Republicans Need to Learn Their Real History on Race.

No, no, no...learn your liberal history and jargon

If you're black and a Republican, according to Democrats, you're an 'Uncle Tom'.
No white ---, that's not how it works. If you are black and Republican and you sound like a white supremacist, according to BLACKS, Republican, Democrat, or Independent, you're an Uncle Tom.
This is a bad faith OP from the jump, and you're a chump.
No it's actually the truth and you or any of the other racist republicans can handle it. It's what you bitches always do when you have no rebuttal.
No white ---, that's not how it works. If you are black and Republican and you sound like a white supremacist, according to BLACKS, Republican, Democrat, or Independent, you're an Uncle Tom.
Liberal AI Troll says what?

Democrats are notoriously documrnted as calling black.Republicans 'Uncle Toms'. Your attempt to re-write history is a fail.

There has been polling done whereby 22-31 percent of whites polled held racist views. A more recent poll was done whereby between 40-50 percent of whites polled said America will be weaker with a white minority. I'll look this last one up and post it later as I have some work to do right now.
I'm not the one confused.

“From its inception, the country’s legal foundations, political architecture, and civic fabric were designed to privilege the well-being of those who declared themselves white at the expense of Native Americans, African Americans, and other people of color. Generation after generation, as the baldest tactics were challenged, white America creatively renewed and reworked this pact to protect ourselves from political disempowerment, economic uncertainty, legal jeopardy, and physical violence. When the weight of the blood spilled by over 750,000 Americans shattered outright slavery, white America picked up the shards, fashioning them into a ramshackle but effective system of sharecropping, lynching, convict leasing, segregationist Jim Crow laws, restrictive immigration policies, appeals to “states’ rights,” voter suppression, and mass incarceration.” -Robert P. Jones

A signed peice of paper in the mid 1960's didn't guarantee anything. So stop being white thinking you know more about what blacks face than the black people facing it. You guys are violating the very laws you claim give everybody the same chance.
worse enemy of blacks is blacks......they even enjoy shooting each other obviously
Get you some Sly, IM2

You racist basdage! If only you could learn where we come from.

I bet this is alien to you. Maybe if you were more of a human being.


Sly is somebody who got it and gets it.

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From the start Democrats wanted blacks only counted as a fraction of a human being, & now they only count if they vote Democrat.
worse enemy of blacks is blacks......they even enjoy shooting each other obviously
Worst enemy of whites are whites. Worst is the word you're looking for illiterate idiot and 85 percent of whites who are killed, are killed by another white. But keep pretending it doesn't happen.
Worst enemy of whites are whites. Worst is the word you're looking for illiterate idiot and 85 percent of whites who are killed, are killed by another white. But keep pretending it doesn't happen.

From the start Democrats wanted blacks only counted as a fraction of a human being, & now they only count if they vote Democrat.
Democrats did not attend the consttutional convention. The Democratic Party was not founded until 1828.
Shame that no black countries colonized white ones, robbed them of their resources and controlled the people by killing those who opposed the colonizers.

You dumb asses really don't know anything about history.

Shame black countries traded their people for slavery. Shame slavery still exists in some black African communities as well.

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