Republicans be honest: if Trump were president during the Cuban Missile Crisis, how do you think...

Most Democrats voted AGAINST invading Iraq
What you posted is not really true, in fact it is not true at all.


Half truth.

So typical of a know it all liberal. You didn't say to the person who made the blanket statement that their statement was a half truth. You people on the left are so damn two faced it is hardly worth the effort to expose your hypocrisy.

I still say what the original poster said is fully not true.

And then bring him a change of underwear
lol...why? cuz he would be afraid to "de-escalate"...hahahahahaha
No ,because he was smarter than the generals and didn't know whether to shit or go blind
was kennedy smarter than the generals? did he know how to scratch his watch and wind his butt?...btw, kennedy was a great man, and given the chance would have been a great historical president
I think JFK would have blundered into Vietnam just like LBJ did
We were already there, I believe the first American casualty of Nam was in december of 62...could be wrong about the date but it was certainly on kennedy's watch...and if you ever saw Stones "JFK" the movie claims one of the reasons for the assassination is kennedy wanted to pull the troops out of Nam, they even cite the order that the movie claims he signed [it was an executive order I believe...536 maybe or 563...something like that]
JFK the movie was nothing but BS. Our presences in Vietnam during Kennedy was that great, it was LBJ who made it a war.
What did Kennedy really achieve? Think about it lefties, Jack Kennedy hired his own brother to be A.G. but Bobby couldn't deal with organized crime at the risk of implicating his own brother so he decided to invade a freaking sovereign country, Cuba. The Kennedy brothers illegally used the CIA to recruit, train, and equip a comedy circus to invade Cuba which was abandoned at the Bay of Pigs. Americans might be fooled by liberal media propaganda but the Russians must have been scratching their heads about a corrupt administration that stupid Americans actually thought was "Camelot" making such a foreign policy error. Thanks to his ineptness, JFK managed to bring the US to "defcon #2" for the only time in history. The Russians backed off Cuba but the crazy thing is that Russian boomer subs armed with missiles still patrolled offshore. JFK won a minor propaganda victory while Russians were constructing the Berlin Wall and the liberal media gave JFK rave reviews for telling doomed Germans that "we are all Beliners" before he went home and left them to be shot in the back. Everything you think you know about JFK is bullshit.
Had President Donald Trump or President Ronald Reagan been in office, there would not have been a Cuban Missile Crisis.

It was, indeed, a very scary time. Several years before President Nakita Khrushchev had already made his speech where he threatened, "we will bury you".

Following that, President Kennedy failed to support the Bay of Pigs invasion showing the Russians and Cuba weakness. Had he supported the Bay of Pigs, there would never have been the Cuban Missile Crisis. Today Cuba could have been a rich paradise with a great economy.

Instead, President Kennedy secretly negotiated with Khrushchev that the US would remove our Jupiter missiles from Turkey if Russia would remove their missiles from Cuba. Thus the stalemate that lasts to this day.
...that would have turned out?

Can you see Trump achieving what Kennedy did? No you cannot. Just admit it - that would have been a terrifying time to be alive.

You are a dumbass. Kennedy sent war ships to blockade the island and basically told Cuba that if missiles remained on the island then the island and its inhabitants would cease to exist. I paraphrase of course, but man you are an ignorant fuck.
What did Kennedy really achieve? Think about it lefties, Jack Kennedy hired his own brother to be A.G. but Bobby couldn't deal with organized crime at the risk of implicating his own brother so he decided to invade a freaking sovereign country, Cuba. The Kennedy brothers illegally used the CIA to recruit, train, and equip a comedy circus to invade Cuba which was abandoned at the Bay of Pigs. Americans might be fooled by liberal media propaganda but the Russians must have been scratching their heads about a corrupt administration that stupid Americans actually thought was "Camelot" making such a foreign policy error. Thanks to his ineptness, JFK managed to bring the US to "defcon #2" for the only time in history. The Russians backed off Cuba but the crazy thing is that Russian boomer subs armed with missiles still patrolled offshore. JFK won a minor propaganda victory while Russians were constructing the Berlin Wall and the liberal media gave JFK rave reviews for telling doomed Germans that "we are all Beliners" before he went home and left them to be shot in the back. Everything you think you know about JFK is bullshit.

You really have to look at the bigger picture, what JFK and latter what Reagan achieved was two huge achomplisments in modern day can't deny it ..
You really have to look at the bigger picture, what JFK and latter what Reagan achieved was two huge achomplisments in modern day can't deny it ..

Kennedy landed us on the moon.
Reagan landed us in debt.
Most Democrats voted AGAINST invading Iraq
What you posted is not really true, in fact it is not true at all.


Half truth.

So typical of a know it all liberal. You didn't say to the person who made the blanket statement that their statement was a half truth. You people on the left are so damn two faced it is hardly worth the effort to expose your hypocrisy.

I still say what the original poster said is fully not true.

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You were the one being deceptive in your rebuttal to my statement "most democrats voted against Iraq"

The scary part is that only seven Republicans voted NO
How would Trump have handled it? Better than Kennedy did.

Trump is a tool of the Russians. They got him elected

He would have told us......some of them are nice people

total unadulterated horse shit. If anyone is/was owned by the Russians it was Hillary.

But if you still buy that line of BS, why would Russia want Trump over someone they could easily blackmail? They had Hillary's emails (according to you), she made the uranium deal with them, Bubba was paid huge amounts to give speeches in Russia. All kinds of blackmail material on her. So why would they prefer someone they could not control?

please actually think before responding.
If not for Putin....Trump would be begging for his job back at The Apprentice

so you have no answer, no surprise there.
JFK pretty much fucked that whole thing up. I wouldn't bring that up if I were you.
How many of Americas lives were lost ??? JFK did a great job If dump was president then YOU might not be around now talking out of your butt
He de escalated the situation

Something Trump seems incapable of

you mean he allowed the brutal Castro regime to continue to abuse the people of Cuba? He stopped the Russian missiles but left Cuba to Castro.
...that would have turned out?

Can you see Trump achieving what Kennedy did? No you cannot. Just admit it - that would have been a terrifying time to be alive.

Had that been the case, mos likely, we wouldn't be around typing on a forum.....
JFK pretty much fucked that whole thing up. I wouldn't bring that up if I were you.
How many of Americas lives were lost ??? JFK did a great job If dump was president then YOU might not be around now talking out of your butt
He de escalated the situation

Something Trump seems incapable of

you mean he allowed the brutal Castro regime to continue to abuse the people of Cuba? He stopped the Russian missiles but left Cuba to Castro.
You mean he did not invade causing the deaths of thousands of soldiers?

We need Bush to do that

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