REPUBLICANS: please tone down the anger


Do you support pedophile normalization?
Lol, fag, pedo.... It's all you can think about. Lol, talk about a one trick pony. Hilarious 😂 Well at least here is one post that did not involve homosexuality.. I guess my pointing out how much you think about such things hit a cord. Lol. So now it's pedo. Likely a much worst thing to have on your mind all the time. At any rate stay retarded it is amusing.
Dear Republicans - I know you're not happy with the fact that Biden and the Democrats are in power and
doing things against your agenda, but there are a few things you're going to have to accept:

* The 2020 election was not rigged

* The mainstream media is not conspiring against you

* Violence and threats of violence will not help your cause

It's time to tone down your anger. Your party will no doubt make some gains in this election, as
the minority party traditionally does in a midterm election. All of your talk about a revolution,
attacks on mosques, synagogues and minorities is only hurting your chances in upcoming elections.
Do yourselves a favor and let the process work. It's worked reasonably well for nearly 250 years. :bye1:

Dear Dumbass Democrats, stop trying to spin and create fakse narratives since we all know the Democrats have engaged in more violence, more assaults, more damage to public / provate property, more acts of domestic terrorism than anyone.

With all due respect, go F* yourself.
Dear Republicans - I know you're not happy with the fact that Biden and the Democrats are in power and
doing things against your agenda, but there are a few things you're going to have to accept:

* The 2020 election was not rigged

* The mainstream media is not conspiring against you

* Violence and threats of violence will not help your cause

It's time to tone down your anger. Your party will no doubt make some gains in this election, as
the minority party traditionally does in a midterm election. All of your talk about a revolution,
attacks on mosques, synagogues and minorities is only hurting your chances in upcoming elections.
Do yourselves a favor and let the process work. It's worked reasonably well for nearly 250 years. :bye1:
I'd tell you to go screw yourself but, alas, it just ai't sufficient to the task. You'll just have to make do with a little (very, very little) sympathy.
Dear Republicans - I know you're not happy with the fact that Biden and the Democrats are in power and
doing things against your agenda, but there are a few things you're going to have to accept:

* The 2020 election was not rigged

* The mainstream media is not conspiring against you

* Violence and threats of violence will not help your cause

It's time to tone down your anger. Your party will no doubt make some gains in this election, as
the minority party traditionally does in a midterm election. All of your talk about a revolution,
attacks on mosques, synagogues and minorities is only hurting your chances in upcoming elections.
Do yourselves a favor and let the process work. It's worked reasonably well for nearly 250 years. :bye1:
^^ Desperation.

“Please don’t go out and vote in anger! It will be so much worse if Dems aren’t in power!”
^^ Desperation.

“Please don’t go out and vote in anger! It will be so much worse if Dems aren’t in power!”
Lol, if the retarded right gains power won't bother me like dems in power bother you. I know you will suffer from the retarded rights horse shit right along with the rest of us. Misery loves company , I am good as long as I take your retarded ass down right along with me. Retard.
Lol, if the retarded right gains power won't bother me like dems in power bother you. I know you will suffer from the retarded rights horse shit right along with the rest of us. Misery loves company , I am good as long as I take your retarded ass down right along with me. Retard.
Well no shit, the Republicans aren’t actively trying to destroy the country. But I doubt that “wouldn’t bother” you.
Lol, fag, pedo.... It's all you can think about. Lol, talk about a one trick pony. Hilarious 😂 Well at least here is one post that did not involve homosexuality.. I guess my pointing out how much you think about such things hit a cord. Lol. So now it's pedo. Likely a much worst thing to have on your mind all the time. At any rate stay retarded it is amusing.

Your "MAGA" gay coke whore supports pedophile normalization

Funny, can you name a single other republican who supports pedophile normalization?
Your "MAGA" gay coke whore supports pedophile normalization

Funny, can you name a single other republican who supports pedophile normalization?
Lol, sure thing retard. Back to the gay thing huh. Good stuff. You are amusing. Lol. What a retard.
Just when we thought Alinsky's "rules for radicals" were dated anti-American junk, along come desperate democrats to play the game.
Just when we thought Alinsky's "rules for radicals" were dated anti-American junk, along come desperate democrats to play the game.
Lol, desperate dems? Hilarious. All the retard right has is fear and hate I am personally fine with it. Your fear and pain amuzes me you deserve it.

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