Should Abortion be legal? Is it wrong and unethical, Or justifiable under certain curcumstances?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
Abortion. The sound of ending a humans life before it even begins, sounds terrible, selfish, just wrong. But under certain circumstances, can it be a justifiable solution?

- What if a 12-15 year old gets pregnant? Their parents don't approve of being their child being sexually active at that age, and have discussed it multiple times with their 12-15 year old daughter.

- What if the 12-15 year old grew up and currently lives in a hostile environment, where abuse and drugs are common.

--Regardless of having both parents or 1, or living with a relative, who is financially responsible?

- What if the 12-15 year old only has 1 parent? What if both are their parents aren't there anymore due to death, jail, or totally bailed out and a relative had to take responsibility of raising the 12-15 year old? Is it fair to the relative for the child they took in, that cannot financially take care of herself, to bring another life into this world, and push an additional responsibility on to the relative?

-Regardless of having both parents or 1, or living with a relative, who is financially responsible?

-What if they 12-15 year old is forced by their parents to get an abortion?

-What if it ruins the 12-15 year olds education, because they had to drop out to take care of child?

-What if parents aren't supportive and leaves it up to them to take care of child?

-At that age could they find a way to financially take care of their child on their own?

-What if a woman was rapped? What if the woman was an adult? What if the woman was a child?

I have mixed thoughts when it comes to abortion. I think under certain circumstances abortion can be justifiable. Kids don't know any better, and to become a mother or even a father at a very young age is irresponsible and inconsiderate. They don't think ahead or how the consequences of their actions can not only effect themselves but their parents or guardians as well. Some don't even realize how hard it is to raise and support a family. To hold a full time job to be able to pay the bills, put food on the table, clothes on their backs, and a roof over their head.

Financially I don't think it is fair for the parents of the child who got pregnant. Today the cost of living in Allegheny County PA for a family with 2 adults and 1 child requires an annual income of $50,055 to cover the cost of living. With 1 adult and 1 child its $43,952, which is not much less. A single parent making minimum wage barely survives same as 2 parents making minimum wage. Minimum wage does even cover a single persons annual cost of living. What if a relative has to take on the responsibility of raising the young girl whose is pregnant? Is it fair to them? Their life already took on a major change by having to take care of their brother or sisters child. What if they were living the single life with no children, no plans on having children, then out of no where he has to take on the responsibility of raising a young teen, with no experience, and whether or not the responsibility is wanted or unwanted? What if their job situation can barely afford to take care of a child? Is it fair for that child to bring in to this world a child of their own? When they cant even take care of themselves and depends on a parent or guardian to ensures her needs are met.

What if the environment is hostile, with abuse and drugs common? What if they are already neglected by their parents and live in bad conditions? What if their parents are fit to even to take care of them, let alone take care of them and their baby?

Some circumstances I feel is justifiable. If someone isn't financially able to, mentally able to, responsible enough or even old enough to, then they shouldn't bring a child in to this world when they can provide that child a suitable life.

Now if an adult has irresponsible sex and gets pregnant that's different.

So I think it should only be legal under certain circumstances.

What are your thoughts?

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