Russia issues list of demands it says must be met to lower tensions in Europe

Actually, the Russians think different. For example, they consider Serbians as a "sister-nation" and the US aggression against Serbia was one of the main reasons to choose Putin as a leader. Also, western support of anti-Russian terrorists in Chechnya, Georgian aggression against Russian peacekeepers and Russian civilians, NATO support of Nazies in Baltic States and Ukraine... Yes, it does really revive all Russian fears about nice Western custom of invasions in Russia. Hitler, Napoleon, Charles XII of Sweden, False Dmitry, Northern Crusades and many, many others. Many of them really believe that Western intention is to kill them all (and they have pretty good reasons to think so), therefore nuclear war is much better option than Pax Americana.

So, Russians think differently. They think they're self important and they, like the US, think they have the right to fuck up everyone else.

They criticize the US for doing what they also do.
Actually, the Russians think different. For example, they consider Serbians as a "sister-nation" and the US aggression against Serbia was one of the main reasons to choose Putin as a leader. Also, western support of anti-Russian terrorists in Chechnya, Georgian aggression against Russian peacekeepers and Russian civilians, NATO support of Nazies in Baltic States and Ukraine... Yes, it does really revive all Russian fears about nice Western custom of invasions in Russia. Hitler, Napoleon, Charles XII of Sweden, False Dmitry, Northern Crusades and many, many others. Many of them really believe that Western intention is to kill them all (and they have pretty good reasons to think so), therefore nuclear war is much better option than Pax Americana.
Nuclear war. Are you normally that stupid or born like it.
So, Russians think differently. They think they're self important and they, like the US, think they have the right to fuck up everyone else.

They criticize the US for doing what they also do.
get back to reality, US troops are at Russian borders, when Russian troops will be placed in Canada then we can talk of what you are trying to say.

your post reflects general inadequacy of the US and the West
on 08.08.2008 Georgian troops under US direct encouragement invaded South Ossetia, killing Russian peacekeepers.

in 2014 the US ogranized a coup turning a friendly neighbour Ukraine into a Nazi Russophobic state

but actually whatever a reason, it's enough that we concider such a small nuance as US military presence at our borders dangerous. :)

this ultimatum is an invitation to go to strictly reciptocal situation.

I think it is meant to be rejected by the US, since it doesn't recognize others' rights

so, I am quite curious now what Putin is going to do, but I expect it to be quite unpleasant for the US, like Poseidon nuclear drones 50 miles away fron New York..

which will whipe America out of existence for 300 miles into the continent with nuclear tsunami, if nesessary. with following radioactive fall out which will make another 1000 miles uninhabitable for next 100 000 years :)

South Ossetia that Russia had encouraged to leave Georgia? Provided peace keepers to stop Georgia taking it back?
get back to reality, US troops are at Russian borders, when Russian troops will be placed in Canada then we can talk of what you are trying to say.

your post reflects general inadequacy of the US and the West

If Canada chose to have Russian troops there, what could the US do? Yeah, they might also act like complete and utter arseholes.

Your argument seems to be that Russia aren't arseholes because the US is doing the same nonsense. Er....

If you think my post "reflects general inadequacy of the US and the West" then you have no idea what I'm saying. Maybe you should try reading what I'm saying instead of deciding you already know what it says.
So, Russians think differently. They think they're self important and they, like the US, think they have the right to fuck up everyone else.
They criticize the US for doing what they also do.
Do they have 700 military bases around US?
If Canada chose to have Russian troops there, what could the US do? Yeah, they might also act like complete and utter arseholes.

Your argument seems to be that Russia aren't arseholes because the US is doing the same nonsense. Er....

If you think my post "reflects general inadequacy of the US and the West" then you have no idea what I'm saying. Maybe you should try reading what I'm saying instead of deciding you already know what it says.
What did the USA in 1962, when revealed Russian missiles in Cuba? It was choice of Cubans, but the war against Cuba and, may be, against the USSR was much better option than allow the Soviets to keep these missiles and attack the USA in the March of 1963.
South Ossetia that Russia had encouraged to leave Georgia? Provided peace keepers to stop Georgia taking it back?
Actually, mostly Ossetians and Abkhazians were encouraged by the Georgian policy "Georgia for the [ethnic] Georgians". Nobody wants to be killed or expelled.
Nuclear war. Are you normally that stupid or born like it.
It's not 'me'. It is what the Russians actually believe. The main motto of their Victory Day - "We can repeat". They actully believe that it is much better to loose millions in a war, that accept a 'peace', which will mean a genocide of Russians.
If Canada chose to have Russian troops there, what could the US do? Yeah, they might also act like complete and utter arseholes.

Your argument seems to be that Russia aren't arseholes because the US is doing the same nonsense. Er....

If you think my post "reflects general inadequacy of the US and the West" then you have no idea what I'm saying. Maybe you should try reading what I'm saying instead of deciding you already know what it says.
lol, ever heard of Cuban missile crisis?
Cuba chose to have soviet missiles, what happened next?
I forgot, what country are you from?
From something which always gives up on 2nd day of war.
Don't teach Russians how to deal with security..
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South Ossetia left Georgia during collapse of USSR, in 1991.
So, they have not less rights than Ukraine to be independent.
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It's not 'me'. It is what the Russians actually believe. The main motto of their Victory Day - "We can repeat". They actully believe that it is much better to loose millions in a war, that accept a 'peace', which will mean a genocide of Russians.
Are you sure you know what you are talking about? Few of the peoples of the Earth like the russians do not want war. Wars were too hard on russians through the history. This does not mean, of course, that they will not fight, especially if they know that their cause is just.
Nuclear war. Are you normally that stupid or born like it.
Talking about the place of nuclear weapon in the modern Russian culture (especially teenager's one) - it is as popular as supermen in tights in American one.

For example: "Nuclear tankmen" by Vladislav Morozov. Looks like as an answer of Tom Clancy's "Red Storm Rising" about limited war in Europe in 1982. But, there are brave, clever, well-trained Russians, Poles, Eastern Germans against stupid, coward and bad-trained Americans, Britons, and Western Europeans. And, the main difference, there is a limited usage of nuclear weapon by both sides. The Russians, predictable, won in six days.
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Are you sure you know what you are talking about? Few of the peoples of the Earth like the russians do not want war. Wars were too hard on russians through the history. This does not mean, of course, that they will not fight, especially if they know that their cause is just.
I don't want to say that the Russians _want_ the war.

I just want to say, that the Russians will fight if they believe that it is really necessary and that forty million of killed is an _acceptable_ price for the victory, because alternative is much worse.
Based on the fact that not a single word about Ryabkov's ultimatum was said on any US TV channel, we can conclude that it was accepted
Based on the fact that not a single word about Ryabkov's ultimatum was said on any US TV channel, we can conclude that it was accepted
lol, it was ignored :)
Putin's goal includes scaring shit out of common Americans, this means bringing the level of the conflict as much up as possible so that US media cannot silence it any more.

I think we are heading for direct US-Russia military encounter.
Probably we will sink their ship which violates our border or something.

Anyway, Putin aims escalation, but to make it direct with the US, not Ukraine, so that the US itself would bear the burden.
I think we are heading for direct US-Russia military encounter.
Probably we will sink their ship which violates our border or something.
Don't worry. West got the massage and that it was serious. The puppeteers behind the backs of western politicians do not want to burn in the fire of a nuclear war. Although their insane policy provokes conflict.

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