Should Mueller be fired?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
I don't know what to think except that I believe Sessions was too quick to appoint a Speial Prosecutor. Sessions did not have private meetings with the Russians so why the Special Prosecutor? Now that he has been appointed, I think it would be open to much fallout if they pulled him now.
Just appoint another special prosecutor to track down incidents of voter fraud and request that he settle out of court when and where possible and DOJ misconduct in this regard.
I don't know what to think except that I believe Sessions was too quick to appoint a Speial Prosecutor. Sessions did not have private meetings with the Russians so why the Special Prosecutor? Now that he has been appointed, I think it would be open to much fallout if they pulled him now.
FYI, Sessions did not appoint the special prosecutor, he was recused from that decision and would be recused from firing him.

Rosenstein, the Deputy attrny general appointed him, and would be the person Trump needs to fire him. If Rosenstein refuses and resigns, then who knows who the next in power would be?

The whitehouse had Mueller on their short list for FBI director so complaining now about him seems foolish...he would have been vetted out if they felt he was untrustworthy.

The special prosecutor was appointed because Comey was fired, in the middle of heading up the Russian interference investigation and possible Trump team witting or unwitting coordination and any possible crimes.

When Trump told the Russians he met with in the oval office that the Russian investigation would no longer be a problem the day or day after he fired Comey and the president told Lester Holt in that Friday's interview that he fired Comey due to the way he was handling the Russian Investigation, Senators and Congressmen on the right wing and left wing came out and called for a special Counsel to head the FBI's investigation in to 'the matter'.

A knew FBI Director was going to take time and also would need consent of the Senate, so waiting for this to happen would have stalled the investigation and make it last even longer...the decision to get a Special Counsel in all concerned minds, happened then...Comey getting his contemporaneous notes in to the hands of Mueller, was simply a perk imo....
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I don't know what to think except that I believe Sessions was too quick to appoint a Speial Prosecutor. Sessions did not have private meetings with the Russians so why the Special Prosecutor? Now that he has been appointed, I think it would be open to much fallout if they pulled him now.
FYI, Sessions did not appoint the special prosecutor, he was recused from that decision and would be recused from firing him.

Rosenstein, the Deputy attrny general appointed him, and would be the person Trump needs to fire him. If Rosenstein refuses and resigns, then who knows who the next in power would be.

The whitehouse had Mueller on their short list for FBI director so complaining now about him seems foolish...he would have been vetted out if they felt he was untrustworthy.

The special prosecutor was appointed because Comey was fired, in the middle of heading up the Russian interference investigation and possible Trump team witting or unwitting coordination and any possible crimes.

When Trump told the Russians he met with in the oval office that the Russian investigation would no longer be a problem the day or day after he fired Comey and the president told Lester Holt in that Friday's interview that he fired Comey due to the way he was handling the Russian Investigation, Senators and Congressmen on the right wing and left wing came out and called for a special Counsel to head the FBI's investigation in to 'the matter'.

A knew FBI Director was going to take time and also would need consent of the Senate, so waiting for this to happen would have stalled the investigation and make it last even longer...the decision to get a Special Counsel in all concerned minds, happened then...Comey getting his contemporaneous notes in to the hands of Mueller, was simply a perk imo....
Rosenstein can be trusted I think, but I have been fooled before.
Unfortunately Rosenstein, like Schumer, Franken, etc., etc., has links to a foreign country. That particular country's citizens usually whine about Russia too.
I don't know what to think except that I believe Sessions was too quick to appoint a Speial Prosecutor. Sessions did not have private meetings with the Russians so why the Special Prosecutor? Now that he has been appointed, I think it would be open to much fallout if they pulled him now.

typical idiot RW'r ... has no clue who does what where or when ....
Of course Mueller should be fired!

He shouldn't have been put there in the first place!

My God Mr President what is wrong??? why do you keep on hiring enemies??

It's all too sad

just too sad
I don't know what to think except that I believe Sessions was too quick to appoint a Speial Prosecutor. Sessions did not have private meetings with the Russians so why the Special Prosecutor? Now that he has been appointed, I think it would be open to much fallout if they pulled him now.
Why is Trump thinking about this and floating trial balloons about it ???

If Trump fired Mueller the impeachment proceedings would begin immediately !!!
By a slight majority most of the responses to this thread have nothing to do with the OP. Mueller was hired to investigate something that does not exist: republican collusion with Russia to thwart the election of someone who took bribes from any and all people on the planet who could meet her or her husband's or daughter's price. What Russian with the power to greenlight such a stupid Russian policy would in fact do so? nobody. A search for unicorns would make more sense Mueller is simply a pacifier for the snowflakes and the antifa black shirt stormtroopers. Howdy-Doody or the cookie-monster would be as successful as Clarence Darrow in this job.
The whole thing is so "Nixon-esque".

Soon we will hear one of the Trumpians say, "....there is a cancer on the presidency..." terms of firing those who don't toe the administration's's less "Nixon-esque."

It's pure-red Obama.

You've forgotten he did exactly what Trump should do:

1. Then there was the case of Sacramento’s Democrat Mayor Kevin Johnson. An unfortunate government watchdog made the mistake of looking too closely at his misuse of government funds…and suddenly found himself out of a job. Since inspectors generals are supposed to be independent, ‘else how do they conduct investigations into federal agencies? In fact, Congress passed the Inspectors General Reform Act of 2008. (Public Law 110-409 : “To amend the Inspector General Act of 1978 to enhance the independence of the Inspectors General, to create a Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, and for other purposes.”) Barack Obama was a co-sponsor


2. Gerald Walpin was the inspector general who oversaw the AmeriCorps program, and he discovered evidence that Democrat Mayor Kevin Johnson had misused $850,000 of the AmeriCorps grant money and ‘used federally-funded AmeriCorps staff for, among other things, "driving [Johnson] to personal appointments, washing his car, and running personal errands." ‘

a. BTW, did I mention that the thief, Kevin Johnson, stated that he was ‘a personal friend of President Obama?

3. Walpin referrer the matter for criminal prosecution to the US Attorney for the Eastern District of California, Lawrence Brown. Brown, who had taken over from a Bush appointee, instead entered into settlement talks with Johnson, and on terms very favorable to Johnson. Walpin objected. Ibid.

a. On June 10, 2009, Walpin was given two options: resign immediately or be terminated.
Gangster Government: Barack Obama and the New Washington Thugocracy by David Freddoso

....there was a cancer on the presidency...named Barack Hussein Obama
Rosenstein appointed Mueller. Mueller should not be fired...he should reorient the investigation to determine why Obama failed to prevent Russian hacking of the election.

Damn straight, 99% of this happened under Obama's watch.
BULL SHIT Repub BULLSHIT the worst stinkin kind of bullshit

Now, eddie....remember your blood pressure.

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