Republicans be honest: if Trump were president during the Cuban Missile Crisis, how do you think...

...that would have turned out?

Can you see Trump achieving what Kennedy did? No you cannot. Just admit it - that would have been a terrifying time to be alive.

Historians say JFK fucked up. You probably should have looked elsewhere for nothing.
...that would have turned out?

Can you see Trump achieving what Kennedy did? No you cannot. Just admit it - that would have been a terrifying time to be alive.
You’ll get no truthful response from Trump supporters and others on the reprehensible right – just the usual lies and stupidity from blind partisan Republican hacks.
You’ll get no truthful response from Trump supporters and others on the reprehensible right – just the usual lies and stupidity from blind partisan Republican hacks.

Trump would treat cuba like he is treating N. Korea. The difference is that Trump is relying on China to rein in N. Korea, where Trump would have to depend on Russia to rein in Cuba And unlike our leverage with China, we had no leverage with Russia.
Imagine putting Trump into any past presidents shoes, and it's scary as hell.
With the one exception of William Henry Harrison.
One thing I know for sure is 9/11 wouldn't have happened if Bush were not president. Osama Bin Laden wouldn't have gotten away. We wouldn't have invaded Iraq causung North Korea & Iran to build nuclear missiles. And Russia wouldn't have been able to use Iraq to justify it's invasions.
One thing is certain

Bush is the only President dumb enough to invade Iraq

the democrat controlled congress authorized and funded it. Bush could not have engaged in that fiasco without the dems in congress. We agree that it was a stupid useless war, but they all have blood on their hands, not just Bush.
Democrats did not control Congress until 2007
Most Democrats voted AGAINST invading Iraq
What you posted is not really true, in fact it is not true at all.

One thing I know for sure is 9/11 wouldn't have happened if Bush were not president. Osama Bin Laden wouldn't have gotten away. We wouldn't have invaded Iraq causung North Korea & Iran to build nuclear missiles. And Russia wouldn't have been able to use Iraq to justify it's invasions.
One thing is certain

Bush is the only President dumb enough to invade Iraq

the democrat controlled congress authorized and funded it. Bush could not have engaged in that fiasco without the dems in congress. We agree that it was a stupid useless war, but they all have blood on their hands, not just Bush.
Democrats did not control Congress until 2007
Most Democrats voted AGAINST invading Iraq
What you posted is not really true, in fact it is not true at all.

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Why didn't you post the vote in the House?
...that would have turned out?

Can you see Trump achieving what Kennedy did? No you cannot. Just admit it - that would have been a terrifying time to be alive.

Historians say JFK fucked up. You probably should have looked elsewhere for nothing.
What history books are you reading. The final analysis is the results. The Russians backed down and a nuclear war was averted.
Another Trump supporter dealing in fake history.
What history books are you reading. The final analysis is the results. The Russians backed down and a nuclear war was averted.
Another Trump supporter dealing in fake history.

Both sides backed down, which was the secret to ending the crisis. Kennedy let the first soviet ship cross the red line. Russia responded by back channel talks. Russia took the missiles from Cuba, we took the missiles from Turkey.
“And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.”

This is certainly not the Democratic mantra today. This is the Republican mindset.
And there is a good reason for that, shit for brains! The worker bees of a COMMUNIST REGIME are expected to exist and work for the good of their State, you bloody fool! So you are, in fact, admitting existing as an appendage of the State is a Republican paradigm too! Got it, Chump!

Go fuck yourself asshole. Entitlements are for communist like yourself.
Why didn't you post the vote in the House?

Because 81 democrats voted for
and 126 voted against
So a majority of democrats voted AGAINST H.J. Res 114 (107th)

29 voted for
21 voted against

Total democratic vote (both houses) 110 for vs 147 against.

North Korea laughs at Trump as they build new bridges between China to increase trade.
North Korea China Bridg.jpg
What history books are you reading. The final analysis is the results. The Russians backed down and a nuclear war was averted.
Another Trump supporter dealing in fake history.

Both sides backed down, which was the secret to ending the crisis. Kennedy let the first soviet ship cross the red line. Russia responded by back channel talks. Russia took the missiles from Cuba, we took the missiles from Turkey.
There is give and take in a good negotiation but there is no doubt that the winner of the crisis was the USA led by JFK.
JFK gave in some areas so he could win the negotiation.
That is one of Trump's biggest problems, he is not will to give anywhere.
“And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.”

This is certainly not the Democratic mantra today. This is the Republican mindset.
And there is a good reason for that, shit for brains! The worker bees of a COMMUNIST REGIME are expected to exist and work for the good of their State, you bloody fool! So you are, in fact, admitting existing as an appendage of the State is a Republican paradigm too! Got it, Chump!

Go fuck yourself asshole. Entitlements are for communist like yourself.
Go fuck yourself asshole. Entitlements are for communist like yourself.
Hey, you're the one who made the tacit admission that you were an apparatchik of a communistic regime as a Republican. Don't try to pin your admission and acknowledgement on me for simply pointing it out, shit for brains!

Hey, if it's any consolation to you, I identified and registered as a Republican until Aug 9, 1974 when that fucking crooked liar Nixon resigned. Can we say 'principles'?
“And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.”

This is certainly not the Democratic mantra today. This is the Republican mindset.
And there is a good reason for that, shit for brains! The worker bees of a COMMUNIST REGIME are expected to exist and work for the good of their State, you bloody fool! So you are, in fact, admitting existing as an appendage of the State is a Republican paradigm too! Got it, Chump!

Go fuck yourself asshole. Entitlements are for communist like yourself.
Go fuck yourself asshole. Entitlements are for communist like yourself.
Hey, you're the one who made the tacit admission that you were an apparatchik of a communistic regime as a Republican. Don't try to pin your admission and acknowledgement on me for simply pointing it out, shit for brains!

Look son, when you grow up and move out of your parent's basement you'll understand real responsibility. You'll then understand what Kennedy meant. Have a good day. Some of us need to go out and be productive citizens.
...that would have turned out?

Can you see Trump achieving what Kennedy did? No you cannot. Just admit it - that would have been a terrifying time to be alive.
we capitulated

Which prevented a nuclear war.
I forgot that American surrender is the lefts nuclear if trump threatens others with nukes the correct course of action is for them to capitulate.

Wisdom is knowng when a fight is worth the consequences. The idea of "winning" a nuclear war is a sign of insanity. And Trump thinks he can win a nuclear war.
unless of course he chooses to nuke a country chock full of wisdom.
If Trump was POTUS during the Cuban missile crisis, the first thing they would have to do is brief Trump that Cuba is an island, surrounded by deep water, ocean water.
And then bring him a change of underwear
lol...why? cuz he would be afraid to "de-escalate"...hahahahahaha
No ,because he was smarter than the generals and didn't know whether to shit or go blind
was kennedy smarter than the generals? did he know how to scratch his watch and wind his butt?...btw, kennedy was a great man, and given the chance would have been a great historical president
I think JFK would have blundered into Vietnam just like LBJ did
We were already there, I believe the first American casualty of Nam was in december of 62...could be wrong about the date but it was certainly on kennedy's watch...and if you ever saw Stones "JFK" the movie claims one of the reasons for the assassination is kennedy wanted to pull the troops out of Nam, they even cite the order that the movie claims he signed [it was an executive order I believe...536 maybe or 563...something like that]

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