Simple question on electric vehicles, where does the electricity to recharge them come from?

You obviously don't understand that all EVs have a greater carbon cost of production and that it matters when the car pays that back and becomes cleaner than an ICE vehicle.

A small EV will pay back the carbon cost in about 15K miles so that makes sense

A full size electric SUV will pay back it's carbon cost of production on something like 100K miles so that doesn't make too much sense from an environmental standpoint.

These are just the facts but you people seem to think it's an insult.

Relax Francis, I'm mocking CC's ignorance of economics.
Relax Francis, I'm mocking CC's ignorance of economics.

I can hardly believe my good fortune.
And yet, you're still clueless when it comes to economics.
It happens.
Don't beat yourself up about it.

Hmm, maybe YOU have some questions about how patents and intellectual property work in industry. Let me help you! I might use a lot of big words, so don't feel sad if you have to consult a dictionary from time to time.

Hmm, maybe YOU have some questions about how patents and intellectual property work in industry. Let me help you! I might use a lot of big words, so don't feel sad if you have to consult a dictionary from time to time.

We were discussing the decline in US CO2 emissions and the role the free market played, not your imaginary patents.
You mean your imaginary version of the free market you don’t understand?


By all means, post your explanation.
Are they now? I've been driving my EV for free for about the last 3 years. Gets 300 miles on a full charge. I charge on my solar so I don't even pay to charge the thing.

I'm curious what is impractical about this scenario? Is it impractical in your imagination because you don't know what you are talking about? Why not listen to those of us who are LIVING IT right now?
Seems quite practical for you. However many don't have the funds to install solar or it is impractical where they live. Some folks want to be able to travel more than 300 miles as well. If EV's are that much more efficient and practical, an unregulated Market would support them. Government mandates, such as Newsom's decree that all cars must be EV by 2035 is tyrannical and wrong headed.
Seems quite practical for you. However many don't have the funds to install solar or it is impractical where they live.

Why would it be impractical where they live? I live in the PNW. Pretty cloudy and raining a lot of the year.

I understand the "cost" thing but that also applies to gasoline and regular electricity. Still payin' for it. I choose to pay for solar instead. And the sunk costs are long in the past. No impact on my daily life...except for free electricity.

Some folks want to be able to travel more than 300 miles as well. If EV's are that much more efficient and practical, an unregulated Market would support them.

By that reasoning then oil companies should get no subsidies....yet they do. They get billions of dollars in support and cost considerations (direct and indirect subsidies). Hence you aren't in a free market right now anyway.

Government mandates, such as Newsom's decree that all cars must be EV by 2035 is tyrannical and wrong headed.

Yet you've lived with many such mandates. You can't get leaded fuel anymore. That's just one of many, many, many restrictions you live with just fine without ever complaining. Want to buy 3 boxes of Sudafed? Good luck! The government says "no". You want to burn those leaves in your back yard? If you live in a city you probably can't do that anymore. Etc. Etc.
Yes, in fact in CA so called 'conservationists' have already torn down some dams.

Most rivers coming out of the Sierras in Cali are dammed. It isn't necessarily good for the ecosystems and since you guys are such MANLY MEN I'm sure you don't need the "ecosystem" but for most people they do. Ecosystems are very complex and evade the thinking of simpletons like you.
You don't have an explanation?

I'm shocked.

Why does it surprise you that America has dropped CO2 emissions???? I'm genuinely curious why this confuses you. We've been trying for a while. Well, MANY of us, you are given a pass because you are a whiny baby and can't be expected to help out, but emissions are decreasing.

You know what REALLY helps decrease emissions: OFFSHORING MANUFACTURING JOBS TO CHINA! Guess whose pumping out a bunch of coal emissions now? Yup! CHina...SO THEY CAN MAKE THE SHIT YOU BUY.




YOU are responsible for China's output. YOU. You. You.
Most rivers coming out of the Sierras in Cali are dammed. It isn't necessarily good for the ecosystems and since you guys are such MANLY MEN I'm sure you don't need the "ecosystem" but for most people they do. Ecosystems are very complex and evade the thinking of simpletons like you.
Sure, tear down the dams and let SF, the central valley and LA go back to desert.
Sure, tear down the dams and let SF, the central valley and LA go back to desert.


This topic is very much above your pay grade. If you would like you could always read "Cadillac Desert" if you want to learn about water politics in SoCal.

Your idea is not far off though: get rid of the dams and collapse the water infrastructure not just in LA but in the entire Central Valley. Oopsy! There goes YOUR grocery bill. Yup, a huge chunk of our agriculture is in the Central Valley. It's how you get cheap lettuce wherever you live in whatever godforsaken hellhole.

I'm all for lowering the population in SoCal (it's unsustainable) but I'm guessing you haven't a clue how you will be impacted. It's not gonna be fun.

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