Should voting be an ever-changing obstacle course?

Should voting be an ever-changing obstacle course?

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Neither party has the moral high ground on this issue, despite the posturing. They just want to win and they're willing to change the rules to accomplish that.

Not true! What are Democrats doing to increase voter suppression?
They're not. They're trying to make it easier for poor people to vote because it will favor their candidates. Republicans are trying to make it harder for the same reason. You can drop the "sanctity of the vote" pretense.
Today's 'Republican' is all about a caste system. They just haven't said it out loud yet.
I didn't say anything about a caste system. You misquoted, please fix it.
I just fucking did. It's the reason today's 'Republican' makes it harder. Go fuck yourself, idiot.
Thanks for fixing it. I'm sorry that asking you to do that upset you so much.
Oh, I understand now. You're a complete idiot who has little reading comprehension. Full stop.
Mkay. What's. your problem? Panties in a twist?
I didn't "fix" any of my commentary. Not for you, not for anyone. Don't like it? You're free to report it.

That said, It didn't matter whether you mentioned caste system. *I* did.
Shouldn't voting be easy and painless for all eligible American voters? What do you think?
Just get a fucking ID and go IN PERSON to the polling place! What's so tough about that?

Why should someone have to do it in person? There is nothing wrong with mail-in ballots.
2020 proved otherwise with rampant fraud, fraud that you Communist shitbags approve of.

What fraud? Prove it.

Only a moron would believe that Republican states, Republican election officials, Republican courts and judges (including SCOTUS) all conspired with Democrats to rig the election for Biden. Just think about that.

Funny how that republican SCOTUS has seen more unanimous decisions than in recent memory.

Shouldn't voting be easy and painless for all eligible American voters? What do you think?
Just get a fucking ID and go IN PERSON to the polling place! What's so tough about that?
I may be in hospital.
So? Request an OFFICIAL absentee ballot and make sure it's postmarked on the right day. See how simple that was?
What if you are having an emergency and didn't know you'd nee a ballot mailed, and with laws making it to where someone taking your ballot is illegal it nullifies an event.

Well child, life's a bitch and then you die.

more like: life is a bitch and then you live". You can come and get my ballot at the hospital.

Nope, no one is getting out alive.

Shouldn't voting be easy and painless for all eligible American voters? I feel sorry for many voters who continue to face an ever-changing obstacle course just to cast their ballots. Republicans don't want to even have a debate on voting rights. What do you think?

Anyone who is too stupid to follow the rules has no right to vote in the first place. Furthermore there is no right to vote as voting is a privilege
Should voting be an ever-changing obstacle course?
Of course not.

It’s the role and responsibility of government to facilitate voting, to ensure every eligible citizen has an opportunity to vote, and to respect and defend the fundamental right to vote.

It is not government’s role to contrive unnecessary, unwarranted, and un-Constitutional obstacles and burdens to the right to vote – as Republicans do in an effort to disenfranchise citizens perceived to be likely Democratic voters.
Neither party has the right to cheat.
Are you suggesting that changing the rules is cheating?

Yes - the way Republicans do it.
Ahh yes, it's different when you do it.

Lie, cheat, steal: Only way Republicans can win election

Sure man, and all the election rules changes made possible by COVID had nothing, at all, to do with Biden's win.

Please explain how your fever dream happened - with "credible" facts and sources.

Why would he bother, you have yet to support your bullshit.

Of course not.

It’s the role and responsibility of government to facilitate voting, to ensure every eligible citizen has an opportunity to vote, and to respect and defend the fundamental right to vote.

It is not government’s role to contrive unnecessary, unwarranted, and un-Constitutional obstacles and burdens to the right to vote – as Republicans do in an effort to disenfranchise citizens perceived to be likely Democratic voters.
Un-Constitutional contrivances such as? History is not on your side and the US is the only Western style
democracy that does not require an I.D. in order to vote, thanks to the screaming, foot dragging and crying
that is still coming from the left.

Voices like yours make themselves more and more irrelevant as time goes on. You've gone from a tantrum
to a squeak and the reports of voting fraud that are still coming in from the 2020 debacle are just nails
in your coffin. Rest in peace? No. Just die already.
Neither party has the right to cheat.
Are you suggesting that changing the rules is cheating?

Yes - the way Republicans do it.
Ahh yes, it's different when you do it.

Lie, cheat, steal: Only way Republicans can win election

Sure man, and all the election rules changes made possible by COVID had nothing, at all, to do with Biden's win.

You mean Republican states that changed election rules - according to their constitution?
As far as i know, most states monkeyed with their election laws to accommodate the pandemic.
Neither party has the right to cheat.
Are you suggesting that changing the rules is cheating?

Yes - the way Republicans do it.
Ahh yes, it's different when you do it.

Lie, cheat, steal: Only way Republicans can win election

Sure man, and all the election rules changes made possible by COVID had nothing, at all, to do with Biden's win.

You mean Republican states that changed election rules - according to their constitution?
Neither party has the right to cheat.
Are you suggesting that changing the rules is cheating?

Yes - the way Republicans do it.
Ahh yes, it's different when you do it.

Lie, cheat, steal: Only way Republicans can win election

Sure man, and all the election rules changes made possible by COVID had nothing, at all, to do with Biden's win.

Please explain how your fever dream happened - with "credible" facts and sources.
I don't care nearly enough to go to that trouble. If you're naive enough to believe that these rules changes weren't guided by politics, there's not much point.

Monkeyed? Really?

Hey commie, you want facts, I provided facts in post 96 and you rated it funny. Exactly what did you find so funny? Oh I know, Americans aren't buying your commie propaganda. That includes the majority of Dems.

Shouldn't voting be easy and painless for all eligible American voters? I feel sorry for many voters who continue to face an ever-changing obstacle course just to cast their ballots. Republicans don't want to even have a debate on voting rights. What do you think?

Of course it should. That's why voter ID laws are ESSENTIAL.
Republicans know they can't win on a fair and level playing field - so they cheat. is simply requiring everyone to prove they are who they proclaiming to be, not fair and a level playing field?

it would seem the folks that don’t want that, want there to be an unfair i level playing field

It won't answer, it's just another coward commie.

Shouldn't voting be easy and painless for all eligible American voters? I feel sorry for many voters who continue to face an ever-changing obstacle course just to cast their ballots. Republicans don't want to even have a debate on voting rights. What do you think?

Voting should follow the respective States gun ownership guidelines
Shouldn't voting be easy and painless for all eligible American voters? I feel sorry for many voters who continue to face an ever-changing obstacle course just to cast their ballots. Republicans don't want to even have a debate on voting rights. What do you think?

Anyone who is too stupid to follow the rules has no right to vote in the first place. Furthermore there is no right to vote as voting is a privilege

Duh, it depends on who makes the rules and who they're designed to keep from voting.
Republicans know they can't win on a fair and level playing field - so they cheat.

If the rules apply to everyone equally, how is that cheating?


ROFLMFAO, you found an opinion where you've sourced all your opinions. Do you ever have an original thought?

"If the rules apply to everyone equally, how is that cheating?"

Now try answering the fucking question.


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