Shrink the Rich; Not Government

For people to be successful they would have to put forth some effort.Stay a little later at work,show their employer they want to advance in the company.Go to the library on the weekends,take a course or two at the local YMCA/YWCA...Go online and make contacts,do some research on what the next innovation is about to hit.Maybe use the home computer for something other then playing World Of Warcraft or downloading porn.Check web Sites that may offer some kind of online training.

Or you can stay home and do nothing and wait for the next unemployment check to come in the mail...
WTF they never never end do they thanks to the Libs.

You're a fucking genius Rozman!!! You should write a self-help book! Why don't they teach this shit in school?
The rich may get a lower tax rate but they are taxed on a higher income..there's a good portion of this country that don't pay any taxes.Want fair then how about EVERYONE pays taxes.
Have you ever considered learning a marketable skill?

Have you ever considered that the Parasitism 101 that you leaned in the government owned and operated school is non productive.

What do you call 10,000 people "earning" 30% of total US income yet paying taxes at about half the rate as their secretaries and bodyguards?

And many of these richest 10,000 Americans attended private schools.

I feel your pain.

Why don't you move to the socialist paradise known as Cuba.

There are no millionaires, well maybe the Communist Party Commissars, but I'm certain that you agree that they deserve it.

Esther La Vista, dude.

Plutocracy or Democracy?
You can't have both, Rockefeller.

Phil's Stock World:

"The main problem with the system of distribution of wealth in this country is the TOTAL LACK of distribution.

"Of course you don’t see that when you are in the deep end of the distribution pool… 10,000 people make 30% of the income in the United States of America and the next 29.99M people make another 40% and the next 30M people make 12% and THE OTHER 240M people have to fight over the remaining 18%.

"This is your idea of fair?

"Let’s say it’s a poker tournament:

* Table 1 has 10,000 people who have $1M each to play with
* Table 2 (top 10-0.01%) has 30M people who have $433 each to play with
* Table 3 (top 20-10%) has 30M people who have $133 each to play with
* Table 4 (bottom 60%) has 240M people who have $25 each to play with."

Think the odds in Cuba are any worse?
I think I'm done with trying to live my life the way I have.I will try to change starting right after Jan 1 2011.

I will do enough to piss off my employer so the next time they let someone go it will be me.Then I will file for unemployment benefits....Hey by the time I start collecting the Dems will have gotten a bill passed in the middle of the night to get me benefits for 1000 weeks.

Then I will stiff my creditors out of all the debt I built up,stop paying my rent.Hell I won't get kicked out I will just write my Democrat Congressman and he will work it out so I can live there for free.

Hey why should I bother being the responsible one fellow members here will look out for me and will put the pressure on those filthy rich bastards who have too much as it is and they should give it back to government....What do you say how bout these guys get taxed around 90% of their wealth.

Well I've gotta get busy on my plan the New year will be here soon.Ah I'm starting to feel good about things.Why should I bother when the government is there to take care of me and we have the rich to steal from...

Hell I could even give up my citizenship,go to Mexico and cross back into the US...Get into California.Get free health care,get a free college education thanks to the Liberals who have run that State into the ground.

2011 is looking to be the best year of my life....nice.
In your opinion, what percentage of their income should those earning $50 million/year or more pay in taxes?

Maybe, when you make that Mexican detour, you can ask Carlos Slim?
But government is well on their way toward confiscation through lawful theft aren't they?

Based on the current funneling of resources from the middle class to the wealthy via a complicated and unfair tax code, I'd say the results of the last 30 years bear witness to your statement being absolutely correct 100%

Glad to have you on board with liberal thinkin' there T.

You :rock: !

Are you aware of the fact that the 16th Amendment was sold to the populace as a soak the rich scam - where 95% of Americans were exempt?!?!?!?!?

Do you agree with the scheme?!?!?!?

Aware, yes.

Agree, no.

For a more detailed answer, see:

Especially this post:
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What do you call 10,000 people "earning" 30% of total US income yet paying taxes at about half the rate as their secretaries and bodyguards?

And many of these richest 10,000 Americans attended private schools.

I feel your pain.

Why don't you move to the socialist paradise known as Cuba.

There are no millionaires, well maybe the Communist Party Commissars, but I'm certain that you agree that they deserve it.

Esther La Vista, dude.

Plutocracy or Democracy?
You can't have both, Rockefeller.

Phil's Stock World:

"The main problem with the system of distribution of wealth in this country is the TOTAL LACK of distribution.


Health and Human Services 2011 Budget:


Fuck, you are right, that is definitely not enough.

Oh boo-hoo-hoo, the rich don't own everything yet!

Poor them.

They need still more and more and more to make up for their complete lack of humanity.

But government is well on their way toward confiscation through lawful theft aren't they?
Would you call it "lawful theft" when Republicans AND Democrats write tax policy that allows someone earning a billion dollars per year to pay taxes at 15% while working and middle class taxpayers pay a rate of twice as much?
The rich may get a lower tax rate but they are taxed on a higher income..there's a good portion of this country that don't pay any taxes.Want fair then how about EVERYONE pays taxes.

Which is EXACTLY what would happen if we went to the 7-7 on 3 method of taxation.

A general sales tax of 7% on all purchases, both personal and commercial, combined with an income tax of 7% on personal income in excess of $3 million per year. Call it a "Winners Tax".

No corporate income tax. No personal income tax on the first $3 million.

Buy a Ferrari, pay Ferrari tax - buy a 7 year old Ford Fiesta, pay less. (Unless of course, you're stupid enough to pay $135,000 for a 7 year old Ford Fiesta)

Need pens, paper or a copy machine for your business? Pay 7% on the invoice but your business keeps all the income you can generate with those tools and supplies.

No loopholes, no bullshit, no IRS bureaucracy to pay for.
Oh boo-hoo-hoo, the rich don't own everything yet!

Poor them.

They need still more and more and more to make up for their complete lack of humanity.

But government is well on their way toward confiscation through lawful theft aren't they?
Would you call it "lawful theft" when Republicans AND Democrats write tax policy that allows someone earning a billion dollars per year to pay taxes at 15% while working and middle class taxpayers pay a rate of twice as much?

The Parasites Theme Song

[ame=""]Feed Me Seymour[/ame]

Oh boo-hoo-hoo, the rich don't own everything yet!

Poor them.

They need still more and more and more to make up for their complete lack of humanity.

So being rich automatically makes them incapable of humanity? Interesting. I had not realized how stupid you are. Get over your petty jealousy of other people's success and make your own.

Honey, one of these days if you're lucky, you'll grow up to discover that greed is a disease not a virtue.
I feel your pain.

Why don't you move to the socialist paradise known as Cuba.

There are no millionaires, well maybe the Communist Party Commissars, but I'm certain that you agree that they deserve it.

Esther La Vista, dude.

Plutocracy or Democracy?
You can't have both, Rockefeller.

Phil's Stock World:

"The main problem with the system of distribution of wealth in this country is the TOTAL LACK of distribution.


Health and Human Services 2011 Budget:


Fuck, you are right, that is definitely not enough.

How do you feel about the 13 trillion dollar taxpayer bail-out of Wall Street's gambling losses?

Will your feelings change next spring if WikiLeaks sends Bank of America into the same sewer Enron disappeared into?
Plutocracy or Democracy?
You can't have both, Rockefeller.

Phil's Stock World:

"The main problem with the system of distribution of wealth in this country is the TOTAL LACK of distribution.


Health and Human Services 2011 Budget:


Fuck, you are right, that is definitely not enough.

How do you feel about the 13 trillion dollar taxpayer bail-out of Wall Street's gambling losses?

I was 1000% opposed to it.

But remember , it was the progressives - the fascists - who using the Commerce clause as a pretext - created precedents by intervening in the national economy.

Will your feelings change next spring if WikiLeaks sends Bank of America into the same sewer Enron disappeared into?

Bank of America should have been allowed to go belly up.

Oh boo-hoo-hoo, the rich don't own everything yet!

Poor them.

They need still more and more and more to make up for their complete lack of humanity.

But government is well on their way toward confiscation through lawful theft aren't they?
Would you call it "lawful theft" when Republicans AND Democrats write tax policy that allows someone earning a billion dollars per year to pay taxes at 15% while working and middle class taxpayers pay a rate of twice as much?
The top 10% of wage earners pay 70% of the taxes.
But government is well on their way toward confiscation through lawful theft aren't they?
Would you call it "lawful theft" when Republicans AND Democrats write tax policy that allows someone earning a billion dollars per year to pay taxes at 15% while working and middle class taxpayers pay a rate of twice as much?
The top 10% of wage earners pay 70% of the taxes.

The top earners pay 70% of of the taxes...but you will hear the left with this little ditty.

Warren Buffets secretary pays more in taxes them Warren Buffet.....and they have a big smile of their face like take that you rightwinger....

They really believe that the secretary pays more in taxes.

The Secretary pays at a higher rate on less income....Buffet pays a lower rate on a tremendous amount of income....use your brains for once please.:eusa_pray:
Plutocracy or Democracy?
You can't have both, Rockefeller.

Phil's Stock World:

"The main problem with the system of distribution of wealth in this country is the TOTAL LACK of distribution.


Health and Human Services 2011 Budget:


Fuck, you are right, that is definitely not enough.

How do you feel about the 13 trillion dollar taxpayer bail-out of Wall Street's gambling losses?

Will your feelings change next spring if WikiLeaks sends Bank of America into the same sewer Enron disappeared into?

How do you feel of the FED manipuating the Stock Market?

Federal Reserve Manipulating Stocks, Says Respected Expert

Would you call it "lawful theft" when Republicans AND Democrats write tax policy that allows someone earning a billion dollars per year to pay taxes at 15% while working and middle class taxpayers pay a rate of twice as much?
The top 10% of wage earners pay 70% of the taxes.

The top earners pay 70% of of the taxes...but you will hear the left with this little ditty.

Warren Buffets secretary pays more in taxes them Warren Buffet.....and they have a big smile of their face like take that you rightwinger....

They really believe that the secretary pays more in taxes.

The Secretary pays at a higher rate on less income....Buffet pays a lower rate on a tremendous amount of income....use your brains for once please.:eusa_pray:
Facts and logic trump their emotionalism every time.
Based on the current funneling of resources from the middle class to the wealthy via a complicated and unfair tax code, I'd say the results of the last 30 years bear witness to your statement being absolutely correct 100%

Glad to have you on board with liberal thinkin' there T.

You :rock: !

Are you aware of the fact that the 16th Amendment was sold to the populace as a soak the rich scam - where 95% of Americans were exempt?!?!?!?!?

Do you agree with the scheme?!?!?!?

Aware, yes.

Agree, no.

For a more detailed answer, see:

Especially this post:

Let me guess, you are a union dunce too.

The top earners pay 70% of of the taxes...but you will hear the left with this little ditty.

Warren Buffets secretary pays more in taxes them Warren Buffet.....and they have a big smile of their face like take that you rightwinger....

They really believe that the secretary pays more in taxes.

The Secretary pays at a higher rate on less income....Buffet pays a lower rate on a tremendous amount of income....use your brains for once please.:eusa_pray:
Facts and logic trump their emotionalism every time.

Buffet pays a lower rate, does he still pay more taxes than his secretary? Genius.

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