Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Right wing morons on here are trying to appease their own sorry consciences (if they even have them) to avoid the salient fact.....

Assault weapons (and here they go into semantics about what an assault weapon may or may not be called in their cute little vernacular) killed MANY people in a very short period of time.....

SOoooooooo who allows the easy and open and readily available sale of such weapons????

It isn't liberal, who do that....It is "Christian" right wingers (who have chose to NOT have such weapons at their own gathering in Cleveland....Go ficgre.)
Is you should educate yourself on what a sporting rifle is…
Nice attempt to deflect from Obama's failure to do anything about Islamic terrorism. However, no one is buying it.

Idiot....want to check out when this terrorist family came to the US and WHO was president then????
Yes, I know. Reagan allowed them to come from Afghanistan, but that was long before we understood the problem.
It was before wholesale invasive immigration brought radicals to radicalize those here.
Right wing morons on here are trying to appease their own sorry consciences (if they even have them) to avoid the salient fact.....

Assault weapons (and here they go into semantics about what an assault weapon may or may not be called in their cute little vernacular) killed MANY people in a very short period of time.....

SOoooooooo who allows the easy and open and readily available sale of such weapons????

It isn't liberal, who do that....It is "Christian" right wingers (who have chose to NOT have such weapons at their own gathering in Cleveland....Go ficgre.)

Agree, I'd take out the Christian part though as there are many Christians who aren't particularly pornographic about their gun fetish.

What I see in this thread is an absolute ratchet fear of even discussing the topic of gun control, and understanding that some guns are more dangerous than others (some idiot compared them to IEDs...talk about losing an argument...I digress) and a general all around feeling of just not giving a shit about human life.
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,
It was a Muslim who pulled the trigger, lets outlaw Muslims instead.
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,

Hey bozo the
Right wing morons on here are trying to appease their own sorry consciences (if they even have them) to avoid the salient fact.....

Assault weapons (and here they go into semantics about what an assault weapon may or may not be called in their cute little vernacular) killed MANY people in a very short period of time.....

SOoooooooo who allows the easy and open and readily available sale of such weapons????

It isn't liberal, who do that....It is "Christian" right wingers (who have chose to NOT have such weapons at their own gathering in Cleveland....Go ficgre.)

Hey shit for brains. You can ban every gun and these same terrorists would still have killed those people by getting guns off the black market. Of course if we had far stronger immigration enforcement this might have been prevented,
Right wing morons on here are trying to appease their own sorry consciences (if they even have them) to avoid the salient fact.....

Assault weapons (and here they go into semantics about what an assault weapon may or may not be called in their cute little vernacular) killed MANY people in a very short period of time.....

SOoooooooo who allows the easy and open and readily available sale of such weapons????

It isn't liberal, who do that....It is "Christian" right wingers (who have chose to NOT have such weapons at their own gathering in Cleveland....Go ficgre.)
Right wing morons on here are trying to appease their own sorry consciences (if they even have them) to avoid the salient fact.....

Assault weapons (and here they go into semantics about what an assault weapon may or may not be called in their cute little vernacular) killed MANY people in a very short period of time.....

SOoooooooo who allows the easy and open and readily available sale of such weapons????

It isn't liberal, who do that....It is "Christian" right wingers (who have chose to NOT have such weapons at their own gathering in Cleveland....Go ficgre.)

How many people could a terrorist shoot if he were armed with two Glock 17's, Mr Know It All? By the way a Glock isn't an awful assault rifle
He is actually a lefty posing as a righty. I have called him on it numerous times and he has never denied it. Ever
Gays are not a race....you daffy loon

i used the racist term (still very apropos to you and your ilk) because most of you morons would not be able to figure out what homophobia means without a dictionary.

How long did it take you to type that in so you could know what it means....?

Have Steve McGarrett come in here and explain the non difference between bigots and racists, he's good at it. You know Steve, the guy you never publicly have anything bad to say about because wingnuts like to play footsie with racists.

And, I acknowledge that is completely off topic...true none the less.
What I see in this thread is an absolute ratchet fear of even discussing the topic of gun control, and understanding that some guns are more dangerous than others


A human with a desire to kill is more dangerous than any gun IN THE WORLD.

Stop for what, you? Nah.

Do me a favor, stop conflating guns and people as though it's and either/or situation, wingnut. Can you do that? We'll see, I don't have the best of hopes. Here's a hint, try to compare the effectiveness of a plumber without a wrench and you tell me how successful they are.

My concern is keeping those people with a 'desire to kill' from having the tools available to do so, especially those tools where the purpose is actually to kill.

What you are doing is arguing from a point of emotion rather than common sense. Maybe nothing can be done however you at least should recognize the methods of murder and establish which are more easy than others. I find the pro-gun (whatever that means) to be lacking and I haven't seen anything today to demonstrate differently.
What I see in this thread is an absolute ratchet fear of even discussing the topic of gun control, and understanding that some guns are more dangerous than others


A human with a desire to kill is more dangerous than any gun IN THE WORLD.

Stop for what, you? Nah.

Do me a favor, stop conflating guns and people as though it's and either/or situation, wingnut. Can you do that? We'll see, I don't have the best of hopes. Here's a hint, try to compare the effectiveness of a plumber without a wrench and you tell me how successful they are.

My concern is keeping those people with a 'desire to kill' from having the tools available to do so, especially those tools where the purpose is actually to kill.

What you are doing is arguing from a point of emotion rather than common sense. Maybe nothing can be done however you at least should recognize the methods of murder and establish which are more easy than others. I find the pro-gun (whatever that means) to be lacking and I haven't seen anything today to demonstrate differently.
He is actually a lefty posing as a righty. I have called him on it numerous times and he has never denied it. Ever
Gays are not a race....you daffy loon

i used the racist term (still very apropos to you and your ilk) because most of you morons would not be able to figure out what homophobia means without a dictionary.

How long did it take you to type that in so you could know what it means....?

Have Steve McGarrett come in here and explain the non difference between bigots and racists, he's good at it. You know Steve, the guy you never publicly have anything bad to say about because wingnuts like to play footsie with racists.

And, I acknowledge that is completely off topic...true none the less.

Who are you talking to/about?
You post makes no sense. What would you change Muslim immigrants for?

IDIOT....you started the subthread stating that trying to BAN assault weapons increased the screwed up "thirst" by your ilk to buy MORE of those weapons.....My point is then using your moronic logic is this....Would trying to BAN Muslims immigrants actually increase such Muslim immigrants.

Surely there's a grown up around to help you......If not, go to a corner and play with your guns.

ROFL! No wonder I didn't understand. I assumed it wasn't that moronic. How would banning Muslims increase their ability to get here? The reality is that Obama has to spend government money to get them here. They aren't able to get here using their own resources. All Trump has to do is end any government program that pays for them to come here. He doesn't have to "ban" anything.
What I see in this thread is an absolute ratchet fear of even discussing the topic of gun control, and understanding that some guns are more dangerous than others


A human with a desire to kill is more dangerous than any gun IN THE WORLD.

Stop for what, you? Nah.

Do me a favor, stop conflating guns and people as though it's and either/or situation, wingnut. Can you do that? We'll see, I don't have the best of hopes. Here's a hint, try to compare the effectiveness of a plumber without a wrench and you tell me how successful they are.

My concern is keeping those people with a 'desire to kill' from having the tools available to do so, especially those tools where the purpose is actually to kill.

What you are doing is arguing from a point of emotion rather than common sense. Maybe nothing can be done however you at least should recognize the methods of murder and establish which are more easy than others. I find the pro-gun (whatever that means) to be lacking and I haven't seen anything today to demonstrate differently.

Yeah, some wet dream world where Hitler and George Washington meet isn't reality. Please, please, save the energy.
O, AR-15s in France...0, fully automatic weapons in france...they still got them....how would you stop this guy....France has extreme gun control.......more than we have and all the gun control the gun grabbers dream about.....and terrorists on government, terrorists watch lists still got them....as do French criminals.....

And they have less civil rights than we do........

What does that have to do when I say an assault style does more damage than hand guns?

It doesn't...a .357 is a bigger round and you can get that in a 6 shot revolver...even in a stubby.....

That's awesome, name 5 mass shootings that involved nothing more than a single handgun that killed 30 people. Hell, that's too easy, name a mass shooting by a single hand gun that hit 80 or more people.

Can you name any mass shooting with an AR-15 that killed more than 30 people? Besides this one...asshole...try real hard.........

Thank you for proving my point. There were no mass shootings committed by people with hand guns over 30. What you are admitting to is that last nights shooting couldn't be committed by a single person with hand guns. Damn, I couldn't have said i any better myself.

Then, funny as all shit, you're post is practically begging me to prove your point for you. Double suck on your part.

He admitted no such thing. The fact that it hasn't occurred isn't proof that it couldn't occur. Before 9/11, passenger planes had never been used to destroy a building. According to your "logic," it should have been impossible.
What I see in this thread is an absolute ratchet fear of even discussing the topic of gun control, and understanding that some guns are more dangerous than others


A human with a desire to kill is more dangerous than any gun IN THE WORLD.

Stop for what, you? Nah.

Do me a favor, stop conflating guns and people as though it's and either/or situation, wingnut. Can you do that? We'll see, I don't have the best of hopes. Here's a hint, try to compare the effectiveness of a plumber without a wrench and you tell me how successful they are.

My concern is keeping those people with a 'desire to kill' from having the tools available to do so, especially those tools where the purpose is actually to kill.

What you are doing is arguing from a point of emotion rather than common sense. Maybe nothing can be done however you at least should recognize the methods of murder and establish which are more easy than others. I find the pro-gun (whatever that means) to be lacking and I haven't seen anything today to demonstrate differently.

Yeah, some wet dream world where Hitler and George Washington meet isn't reality. Please, please, save the energy.
I think it went over your head... Lol
Go home, nat. You're drunk. Or liberal--or both.

In the face of your ilk's madness, one almost has to get drunk to put up with your hatred and moronic stubborn stances......but politically, yeah, sane people become "liberal"....

BTW who is MORE "liberal" when it comes to the easy sale of guns to murder lots of people?..
What does that have to do when I say an assault style does more damage than hand guns?

It doesn't...a .357 is a bigger round and you can get that in a 6 shot revolver...even in a stubby.....

That's awesome, name 5 mass shootings that involved nothing more than a single handgun that killed 30 people. Hell, that's too easy, name a mass shooting by a single hand gun that hit 80 or more people.

Can you name any mass shooting with an AR-15 that killed more than 30 people? Besides this one...asshole...try real hard.........

Thank you for proving my point. There were no mass shootings committed by people with hand guns over 30. What you are admitting to is that last nights shooting couldn't be committed by a single person with hand guns. Damn, I couldn't have said i any better myself.

Then, funny as all shit, you're post is practically begging me to prove your point for you. Double suck on your part.

He admitted no such thing. The fact that it hasn't occurred isn't proof that it couldn't occur. Before 9/11, passenger planes had never been used to destroy a building. According to your "logic," it should have been impossible.

After 9/11 we enacted laws and forced airlines to barricade cockpit doors. Not to mention the creation of the DHS. So, good job Jr, way to fail that shit.

In the meantime we do know the effectiveness of assault style weapons in the hands of terrorists...or anyone really. Why can't you morons just deal with the fact that they are effective? Hell, they are sold as though they are the weapon of choice of warriors. Can't have it both ways.
Go home, nat. You're drunk. Or liberal--or both.

In the face of your ilk's madness, one almost has to get drunk to put up with your hatred and moronic stubborn stances......but politically, yeah, sane people become "liberal"....

BTW who is MORE "liberal" when it comes to the easy sale of guns to murder lots of people?..
Spare me your indignance, zealot. You can't bring yourself to condemn this as an act of terrorism. All you can do is blame the gun for the attack, and use this as a platform for restricting other people's Second Amendment rights.
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