So I guess we all like the 3 phase rollout?

Democrats will refuse to reopen at all. Some Democrat governors will announce new bans.

I have no doubt they will try to make it as painful as possible, just like fuckhole Ears did with Sequestration.

Dimms are such c-words.

California and New York should stay in lockdown until AFTER THE ELECTION. That’s fine with me. Fuck em. Stay home forever.
You mean the rip off? no wonder Mitch was smiling on a somber occasion, 1st and most money go's to crony's who donate the big bucks, if I can make it (and am not rich) why cant those who made billions or millions of profit make it for a few months? and oh boy for those hanging on by their fingernails, get 1200 dollars. people are dying, & its all about making money off of the virus.
Seems reasonable. Personally, I think the governors will all fall in line. They need the bailout money from the feds.
New York, California, Oregon. Washington, Massachusetts and should stay under your bed for at least 5 years. Let’s get past 2 elections you delicate fucks.
Democrats will refuse to reopen at all. Some Democrat governors will announce new bans.

I have no doubt they will try to make it as painful as possible, just like fuckhole Ears did with Sequestration.

Dimms are such c-words.

California and New York should stay in lockdown until AFTER THE ELECTION. That’s fine with me. Fuck em. Stay home forever.
I don’t know. Some are stating how their own budgets are really suffering.
Seems reasonable. Personally, I think the governors will all fall in line. They need the bailout money from the feds.
Wretched Gretchen just announced a ban on buying paint, carpet and potted plants. Some governors will refuse to fall in line.
Seems reasonable to me.

Your sig line is extremely creepy.

I hate photoshopped images of any kind.

Really now?
Seems reasonable. Personally, I think the governors will all fall in line. They need the bailout money from the feds.
Wretched Gretchen just announced a ban on buying paint, carpet and potted plants. Some governors will refuse to fall in line.

Huh? Why those items? That seems random. How can she demand that? Paint? What better time to paint your house than when you are stuck in it for a month or more?

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