So Much Winning!

We need to document all the winning that Trump is accomplishing for American workers!

View attachment 201030

And now cons will rail on and on how Harley-Davidson are commie RINOs who deserve to go out of business and are equal to Satan and Hitler. And of course Little Lying Trump 'had nothing to do with this, he never said he'd help Harley-Davidson or any other motorcycle company or Carrier.

And this is nothing, foreign countries are targeting farmers in states and counties that strongly supported Trump. Iowa farmers are directly in the crosshairs of other country's tariffs now.


Anyone who voted for trump deserve what they get. The rest of us have to live with it till he leaves Washington in shame. All the trumps leave in shame.
Considering we all got fucked over by Obama's lack of experience and economic knowledge, I'm doing much better with my tax cut and an improving economy and jobs. I'm glad the last 8 years of shit are behind us and look forward to t he next 6.5. I might actually get to retire now.
Google is proof of what?

The thread. Please at least pretend to not be a complete inbred for 1 minute.
Google doesn't prove shit. Only moronic leftist imbeciles believe all the see on the internet.

Can't wait for your response now.

Harley-Davidson to take big hit from EU tariffs - Fox Business News
miketx is too busy calling the wrong Red Hen restaurants to do a quick search for facts. :auiqs.jpg:
I haven't anyone ya filthy liar.
Day-drinking again, loser?
So, Obama averaged about 6% in his second term after the recession, Trump 4%. MAGA!
So? Obama started with 7.8% and climbing while Trump started with 4.8 and dropping.
See how losing contrasts with winning? It's everywhere man!
So being handed a good economy and lowering unemployment 1 point is doing a better job than being handed a shit economy but still lowering unemployment by 3 points?

No, Obama came in with a 7.8% in 1/2009 and didn't get it under that until 11/2012. Trump came in with 4.8% and got it down to 3.8 in less than a year and a half. See, losing/winning.
Again, for the reading impaired.... Obama inherited a collapsing economy with 7.8% unemployment and growing. Trump inherited a good economy with 4.8% unemployment and dropping.

To you, a 1 point drop when starting off with a good economy is better than a 3 point drop when starting with a shitty economy. Says all anyone needs to know about you.
Get over it. Obama failed on so many fronts where Trump is kicking ass. The economy is just one of them. Obama was a loser and Trump is making that clear.
Record low unemployment! :)

part of a trend, yet you people refused the statistics and data when Obie was in office


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
So, Obama averaged about 6% in his second term after the recession, Trump 4%. MAGA!
Why use data in that way? You're not really interested in the unemployment rate. You're interested in making Trump look better than he is. Okay

Trump walked into a healthy economy with a financial system that took a while to secure it's foundations again. We shall see after Trump's 4 years, how strong or shakey the systems are
So? Obama started with 7.8% and climbing while Trump started with 4.8 and dropping.
See how losing contrasts with winning? It's everywhere man!
So being handed a good economy and lowering unemployment 1 point is doing a better job than being handed a shit economy but still lowering unemployment by 3 points?

No, Obama came in with a 7.8% in 1/2009 and didn't get it under that until 11/2012. Trump came in with 4.8% and got it down to 3.8 in less than a year and a half. See, losing/winning.
Again, for the reading impaired.... Obama inherited a collapsing economy with 7.8% unemployment and growing. Trump inherited a good economy with 4.8% unemployment and dropping.

To you, a 1 point drop when starting off with a good economy is better than a 3 point drop when starting with a shitty economy. Says all anyone needs to know about you.
Get over it. Obama failed on so many fronts where Trump is kicking ass. The economy is just one of them. Obama was a loser and Trump is making that clear.

Do you mean like stopping military exercises in Korea in return for getting a few thousand 70 year old corpses?

That's your idea of winning?
Trump's protectionism threatens to derail his booming economy. Considering how well the economy is doing, it's the single greatest factor in propping Trump up in the eyes of those who don't already vehemently hate him. If the economy turns down on his watch, and especially if it could be tried to some of his protectionism, then his goose will be thoroughly cooked.

My only hope then would be that America is more ready to embrace someone without a R or D next to their name, and actually cares about the concept of liberty.
We need to document all the winning that Trump is accomplishing for American workers!

View attachment 201030

And now cons will rail on and on how Harley-Davidson are commie RINOs who deserve to go out of business and are equal to Satan and Hitler. And of course Little Lying Trump 'had nothing to do with this, he never said he'd help Harley-Davidson or any other motorcycle company or Carrier.

And this is nothing, foreign countries are targeting farmers in states and counties that strongly supported Trump. Iowa farmers are directly in the crosshairs of other country's tariffs now.

See how losing contrasts with winning? It's everywhere man!
So being handed a good economy and lowering unemployment 1 point is doing a better job than being handed a shit economy but still lowering unemployment by 3 points?

No, Obama came in with a 7.8% in 1/2009 and didn't get it under that until 11/2012. Trump came in with 4.8% and got it down to 3.8 in less than a year and a half. See, losing/winning.
Again, for the reading impaired.... Obama inherited a collapsing economy with 7.8% unemployment and growing. Trump inherited a good economy with 4.8% unemployment and dropping.

To you, a 1 point drop when starting off with a good economy is better than a 3 point drop when starting with a shitty economy. Says all anyone needs to know about you.
Get over it. Obama failed on so many fronts where Trump is kicking ass. The economy is just one of them. Obama was a loser and Trump is making that clear.

Do you mean like stopping military exercises in Korea in return for getting a few thousand 70 year old corpses?

That's your idea of winning?
We got 3 living people, a destroyed nuke facility and saved millions on those exercises for Kim's photo-op with Trump. That's winning.

As I said, the economy is just one of several areas where Trump is winning and Obama is losing, especially in contrast.

We need to document all the winning that Trump is accomplishing for American workers!

View attachment 201030

And now cons will rail on and on how Harley-Davidson are commie RINOs who deserve to go out of business and are equal to Satan and Hitler. And of course Little Lying Trump 'had nothing to do with this, he never said he'd help Harley-Davidson or any other motorcycle company or Carrier.

And this is nothing, foreign countries are targeting farmers in states and counties that strongly supported Trump. Iowa farmers are directly in the crosshairs of other country's tariffs now.


Anyone who voted for trump deserve what they get. The rest of us have to live with it till he leaves Washington in shame. All the trumps leave in shame.
Considering we all got fucked over by Obama's lack of experience and economic knowledge, I'm doing much better with my tax cut and an improving economy and jobs. I'm glad the last 8 years of shit are behind us and look forward to t he next 6.5. I might actually get to retire now.
My 401K did far better for my portfolio than Trump’s tax cut is doing for my paycheck.

Obama wins again. :mm:
We need to document all the winning that Trump is accomplishing for American workers!

View attachment 201030
What? No proof? Another bullshit cry baby leftist showing how butt hurt he is?
What proof are you looking for? They are going to move some of their operations overseas, costing more American jobs.
Keep flapping your hole clown, you can't prove so you repeat the lie again.

It’s all over the news idiot. Harley Davidson is moving offshore because 20% of their bikes are exported to Europe. They’re also looking for relief from the tariffs Trump imposed on Steele imports.

Harley is facing a triple whammy:

1. tariffs on imported steel, which they can avoid by moving to jurisdictions where there are no tariffs;

2. tariffs on bikes exported to Europe and Asia.

3. higher health care insurance costs for their American workers due to Trump’s policies.

Bad governance has consequences and they’re only just beginning.
So? Obama started with 7.8% and climbing while Trump started with 4.8 and dropping.
See how losing contrasts with winning? It's everywhere man!
So being handed a good economy and lowering unemployment 1 point is doing a better job than being handed a shit economy but still lowering unemployment by 3 points?

No, Obama came in with a 7.8% in 1/2009 and didn't get it under that until 11/2012. Trump came in with 4.8% and got it down to 3.8 in less than a year and a half. See, losing/winning.
Again, for the reading impaired.... Obama inherited a collapsing economy with 7.8% unemployment and growing. Trump inherited a good economy with 4.8% unemployment and dropping.

To you, a 1 point drop when starting off with a good economy is better than a 3 point drop when starting with a shitty economy. Says all anyone needs to know about you.
Get over it. Obama failed on so many fronts where Trump is kicking ass. The economy is just one of them. Obama was a loser and Trump is making that clear.

And by loser, you mean starting with 800K jobs lost in Bush’s final month, but leaving with almost 300K jobs added in Obama’s final month? Or do you mean going from negative 8 percent GDP to positive 2 percent over that period? Or perhaps you mean having the stock market triple in valuation from when it bottomed out until Obama left office?
We need to document all the winning that Trump is accomplishing for American workers!

View attachment 201030
Damn you beat me to it.

Harley-Davidson says it plans to move production of motorcycles it sells in Europe overseas in response to growing trade friction between the United States and Europe.

European officials last week imposed stiff tariffs on a wide range of U.S.-made goods sold within the European Union. The response came to President Trump's recent decision to slap tariffs on European imports.

In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing Monday, Harley-Davidson said the tariffs imposed by the EU "would have an immediate and lasting detrimental impact to its business in the region."

The company reported $5.65 billion in revenues last year and Europe is its largest overseas market, with almost 40,000 customers buying motorcycles there in 2017.

The European tariffs have jumped from 6 percent to 31 percent, the company said. That increase will add on average $2,200 to the cost of each motorcycle sold in the EU, and would cost the company $90 million to $100 million a year, the filing said.

"Increasing international production to alleviate the EU tariff burden is not the company's preference, but represents the only sustainable option to make its motorcycles accessible to customers in the EU and maintain a viable business in Europe," the filing said.

The company did not say where production would be shifted, or how many jobs might be affected, but said the move would take nine to 18 months to complete.

It also did not say which U.S. factories would be affected. The company's U.S. factories are in York, Pa.; Kansas City, Mo., and Menomonee Falls, Wis.
See how losing contrasts with winning? It's everywhere man!
So being handed a good economy and lowering unemployment 1 point is doing a better job than being handed a shit economy but still lowering unemployment by 3 points?

No, Obama came in with a 7.8% in 1/2009 and didn't get it under that until 11/2012. Trump came in with 4.8% and got it down to 3.8 in less than a year and a half. See, losing/winning.
Again, for the reading impaired.... Obama inherited a collapsing economy with 7.8% unemployment and growing. Trump inherited a good economy with 4.8% unemployment and dropping.

To you, a 1 point drop when starting off with a good economy is better than a 3 point drop when starting with a shitty economy. Says all anyone needs to know about you.
Get over it. Obama failed on so many fronts where Trump is kicking ass. The economy is just one of them. Obama was a loser and Trump is making that clear.

And by loser, you mean starting with 800K jobs lost in Bush’s final month, but leaving with almost 300K jobs added in Obama’s final month? Or do you mean going from negative 8 percent GDP to positive 2 percent over that period? Or perhaps you mean having the stock market triple in valuation from when it bottomed out until Obama left office?
It's like a baseball manager who takes a losing team and has worse records for 4 years and finally gets the team to .500 in 8 fucking years. A new manager comes in and wins the World Series in one.

See, Losing/winning.
We need to document all the winning that Trump is accomplishing for American workers!

View attachment 201030
What? No proof? Another bullshit cry baby leftist showing how butt hurt he is?
What proof are you looking for? They are going to move some of their operations overseas, costing more American jobs.
Keep flapping your hole clown, you can't prove so you repeat the lie again.
Why do you think it's fake news? Is any negative news fake news? That's how Trump has you guys programmed to think.

Very interesting I can't find this factual news on Fox News. That should tell you something.
We need to document all the winning that Trump is accomplishing for American workers!

View attachment 201030
What? No proof? Another bullshit cry baby leftist showing how butt hurt he is?
What proof are you looking for? They are going to move some of their operations overseas, costing more American jobs.
Keep flapping your hole clown, you can't prove so you repeat the lie again.
Why do you think it's fake news? Is any negative news fake news? That's how Trump has you guys programmed to think.

Very interesting I can't find this factual news on Fox News. That should tell you something.

You know, your post made me go looking on Google to see if FOX or any of their affiliates were carrying this story. Guess what? Took all the way to page 4 of Google to find a FOX affiliate running the story.

Trump uses Harley-Davidson in tariff argument

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Harley-Davidson got a mention in President Donald Trump's first joint address to Congress on Tuesday.

Trump said executives from the Wisconsin-based motorcycle maker told him they have trouble selling motorcycles outside of the United States because of high taxes.

Trump argued that while other countries heavily tax on American products, the United States doesn't do the same when importing other countries' products. He called for free, but fair, trade.

But Harley's lobbyist Edward Moreland warns that imposing additional tariffs on imported motorcycles could end up hurting sales in comments submitted to the United States Trade Representative in January.

No one at Harley-Davidson immediately responded to a message requesting comment Wednesday.

Trump canceled a visit to Harley-Davidson's Milwaukee area facility last month. Instead, executives traveled to Washington for the meeting.
So being handed a good economy and lowering unemployment 1 point is doing a better job than being handed a shit economy but still lowering unemployment by 3 points?

No, Obama came in with a 7.8% in 1/2009 and didn't get it under that until 11/2012. Trump came in with 4.8% and got it down to 3.8 in less than a year and a half. See, losing/winning.
Again, for the reading impaired.... Obama inherited a collapsing economy with 7.8% unemployment and growing. Trump inherited a good economy with 4.8% unemployment and dropping.

To you, a 1 point drop when starting off with a good economy is better than a 3 point drop when starting with a shitty economy. Says all anyone needs to know about you.
Get over it. Obama failed on so many fronts where Trump is kicking ass. The economy is just one of them. Obama was a loser and Trump is making that clear.

And by loser, you mean starting with 800K jobs lost in Bush’s final month, but leaving with almost 300K jobs added in Obama’s final month? Or do you mean going from negative 8 percent GDP to positive 2 percent over that period? Or perhaps you mean having the stock market triple in valuation from when it bottomed out until Obama left office?
It's like a baseball manager who takes a losing team and has worse records for 4 years and finally gets the team to .500 in 8 fucking years. A new manager comes in and wins the World Series in one.

See, Losing/winning.

No, it’s nothing like that. Full employment is not akin to .500. Winning by the World Series is not akin to taking over a team that’s already up 3 games to none in the World Series.
No, Obama came in with a 7.8% in 1/2009 and didn't get it under that until 11/2012. Trump came in with 4.8% and got it down to 3.8 in less than a year and a half. See, losing/winning.
Again, for the reading impaired.... Obama inherited a collapsing economy with 7.8% unemployment and growing. Trump inherited a good economy with 4.8% unemployment and dropping.

To you, a 1 point drop when starting off with a good economy is better than a 3 point drop when starting with a shitty economy. Says all anyone needs to know about you.
Get over it. Obama failed on so many fronts where Trump is kicking ass. The economy is just one of them. Obama was a loser and Trump is making that clear.

And by loser, you mean starting with 800K jobs lost in Bush’s final month, but leaving with almost 300K jobs added in Obama’s final month? Or do you mean going from negative 8 percent GDP to positive 2 percent over that period? Or perhaps you mean having the stock market triple in valuation from when it bottomed out until Obama left office?
It's like a baseball manager who takes a losing team and has worse records for 4 years and finally gets the team to .500 in 8 fucking years. A new manager comes in and wins the World Series in one.

See, Losing/winning.

No, it’s nothing like that. Full employment is not akin to .500. Winning by the World Series is not akin to taking over a team that’s already up 3 games to none in the World Series.
You lost, and you're losing again. Just swallow, then consider taking a shower.

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