Shrink the Rich; Not Government

One person; one vote becomes meaningless when big money vets the candidates before you and I cast our ballots. When parasites like Buffett or the Koch brothers choose which candidates you or I are allowed to vote for, your six figure income and my $600/month SSA check have exactly the same chance of changing anything fundamental about how the rich rule in the "Land of the Free."

Ok Dorothy Hamill... skate around much??

I don't care if it is Bill Gates or Me or you working as a fry cook... nobody's vote counts for any more than anyone else's... PERIOD...

Buffett nor Kock nor Oprah nor anyone else chooses what candidates we are allowed to vote for.... PERIOD

You are a fucking idiot
Money chooses which candidates we are allowed to vote for.

Most of the time the candidate who raises the most money wins. Not always.
But often enough anyone without ideological blinders on can see it occurring.

As the gap between the rich and the rest of society continues to widen, democracy will fade and fascism will rise.

Which will you choose?

So-called "democracy" is what has gotten us into this mess we're in today. When there are more ignorant savages voting than wise, educated, decent people, the said democracy becomes just what we are becoming - a hodge-podge, ignoble medley of vertebrates who care less about custom and culture than they do their daily dose of drugs.
So it's my fault people are moving their money offshore?

I thought it had something to do with comparative wage scales in the US versus Mexico or China.

Give me an example of legislation hostile to business I've supported, and then explain why I pay taxes at a 30% rate while the richest 10,000 Americans pay at about 20%.

That 10% difference in tax rates is the best example I've seen of government stealing money from those who work and giving it to those who invest.
"Tax the rich! Tax the rich!

...hey! Where did the rich people go?"

You really expect them to stick around and gladly let you lazy bastards steal everything they've got?

Yes. You probably do.

I repeat: No one is holding you down but you. Get off your lazy ass and get to work. You don't deserve other people's stuff, no matter how much you whine about how unfair it all is. This isn't kindergarten, Skippy, this is real life. Grow up and get to work.

Will the rich desert us if we ask them nicely to pay taxes at the same rate as the middle class does?

Maybe we could simply jail the parasites and redistribute the spoils?

Has it ever occurred to you that vast private fortunes and the political shadow they cast could be the problem here?

Who would furnish jobs then? The government? In work camps??
Small businesses would continue to supply two out of every three jobs, and the government could employ millions by building high speed rail and universal fiber optic internet from Maine to Maui.

No forced labor required for all but the richest 400 Americans.
Small businesses would continue to supply two out of every three jobs, and the government could employ millions by building high speed rail and universal fiber optic internet from Maine to Maui.

No forced labor required for all but the richest 400 Americans.

There isn't any forced labor now.
Shrink the Rich; Not Government

Have you ever considered learning a marketable skill?

Have you ever considered that the Parasitism 101 that you leaned in the government owned and operated school is non productive.

What do you call 10,000 people "earning" 30% of total US income yet paying taxes at about half the rate as their secretaries and bodyguards?

And many of these richest 10,000 Americans attended private schools.
Shrink the Rich; Not Government

Have you ever considered learning a marketable skill?

Have you ever considered that the Parasitism 101 that you leaned in the government owned and operated school is non productive.

What do you call 10,000 people "earning" 30% of total US income yet paying taxes at about half the rate as their secretaries and bodyguards?

And many of these richest 10,000 Americans attended private schools.

I call them Americans.

I attended private school.
Oh boo-hoo-hoo, the rich don't own everything yet!

Poor them.

They need still more and more and more to make up for their complete lack of humanity.
Shrink the Rich; Not Government

Have you ever considered learning a marketable skill?

Have you ever considered that the Parasitism 101 that you leaned in the government owned and operated school is non productive.

What do you call 10,000 people "earning" 30% of total US income yet paying taxes at about half the rate as their secretaries and bodyguards?

And many of these richest 10,000 Americans attended private schools.

I feel your pain.

Why don't you move to the socialist paradise known as Cuba.

There are no millionaires, well maybe the Communist Party Commissars, but I'm certain that you agree that they deserve it.

Esther La Vista, dude.

I think I'm done with trying to live my life the way I have.I will try to change starting right after Jan 1 2011.

I will do enough to piss off my employer so the next time they let someone go it will be me.Then I will file for unemployment benefits....Hey by the time I start collecting the Dems will have gotten a bill passed in the middle of the night to get me benefits for 1000 weeks.

Then I will stiff my creditors out of all the debt I built up,stop paying my rent.Hell I won't get kicked out I will just write my Democrat Congressman and he will work it out so I can live there for free.

Hey why should I bother being the responsible one fellow members here will look out for me and will put the pressure on those filthy rich bastards who have too much as it is and they should give it back to government....What do you say how bout these guys get taxed around 90% of their wealth.

Well I've gotta get busy on my plan the New year will be here soon.Ah I'm starting to feel good about things.Why should I bother when the government is there to take care of me and we have the rich to steal from...

Hell I could even give up my citizenship,go to Mexico and cross back into the US...Get into California.Get free health care,get a free college education thanks to the Liberals who have run that State into the ground.

2011 is looking to be the best year of my life....nice.
Oh boo-hoo-hoo, the rich don't own everything yet!

Poor them.

They need still more and more and more to make up for their complete lack of humanity.

So being rich automatically makes them incapable of humanity? Interesting. I had not realized how stupid you are. Get over your petty jealousy of other people's success and make your own.
For people to be successful they would have to put forth some effort.Stay a little later at work,show their employer they want to advance in the company.Go to the library on the weekends,take a course or two at the local YMCA/YWCA...Go online and make contacts,do some research on what the next innovation is about to hit.Maybe use the home computer for something other then playing World Of Warcraft or downloading porn.Check web Sites that may offer some kind of online training.

Or you can stay home and do nothing and wait for the next unemployment check to come in the mail...
WTF they never never end do they thanks to the Libs.
Shrink the Rich; Not Government

Have you ever considered learning a marketable skill?

Have you ever considered that the Parasitism 101 that you leaned in the government owned and operated school is non productive.

What do you call 10,000 people "earning" 30% of total US income yet paying taxes at about half the rate as their secretaries and bodyguards?

And many of these richest 10,000 Americans attended private schools.

How pathetic are people who are miserable and jealous of those who are successful? I never quite did understand it.


Too bad economics got a bold kick to the balls last month. The Keynes model has never worked in the history of the world..........
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Oh boo-hoo-hoo, the rich don't own everything yet!

Poor them.

They need still more and more and more to make up for their complete lack of humanity.

This is weird. I find myself ad odds with you twice this weekend - Can I send you a little somethin' somethin' from the garden?

I'm at odds with your blanket, sweeping statement that all rich people have a complete lack of humanity.

Lots of rich people give of their resources and of their time to community causes - they have wonderful hearts, know that they're lucky and are thankful. Warren Buffett is actively lobbying congress to raise taxes on the super rich.

The problem is that most of the wealthy folks who are willing to pay for legislation are the ones who are still insecure with their financial situation in spite of their 8 figure bank accounts or they're just plain mean and greedy. For every paid lobbyist who is working for fairness in the marketplace there are 17 well paid lobbyists who are there on a mission to squelch their masters competition and lower his taxes. The rich who are thankful givers like you and I don't believe in buying legislation.

Don't dis the entire class because the squeakiest wheels are dicks.
Have you ever considered learning a marketable skill?

Have you ever considered that the Parasitism 101 that you leaned in the government owned and operated school is non productive.

What do you call 10,000 people "earning" 30% of total US income yet paying taxes at about half the rate as their secretaries and bodyguards?

And many of these richest 10,000 Americans attended private schools.

I feel your pain.

Why don't you move to the socialist paradise known as Cuba.

There are no millionaires, well maybe the Communist Party Commissars, but I'm certain that you agree that they deserve it.

Esther La Vista, dude.


Who the hell is Esther? Is she hot?
I think I'm done with trying to live my life the way I have.I will try to change starting right after Jan 1 2011.

I will do enough to piss off my employer so the next time they let someone go it will be me.Then I will file for unemployment benefits....Hey by the time I start collecting the Dems will have gotten a bill passed in the middle of the night to get me benefits for 1000 weeks.

Then I will stiff my creditors out of all the debt I built up,stop paying my rent.Hell I won't get kicked out I will just write my Democrat Congressman and he will work it out so I can live there for free.

Hey why should I bother being the responsible one fellow members here will look out for me and will put the pressure on those filthy rich bastards who have too much as it is and they should give it back to government....What do you say how bout these guys get taxed around 90% of their wealth.

Well I've gotta get busy on my plan the New year will be here soon.Ah I'm starting to feel good about things.Why should I bother when the government is there to take care of me and we have the rich to steal from...

Hell I could even give up my citizenship,go to Mexico and cross back into the US...Get into California.Get free health care,get a free college education thanks to the Liberals who have run that State into the ground.

2011 is looking to be the best year of my life....nice.

You'll make more money in the long run and probably get laid more often if you write your congressman and ask nicely for laws that make it easier to start your own business.

One other thing. It wasn't the Liberals who ran California into the ground, it was the Republicans and the Democrats.

Get your history straight before you blithely go tossing labels around.
Oh boo-hoo-hoo, the rich don't own everything yet!

Poor them.

They need still more and more and more to make up for their complete lack of humanity.

But government is well on their way toward confiscation through lawful theft aren't they?

Based on the current funneling of resources from the middle class to the wealthy via a complicated and unfair tax code, I'd say the results of the last 30 years bear witness to your statement being absolutely correct 100%

Glad to have you on board with liberal thinkin' there T.

You :rock: !
Have you ever considered learning a marketable skill?

Have you ever considered that the Parasitism 101 that you leaned in the government owned and operated school is non productive.

What do you call 10,000 people "earning" 30% of total US income yet paying taxes at about half the rate as their secretaries and bodyguards?

And many of these richest 10,000 Americans attended private schools.

I call them Americans.

I attended private school.
Do you "earn" $50 million/year?
Do you have assets of $350 million?
Have your assets and income increased by 550% since 1978?
Do you pay taxes at a 16% or a 32% rate?

Is it clear to you how in a "republic" where money equals "free" speech the 0.01% of the population who earn $50M/year would control the political process?

Are you arguing for a further concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few?

Is that your definition of "American?"
Phil's Stock World
Oh boo-hoo-hoo, the rich don't own everything yet!

Poor them.

They need still more and more and more to make up for their complete lack of humanity.

But government is well on their way toward confiscation through lawful theft aren't they?

Based on the current funneling of resources from the middle class to the wealthy via a complicated and unfair tax code, I'd say the results of the last 30 years bear witness to your statement being absolutely correct 100%

Glad to have you on board with liberal thinkin' there T.

You :rock: !

Are you aware of the fact that the 16th Amendment was sold to the populace as a soak the rich scam - where 95% of Americans were exempt?!?!?!?!?

Do you agree with the scheme?!?!?!?


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