So do you know any "white supremacists"?

Do you know any in RL?

I am sure I do.

They are just more vocal about it on line when there is no consequences for their actions or views.

So, you are guessing that some of the people you know, whom you disagree with, might be white supremacists, based on , what exactly?

(fair warning, if you say mind reading powers, I will test you)

Actions and comments.

So, they say things about how whites are superior to other races, and there should be policies in place to oppress other races and maintain white dominance of society and/or the world?

It would be cool if you could post the best example one of them said, to give you the idea they thought that.

No, I will not waste my time. I guess you are ok with racist as long as they are not white supremacists, personally I put them in the same boat.

So, you just admitted that your claim that you know several, probably, is really just bullshit.

Got it. I dont' know any either.

Of course, I'm not motivated to artificially inflate the numbers and relevance of white supremacists.

You know, Mac1958 pointed out, that playing games with the number of white supremacists doesn't actually change the amount of real racism in the nation.

He is right you know.
Not surprisingly, the Trumpists are trying to do for rabid racism EXACTLY what the Regressive Left does for Islamists.
  • Downplay every fact
  • Downplay every attack
  • Spin and deflect at every opportunity
  • Say "there's not that many of them, this doesn't matter"
  • Say "not every conservative is a racist"
  • Say "it's not his ideology, he's just a crazy person"
  • Say "there's something wrong with YOU if you point them out".
For the zillionth time, the two ends of the spectrum demonstrate how similar their behaviors can be.
Apparently, these folks think that if they can minimize the recognized population of "white supremacists", it will somehow mitigate the amount of real racism that does still exist.

Nice try, I guess, but it won't work.

Actually, if there is so much real racism, then talking about how many racists are hiding in the woodwork, that we cant' see, but know are there,

is what we would not bother doing.

Because we would have REAL racism to discuss.

That your side NEEDS to believe in this narrative of a massive but hidden in plain sight white supremacy movement,

is strong evidence that the "racism" you cry about is greatly exaggerated.

And pointing out that no one, or very few people actually KNOW any real white supremacists,

is an incredibly potent thing to do.
As I've said many times, the number of "supremacists" is small, but that's not the bigger issue, as much as you folks want to make it so.

The (much) bigger picture includes those who agree with them in many ways, and enable their behaviors by trying to change the subject.

Your posts so far in this thread have illustrated my point for me.

Then why the push back from other liberals in this thread, against the idea that white supremacists are a vanishingly small fringe?

It seems a lot of your fellow libs disagree with you, and that that they do want there to be a lot of white supremacists hiding in the woodwork,

or at least, they want, need?, to have the option of accusing and smearing anyone who gets in their way, of being white supremacists.

You know what would really make your case, that racism is a big problem in our society?

Racism being a big problem. YOu then could point at it. And go, HEY, look at that.
I stated a fact, I live in a city of millions and none sported MAGA hat or proud to be a trump supporter, why are you guys pussies? Ashamed ?

Fear of random violence from packs of subhumans is the rational response.

I note you did not discuss where you are, as you anonymously insult people online, from the safety of your bedroom? Living room? MOther's basement?

Does it make you feel brave to be rude to people that are hundreds or thousands of miles away, and who don't know who you are?

The point stands. YOu dont' know any in rl. Neither do I.
Stating a fact, not pro harming people...but trump supporters are cowards, they know they are supporting a racist, misogynist, dixk and a bully. What are they ashamed to be proud of who they support?

You're attacking the potential victims of random, politically motivated violence, instead of the violent thugs that would commit said violence.

Yet you are too cowardly to even openly admit that you support the violence, as you obviously do, as you hide behind your keyboard, talking shit to people that are hundreds of miles away and can't see you.

THe point remains though. YOu don't know any white supremacists and neither do I.

Most of US don't because they are a vanishingly small fringe.
Small or big they do exist and their natural place is jail just like any criminal.

Thousands voted for trump in LA county none have the balls to wear a MAGA, I call that being a coward. They are ashamed to sport a symbol of racism, bullying, idiocy, ....they do when they are in herds with their filthy cockroaches, in red areas.

There are states that he carried by large percentages. Quite a lot of them.

Yet, when actual white supremacists hold rallies, they can't seem to get anyone to show up.

Your assumption that Trump voters and white supremacists are the same, is just a child telling himself how cool he is, because his enemies are supervillians out to destroy the world.

And being afraid of random violence by thugs like you, in places like LA, is just common sense.

Sorry. It is not cowardice to not want to be attacked by a lynch mob.

Are you prepared to admit that you support violence against people for partisan political differences? Or still too cowardly?
I dont but anyone that supports what trump stands for should be shamed and have no place in my life or decent people lives.

And yes trump supporters are ashamed to come out, not just because they will be assaulted, but ashamed of being pro racist, bully, asshole, misogynist, and the list is long.
Fear of random violence from packs of subhumans is the rational response.

I note you did not discuss where you are, as you anonymously insult people online, from the safety of your bedroom? Living room? MOther's basement?

Does it make you feel brave to be rude to people that are hundreds or thousands of miles away, and who don't know who you are?

The point stands. YOu dont' know any in rl. Neither do I.
Stating a fact, not pro harming people...but trump supporters are cowards, they know they are supporting a racist, misogynist, dixk and a bully. What are they ashamed to be proud of who they support?

You're attacking the potential victims of random, politically motivated violence, instead of the violent thugs that would commit said violence.

Yet you are too cowardly to even openly admit that you support the violence, as you obviously do, as you hide behind your keyboard, talking shit to people that are hundreds of miles away and can't see you.

THe point remains though. YOu don't know any white supremacists and neither do I.

Most of US don't because they are a vanishingly small fringe.
Small or big they do exist and their natural place is jail just like any criminal.

Thousands voted for trump in LA county none have the balls to wear a MAGA, I call that being a coward. They are ashamed to sport a symbol of racism, bullying, idiocy, ....they do when they are in herds with their filthy cockroaches, in red areas.

There are states that he carried by large percentages. Quite a lot of them.

Yet, when actual white supremacists hold rallies, they can't seem to get anyone to show up.

Your assumption that Trump voters and white supremacists are the same, is just a child telling himself how cool he is, because his enemies are supervillians out to destroy the world.

And being afraid of random violence by thugs like you, in places like LA, is just common sense.

Sorry. It is not cowardice to not want to be attacked by a lynch mob.

Are you prepared to admit that you support violence against people for partisan political differences? Or still too cowardly?
I dont but anyone that supports what trump stands for should be shamed and have no place in my life or decent people lives.

And yes trump supporters are ashamed to come out, not just because they will be assaulted, but ashamed of being pro racist, bully, asshole, misogynist, and the list is long.

You've been gloating for multiple posts about the idea of Trump supporters being attacked, it is a little late to walk it back now, tough guy.

Your rationalizations and justifications for the violence you get off on imagining, is noted and dismissed.

You are a bad person. The only possible saving grace is that you are a child, and not really understanding fully, the violence that you want to see inflicted on other people.

Are you a child?

Also, the fact that you support political violence, really underscores how little credibility should be given to your stated reasons for supporting the violence.
That your side NEEDS to believe in this narrative of a massive but hidden in plain sight white supremacy movement,

Sounds like you Trumpians and the Deep State...

How so?

because you Trumpians NEED to believe in this narrative of a massive but hidden in plain sight deep state shadow government

None of our policies are based on such a belief. None of our issues that we are concerned about, is based on that being true.

Immigration? DOes that require the Deep State?

Trade? Does that require the Deep State?

Not fucking with Russia? Does that require the Deep State?

Your comparison is simply not true.
Fear of random violence from packs of subhumans is the rational response.

I note you did not discuss where you are, as you anonymously insult people online, from the safety of your bedroom? Living room? MOther's basement?

Does it make you feel brave to be rude to people that are hundreds or thousands of miles away, and who don't know who you are?

The point stands. YOu dont' know any in rl. Neither do I.
Stating a fact, not pro harming people...but trump supporters are cowards, they know they are supporting a racist, misogynist, dixk and a bully. What are they ashamed to be proud of who they support?

You're attacking the potential victims of random, politically motivated violence, instead of the violent thugs that would commit said violence.

Yet you are too cowardly to even openly admit that you support the violence, as you obviously do, as you hide behind your keyboard, talking shit to people that are hundreds of miles away and can't see you.

THe point remains though. YOu don't know any white supremacists and neither do I.

Most of US don't because they are a vanishingly small fringe.
Small or big they do exist and their natural place is jail just like any criminal.

Thousands voted for trump in LA county none have the balls to wear a MAGA, I call that being a coward. They are ashamed to sport a symbol of racism, bullying, idiocy, ....they do when they are in herds with their filthy cockroaches, in red areas.

There are states that he carried by large percentages. Quite a lot of them.

Yet, when actual white supremacists hold rallies, they can't seem to get anyone to show up.

Your assumption that Trump voters and white supremacists are the same, is just a child telling himself how cool he is, because his enemies are supervillians out to destroy the world.

And being afraid of random violence by thugs like you, in places like LA, is just common sense.

Sorry. It is not cowardice to not want to be attacked by a lynch mob.

Are you prepared to admit that you support violence against people for partisan political differences? Or still too cowardly?
I dont but anyone that supports what trump stands for should be shamed and have no place in my life or decent people lives.

And yes trump supporters are ashamed to come out, not just because they will be assaulted, but ashamed of being pro racist, bully, asshole, misogynist, and the list is long.
As a patriotic White-MAGA-Man, I'm not ashamed to show up anywhere at any political event expressing my views.
Where u live they cant exist. Just like trump supporters they are cowards and pussies.

You are very brave in talking smack about Trump supporters. ONline. Where are you? IN your bedroom, safe and sound as you insult people anonymously?

Sounds like you are the pussy.
I stated a fact, I live in a city of millions and none sported MAGA hat or proud to be a trump supporter, why are you guys pussies? Ashamed ?

Fear of random violence from packs of subhumans is the rational response.

I note you did not discuss where you are, as you anonymously insult people online, from the safety of your bedroom? Living room? MOther's basement?

Does it make you feel brave to be rude to people that are hundreds or thousands of miles away, and who don't know who you are?

The point stands. YOu dont' know any in rl. Neither do I.
Stating a fact, not pro harming people...but trump supporters are cowards, they know they are supporting a racist, misogynist, dixk and a bully. What are they ashamed to be proud of who they support?

You're attacking the potential victims of random, politically motivated violence, instead of the violent thugs that would commit said violence.

Yet you are too cowardly to even openly admit that you support the violence, as you obviously do, as you hide behind your keyboard, talking shit to people that are hundreds of miles away and can't see you.

THe point remains though. YOu don't know any white supremacists and neither do I.

Most of US don't because they are a vanishingly small fringe.
White supremacists are just trump and GOP supporters on steroids, to most of us minorities especially is the same shit.
Stating a fact, not pro harming people...but trump supporters are cowards, they know they are supporting a racist, misogynist, dixk and a bully. What are they ashamed to be proud of who they support?

You're attacking the potential victims of random, politically motivated violence, instead of the violent thugs that would commit said violence.

Yet you are too cowardly to even openly admit that you support the violence, as you obviously do, as you hide behind your keyboard, talking shit to people that are hundreds of miles away and can't see you.

THe point remains though. YOu don't know any white supremacists and neither do I.

Most of US don't because they are a vanishingly small fringe.
Small or big they do exist and their natural place is jail just like any criminal.

Thousands voted for trump in LA county none have the balls to wear a MAGA, I call that being a coward. They are ashamed to sport a symbol of racism, bullying, idiocy, ....they do when they are in herds with their filthy cockroaches, in red areas.

There are states that he carried by large percentages. Quite a lot of them.

Yet, when actual white supremacists hold rallies, they can't seem to get anyone to show up.

Your assumption that Trump voters and white supremacists are the same, is just a child telling himself how cool he is, because his enemies are supervillians out to destroy the world.

And being afraid of random violence by thugs like you, in places like LA, is just common sense.

Sorry. It is not cowardice to not want to be attacked by a lynch mob.

Are you prepared to admit that you support violence against people for partisan political differences? Or still too cowardly?
I dont but anyone that supports what trump stands for should be shamed and have no place in my life or decent people lives.

And yes trump supporters are ashamed to come out, not just because they will be assaulted, but ashamed of being pro racist, bully, asshole, misogynist, and the list is long.
As a patriotic White-MAGA-Man, I'm not ashamed to show up anywhere at any political event.
Reading your posts we know you are not ashamed.
You are very brave in talking smack about Trump supporters. ONline. Where are you? IN your bedroom, safe and sound as you insult people anonymously?

Sounds like you are the pussy.
I stated a fact, I live in a city of millions and none sported MAGA hat or proud to be a trump supporter, why are you guys pussies? Ashamed ?

Fear of random violence from packs of subhumans is the rational response.

I note you did not discuss where you are, as you anonymously insult people online, from the safety of your bedroom? Living room? MOther's basement?

Does it make you feel brave to be rude to people that are hundreds or thousands of miles away, and who don't know who you are?

The point stands. YOu dont' know any in rl. Neither do I.
Stating a fact, not pro harming people...but trump supporters are cowards, they know they are supporting a racist, misogynist, dixk and a bully. What are they ashamed to be proud of who they support?

You're attacking the potential victims of random, politically motivated violence, instead of the violent thugs that would commit said violence.

Yet you are too cowardly to even openly admit that you support the violence, as you obviously do, as you hide behind your keyboard, talking shit to people that are hundreds of miles away and can't see you.

THe point remains though. YOu don't know any white supremacists and neither do I.

Most of US don't because they are a vanishingly small fringe.
White supremacists are just trump and GOP supporters on steroids, to most of us minorities especially is the same shit.

Yeah, i got that.

But really dude. You're also the one pretending that fear of being mobbed by a pack of violent thugs in LA, is being a "pussy" instead of just being sane.

So, let's drop the shit. What is your real reason for your hate and your support of violence against Trump supporters? Is it just hate of white people?

Be honest. You're anonymous. No one will be able to call you out for telling the truth.
Fear of random violence from packs of subhumans is the rational response.

I note you did not discuss where you are, as you anonymously insult people online, from the safety of your bedroom? Living room? MOther's basement?

Does it make you feel brave to be rude to people that are hundreds or thousands of miles away, and who don't know who you are?

The point stands. YOu dont' know any in rl. Neither do I.
Stating a fact, not pro harming people...but trump supporters are cowards, they know they are supporting a racist, misogynist, dixk and a bully. What are they ashamed to be proud of who they support?

You're attacking the potential victims of random, politically motivated violence, instead of the violent thugs that would commit said violence.

Yet you are too cowardly to even openly admit that you support the violence, as you obviously do, as you hide behind your keyboard, talking shit to people that are hundreds of miles away and can't see you.

THe point remains though. YOu don't know any white supremacists and neither do I.

Most of US don't because they are a vanishingly small fringe.
Small or big they do exist and their natural place is jail just like any criminal.

Thousands voted for trump in LA county none have the balls to wear a MAGA, I call that being a coward. They are ashamed to sport a symbol of racism, bullying, idiocy, ....they do when they are in herds with their filthy cockroaches, in red areas.

There are states that he carried by large percentages. Quite a lot of them.

Yet, when actual white supremacists hold rallies, they can't seem to get anyone to show up.

Your assumption that Trump voters and white supremacists are the same, is just a child telling himself how cool he is, because his enemies are supervillians out to destroy the world.

And being afraid of random violence by thugs like you, in places like LA, is just common sense.

Sorry. It is not cowardice to not want to be attacked by a lynch mob.

Are you prepared to admit that you support violence against people for partisan political differences? Or still too cowardly?
I dont but anyone that supports what trump stands for should be shamed and have no place in my life or decent people lives.

And yes trump supporters are ashamed to come out, not just because they will be assaulted, but ashamed of being pro racist, bully, asshole, misogynist, and the list is long.
Those things may exist, but not because someone is a Trump supporter. I have typed many times about surveillance. There are people who have surveilled who are inept, incompetent, have malice, report back to their masters like good pets and are just plain haters of others. Surveillance can solve a crime easily. But it can accuse someone else just by perceptions and the egos of those in power. I would not even be on these boards and watch others if not for this. We have reduced ourselves as a culture and it will continue to the point near everyone is affected by the strangulations we have put on ourselves. A man with some flaws can be destroyed by any individual with access to do so. The violence will increase and perhaps that is fitting. For me the tipping point came a couple of decades ago in an area I call the Lake of Fire. A wake up call for when youdo not know how to react and perhaps lawyers are needed for this. Either way, grand juries all to often find people of power involved to be of no wrong doing for that would break up the protections for the elitists. Civil suits take some of the sting away from those who have been wronged. This was before Trump. Trump is just taking the hit because there was hate thrown at him and he reflects back. The hat is just a campaign symbol that got out of hand due to the Prog media.
That your side NEEDS to believe in this narrative of a massive but hidden in plain sight white supremacy movement,

Sounds like you Trumpians and the Deep State...

How so?

because you Trumpians NEED to believe in this narrative of a massive but hidden in plain sight deep state shadow government

None of our policies are based on such a belief. None of our issues that we are concerned about, is based on that being true.

Immigration? DOes that require the Deep State?

Trade? Does that require the Deep State?

Not fucking with Russia? Does that require the Deep State?

Your comparison is simply not true.

How do any of those things require white supremacy?

damn dude, you are all over the place here.
That your side NEEDS to believe in this narrative of a massive but hidden in plain sight white supremacy movement,

Sounds like you Trumpians and the Deep State...

How so?

because you Trumpians NEED to believe in this narrative of a massive but hidden in plain sight deep state shadow government

None of our policies are based on such a belief. None of our issues that we are concerned about, is based on that being true.

Immigration? DOes that require the Deep State?

Trade? Does that require the Deep State?

Not fucking with Russia? Does that require the Deep State?

Your comparison is simply not true.

How do any of those things require white supremacy?

damn dude, you are all over the place here.

Dude. YOU changed the subject to the Deep State. I was responding YOUR comment.

Are you sleep deprived? Low blood sugar?
I stated a fact, I live in a city of millions and none sported MAGA hat or proud to be a trump supporter, why are you guys pussies? Ashamed ?

Fear of random violence from packs of subhumans is the rational response.

I note you did not discuss where you are, as you anonymously insult people online, from the safety of your bedroom? Living room? MOther's basement?

Does it make you feel brave to be rude to people that are hundreds or thousands of miles away, and who don't know who you are?

The point stands. YOu dont' know any in rl. Neither do I.
Stating a fact, not pro harming people...but trump supporters are cowards, they know they are supporting a racist, misogynist, dixk and a bully. What are they ashamed to be proud of who they support?

You're attacking the potential victims of random, politically motivated violence, instead of the violent thugs that would commit said violence.

Yet you are too cowardly to even openly admit that you support the violence, as you obviously do, as you hide behind your keyboard, talking shit to people that are hundreds of miles away and can't see you.

THe point remains though. YOu don't know any white supremacists and neither do I.

Most of US don't because they are a vanishingly small fringe.
White supremacists are just trump and GOP supporters on steroids, to most of us minorities especially is the same shit.

Yeah, i got that.

But really dude. You're also the one pretending that fear of being mobbed by a pack of violent thugs in LA, is being a "pussy" instead of just being sane.

So, let's drop the shit. What is your real reason for your hate and your support of violence against Trump supporters? Is it just hate of white people?

Be honest. You're anonymous. No one will be able to call you out for telling the truth.
Huh? Dont support bodily harm against anyone. But a decent society has no place foe racism, bullying, name calling and that's what trump movement is all about.

Yes trump supporters know they back hate and are ashamed. Any decent human being shouldn't associate him or herself with what trump represent.
Fear of random violence from packs of subhumans is the rational response.

I note you did not discuss where you are, as you anonymously insult people online, from the safety of your bedroom? Living room? MOther's basement?

Does it make you feel brave to be rude to people that are hundreds or thousands of miles away, and who don't know who you are?

The point stands. YOu dont' know any in rl. Neither do I.
Stating a fact, not pro harming people...but trump supporters are cowards, they know they are supporting a racist, misogynist, dixk and a bully. What are they ashamed to be proud of who they support?

You're attacking the potential victims of random, politically motivated violence, instead of the violent thugs that would commit said violence.

Yet you are too cowardly to even openly admit that you support the violence, as you obviously do, as you hide behind your keyboard, talking shit to people that are hundreds of miles away and can't see you.

THe point remains though. YOu don't know any white supremacists and neither do I.

Most of US don't because they are a vanishingly small fringe.
White supremacists are just trump and GOP supporters on steroids, to most of us minorities especially is the same shit.

Yeah, i got that.

But really dude. You're also the one pretending that fear of being mobbed by a pack of violent thugs in LA, is being a "pussy" instead of just being sane.

So, let's drop the shit. What is your real reason for your hate and your support of violence against Trump supporters? Is it just hate of white people?

Be honest. You're anonymous. No one will be able to call you out for telling the truth.
Huh? Dont support bodily harm against anyone. But a decent society has no place foe racism, bullying, name calling and that's what trump movement is all about.

Yes trump supporters know they back hate and are ashamed. Any decent human being shouldn't associate him or herself with what trump represent.

You gave up your right to expect your words to be credible, when you called trump supporters pussies for not wanting to be attacked.

Come. Don't be a pussy yourself. Your claimed reasons are bullshit and we both know it.

What is your real reason? Is it racism? Are you a marxist? Or are you just full of hate and don't even know why?
They do not call it "White supremacy"...they call it being racially conscious white people


Do you know any in RL?

I am sure I do.

They are just more vocal about it on line when there is no consequences for their actions or views.

So, you are guessing that some of the people you know, whom you disagree with, might be white supremacists, based on , what exactly?

(fair warning, if you say mind reading powers, I will test you)

Actions and comments.

So, they say things about how whites are superior to other races, and there should be policies in place to oppress other races and maintain white dominance of society and/or the world?

It would be cool if you could post the best example one of them said, to give you the idea they thought that.

Not really of all races, just one.

" She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. "

DECLARATION OF CAUSES: February 2, 1861 A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union. | TSLAC
Sounds like you Trumpians and the Deep State...

How so?

because you Trumpians NEED to believe in this narrative of a massive but hidden in plain sight deep state shadow government

None of our policies are based on such a belief. None of our issues that we are concerned about, is based on that being true.

Immigration? DOes that require the Deep State?

Trade? Does that require the Deep State?

Not fucking with Russia? Does that require the Deep State?

Your comparison is simply not true.

How do any of those things require white supremacy?

damn dude, you are all over the place here.

Dude. YOU changed the subject to the Deep State. I was responding YOUR comment.

Are you sleep deprived? Low blood sugar?

I did not change the subject, I compared two things that the wingers need to believe for their views to hold water.

Do try and keep up, it is so boring repeating myself.

because you Trumpians NEED to believe in this narrative of a massive but hidden in plain sight deep state shadow government

None of our policies are based on such a belief. None of our issues that we are concerned about, is based on that being true.

Immigration? DOes that require the Deep State?

Trade? Does that require the Deep State?

Not fucking with Russia? Does that require the Deep State?

Your comparison is simply not true.

How do any of those things require white supremacy?

damn dude, you are all over the place here.

Dude. YOU changed the subject to the Deep State. I was responding YOUR comment.

Are you sleep deprived? Low blood sugar?

I did not change the subject, I compared two things that the wingers need to believe for their views to hold water.

Do try and keep up, it is so boring repeating myself.

Yeah, you brought up the Deep State to support your claim and I explained why it did not do so.

NOne of my views, will stop holding water, if the Deep State theory falls though. (beyond the Deep State theory itself of course)

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