Should the poor be required to pay taxes to the IRS?

Sorry for posting something that requires reading, the Dr. Seuss version is sadly not available. Those rankings are fully explained in exhaustive detail if you had bothered to read further.

Your partisan shit has nothing to do with tax rates.
I live in Texas and I know damn well our tax rates are far lower than most.
And you still havent explained how a state with no income tax makes the poor pay a higher share.
I can help there. Two guys stop for beer. They both buy the same two dollar can. One guy makes $1,000 a year, and the other $10,000. If the tax on the beer was 25%, meaning 50 cents, what percentage of their income did each pay in taxes on said beer?

And I should care that some dipshit only makes a $1000 bucks a year?
Not my problem.
I gather then that you don't want to understand taxation in America? So be it.

Oh I understand it just fine.
I've paid taxes at min wage levels up to close to mid six figures levels.
There is no spin a whiney liberal can put on the numbers that I've paid over the years.
No spin is required, it's math.
Should the poor be required to pay taxes to the IRS?

To pay an income tax one first needs an income. In a progressive income tax system such as ours, you also need a certain level of income.

Why? Why shouldn't EVERY member of society be paying their share; especially those who get the most out of the system?
The people who got the most out of the system are those who became very wealthy so they should naturally pay more.

And they already do.
Even if it's a flat tax,10% of a million is a bigger number than 10% of fifty thousand.
Seems fair to me.
10% of $20,000 is bigger that any of it if you are the one making $20,000. Once taxation starts cutting into what it costs to live in the crappiest apartment, eat the cheapest food, drive the oldest car, and keep the lights on is when taxation hurts the worst.
Without getting it all back via carve outs & loop holes? Should they pay their fair share?

EVERYONE should pay income tax. However, those families/persons earning below the poverty level as established every year, should only pay a token tax limited to several percent but graduated based upon the number of dependents; we sure as hell don't need a permanent kulak class! Businesses, corporations and individuals earning 10-15% above the poverty level should get ZERO FREAKIN' special consideration in the form of carve-outs, loop holes and other legislative slights of hands created by the legislators in their pockets.

If the tax table says your gross income of $1M is taxed at 25% you should pay $250k. If an oil company like Exxon Mobile were to make $19B like they did in 2009, and the tax rate was 25%, they should have paid $4.75B rather that nothing and getting a REFUND of $156M back from Uncle Sugar. That's almost a $5B difference, which has to come from somewhere to balance the books. But that doesn't happen's just put on the tab for future generations to pay.

Tax largess for the wealthy is a non-partisan pork process created for the benefit of those with the means to have undue influence on the body politic. Now with the specter of corporations being afforded quasi-citizenship post Citizens United the Supremes graced us with, these fat cats can stay hidden behind the veil.

But hey...That's just one man's opinion!
Your partisan shit has nothing to do with tax rates.
I live in Texas and I know damn well our tax rates are far lower than most.
And you still havent explained how a state with no income tax makes the poor pay a higher share.
I can help there. Two guys stop for beer. They both buy the same two dollar can. One guy makes $1,000 a year, and the other $10,000. If the tax on the beer was 25%, meaning 50 cents, what percentage of their income did each pay in taxes on said beer?

And I should care that some dipshit only makes a $1000 bucks a year?
Not my problem.
I gather then that you don't want to understand taxation in America? So be it.

Oh I understand it just fine.
I've paid taxes at min wage levels up to close to mid six figures levels.
There is no spin a whiney liberal can put on the numbers that I've paid over the years.
No spin is required, it's math.

Nope,it's trying to use math to make a liberal point more palatable.
Sorry,no dice.
Should the poor be required to pay taxes to the IRS?

To pay an income tax one first needs an income. In a progressive income tax system such as ours, you also need a certain level of income.

Why? Why shouldn't EVERY member of society be paying their share; especially those who get the most out of the system?
The people who got the most out of the system are those who became very wealthy so they should naturally pay more.

And they already do.
Even if it's a flat tax,10% of a million is a bigger number than 10% of fifty thousand.
Seems fair to me.
10% of $20,000 is bigger that any of it if you are the one making $20,000. Once taxation starts cutting into what it costs to live in the crappiest apartment, eat the cheapest food, drive the oldest car, and keep the lights on is when taxation hurts the worst.

Not my problem. You want more money work harder,and rest easy knowing that when you do you wont be paying for the guy that replaced you at your old job.
Should the poor be required to pay taxes to the IRS?

To pay an income tax one first needs an income. In a progressive income tax system such as ours, you also need a certain level of income.

Why? Why shouldn't EVERY member of society be paying their share; especially those who get the most out of the system?
The people who got the most out of the system are those who became very wealthy so they should naturally pay more.

And they already do.
Even if it's a flat tax,10% of a million is a bigger number than 10% of fifty thousand.
Seems fair to me.
10% of $20,000 is bigger that any of it if you are the one making $20,000. Once taxation starts cutting into what it costs to live in the crappiest apartment, eat the cheapest food, drive the oldest car, and keep the lights on is when taxation hurts the worst.

Not my problem. You want more money work harder,and rest easy knowing that when you do you wont be paying for the guy that replaced you at your old job.
The working poor are working harder and getting less than at any point prior to WWII. If the system worked, a rise in productivity would equal a rise in median wages but those two indexes have not followed each other since the 60s. The working class is overburdened and overworked as it is.
Sorry for posting something that requires reading, the Dr. Seuss version is sadly not available. Those rankings are fully explained in exhaustive detail if you had bothered to read further.

Your partisan shit has nothing to do with tax rates.
I live in Texas and I know damn well our tax rates are far lower than most.
And you still havent explained how a state with no income tax makes the poor pay a higher share.
I can help there. Two guys stop for beer. They both buy the same two dollar can. One guy makes $1,000 a year, and the other $10,000. If the tax on the beer was 25%, meaning 50 cents, what percentage of their income did each pay in taxes on said beer?

And I should care that some dipshit only makes a $1000 bucks a year?
Not my problem.

Then refuse to pay your taxes and see how that works out for you.

Are you some kind of retard?

I was explaining to you why you should care. Learn to read.
Should the poor be required to pay taxes to the IRS?

To pay an income tax one first needs an income. In a progressive income tax system such as ours, you also need a certain level of income.

Why? Why shouldn't EVERY member of society be paying their share; especially those who get the most out of the system?
The people who got the most out of the system are those who became very wealthy so they should naturally pay more.

And they already do.
Even if it's a flat tax,10% of a million is a bigger number than 10% of fifty thousand.
Seems fair to me.
10% of $20,000 is bigger that any of it if you are the one making $20,000. Once taxation starts cutting into what it costs to live in the crappiest apartment, eat the cheapest food, drive the oldest car, and keep the lights on is when taxation hurts the worst.

One of the first things DumBama did after invading the White House was to place a large sin tax on cigarettes which primarily effects poor people. Now the warning signs are out there with Obama's attack on coal operated power plants that will increase the cost of our energy due to close downs and huge environmental investments those plants must make. All this while illegal workers march through the country taking jobs away from Americans and lowering the pay scale for the rest of us with Obama's blessing.

Why is it nobody cares about the poor when liberal polices that will hurt them financially are put in place?
I can help there. Two guys stop for beer. They both buy the same two dollar can. One guy makes $1,000 a year, and the other $10,000. If the tax on the beer was 25%, meaning 50 cents, what percentage of their income did each pay in taxes on said beer?

And I should care that some dipshit only makes a $1000 bucks a year?
Not my problem.
I gather then that you don't want to understand taxation in America? So be it.

Oh I understand it just fine.
I've paid taxes at min wage levels up to close to mid six figures levels.
There is no spin a whiney liberal can put on the numbers that I've paid over the years.
No spin is required, it's math.

Nope,it's trying to use math to make a liberal point more palatable.
Sorry,no dice.
I use the same math as the economists. Do they not do the math right?
So a low income family receives Medicaid, or an Obamacare subsidy, and maybe they get food stamps, and maybe they get some other assistance,

and you want to raise their taxes?

WTF kind of idiocy is that? You're effectively making them pay for their entitlements.

Why don't you just take their entitlements away?

Get your GOP candidates to run on ending programs like Medicaid and food stamps, etc.
Why? Why shouldn't EVERY member of society be paying their share; especially those who get the most out of the system?
The people who got the most out of the system are those who became very wealthy so they should naturally pay more.

And they already do.
Even if it's a flat tax,10% of a million is a bigger number than 10% of fifty thousand.
Seems fair to me.
10% of $20,000 is bigger that any of it if you are the one making $20,000. Once taxation starts cutting into what it costs to live in the crappiest apartment, eat the cheapest food, drive the oldest car, and keep the lights on is when taxation hurts the worst.

Not my problem. You want more money work harder,and rest easy knowing that when you do you wont be paying for the guy that replaced you at your old job.
The working poor are working harder and getting less than at any point prior to WWII. If the system worked, a rise in productivity would equal a rise in median wages but those two indexes have not followed each other since the 60s. The working class is overburdened and overworked as it is.

Oh well,maybe you should think about that when you vote.
It just amazes me when I drive around Houston and see millions of people getting along just fine.
Should the poor be required to pay taxes to the IRS?

To pay an income tax one first needs an income. In a progressive income tax system such as ours, you also need a certain level of income.

Why? Why shouldn't EVERY member of society be paying their share; especially those who get the most out of the system?
The people who got the most out of the system are those who became very wealthy so they should naturally pay more.

And they already do.
Even if it's a flat tax,10% of a million is a bigger number than 10% of fifty thousand.
Seems fair to me.
10% of $20,000 is bigger that any of it if you are the one making $20,000. Once taxation starts cutting into what it costs to live in the crappiest apartment, eat the cheapest food, drive the oldest car, and keep the lights on is when taxation hurts the worst.

One of the first things DumBama did after invading the White House was to place a large sin tax on cigarettes which primarily effects poor people. Now the warning signs are out there with Obama's attack on coal operated power plants that will increase the cost of our energy due to close downs and huge environmental investments those plants must make. All this while illegal workers march through the country taking jobs away from Americans and lowering the pay scale for the rest of us with Obama's blessing.

Why is it nobody cares about the poor when liberal polices that will hurt them financially are put in place?

You're pretending to care about the poor? How charming.
The people who got the most out of the system are those who became very wealthy so they should naturally pay more.

And they already do.
Even if it's a flat tax,10% of a million is a bigger number than 10% of fifty thousand.
Seems fair to me.
10% of $20,000 is bigger that any of it if you are the one making $20,000. Once taxation starts cutting into what it costs to live in the crappiest apartment, eat the cheapest food, drive the oldest car, and keep the lights on is when taxation hurts the worst.

Not my problem. You want more money work harder,and rest easy knowing that when you do you wont be paying for the guy that replaced you at your old job.
The working poor are working harder and getting less than at any point prior to WWII. If the system worked, a rise in productivity would equal a rise in median wages but those two indexes have not followed each other since the 60s. The working class is overburdened and overworked as it is.

Oh well,maybe you should think about that when you vote.
It just amazes me when I drive around Houston and see millions of people getting along just fine.
People are doing OK in Houston? Oh good, then everyone is doing OK, thank goodness.. And you can tell how their lives are just by driving through you say? Fascinating.
Should the poor be required to pay taxes to the IRS?

To pay an income tax one first needs an income. In a progressive income tax system such as ours, you also need a certain level of income.

Why? Why shouldn't EVERY member of society be paying their share; especially those who get the most out of the system?
The people who got the most out of the system are those who became very wealthy so they should naturally pay more.

And they already do.
Even if it's a flat tax,10% of a million is a bigger number than 10% of fifty thousand.
Seems fair to me.
10% of $20,000 is bigger that any of it if you are the one making $20,000. Once taxation starts cutting into what it costs to live in the crappiest apartment, eat the cheapest food, drive the oldest car, and keep the lights on is when taxation hurts the worst.

One of the first things DumBama did after invading the White House was to place a large sin tax on cigarettes which primarily effects poor people. Now the warning signs are out there with Obama's attack on coal operated power plants that will increase the cost of our energy due to close downs and huge environmental investments those plants must make. All this while illegal workers march through the country taking jobs away from Americans and lowering the pay scale for the rest of us with Obama's blessing.

Why is it nobody cares about the poor when liberal polices that will hurt them financially are put in place?

This is exactly why liberal tears about wage stagnation and the lack of jobs has zero effect on me.
That and of course they keep saying the economy is just why the hell are they complaining?
And they already do.
Even if it's a flat tax,10% of a million is a bigger number than 10% of fifty thousand.
Seems fair to me.
10% of $20,000 is bigger that any of it if you are the one making $20,000. Once taxation starts cutting into what it costs to live in the crappiest apartment, eat the cheapest food, drive the oldest car, and keep the lights on is when taxation hurts the worst.

Not my problem. You want more money work harder,and rest easy knowing that when you do you wont be paying for the guy that replaced you at your old job.
The working poor are working harder and getting less than at any point prior to WWII. If the system worked, a rise in productivity would equal a rise in median wages but those two indexes have not followed each other since the 60s. The working class is overburdened and overworked as it is.

Oh well,maybe you should think about that when you vote.
It just amazes me when I drive around Houston and see millions of people getting along just fine.
People are doing OK in Houston? Oh good, then everyone is doing OK, thank goodness.. And you can tell how their lives are just by driving through you say? Fascinating.

Maybe you should look at the reason why Einstein.

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