So do you know any "white supremacists"?

I did not change the subject, I compared two things that the wingers need to believe for their views to hold water.

Do try and keep up, it is so boring repeating myself.

Yeah, you brought up the Deep State to support your claim and I explained why it did not do so.

NOne of my views, will stop holding water, if the Deep State theory falls though. (beyond the Deep State theory itself of course)

And nobody's views will stop holding water if there is not some massive but hidden in plain sight WS group...which was the bullshit you were trying to peddle.

Actually tons of issues and polices of the Left is based on the belief that America is terribly racist and needs government intervention.

AA, Diversity programs, EEOC shit, ect.

It's huge and it's everywhere. and if America is not racist as a whole, then none of that shit is defensible.

Being racist is not the same as a massive but hidden in plain sight WS group. you are again all over the place here.

It is actually the Lefties who are all over the place, in their insane attempt to defend their house of lies.

You're correct that "racist" and "White supremacists" are two very different things.

BUT, the lefties are very, very sloppy with such terms and on some level they know that the slightest bit of truth, can destroy them.

That is why they are in this thread, being so crazy, in their attempts to not admit that white supremacists are a vanishingly small fringe.

You are correct about the lefties...what you lack the self awareness to realize it is also true of the righties
Yeah, you brought up the Deep State to support your claim and I explained why it did not do so.

NOne of my views, will stop holding water, if the Deep State theory falls though. (beyond the Deep State theory itself of course)

And nobody's views will stop holding water if there is not some massive but hidden in plain sight WS group...which was the bullshit you were trying to peddle.

Actually tons of issues and polices of the Left is based on the belief that America is terribly racist and needs government intervention.

AA, Diversity programs, EEOC shit, ect.

It's huge and it's everywhere. and if America is not racist as a whole, then none of that shit is defensible.

Being racist is not the same as a massive but hidden in plain sight WS group. you are again all over the place here.

It is actually the Lefties who are all over the place, in their insane attempt to defend their house of lies.

You're correct that "racist" and "White supremacists" are two very different things.

BUT, the lefties are very, very sloppy with such terms and on some level they know that the slightest bit of truth, can destroy them.

That is why they are in this thread, being so crazy, in their attempts to not admit that white supremacists are a vanishingly small fringe.

You are correct about the lefties...what you lack the self awareness to realize it is also true of the righties

Ok, you've made your claim, now back it up.

What lie(s) do our policies depend on, that we cannot allow the truth to be even discussed?
Yeah, you brought up the Deep State to support your claim and I explained why it did not do so.

NOne of my views, will stop holding water, if the Deep State theory falls though. (beyond the Deep State theory itself of course)

And nobody's views will stop holding water if there is not some massive but hidden in plain sight WS group...which was the bullshit you were trying to peddle.

Actually tons of issues and polices of the Left is based on the belief that America is terribly racist and needs government intervention.

AA, Diversity programs, EEOC shit, ect.

It's huge and it's everywhere. and if America is not racist as a whole, then none of that shit is defensible.

Being racist is not the same as a massive but hidden in plain sight WS group. you are again all over the place here.

It is actually the Lefties who are all over the place, in their insane attempt to defend their house of lies.

You're correct that "racist" and "White supremacists" are two very different things.

BUT, the lefties are very, very sloppy with such terms and on some level they know that the slightest bit of truth, can destroy them.

That is why they are in this thread, being so crazy, in their attempts to not admit that white supremacists are a vanishingly small fringe.

You are correct about the lefties...what you lack the self awareness to realize it is also true of the righties

Lefty excess created by necessity the righties who you pigeonhole as extremists or whatever. What are people supposed to do? Just let them trample everything, ruin the country and destroy the future and not say anything?
No, "white supremacist" is one of those meaningless code-words used by self-loathing-American liberals to call anyone that doesn't hate their own nation and wallow in pure, self-righteous misery over its existence. Liberals are such insectile vomitous of vermin (they haven't even graduated to the level of the vermin who pukes them up) that I have never seen anyone on this planet get so murderously violent over the idea of "putting American interests first" - which EVERY PRESIDENT IS SWORN TO DO!
The thread is about, DO you personally know any white supremacists in real life?

A statement from 1861, is a no. Everyone who signed it, is long dead.

Run along now.

Yes I have as I posted earlier. The oldest and most ardent one I have known was born 30 years after the war that document help start, ended. I know many more in South Louisiana to this day. It's just how they were raised. Traditions get passed down from generation to generation. We're just not that far from 1861.

She was born in 1895? So she is 124 today?

Oh, I get it. YOU'RE OLD. You are talking about people you know when you were a child! long long ago.

And actually, we are far as hell from 1865, Easily 4 or 5 generations.

And people change within their own lives.

So, you don't know any today.

Got it. That is the point of the thread.

That white supremacists are a vanishingly small fringe.

His grandfather fought in the war and owned slaves. Easily the first White Supremacist I ever met. I have a lot of cousins still living there in that tiny town that are still that way, and will let you know it too. Their beliefs are slowing vanishing with each generation but there are still quite a few, at least in my home town.

Tell me the most white supremacist thing that one of the living ones ever said.

It's pointless to try to reason with these people. These haters of whites, these self appointed champions of "diversity". They're lost causes. They've either drank the kool aid and truly believe this nonsense or they're scared to say what they really think. Or they just hate whites.

Why would I hate my grandfather for his life in South Louisiana? I don't hate my cousins for their beliefs and they don't hate me for mine.
Yes I have as I posted earlier. The oldest and most ardent one I have known was born 30 years after the war that document help start, ended. I know many more in South Louisiana to this day. It's just how they were raised. Traditions get passed down from generation to generation. We're just not that far from 1861.

She was born in 1895? So she is 124 today?

Oh, I get it. YOU'RE OLD. You are talking about people you know when you were a child! long long ago.

And actually, we are far as hell from 1865, Easily 4 or 5 generations.

And people change within their own lives.

So, you don't know any today.

Got it. That is the point of the thread.

That white supremacists are a vanishingly small fringe.

His grandfather fought in the war and owned slaves. Easily the first White Supremacist I ever met. I have a lot of cousins still living there in that tiny town that are still that way, and will let you know it too. Their beliefs are slowing vanishing with each generation but there are still quite a few, at least in my home town.

Tell me the most white supremacist thing that one of the living ones ever said.

It's pointless to try to reason with these people. These haters of whites, these self appointed champions of "diversity". They're lost causes. They've either drank the kool aid and truly believe this nonsense or they're scared to say what they really think. Or they just hate whites.

Why would I hate my grandfather for his life in South Louisiana? I don't hate my cousins for their beliefs and they don't hate me for mine.

Tell me the most white supremacist thing that one of the living ones ever said.
Just curious. I've never met one. And I know a lot of people.

I know many people whom prefer a whiter America, an America that speaks English, a likeminded America...I know people whom prefer their children date / marry within their own race, people whom rather not deal with cultural and communication barriers.
I don’t know a single person who hates anyone for the color of their skin.
This guy is one of them.
Btw white is just a color.

When looking at there a human behind the statistic or “just a color”?
I respect the fact that you are a proud racist. But I doubt you can show that in real life here in California. You are just a keyboard racist pussy.
Just curious. I've never met one. And I know a lot of people.

I know many people whom prefer a whiter America, an America that speaks English, a likeminded America...I know people whom prefer their children date / marry within their own race, people whom rather not deal with cultural and communication barriers.
I don’t know a single person who hates anyone for the color of their skin.
This guy is one of them.
Btw white is just a color.

When looking at there a human behind the statistic or “just a color”?
I respect the fact that you are a proud racist. But I doubt you can show that in real life here in California. You are just a keyboard racist pussy.

Said the man that won't tell his real reason for wanting to see violence on Trump supporters.

Hey, if Trump supporters, are in your mind, "pussies" for being afraid of being violently attacked,

what are you, for being afraid of telling the truth, even when no one knows who you are?
Just curious. I've never met one. And I know a lot of people.

I did meet one, years and years ago. Almost 20 years ago I think.

And the hilarious part was, he was a liberal left-wing democrat. Hated capitalism. Thought the government should take over the big companies because "The little man can't get ahead". Was a Union member. Hated Republicans.

But he really honestly believed that Black people... specifically Black people were inferior. The only thing that didn't fit with his White Superiority complex, was that he had no problem at all with anyone else. No problem with Asians. No problem with Indians. No problem with Mexicans.

But he would say over and over, Black people are born criminals, and that's how we got them. Their own people in Africa, caught criminals, and sold them to us. So they are all just criminals. Then he would point to the high crime rates in all black communities. If it wasn't for whites, the blacks would have killed themselves off by now, is what he said all the time.

(he was full of crap).

But that one guy, that one single man, in the last 20 years... that Democrat left-wing socialist guy... it the only White Supremacist I'd ever met.
Just curious. I've never met one. And I know a lot of people.

I did meet one, years and years ago. Almost 20 years ago I think.

And the hilarious part was, he was a liberal left-wing democrat. Hated capitalism. Thought the government should take over the big companies because "The little man can't get ahead". Was a Union member. Hated Republicans.

But he really honestly believed that Black people... specifically Black people were inferior. The only thing that didn't fit with his White Superiority complex, was that he had no problem at all with anyone else. No problem with Asians. No problem with Indians. No problem with Mexicans.

But he would say over and over, Black people are born criminals, and that's how we got them. Their own people in Africa, caught criminals, and sold them to us. So they are all just criminals. Then he would point to the high crime rates in all black communities. If it wasn't for whites, the blacks would have killed themselves off by now, is what he said all the time.

(he was full of crap).

But that one guy, that one single man, in the last 20 years... that Democrat left-wing socialist guy... it the only White Supremacist I'd ever met.

Most of the posts have been none or one.

The point of the OP, that white supremacists are a vanishingly small fringe,

has been established beyond reasonable doubt.
People who actually call themselves white "supremacists" - just a tiny, tiny part of a much larger problem.


Except that there has been a bi-party national consensus against white racism and for equality for blacks and browns for generations.

So, it is not obvious.
People who actually call themselves white "supremacists" - just a tiny, tiny part of a much larger problem. Obviously.
Except that there has been a bi-party national consensus against white racism and for equality for blacks and browns for generations. So, it is not obvious.
So there it is.

Are you really trying to say that the only racists in this country are those who specifically call themselves white supremacists?

Is that what you're saying?
The only white supremacists I know are on USMB.

Me too.

Such fringe people are over represented online, because they are isolated in RL.

I actually question if they are even represented that much.

Maybe a few of the people who spout racist nonsense are actually white supremacists.... maybe.

But I suspect... and this is obviously just my opinion, but I wager that these are just toddler adults that want to piss people off, because that's how they amuse themselves. But I doubt they are actually part of any racist movement, or even really hold the views they spew on here.

Because only one or two of these vocal idiots, actually keep to their stated beliefs from one thread to the next. I think they find someone that they want to piss off, say a bunch of stuff with the goal of ticking them off. But outside of those encounters, I don't see that they really believe in some superiority.

Could be wrong. Who knows.
People who actually call themselves white "supremacists" - just a tiny, tiny part of a much larger problem. Obviously.
Except that there has been a bi-party national consensus against white racism and for equality for blacks and browns for generations. So, it is not obvious.
So there it is.

Are you really trying to say that the only racists in this country are those who specifically call themselves white supremacists?

Is that what you're saying?

Nope. I'm saying that white supremacists are a very small part of a problem that was mostly dealt with long ago.

We have had a bi-party national consensus against white racism and for equality for blacks and browns for generations.

White racists have been completely marginalized, and have had no voice, for more than my entire adult life.
No, "white supremacist" is one of those meaningless code-words used by self-loathing-American liberals to call anyone that doesn't hate their own nation and wallow in pure, self-righteous misery over its existence. Liberals are such insectile vomitous of vermin (they haven't even graduated to the level of the vermin who pukes them up) that I have never seen anyone on this planet get so murderously violent over the idea of "putting American interests first" - which EVERY PRESIDENT IS SWORN TO DO!

No, there are real white supremacists, and they are in fact dangerous people.

What you are reacting to, is the fact left-wing idiots, are blowing that term up to include pretty much anyone they don't like, even other left-wingers like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.

I agree, they are ridiculous fascists, when they want to just shut everyone down, by labeling every idea or thought that they don't like as "white surpremicist".

However.... let's not swing too far the opposite direction. White Supremicists do exist, and they are dangerous.
No, "white supremacist" is one of those meaningless code-words used by self-loathing-American liberals to call anyone that doesn't hate their own nation and wallow in pure, self-righteous misery over its existence. Liberals are such insectile vomitous of vermin (they haven't even graduated to the level of the vermin who pukes them up) that I have never seen anyone on this planet get so murderously violent over the idea of "putting American interests first" - which EVERY PRESIDENT IS SWORN TO DO!

No, there are real white supremacists, and they are in fact dangerous people.

What you are reacting to, is the fact left-wing idiots, are blowing that term up to include pretty much anyone they don't like, even other left-wingers like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.

I agree, they are ridiculous fascists, when they want to just shut everyone down, by labeling every idea or thought that they don't like as "white surpremicist".

However.... let's not swing too far the opposite direction. White Supremicists do exist, and they are dangerous.

All few hundreds or thousands of them.

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