Sarah Palin even getting in on the action, goes HAM

After having the current buffoon and whore first lady it would actually be less of a novelty.

And Hillary the Hag couldn't beat them

Speaks volumes.

Sad really.

Too bad you shafted Bernie.
Even sorry ass Hillary beat them. She won the popular vote not Drumpf and the illegal immigrant whore.
There is no legal meaning for "the popular vote" in presidential elections.

Schooled again.

He went to public school and needs help keeping up.
He certainly need to learned to be respectful of our beautiful First Lady. Michael Obama was afforded respect.

Why did Slick Willie cheat on the First Lady?

After having the current buffoon and whore first lady it would actually be less of a novelty.

And Hillary the Hag couldn't beat them

Speaks volumes.

Sad really.

Too bad you shafted Bernie.
Even sorry ass Hillary beat them. She won the popular vote not Drumpf and the illegal immigrant whore.
There is no legal meaning for "the popular vote" in presidential elections.

Schooled again.

He went to public school and needs help keeping up.
He certainly need to learned to be respectful of our beautiful First Lady. Michael Obama was afforded respect.
The present FLOTUS is nothing to respect. What specifically has she done that deserves respect? Shes no better than a street skank dressed up in expensive clothes.
And Hillary the Hag couldn't beat them

Speaks volumes.

Sad really.

Too bad you shafted Bernie.
Even sorry ass Hillary beat them. She won the popular vote not Drumpf and the illegal immigrant whore.
There is no legal meaning for "the popular vote" in presidential elections.

Schooled again.

He went to public school and needs help keeping up.
He certainly need to learned to be respectful of our beautiful First Lady. Michael Obama was afforded respect.
The present FLOTUS is nothing to respect. What specifically has she done that deserves respect? Shes no better than a street skank dressed up in expensive clothes.

Dressed in expensive clothes and looking good. Unlike the previous one.
And Hillary the Hag couldn't beat them

Speaks volumes.

Sad really.

Too bad you shafted Bernie.
Even sorry ass Hillary beat them. She won the popular vote not Drumpf and the illegal immigrant whore.
There is no legal meaning for "the popular vote" in presidential elections.

Schooled again.

He went to public school and needs help keeping up.
He certainly need to learned to be respectful of our beautiful First Lady. Michael Obama was afforded respect.
The present FLOTUS is nothing to respect. What specifically has she done that deserves respect? Shes no better than a street skank dressed up in expensive clothes.
Even sorry ass Hillary beat them. She won the popular vote not Drumpf and the illegal immigrant whore.
There is no legal meaning for "the popular vote" in presidential elections.

Schooled again.

He went to public school and needs help keeping up.
He certainly need to learned to be respectful of our beautiful First Lady. Michael Obama was afforded respect.
The present FLOTUS is nothing to respect. What specifically has she done that deserves respect? Shes no better than a street skank dressed up in expensive clothes.
View attachment 221435
Now that FLOTUS is beautiful, educated, and has actually accomplished something deserving of respect. Michelle is like the complete opposite of the skank currently in the WH.

Makes sense though. Drumpf has a thing for prostitutes and skanks of various callings.

This thread is a perfect example of left wing bigots and their delusions...

It appears that their pink pussy hats are on to tight and that the single collective brain cell they share is dying..

Calling the FLOTUS a whore and other names while touting a liar like Ford is so pristine and flawless even after she was screwing any guy she could while getting black out drunk... Ford is a whore... Melania has class and money due to her smarts...

I guess that the left is just to damn busy making up lies to notice America is leaving them to their self-destructive behavior...
This thread is a perfect example of left wing bigots and their delusions...

It appears that their pink pussy hats are on to tight and that the single collective brain cell they share is dying..

Calling the FLOTUS a whore and other names while touting a liar like Ford is so pristine and flawless even after she was screwing any guy she could while getting black out drunk... Ford is a whore... Melania has class and money due to her smarts...

I guess that the left is just to damn busy making up lies to notice America is leaving them to their self-destructive behavior...
"Melania has class and money due to her smarts.".


Smarts? Did she even graduate HS? That skank has zero class and she has money because she was a whore that boned the buffoon currently in office because he had money. We know because no classy 28 year old is going be sexually attracted to a 52 year old dude. She is no better than a prostitute.
Can you imagine we almost had a white trash Vice President?

And ALL of these USMB palookas were fans of hers.

All of them.

After having the current buffoon and whore first lady it would actually be less of a novelty.

Ass-Lips angrier than normal today.
I'm not angry about the Drumpf being a buffoon or the the Flotus a whore. I just think its embarrassing.
Hey black supremacist...…..go fuck yourself......Trump is more of a man than you will ever be and so am I.
And calling his wife a whore....yep, you just love fucking hypocrite.
Drumpfs more like an orangutan than a man. Give me a break. If youre a man you dont have rape women like Drumpf. His wife is a whore and a skank. I love women not whores and skanks.
First you're beyond full of shit. Beyoncé has had to get on her knees to people like Weinstein, and you love her...she is a whore.
And you're racist against orange people.....and white folks and black folks and everyone who disagrees with're a moron
This thread is a perfect example of left wing bigots and their delusions...

It appears that their pink pussy hats are on to tight and that the single collective brain cell they share is dying..

Calling the FLOTUS a whore and other names while touting a liar like Ford is so pristine and flawless even after she was screwing any guy she could while getting black out drunk... Ford is a whore... Melania has class and money due to her smarts...

I guess that the left is just to damn busy making up lies to notice America is leaving them to their self-destructive behavior...
"Melania has class and money due to her smarts.".


Smarts? Did she even graduate HS? That skank has zero class and she has money because she was a whore that boned the buffoon currently in office because he had money. We know because no classy 28 year old is going be sexually attracted to a 52 year old dude. She is no better than a prostitute.
"Yeah she did and she knows more languages than you ever will....and yeah that's a major sign of can't even speak English let alone any others.
After having the current buffoon and whore first lady it would actually be less of a novelty.

And Hillary the Hag couldn't beat them

Speaks volumes.

Sad really.

Too bad you shafted Bernie.
Even sorry ass Hillary beat them. She won the popular vote not Drumpf and the illegal immigrant whore.
Na, not really
She did not win the popular vote, more people voted for the conservative/libertarian side...
Candidate Party Popular Votes
Donald J. Trump Republican 62,980,160
Hillary R. Clinton Democratic 65,845,063
Gary Johnson Libertarian 4,488,931
Jill Stein Green 1,457,050
Lice must be messing with your vision. 65m is more than 62m everyday of the week and twice today.
The conservative/libertarian side got more votes, Where is held account. Or is it beyond you.... boy
Good point, the right got more than the left.......Trump would have won the popular vote without stein or it's like he won it......go Electoral College!
Hey @LisaMurkowski - I can see 2022 from my house... 12:06 PM - 5 Oct 2018


She should be concentrating on being a good mom. Her son was recently arrested for beating his wife almost to death.

I'm confused. Provide me the FACT her son was arrested for beating his wife. Where is your proof?
Google is your friend. Just look up "palins son arrested for beating his wife."
NO here is what comes up!

Once there, investigators said they found that Track Palin had assaulted an unnamed “female acquaintance.” When the woman tried to call police, Palin allegedly took her phone away to keep her from doing so.

Palin physically resisted troopers while being placed under arrest, according to the Alaska DPS.
Sarah Palin’s son arrested on domestic violence charges for the third time in three years

Track Palin, son of Sarah Palin, arrested on domestic violence charges against dad
Track Palin arrested on domestic violence charges

Born: April 20, 1989 (age 29 years), Wasilla, AK

Spouse: Britta Hanson (m. 2011–2012)
Education: Wasilla High School
Parents: Sarah Palin, Todd Palin
Siblings: Bristol Palin, Willow Palin, Piper Palin
Grandparents: Sarah Heath, Charles R. Heath, Blanche Palin, James Palin

OK? SO You are wrong!
It wasn't his wife because Dummy... do a little more then JUST reading headlines! That's the problem with dummies like you don't read or listen except to headlines/30 sec soundbites!
Always read a little more because the biased MSM will get your attention with half truths BIASED presentation.
As they did in this case: Dummy Track is NOT married. Divorced.
Girlfriend/wife....same difference
you must not have a girlfriend.........they make that difference ABUNDANTLY clear
Hey @LisaMurkowski - I can see 2022 from my house... 12:06 PM - 5 Oct 2018


She should be concentrating on being a good mom. Her son was recently arrested for beating his wife almost to death.

PTSD issues. He served. This shit has nothing to do with a Gold Star mother.
You dont get PTSD from serving. You can get PTSD from being continually exposed to stressful and violent situations. Palin didnt serve in a combat role. He was chauffeur for top brass. No doubt mommy had something to do with that.

Vets Are Furious Sarah Palin Blamed Her Son's Domestic Violence On PTSD
I think I have PTSD from watching CNN
And Hillary the Hag couldn't beat them

Speaks volumes.

Sad really.

Too bad you shafted Bernie.
Even sorry ass Hillary beat them. She won the popular vote not Drumpf and the illegal immigrant whore.
There is no legal meaning for "the popular vote" in presidential elections.

Schooled again.

He went to public school and needs help keeping up.
He certainly need to learned to be respectful of our beautiful First Lady. Michael Obama was afforded respect.
The present FLOTUS is nothing to respect. What specifically has she done that deserves respect? Shes no better than a street skank dressed up in expensive clothes.
Well she shows class.....which you don't even understand......grace and elegance are things you don't like in prefer the butch man hating types that will suck anyone off for a hit of the crack pipe.
This thread is a perfect example of left wing bigots and their delusions...

It appears that their pink pussy hats are on to tight and that the single collective brain cell they share is dying..

Calling the FLOTUS a whore and other names while touting a liar like Ford is so pristine and flawless even after she was screwing any guy she could while getting black out drunk... Ford is a whore... Melania has class and money due to her smarts...

I guess that the left is just to damn busy making up lies to notice America is leaving them to their self-destructive behavior...
"Melania has class and money due to her smarts.".


Smarts? Did she even graduate HS? That skank has zero class and she has money because she was a whore that boned the buffoon currently in office because he had money. We know because no classy 28 year old is going be sexually attracted to a 52 year old dude. She is no better than a prostitute.

That WOMAN has two master degrees and is fluent in 5 languages. Her companies are worth over 100 million dollars in assets...

And you have accomplished what... being an ignorant sap blowing yourself on a message board.... IN that you have excelled...
This thread is a perfect example of left wing bigots and their delusions...

It appears that their pink pussy hats are on to tight and that the single collective brain cell they share is dying..

Calling the FLOTUS a whore and other names while touting a liar like Ford is so pristine and flawless even after she was screwing any guy she could while getting black out drunk... Ford is a whore... Melania has class and money due to her smarts...

I guess that the left is just to damn busy making up lies to notice America is leaving them to their self-destructive behavior...
"Melania has class and money due to her smarts.".


Smarts? Did she even graduate HS? That skank has zero class and she has money because she was a whore that boned the buffoon currently in office because he had money. We know because no classy 28 year old is going be sexually attracted to a 52 year old dude. She is no better than a prostitute.

That WOMAN has two master degrees and is fluent in 5 languages. Her companies are worth over 100 million dollars in assets...

And you have accomplished what... being an ignorant sap blowing yourself on a message board.... IN that you have excelled...
Thats skank doesnt have any degree at all!. What have you been smoking? You fucking fool!

Melania Trump's official bio no longer includes any mention of degree

The skank FLOTUS is the least educated woman in the modern era to hold that title. You didnt really think a skank would have 2 masters degrees did you? Why did you fall for that? :laugh:
This thread is a perfect example of left wing bigots and their delusions...

It appears that their pink pussy hats are on to tight and that the single collective brain cell they share is dying..

Calling the FLOTUS a whore and other names while touting a liar like Ford is so pristine and flawless even after she was screwing any guy she could while getting black out drunk... Ford is a whore... Melania has class and money due to her smarts...

I guess that the left is just to damn busy making up lies to notice America is leaving them to their self-destructive behavior...
"Melania has class and money due to her smarts.".


Smarts? Did she even graduate HS? That skank has zero class and she has money because she was a whore that boned the buffoon currently in office because he had money. We know because no classy 28 year old is going be sexually attracted to a 52 year old dude. She is no better than a prostitute.

That WOMAN has two master degrees and is fluent in 5 languages. Her companies are worth over 100 million dollars in assets...

And you have accomplished what... being an ignorant sap blowing yourself on a message board.... IN that you have excelled...
Thats skank doesnt have any degree at all!. What have you been smoking? You fucking fool!

Melania Trump's official bio no longer includes any mention of degree

The skank FLOTUS is the least educated woman in the modern era to hold that title. You didnt really think a skank would have 2 masters degrees did you? Why did you fall for that? :laugh:
Left wing bigot Revisionist History.. Some of us are much smarter than you...
This thread is a perfect example of left wing bigots and their delusions...

It appears that their pink pussy hats are on to tight and that the single collective brain cell they share is dying..

Calling the FLOTUS a whore and other names while touting a liar like Ford is so pristine and flawless even after she was screwing any guy she could while getting black out drunk... Ford is a whore... Melania has class and money due to her smarts...

I guess that the left is just to damn busy making up lies to notice America is leaving them to their self-destructive behavior...
"Melania has class and money due to her smarts.".


Smarts? Did she even graduate HS? That skank has zero class and she has money because she was a whore that boned the buffoon currently in office because he had money. We know because no classy 28 year old is going be sexually attracted to a 52 year old dude. She is no better than a prostitute.

That WOMAN has two master degrees and is fluent in 5 languages. Her companies are worth over 100 million dollars in assets...

And you have accomplished what... being an ignorant sap blowing yourself on a message board.... IN that you have excelled...
Thats skank doesnt have any degree at all!. What have you been smoking? You fucking fool!

Melania Trump's official bio no longer includes any mention of degree

The skank FLOTUS is the least educated woman in the modern era to hold that title. You didnt really think a skank would have 2 masters degrees did you? Why did you fall for that? :laugh:
Left wing bigot Revisionist History.. Some of us are much smarter than you...
Show us her two masters degrees. Please. Wont Infowars have the real deal?

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