Schumer's pipe dream, a trial know.....evidence.

BTW, Nadler giving himself UNLIMITED and UNRESTRICTED TIME to make statements after EVERY SINGLE GOP Rep talks is a Violation of House Rules, and he is in there calling Republican House Members Russian Assets, which is another violation of The Rules.

He'll go down in history as one of the most hated politicians ever, and I can see him being ousted in a couple years.

He's despicable.

The One Statement that everyone should pay attention to is That Nadler stated "That The EVIDENCE is IRREFUTABLE & OVERWHELMING." Therefore Not a Single Witness by The Democrats need to ever be called. Hearsay, 2nd hand information and secret hearings, and secret transcripts, secret witnesses who refuse to testify apparently is "IRREFUTABLE & OVERWHELMING"

And then next up is The Equally Disgusting And Cowardly Adolph Schiffler who refused to answer questions in his own Crooked Hearing.

America sees this, and they will rebel against this in November 2016. Everyone around me, people who did not even vote for Trump are Embarrassed, and Pissed at their Representatives. Mine is a Democrat and Everyone wants him out of office now, as an example and yes, it's over his stance on this sham.
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Your hollow claims that Biden is dirty are unproven.

And even if he was, that doesn't give a private attorney the legal authority to subvert the law to solicit a foreign leader to investigate his client's political rivals.
they accusations of wrongdoing

thats how all criminal prosecutions begin
The accusations need to be credible. You don’t get to make up accusations as a false pretense.

Like you on the left did with Carter Page? Is that what you mean, Colfax? (eye roll)
Yes, exactly! People are likely going to jail because of what happened to Carter Page. There’s accountability. Where’s the accountability for Trump?
If you dont agree with trump you can vote against him in 2020
But surely you don't think he should be allowed to corrupt the election as he tried to do by extorting Zelensky.
None of that applies to trump
Of course it does.

He asked a foreign national to investigate a political rival who's also campaigning for the office of president. An investigation is something of value that benefits his campaign.
You have summed up the democrst complaint

but I and most other people do not accept that claim
How is a president soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival not violating that law?
You only see biden as a political candidate rather than a former VP who abused his office
He didn't abuse his office. If you think he did, prove it.
We’re working on it
they accusations of wrongdoing

thats how all criminal prosecutions begin
The accusations need to be credible. You don’t get to make up accusations as a false pretense.

Like you on the left did with Carter Page? Is that what you mean, Colfax? (eye roll)
Yes, exactly! People are likely going to jail because of what happened to Carter Page. There’s accountability. Where’s the accountability for Trump?
If you dont agree with trump you can vote against him in 2020
But surely you don't think he should be allowed to corrupt the election as he tried to do by extorting Zelensky.
I dont think trump did that
Yes they did, and YOU know it, just read the online transcripts and you can see EVERY lying Republiscum had the exact same time to question each witness as the Dems.

Like I said when the worthless lying scum Right tell such obvious lies they expose the fact that they themselves KNOW they are WRONG!
Dems interviewing gov officials in a closet is not exactly a fair process.
Hillary lost, get over it or move to your NewSSR.

Were Republicans in that closet as well?

That's a lie, there was a republican present at every interview. Trump Humpers lie like a rug.
Wrong. They were shut out. Democrats think they own the gov.

That's a lie.
For what purpose other than to benefit his client?
To serve justice

Biden is dirty and all for the sake of providing for his deadbeat son
Your hollow claims that Biden is dirty are unproven.

And even if he was, that doesn't give a private attorney the legal authority to subvert the law to solicit a foreign leader to investigate his client's political rivals.
they accusations of wrongdoing

thats how all criminal prosecutions begin
A president cannot violate one law to enforce another.
Its a judgement call and most Americans dont see it the way you do
Most Americans think he should be impeached.
Your hollow claims that Biden is dirty are unproven.

And even if he was, that doesn't give a private attorney the legal authority to subvert the law to solicit a foreign leader to investigate his client's political rivals.
they accusations of wrongdoing

thats how all criminal prosecutions begin
The accusations need to be credible. You don’t get to make up accusations as a false pretense.

Like you on the left did with Carter Page? Is that what you mean, Colfax? (eye roll)
Yes, exactly! People are likely going to jail because of what happened to Carter Page. There’s accountability. Where’s the accountability for Trump?
If you dont agree with trump you can vote against him in 2020

Justice is not out up for a vote.
Why would any rational observer need to hear from witnesses whose written complaint is comprehensive, detailed, and has been fully corroborated by documents and individuals with first-hand knowledge?
You are either a moron or a f*ing liar - which is it?

1. The non-qualifying whistle blower admittedly has ZERO 1st hand knowledge of the debunked accusations in their complaint.

2. The prosecutorial divisions within the DOJ REJECTED the complaint because NO CRIME was proven to have been committed, & there were NO WITNESSESS.

In Schiff's coup circus hearings EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO TESTIFIED ADMITTED THEY PERSONALLY WITNESSED NOTHING ... and when asked directly to name the crime the President committed THEY COULD NOT DO IT.

In the end, they proved themselves to be MORONS like YOU, just parroting and repeating debunked BS and hearsay they had heard.


1. He is a whistleblower according to federal law.


There was no coup as impeachment is a legal process. You are the MORON as Trump tells you exactly what to think.
He is only a Whistle Blower if he 1.) Files a truthful report, and 2.) is a first hand witness.

He is neither, and not only that, There is NO WHERE in any so called Whistleblower statute where you are protected from being called as a witness to testify to false statements you made on an official report.

The reason these two Schiffy Schitt Turds Refused to Testify is because Donald Trump shoved a hot poker up both of their asses when he released The Transcript exposing both of them and Schiff as Liars.
1. The non-qualifying whistle blower admittedly has ZERO 1st hand knowledge of the debunked accusations in their complaint.
Except all first hand testimony and the memorandum of the conversation released by Putin's Bitch completely verifies the whistleblower's accusations. If Trump is innocent, why won't he testify UNDER OATH in front of the gullible fools who put him in office?

There is no first hand testimony other then Vindman, who is an obvious stooge, and the transcript shows the whistleblower lied.
It was their job to prove their case. They refused to wait for court decisions on Subpoenas and refused to allow GOP witnesses testify, refused to allow witnesses cross examined, because they wanted Impeachment under The Christmas Tree for Christmas.
Grinch Trump was stonewalling all subpoena requests for individuals and documents in hopes of running out the clock before next November. Do you suppose that has anything to do with statute of limitations restrictions over his pending Russian collusion/obstruction charges?

Michael Cohen: "Individual 1 is Donald J. Trump"
Liberal Dictionary:
Stonewalling: Pursuing the legal means the Constitution makes available to you.
Liberal Dictionary:
Stonewalling: Pursuing the legal means the Constitution makes available to you.
Get back to me when you elect a POTUS who's read the Constitution.
All the times Trump said the constitution let's him do whatever he wants
It definitely allows him to pursue Congressional demands all the way to the Supreme Court.

Do you disagree?
It definitely allows him to pursue Congressional demands all the way to the Supreme Court.

Do you disagree?
There's no Constitutional provision for refusing ALL congressional requests for documents AND individuals relating to a impeachment proceeding.

House Judiciary Committee passes articles of impeachment against Trump - WQOW
There's no constitutional provision that say she can't.
Sounds like something the democrats should have done.

You mean like this?

MR. GOLDMAN: This is the deposition of Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney.

Mr. Mulvaney was subpoenaed to appear at 9:00 a.m.
It is 9:07 a.m. He is not here.

And then followed up in court to force testimony, but they did not do that. This is what happens when you try to unseat a president this close to an election. He can use the clock.

Why hold up the process for a year (and place it smack middle of election) when the bare fact of this Obstruction of Congressional Investigation is itself an impeachment Article and evidence of guilt??

To do this is to basically give a roadmap to future President crooks - avoid Congressional oversight by running out the clock.
Horseshit. "Obstruction of Congress" isn't even a crime. Pursuing legal constitutional processes is not a crime.

Impeding a congressional investigation is obstruction of justice. Impeachment does not require a statutory crime.
Appealing a congressional demand to the courts is obstruction of justice?

You're a class-A kookburger.
To serve justice

Biden is dirty and all for the sake of providing for his deadbeat son
Your hollow claims that Biden is dirty are unproven.

And even if he was, that doesn't give a private attorney the legal authority to subvert the law to solicit a foreign leader to investigate his client's political rivals.
they accusations of wrongdoing

thats how all criminal prosecutions begin
A president cannot violate one law to enforce another.
Its a judgement call and most Americans dont see it the way you do
Most Americans think he should be impeached.
I dont believe so

And neither do most members of congress
they accusations of wrongdoing

thats how all criminal prosecutions begin
The accusations need to be credible. You don’t get to make up accusations as a false pretense.

Like you on the left did with Carter Page? Is that what you mean, Colfax? (eye roll)
Yes, exactly! People are likely going to jail because of what happened to Carter Page. There’s accountability. Where’s the accountability for Trump?
If you dont agree with trump you can vote against him in 2020

Justice is not out up for a vote.
Unfortunately for you voting is the only option you have

The witnesses Schumer wanted were actually germane to the issue. The witnesses House Republicans wanted except for 2 were not germane to the issue. The germane witnesses did testify. They didn't help Trump at all.
Well, aren't you the one to judge what is pertinent and what isn't. :auiqs.jpg:
The whistleblower and Schiff were very germane to the case, no matter what your
Cracker Jack box law degree tells you.

I am a better judge than you as I did not vote for either Trump or Clinton.
The whistleblower was not needed and Schiff is not germane. You don't need a law degree to see that.
:rolleyes-41: Bless your heart, child.
The person who brought the issue up IS germane no matter who you voted for. Also, Schiff and his shenanigans
does become relevant no matter who you voted for.

The person who brought up the issue is no longer germane as other have confirmed his information. Schiff is not relevant.
It's hilarious to observe how terrified you TDS morons are of the whistleblower testifying.
No, he can't. That violates the law.

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
None of that applies to trump
Of course it does.

He asked a foreign national to investigate a political rival who's also campaigning for the office of president. An investigation is something of value that benefits his campaign.
You have summed up the democrst complaint

but I and most other people do not accept that claim
How is a president soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival not violating that law?
You only see biden as a political candidate rather than a former VP who abused his office
It doesn't matter. Under no circumstance can Trump break the law by soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival. Even if Trump suspected Biden committed a crime, he should have had his own Justice Department investigate Biden, not a foreign national. It involved a political rival. It's illegal and a threat to national security to delegate that job to a foreign nation.
Why doesn’t the Republican Senate apply the same rules to Trump as they did to Clinton?
None of that applies to trump
Of course it does.

He asked a foreign national to investigate a political rival who's also campaigning for the office of president. An investigation is something of value that benefits his campaign.
You have summed up the democrst complaint

but I and most other people do not accept that claim
How is a president soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival not violating that law?
You only see biden as a political candidate rather than a former VP who abused his office
He didn't abuse his office. If you think he did, prove it.
To this day, they can't.
The accusations need to be credible. You don’t get to make up accusations as a false pretense.

Like you on the left did with Carter Page? Is that what you mean, Colfax? (eye roll)
Yes, exactly! People are likely going to jail because of what happened to Carter Page. There’s accountability. Where’s the accountability for Trump?
If you dont agree with trump you can vote against him in 2020

Justice is not out up for a vote.
Unfortunately for you voting is the only option you have

But it’s not the only option available to the country.
Your hollow claims that Biden is dirty are unproven.

And even if he was, that doesn't give a private attorney the legal authority to subvert the law to solicit a foreign leader to investigate his client's political rivals.
they accusations of wrongdoing

thats how all criminal prosecutions begin
A president cannot violate one law to enforce another.
Its a judgement call and most Americans dont see it the way you do
Most Americans think he should be impeached.
I dont believe so

And neither do most members of congress
Polls show it. What makes you think otherwise?
None of that applies to trump
Of course it does.

He asked a foreign national to investigate a political rival who's also campaigning for the office of president. An investigation is something of value that benefits his campaign.
You have summed up the democrst complaint

but I and most other people do not accept that claim
How is a president soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival not violating that law?
You only see biden as a political candidate rather than a former VP who abused his office
It doesn't matter. Under no circumstance can Trump break solicit a foreign national to investigate a political rival. Even if Trump suspected Biden committed a crime, he should have had his own Justice Department investigate Biden, not a foreign national. It involved a political rival. It's illegal and a threat to national security to delegate that job to a foreign nation.
We've already told you, the DOJ is a next of deep state vipers. Trump gave the job to someone he could trust, not someone who was going to try to get him impeached or leak classified secrets to the press. That's not illegal.

You're also wrong in claiming that a foreign government to investigate American crooks in their country. The treaty we signed with Ukraine proves that theory is bogus from the starting gate.

You're inventing legal theories out of thin air.

Again, the term "solicit" implies a crime was committed. You're begging the question whenever you use it.

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