat of invasion by the U.S. Army, the Choctaw became the first nation to be expelled from its land altogether. They made the journey to Indian Territory on foot (some “bound in chains and marched double file,” one historian writes) and without any food, supplies or other help from the government. Thousands of people died along the way. It was, one Choctaw leader told an Alabama newspaper, a “trail of tears and death.”

Here's one more book you, as is true of Democrats in general, will never read:


Be sure to ask me for some of my notes from this tome.
America’s ‘original sin,’ as claimed by the America-hating Left, is the Indian Inquisition…..the murder and theft that produced America, illegitimates the nation, and is reason to hate America.

Except… is a slander and a lie.

And, by now, thinking persons know that the Left, the Democrats, lie about everything

1.It should be clear to all that America is battling both international enemies, and a fifth column that is out to destroy this nation from within. This is a pretty good description.

2. But these enemies of ‘truth, justice, and the American way’ (I’ve purloined a phrase that was given up by the original owners) are clever to a fault: they teach, in government school and pop culture, that America was created based on an original sin: genocide of, and theft of land from, ……the Indians.
While embedded in the simplest individuals, and those not predisposed to learning, reading and thinking, not prepared by age and experience, to dispute the lies, it serves as the basis for the hatred of this nation.

3. Proof of and exposure of the lies, today’s precis, is based on an essay in Front Page Mag, called “Genocide, Stolen Land, and Other Lies about America,” Genocide, Stolen Land, and Other Lies about America - Frontpagemag

In which we find: “To begin with, there is no such thing as genocide of Native Americans, and no land was ever stolen. That is a case of the Big Lie if ever there were one.”

That fact is already well known to those who have studied the Democrat Party, and to those who have studied history.
The mode of the Left/Democrats is to take their guilt and claim it is the other side is at fault.

They did this after WWII, after having supported the Nazis and Bolsheviks, and taken on their doctrines and methods…..and claimed the German Socialist Party was really ….right wing.

They white-washed their slavery, segregation history…right up to blocking every anti-lynching bill the Republican presented, and claimed the Republicans, who went to war to end slavery, were the racists.

They claim to support women, yet filibustered the Republican attempts to give women the vote.

Recently…..they tried to claim Republicans are anti-police:​

White House Rewrites History With Claim That Republicans, Not Democrats, Tried To Defund The Police

JUNE 23, 2021 By Kylee Zempel

They lie about everything…..and that includes the historicity of the ‘original sin,’ the banditry enacted on the previous inhabitants, those earlier ‘settlers’ from Asia, the Indians.

Keep this in mind when you view the Critical Race Theory indoctrination….and notice that every evil it inserts in the curriculum about America leaves out the operative term: Democrat.

That tweet at 1 just shows you are gullible... Go and actually check the facts..
Once again it falls to me to provide the education government schooling hid from you.

Too bad you never read books, or educated yourself.

1. Andrew Jackson is known as the Father of the Democrat Party. Pretty significant....death, and Democrats again.
Once again you post something in Politics that rightly belongs in History.

2. My thesis, this thread, erases the slanders about America of the 17th century.
Your feeble complaint refers to the 19th century, after years of slaughter and attacks by the stone age savages, the Indians.
I doubt we were any more virtuous in the 17th century than we were in the 19th. Regardless, the Trail of Tears and similar genocide is how this country was built. You can cherry-pick one part of our history but that just shows how dishonest you are.

Let's remind all of how stupid, and how dishonest, you are.
deflect much?
Here's one more book you, as is true of Democrats in general, will never read:

View attachment 572067

Be sure to ask me for some of my notes from this tome.
Just because you consider Native Americans to be "savages" that's your justification for subjectiong an entire race to wholesale slaughter, right?

There's something wrong with you. Don't bother seeking help. You're not worth the trouble
That tweet at 1 just shows you are gullible... Go and actually check the facts..

Those are the actual facts, dunce.

Now you go check Democrat poll numbers to verify that only a moron like you don't recognize the facts.
Here's one more book you, as is true of Democrats in general, will never read:

View attachment 572067

Be sure to ask me for some of my notes from this tome.
I do appreciate art:

The ”peaceful” Pilgrims massacred the Pequots and destroyed their fort near Stonington, Connecticut, in 1637. A 19th-century wood engraving (above) depicts the slaughter. The Granger Collection, NYC
Once again you post something in Politics that rightly belongs in History.

I doubt we were any more virtuous in the 17th century than we were in the 19th. Regardless, the Trail of Tears and similar genocide is how this country was built. You can cherry-pick one part of our history but that just shows how dishonest you are.

deflect much?

Politics, fool.

It's the attack on the founding, the heritage, the creed of America that you have been trained to hate, and, hence, vote for those aimed at destroying America.

Are you wearing your "Fifth Column" patch as we speak???

I do appreciate art:

The ”peaceful” Pilgrims massacred the Pequots and destroyed their fort near Stonington, Connecticut, in 1637. A 19th-century wood engraving (above) depicts the slaughter. The Granger Collection, NYC

One battle does not prove genocide.
Politics, fool.

It's the attack on the founding, the heritage, the creed of America that you have been trained to hate, and, hence, vote for those aimed at destroying America.
17th century actions? Sounds like history to me.
Are you wearing your "Fifth Column" patch as we speak???/
I think spreading lies, dissention, and insults does great harm to his country and you are certainly doing your part to tear this country apart.
Just because you consider Native Americans to be "savages" that's your justification for subjectiong an entire race to wholesale slaughter, right?

There's something wrong with you. Don't bother seeking help. You're not worth the trouble

They were savages.

Savage Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster​ › dictionary › savage

a person who has a way of life that is simple and not highly advanced · a person who is very violent or cruel.

a. Even so, the Cheyennes, viewed the railroads as a threat to the buffalo herds, continued, along with Arapahos and Sioux, attacking every station for 100 miles on either side of Fort Wallace. A force of two to three hundred attacked Pond Creek Station. "... this little stage stop saw so many Indian attacks that Camp Pond Creek, a military encampment, was situated right next to it." Life at Fort Wallace

b. "...The Apache is hostile to all white settlers....."

Annual Report of hte Secretary of War for the year 1867

Peaceful? Hardly.

c. Nor were the whites the only targets.

"...the Five Civilized Tribes of Indian Territory- the Cherokees, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, and Seminoles- suffered heavily from Kiowa and Comanche raiders...."

d. This carnival of crime, of infamous villianies, of brutal murders and
revolting outrages, by Mexicans and Indians, have been reddening the
soil of Texas, and shocking the hearts and destroying the hopes of thous-
ands of her people, unchecked by any substantial and determined efforts
on the part of the general government, and the State has been left prac-
tically alone to meet the damages and to bear the burdens forced upon
her by these conflicts. After fully demonstrating the unprovoked vil-
lainies of the Mexicans proper in their thieving and murdering forays
tipon Texas, the report by Mr. Schleicher presents a long array of facts
showing the character and dreadful results of similar raids upon the set-
tlers of Texas by Indians living in Mexico, and protected and encour-
aged in their predatory warfare upon and robbery of our people by Mex-
ican officials and citizens. These details are fearful, and yet they fall far
short of the reality, for the reason that only the ruthless deeds of In-
dians living in Mexico were specially inquired into or included in this
report, while the fiendish atrocities committed upon Texas people by the
Comanches, the Kioways, the Apaches, and other savages of the Staked
Plains and the mountains beyond, were not examined into nor reported
upon. Full text of "Special report of the adjutant-general of the state of Texas. September, 1884"
Here's one more book you, as is true of Democrats in general, will never read:

View attachment 572067

Be sure to ask me for some of my notes from this tome.
From that book

The colonial communities of eighteenth-century America were perhaps the most racially, ethnically, and religiously mixed societies on earth. Lutherans and Presbyterians, Quakers, Catholics, and Covenentors, the Irish, the German, the French, the Welsh—groups that rarely intermingled in Europe—were thrown together when they confronted the American countryside. Rather than embracing the inescapable and ever-increasing diversity, the European settler communities had their very existence threatened by the tensions and fears among their own groups. Only through "Indian-hating"—in both military and rhetorical forms—could the splintered colonists find a common ground.
a. Even so, the Cheyennes, viewed the railroads as a threat to the buffalo herds, continued, along with Arapahos and Sioux, attacking every station for 100 miles on either side of Fort Wallace. A force of two to three hundred attacked Pond Creek Station. "... this little stage stop saw so many Indian attacks that Camp Pond Creek, a military encampment, was situated right next to it." Life at Fort Wallace
I wonder why Native Americans would have had a problem with white settlers using the railroad as a means to destroy the NA food supply...for sport and skins

Ohh and did ya know that scalping was NOT originally an Indian custom but a European invention?
From that book

The colonial communities of eighteenth-century America were perhaps the most racially, ethnically, and religiously mixed societies on earth. Lutherans and Presbyterians, Quakers, Catholics, and Covenentors, the Irish, the German, the French, the Welsh—groups that rarely intermingled in Europe—were thrown together when they confronted the American countryside. Rather than embracing the inescapable and ever-increasing diversity, the European settler communities had their very existence threatened by the tensions and fears among their own groups. Only through "Indian-hating"—in both military and rhetorical forms—could the splintered colonists find a common ground.

You missed the reason for 'Indian-hating.'

  1. Attacks by French-allied Indians hit Pennsylvania in October 1755. Sixty to one hundred arrived beyond the settlements, and divided into smaller groups, which went into different valleys to reconnoiter. Each spy ”lay[ing] about a House some days & nights, watching like a wolf” to see ”the situation of the Houses, the number of people at Each House, the places the People most frequent, & to observe at each House where there is most men, or women.” The individual farmsteads they chose a targets were at last attacked in parallel by still smaller groups, each only big enough to kill or capture the number of people it was likely to meet. Col. James Burd, “Pennsylvania Archives,” 19-104
    1. The brunt of these attacks fell on people who were outside doing field work. The attacks were manufactured to instill paralyzing fear- and they did.
    2. In 1756,William Fleming gave an unrivaled account of life in one of these little attack groups. Delawares stormed the house of Fleming’s neighbor, a farmer named Hicks, and took one of the Hicks boys as prisoner. The Indians then went on to instill fear by having Fleming witness the Hicks boys’ murder: they bludgeoned the boy to the ground with a tomahawk, split open his head- pausing at this point, in “Sport…to imitate his expiring Agonies” – and scalped him, and continued “all over besmared with [Hicks’s] blood.”
    3. Fleming wrote of watching while a youth from a neighboring family was taken by Indians while inside were “numerous Family of able young Men” and despite his “scream[ing] in a most piteous Manner for help,” his brothers made no attempt to help. A narrative of the sufferings and surprizing deliverances of William and Elizabeth Fleming [electron... | National Library of Australia
    4. Northampton County, Pennsylvania, 1778. Four men, two with wives and eight children, were attacked by Indians. [T]his occaion’d our men to flee as fast as they could,…before they were out of sight of the wagon they saw the Indians attacking the women & Children with their Tomahawks.” The net day, the three men came back to the scene for the corpses, which include the stabbed and scalped bodies of Smith’s wife, and of “a Little girl kill’d & sclped, [and] a boy the same.” Pa. Arch. 1:6:591
  2. The essential fact about Indian-European warfare in the middle colonies was that the Europeans almost always did very badly. Though the American Revolution brought about a glorified, misleading view of frontier fighters and riflemen, during the eighteenth century country people practically never managed to mount even faintly convincing defenses against Indian attacks….The only thing that worked was leaving. (p.53)
  3. Although the original diversity to the European colonies was the cause of much abrasive relationships, once public debate centered on the suffering of ordinary country people who had been dismissed in the cities as worse than Indians were reshaped into grander figures, defined by their hardships more than their religion, their nationality, or any of their own troublesome actions. And, increasingly, they made useful symbols for the country as a whole.
    1. Scalped and mutilated bodies were regularly brought into towns to document Indian barbarity. One strain of the rhetoric simply displayed abuses to the human body before and after death, especially scalping, as well as incineration, nonburial, and dismemberment.
I wonder why Native Americans would have had a problem with white settlers using the railroad as a means to destroy the NA food supply...for sport and skins

Ohh and did ya know that scalping was NOT originally an Indian custom but a European invention?

I wonder if you went out to shoot the domestic terrorists in the 12 thousand riots the Democrats set loose on America?

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