Rubio Is Getting My Attention


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Marco Rubio has announced he is running for President. Not only has he said he is running for President, he is putting all of his eggs in one basket and has said he is not running for re-election to the Senate! His Senate term expires in 2016.

I don't think he has much of a chance of winning the nomination, much less the election, but he is starting to earn my respect. I will get to that in a moment. But first, some realities on the ground must be addressed.

Rubio is too inexperienced. Don't be an idiot and go all tu quoque about Obama having been a one term Senator blah blah blah. I detest Obama. In fact, his bumbling, stumbling, idiotic Presidency confirms it is a gross error to elect inexperienced people to the highest office in the land.

Rubio made a real stupid comment about this when asked. He said being President would be a great opportunity to learn stuff on the job.

Holy moley. We don't need an OJT President! Especially one that follows another OJT President who can't even reach apprentice qualifications after six years.

Rubio's real shot is at the vice presidency, which would season him for the top job eight years later. However, if Jeb Bush grabs the nomination, he is not going to select a fellow Floridian as his running mate. The demographics simply won't work.

Therefore, I expect Rubio is going to try to hamstring Jeb in some way. He is not going to be able to stay clean if he wants a real shot at a job in the White House.

Okay. Now why am I starting to like Rubio?

Because he is putting plans on the table. You all have heard me time and time and time again bemoan the fact that the GOP is a pack of cowards who cover up their lack of leadership with smears and personal attacks and mountains of manufactured bullshit about the opposition. I have spent more time on this forum unpacking and debunking the Right's manufactured bullshit than I have defending the Right's plans. And that is because the Right has no plans, but does have an astronomical amount of manufactured bullshit.

Rubio is actually putting plans on the table, and regardless of whether or not I agree with his plans, he gets major respect points from me for that. He is going old school. Good for him.

As it turns out, those plans of Rubio's I have looked at, I actually find myself mostly in agreement with them.

Here are two of them:

My three part plan for the post-ObamaCare era Fox News

The first one is a white paper. God knows how many times I have asked the jackals on this forum for a white paper from their favorite candidate, and all I have ever gotten were blank stares. I don't think most people have ever even heard the term before I asked for one.

Well, Rubio has issued a white paper on taxes, and I really like it.

It will shock a lot of the right wing welfare queens. He calls for the elimination of almost all tax expenditures. And he explains that it will allow us to lower tax rates for everyone.

EXACTLY what I have been saying for literally years on this forum.

The perfect is the enemy of the good. Rubio's plan is very good. It is not perfect. Perfect would be the banning of all tax expenditures, which is what I advocate. But I would gladly accept Rubio's proposal.

Now don't be an idiot and not read the white paper before expressing an opinion on it.

Read it.

Read. It.

Don't be a tl/dnr tard.

Next, how many times have I posted, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?"

Eleventy zillion times.

Rubio offers an answer to "then what". He's the first and only candidate so far who has.

Read his three part plan. It's isn't a white paper, so it will be easy to digest.

All in all, I think Rubio is off to a great start. I look forward to reading more white papers from him. I like what I see so far.
Getting your attention doesn't sound very hard. Can get many women's attention by slowly turning a tiny piece of glass-like material so it reflects the light much like dangling keys over a baby gets their attention. Guess GOP attention is similarly easy to win.

"Obama bad! Me good!" all it seems to take for the GOP voters.
Getting your attention doesn't sound very hard. Can get many women's attention by slowly turning a tiny piece of glass-like material so it reflects the light much like dangling keys over a baby gets their attention. Guess GOP attention is similarly easy to win.

"Obama bad! Me good!" all it seems to take for the GOP voters.
I see you did not bother to read the white paper.

Why am I not surprised?
What gets me, g5, is that there is no doubt in mind that you voted for the scumbag TWICE and would probably vote for him again if you had the chance.
Awesome so he drops out before Super Tuesday and we don't have to worry about his whining about Cuba and pandering to Illegals any more! Good news.
From Rubio's tax reform white paper:
By simplifying the structure of the tax code, this proposal will also reduce the burden of confusing choices and excessive paperwork. Most itemized deductions will be removed, and those that remain will be accessible to all filers.

See, it isn't the lack of a flat tax that causes your tax returns to be bigger than a post card. If it all those tax expenditures you have to wade through. Exemptions, deductions, credits.

Those tax expenditures mask a gross inequality. Americans allow themselves to be bought off with a child tax credit (which is no different than an Obamaphone) while other players get much, much bigger advantages given to them.

Rubio is new enough to national politics that he isn't afraid to expose the rigging which has legislatively tilted the playing field.

The Internal Revenue Code includes an abundance of carve-out tax provisions that create advantages for special interests and distort the free market. Many of these tax provisions help certain industries to the disadvantage of others. Some of these tax provisions are included in permanent law, and others are temporary tax provisions that are regularly renewed. Despite remaining in the code for long periods of time, the temporarily renewed provisions are known as “tax extenders,” because Congress regularly reauthorizes these measures. Legislation maintaining “tax extenders” typically includes narrow, distortive tax provisions along with some tax provisions that are important to economic growth and do not create a market distortion.
What gets me, g5, is that there is no doubt in mind that you voted for the scumbag TWICE and would probably vote for him again if you had the chance.
This is why I consider you a retard.

I did not vote for Obama.

Here is something you tards need to get through your thick skulls. There was no way I was going to vote for Obama. I am a lifelong Republican.

So my choices come Election Day are 1) Vote Republican. 2) Don't vote.

Since the GOP has been hijacked by liars, hypocrites, retards, and psychopaths like yourself, I had no choice but to exercise option 2.

You see, Obama didn't win because I voted for him. He won because I didn't vote.


You won't ever find a post where I supported Obama. You WILL find a lot of posts by me where I debunked the mountains of manufactured bullshit you tards parrot about him or anyone else.

HUGE difference.

You will also find that every one of my economic positions are conservative positions. Even on the subject of gay marriage, my primary position is that gay marriage would be a moot issue if government was not so deeply embedded in marriage in America. And the reason government is so deeply embedded in marriage is because heteros on the Left and the Right demand it.
Rubio isn't the perfect candidate, no one is, but he would do a much better job than obama and Hillary.
Marco Rubio has announced he is running for President. Not only has he said he is running for President, he is putting all of his eggs in one basket and has said he is not running for re-election to the Senate! His Senate term expires in 2016.

I don't think he has much of a chance of winning the nomination, much less the election, but he is starting to earn my respect. I will get to that in a moment. But first, some realities on the ground must be addressed.

Rubio is too inexperienced. Don't be an idiot and go all tu quoque about Obama having been a one term Senator blah blah blah. I detest Obama. In fact, his bumbling, stumbling, idiotic Presidency confirms it is a gross error to elect inexperienced people to the highest office in the land.

Rubio made a real stupid comment about this when asked. He said being President would be a great opportunity to learn stuff on the job.

Holy moley. We don't need an OJT President! Especially one that follows another OJT President who can't even reach apprentice qualifications after six years.

Rubio's real shot is at the vice presidency, which would season him for the top job eight years later. However, if Jeb Bush grabs the nomination, he is not going to select a fellow Floridian as his running mate. The demographics simply won't work.

Therefore, I expect Rubio is going to try to hamstring Jeb in some way. He is not going to be able to stay clean if he wants a real shot at a job in the White House.

Okay. Now why am I starting to like Rubio?

Because he is putting plans on the table. You all have heard me time and time and time again bemoan the fact that the GOP is a pack of cowards who cover up their lack of leadership with smears and personal attacks and mountains of manufactured bullshit about the opposition. I have spent more time on this forum unpacking and debunking the Right's manufactured bullshit than I have defending the Right's plans. And that is because the Right has no plans, but does have an astronomical amount of manufactured bullshit.

Rubio is actually putting plans on the table, and regardless of whether or not I agree with his plans, he gets major respect points from me for that. He is going old school. Good for him.

As it turns out, those plans of Rubio's I have looked at, I actually find myself mostly in agreement with them.

Here are two of them:

My three part plan for the post-ObamaCare era Fox News

The first one is a white paper. God knows how many times I have asked the jackals on this forum for a white paper from their favorite candidate, and all I have ever gotten were blank stares. I don't think most people have ever even heard the term before I asked for one.

Well, Rubio has issued a white paper on taxes, and I really like it.

It will shock a lot of the right wing welfare queens. He calls for the elimination of almost all tax expenditures. And he explains that it will allow us to lower tax rates for everyone.

EXACTLY what I have been saying for literally years on this forum.

The perfect is the enemy of the good. Rubio's plan is very good. It is not perfect. Perfect would be the banning of all tax expenditures, which is what I advocate. But I would gladly accept Rubio's proposal.

Now don't be an idiot and not read the white paper before expressing an opinion on it.

Read it.

Read. It.

Don't be a tl/dnr tard.

Next, how many times have I posted, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?"

Eleventy zillion times.

Rubio offers an answer to "then what". He's the first and only candidate so far who has.

Read his three part plan. It's isn't a white paper, so it will be easy to digest.

All in all, I think Rubio is off to a great start. I look forward to reading more white papers from him. I like what I see so far.

The Constitution doesn't allow 2 from the same state to be Pres and VP.
Why not vote Constitution Party or Libertarian Party G5?
I consider myself conservative first, but with a wide libertarian streak. Small l.

I do not consider myself Libertarian (capital L) because I have common sense, logic, and a deep understanding of human nature. The Libertarians go overboard with their dreams of small government. Ayn Rand's philosophy is deeply flawed.

The Constitution Party is too theocratic. I read the bible every day, and founded and directed two faith-based charities. However, I firmly believe in the separation of church and state, just as our Founders did. Not because I think we need to keep the religion out of government, but because what actually happens is that you end up with too much government in the church. When you invite the devil into your home, the devil takes over. This is exactly why my first non-profit was not registered with the government. Our donors could not claim tax deductions for their donations, and we still flourished.

Alexis de Tocqueville gave the best argument against mixing church and state in Democracy in America, and I quote him often.
Why not vote Constitution Party or Libertarian Party G5?

Why even bother voting if you're gong to vote for someone who has NO chance of winning?

The complete and utter SCUMBAG Ross Perot is responsible for the sorry mess our politics is today.

And the COMPLETE SCUMBAGS that voted for him.

scum of the earth dimocraps at least stand up and are counted. disgusting filth liberturdians talk shit, throw away their votes and then pretend like they matter.


It's easy to cast a meaningless vote when you know that no matter what happens, you can claim to not have been a part of anything bad that happens.

It's cowardly. It's craven cowardice of the highest order.

If you're going to take part in the process, choose a side.

If you choose not to take part, that's up to you and I can respect that, but don't come in here talking out of your fucking asses like what you think matters if all you want to do is throw rocks from the sidelines.

it doesn't. At all. Any more than a cowardly traitor's opinion matters.

Take a stance. At least scum of the earth dimocraps take a stand. They take responsibility.

All scumbag liberturdians do is fucking hide like the cowards they are and take shots at whoever it is with the balls to lead.

I hate liberturdians. All of you can go straight to Hell
Please read Rubio's tax reform white paper. He is on the right track.
Something I have always admired about Libertarians is that they are some of the most principled people you will ever meet.

I disagree with much of the LP platform, but I have always respected their integrity.
Getting your attention doesn't sound very hard. Can get many women's attention by slowly turning a tiny piece of glass-like material so it reflects the light much like dangling keys over a baby gets their attention. Guess GOP attention is similarly easy to win.

"Obama bad! Me good!" all it seems to take for the GOP voters.
I see you did not bother to read the white paper.

Why am I not surprised?
Rubio obviously isn't really running for President. He probably thinks he has a shot at being Vice President though.
Why not vote Constitution Party or Libertarian Party G5?

Why even bother voting if you're gong to vote for someone who has NO chance of winning?

It's called having principles. Try to acquire some.


Men with principles stand for something.

You and your liberturdian pals want to throw away your votes and then pretend that takes 'principles'

Fuck you. You're no better than the COWARD who chooses not to fight the invading horde of murderers and rapists based on his principles.

Bottom line -- You're a coward. A gutless fucking coward.

Cowards have no principles except for one -- Cowardice

A coward with principles ...... Aren't all cowards 'principled'?
Why not vote Constitution Party or Libertarian Party G5?

Why even bother voting if you're gong to vote for someone who has NO chance of winning?

The complete and utter SCUMBAG Ross Perot is responsible for the sorry mess our politics is today.

And the COMPLETE SCUMBAGS that voted for him.

scum of the earth dimocraps at least stand up and are counted. disgusting filth liberturdians talk shit, throw away their votes and then pretend like they matter.


It's easy to cast a meaningless vote when you know that no matter what happens, you can claim to not have been a part of anything bad that happens.

It's cowardly. It's craven cowardice of the highest order.

If you're going to take part in the process, choose a side.

If you choose not to take part, that's up to you and I can respect that, but don't come in here talking out of your fucking asses like what you think matters if all you want to do is throw rocks from the sidelines.

it doesn't. At all. Any more than a cowardly traitor's opinion matters.

Take a stance. At least scum of the earth dimocraps take a stand. They take responsibility.

All scumbag liberturdians do is fucking hide like the cowards they are and take shots at whoever it is with the balls to lead.

I hate liberturdians. All of you can go straight to Hell
Because I don't vote for who can win but who represents my views. :) You are a very angry person.

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