Sodomites Kicked Out Of Texas Bar For Dancing With Each Other To Country Music

I can see why straight guys would not want to be at a bar where gays are there as well as straights. But women? They are pretty much more open minded than guys. lol

Hell, hubby is straight (of course, since he is my hubby), and he went with me often. Most of the guys called him Daddy, anyway.
Ever watch the movie Flawless? Hubby was very much a Robert DeNiro....until he met "the ladies". He didn't approve, or agree with their lifestyle, but he loved them as human beings. Just took a bit of time on his part to accept it....and the ones that helped him get to that place in his heart were our two gay friends.
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Anybody who uses the term sodomites is definately homophobic. It is positively archaic and very ugly. Not to mention dopey.

Sodomy doesn't mean homosexual. a man can Sodomize a women and visa versa.
No, he's absolutely right. And his comment underscores the fact that you know nothing at all about gays, homosexuality, gay bars, and life.

Thousands upon thousands of straight people visit gays bars in metropolitan and not-so-metropolitan areas nationwide every weekend night. The come primarily to see drag shows and comedy routines. It's called entertainment.

It's called what? Ass-to-mouth sex jokes are "entertainment"? What's bizarre is you freaks have convinced yourself the vile things you do to each other is normal. Well understand this, there will be a counter-balancing and it will be've who've come out of your seedy little closets have identified yourselves. You'd think AIDS would have been warning enough but apparently the message didnt get through. Nature has a way of dealing with mutations.

Apparently if you don't think more gay men in a bar leads to more one night stands for straight men, you are an uncultured hick(even though I am in a top income bracket and from Los Angeles, lol).

Not only do they support gay bars, they want more homosexuals in straight bars, as it supposedly makes things better. They sound like homo supremacists to me.

Bandwagon technique...."it's cool with everybody, you're a dinosaur" blah blah blah...You can't get a safe blood transfusion anymore because of these dirtbags....Tom Fogerty of Creedence died from AIDS he got in a blood transfusion after an operation. The virus doesn't show up in the screening for a short period of time. Think about that. And the queers want all blood-testing to stop...they say it's "discriminating" and a "violtion of their civil rights". Makes me sick to see otherwise smart folks being cowed by this garbage, afraid to rear up on their back legs and yell STOP THIS. This thing with the Duck Dynasty should be a wake-up call to the little fascist bastards parading their perversions the Rose Bowl Parade for God's sake. Prancing along grabbing each other's junk....several families took off before their kids saw what was coming. And the judges who are protecting it all were put in their jobs by who? Those who would continue to rip at the fabric of a society that's made us the richest and most decent, welcoming, protector of the oppressed the world has ever known. Take a look at them...a good long look for once folks. There is an EVIL amongst us and ignoring it feeds it and sustains it.
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1. You and others like you were not born gay.

Prove it

I am confused on why I have to prove that homosexuality is not a genetic defect. If you think it is, despite the fact that there is absolutely no evidence to back up your position, feel free to argue the point. Until then, stop telling me that they are inferior to me simply because you are afraid to admit that sexual preference is a choice.
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Intolerance shouldn't be viewed as a denial of rights, but an expression of rights.


I think intolerance should be viewed as intolerance. I also think that everyone has the right to not associate with intolerant people, and I refuse to accept that science can be ignored simply because people want to demean homosexuals. Anyone that claims people are born gay is stupid beyond the depths of stupid, and should be banned from any public events.
Homophobes, whats next, interracial marriages!??????

Oh I sure wish I was younger, unmarried and ran into Michael before I hitched up with Hubby. Black and stunningly gorgeous with a witty, intelligent, wonderful mind. Wowza.

My son came home from school one day and said he wanted to date a black girl but was afraid her parents would frown on it cuz he was not black. He already knew my stance on interracial couples. Turns out her family didn't mind at all. He dated her for awhile then she moved on to some guy she was more interested in, and he dated a filipino gal that was 2 years older. Her family moved, so...he lost her. Then he met that....thing...he is married to now. She is caucasian. Her family probably wears white sheets and pointy hats every weekend. He was 19 then. They told him to choose. He did. Haven't seen him in oh...lessee....his 21st birthday. He is 40 years old now.

Shrug. Hope he is happy with his choice.
Homophobes, whats next, interracial marriages!??????

Oh I sure wish I was younger, unmarried and ran into Michael before I hitched up with Hubby. Black and stunningly gorgeous with a witty, intelligent, wonderful mind. Wowza.

My son came home from school one day and said he wanted to date a black girl but was afraid her parents would frown on it cuz he was not black. He already knew my stance on interracial couples. Turns out her family didn't mind at all. He dated her for awhile then she moved on to some guy she was more interested in, and he dated a filipino gal that was 2 years older. Her family moved, so...he lost her. Then he met that....thing...he is married to now. She is caucasian. Her family probably wears white sheets and pointy hats every weekend. He was 19 then. They told him to choose. He did. Haven't seen him in oh...lessee....his 21st birthday. He is 40 years old now.

Shrug. Hope he is happy with his choice.

I have a half brother that doesn't like white women. He thinks they are ugly. All of them. His first wife was black. Our dad never accepted that marriage. He said his son was single with two bastards. That marriage ended. Now bro is married to a Chinese woman he met on line and brought here. They are very happy. No kids and dad is passed on.

I've dated at least one of everybody.
Homophobes, whats next, interracial marriages!??????

Oh I sure wish I was younger, unmarried and ran into Michael before I hitched up with Hubby. Black and stunningly gorgeous with a witty, intelligent, wonderful mind. Wowza.

My son came home from school one day and said he wanted to date a black girl but was afraid her parents would frown on it cuz he was not black. He already knew my stance on interracial couples. Turns out her family didn't mind at all. He dated her for awhile then she moved on to some guy she was more interested in, and he dated a filipino gal that was 2 years older. Her family moved, so...he lost her. Then he met that....thing...he is married to now. She is caucasian. Her family probably wears white sheets and pointy hats every weekend. He was 19 then. They told him to choose. He did. Haven't seen him in oh...lessee....his 21st birthday. He is 40 years old now.

Shrug. Hope he is happy with his choice.

I have a half brother that doesn't like white women. He thinks they are ugly. All of them. His first wife was black. Our dad never accepted that marriage. He said his son was single with two bastards. That marriage ended. Now bro is married to a Chinese woman he met on line and brought here. They are very happy. No kids and dad is passed on.

I've dated at least one of everybody.

That must have been a memorable night... :scared1:
I can imagine the horror of having to witness these sodomites and what type of dancing they were engaged in that got them kicked out. The bars spokesman stated:

“It's not acceptable for men to dance together in the type of business that we run,”

One of the sodomites then said:

“Why should we feel like we are afraid to go out in public just because of the way we were born?”
Douglas said.

The way we were born?

1. You and others like you were not born gay.

Seems to me that gay people are indeed born gay.


According to multiple studies on identical twins from birth, it would seem you are wrong! There is no gay gene.

Identical twin studies prove homosexuality is not genetic | Life In HD - The Official Website For Pastor Holland Davis

New Twin Study: People Not Born Gay - Saving Our Future

Most people think that identical twins have the same DNA but current research indicates they do not have the exact DNA and they do not have the same epigenetic markers (more on this later). This means that one twin may “naturally” be a heterosexual and the other a homosexual.

“SAN FRANCISCO – Identical twins may not be so identical after all. Even though identical twins supposedly share all of their DNA, they acquire hundreds of genetic changes early in development that could set them on different paths, according to new research.”

Identical Twins Differ Genetically | LiveScience

“But experience shows that identical twins are rarely completely the same. Until recently, any differences between twins had largely been attributed to environmental influences (otherwise known as "nurture"), but a recent study contradicts that belief.

“Geneticist Carl Bruder of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and his colleagues closely compared the genomes of 19 sets of adult identical twins. In some cases, one twin's DNA differed from the other's at various points on their genomes. At these sites of genetic divergence, one bore a different number of copies of the same gene, a genetic state called copy number variants.”

Identical Twins' Genes Are Not Identical: Scientific American

“Identical twins look pretty similar so unless the police get lucky like they did in Boston, video evidence can’t usually be used to tell them apart. And identical twins share the same DNA so conventional DNA tests can’t be used either. The police are in a real pickle.
“Except that they don’t have to be. As the police are aware, there are less conventional tests that can find the few differences between the DNA of identical twins.

“None of our DNA is exactly the same as when we were a fertilized egg, floating towards our mother’s womb. Our life experiences change our DNA in many different ways.

“For example, there are chemical marks on our DNA that help to control which genes should be turned on where and to what level. These epigenetic marks are added and removed over our life time in response to our specific set of experiences. This is true for all of us including identical twins. In fact, scientists have actually looked at these epigenetic markers in identical twins and have found them to be different.”

Genetic Sleuthing, Or How To Catch The Right Identical Twin Criminal | QUEST


The earliest research into the origins of homosexuality centered exclusively on DNA; however more recent studies have shown there are certain “markers” that can regulate genes by turning them on or off. Here is what has been discovered in the study of epigenetic factors.

“Gayness may not be in our genes, but in the molecules that regulate them. New research suggests that epigenetic factors -- chemical "switches" attached to genes that turn them on or off -- are a more plausible heritable mechanism behind homosexuality than DNA itself.

“Non-genetic changes to gene expression are called epi-marks, for epigenetics, the field of research dealing with the molecular on/off switches. Epi-marks are normally erased between generations, but there's recent evidence that they're sometimes passed from parent to child.

“Researchers at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) looked at how epi-marks that influence testosterone sensitivity in the womb might contribute to homosexuality. Late in pregnancy, natural variations in testosterone levels can alter a fetus' sexual development. Sex-specific epi-marks protect female fetuses from masculinization in the presence of too much testosterone; boys are protected from feminization if too little testosterone is present.

“According to computer modeling by the group, testosterone-buffering epi-marks passed from a parent to an opposite-sex offspring may result in the reverse effect: Girls who inherit sex-specific instructions from their fathers will be partially masculinized, while boys who get epi-marks from their mothers will be partially feminized. In this model, homosexuality occurs when stronger-than-average epi-marks influencing sexual preference from an opposite-sex parent escape erasure and are then paired with weaker-than-average sex-specific epi-marks produced in opposite-sex offspring.”

The rest of the lengthy Article from Popular Science can be found at this link:

Could Scientists Have Found A Gay Switch? | Popular Science

These additional links are also instructive (there are over a million sites on the subject of the epigenetic origins of homosexuality):

Scientists uncover possible source of homosexuality - NY Daily News

Homosexuality ultimately a result of gene regulation, researchers find | Fox News

New Insight into the (Epi)Genetic Roots of Homosexuality |
Homophobes, whats next, interracial marriages!??????

Oh I sure wish I was younger, unmarried and ran into Michael before I hitched up with Hubby. Black and stunningly gorgeous with a witty, intelligent, wonderful mind. Wowza.

My son came home from school one day and said he wanted to date a black girl but was afraid her parents would frown on it cuz he was not black. He already knew my stance on interracial couples. Turns out her family didn't mind at all. He dated her for awhile then she moved on to some guy she was more interested in, and he dated a filipino gal that was 2 years older. Her family moved, so...he lost her. Then he met that....thing...he is married to now. She is caucasian. Her family probably wears white sheets and pointy hats every weekend. He was 19 then. They told him to choose. He did. Haven't seen him in oh...lessee....his 21st birthday. He is 40 years old now.

Shrug. Hope he is happy with his choice.
So you abandoned your son because he didn't marry outside his race?

That is a new one, a sad one.

He is better off without a freak like you, that's for sure.

Uh. No. He was asked to make a choice. His family who had many friends of all races, or put on a sheet. He put on the sheet.
Seems to me that gay people are indeed born gay.


According to multiple studies on identical twins from birth, it would seem you are wrong! There is no gay gene.

Identical twin studies prove homosexuality is not genetic | Life In HD - The Official Website For Pastor Holland Davis

New Twin Study: People Not Born Gay - Saving Our Future

Most people think that identical twins have the same DNA but current research indicates they do not have the exact DNA and they do not have the same epigenetic markers (more on this later). This means that one twin may “naturally” be a heterosexual and the other a homosexual.

“SAN FRANCISCO – Identical twins may not be so identical after all. Even though identical twins supposedly share all of their DNA, they acquire hundreds of genetic changes early in development that could set them on different paths, according to new research.”

Identical Twins Differ Genetically | LiveScience

“But experience shows that identical twins are rarely completely the same. Until recently, any differences between twins had largely been attributed to environmental influences (otherwise known as "nurture"), but a recent study contradicts that belief.

“Geneticist Carl Bruder of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and his colleagues closely compared the genomes of 19 sets of adult identical twins. In some cases, one twin's DNA differed from the other's at various points on their genomes. At these sites of genetic divergence, one bore a different number of copies of the same gene, a genetic state called copy number variants.”

Identical Twins' Genes Are Not Identical: Scientific American

“Identical twins look pretty similar so unless the police get lucky like they did in Boston, video evidence can’t usually be used to tell them apart. And identical twins share the same DNA so conventional DNA tests can’t be used either. The police are in a real pickle.
“Except that they don’t have to be. As the police are aware, there are less conventional tests that can find the few differences between the DNA of identical twins.

“None of our DNA is exactly the same as when we were a fertilized egg, floating towards our mother’s womb. Our life experiences change our DNA in many different ways.

“For example, there are chemical marks on our DNA that help to control which genes should be turned on where and to what level. These epigenetic marks are added and removed over our life time in response to our specific set of experiences. This is true for all of us including identical twins. In fact, scientists have actually looked at these epigenetic markers in identical twins and have found them to be different.”

Genetic Sleuthing, Or How To Catch The Right Identical Twin Criminal | QUEST


The earliest research into the origins of homosexuality centered exclusively on DNA; however more recent studies have shown there are certain “markers” that can regulate genes by turning them on or off. Here is what has been discovered in the study of epigenetic factors.

“Gayness may not be in our genes, but in the molecules that regulate them. New research suggests that epigenetic factors -- chemical "switches" attached to genes that turn them on or off -- are a more plausible heritable mechanism behind homosexuality than DNA itself.

“Non-genetic changes to gene expression are called epi-marks, for epigenetics, the field of research dealing with the molecular on/off switches. Epi-marks are normally erased between generations, but there's recent evidence that they're sometimes passed from parent to child.

“Researchers at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) looked at how epi-marks that influence testosterone sensitivity in the womb might contribute to homosexuality. Late in pregnancy, natural variations in testosterone levels can alter a fetus' sexual development. Sex-specific epi-marks protect female fetuses from masculinization in the presence of too much testosterone; boys are protected from feminization if too little testosterone is present.

“According to computer modeling by the group, testosterone-buffering epi-marks passed from a parent to an opposite-sex offspring may result in the reverse effect: Girls who inherit sex-specific instructions from their fathers will be partially masculinized, while boys who get epi-marks from their mothers will be partially feminized. In this model, homosexuality occurs when stronger-than-average epi-marks influencing sexual preference from an opposite-sex parent escape erasure and are then paired with weaker-than-average sex-specific epi-marks produced in opposite-sex offspring.”

The rest of the lengthy Article from Popular Science can be found at this link:

Could Scientists Have Found A Gay Switch? | Popular Science

These additional links are also instructive (there are over a million sites on the subject of the epigenetic origins of homosexuality):

Scientists uncover possible source of homosexuality - NY Daily News

Homosexuality ultimately a result of gene regulation, researchers find | Fox News

New Insight into the (Epi)Genetic Roots of Homosexuality |

Anyone that insists that free will does not exist is a fool.
Why would women who want to get picked by men up go to gay bars? If you were right, going to gay bars would be the best way to a one night stand for a straight man. If that is the case, why don't straight men do that? Why don't you do that?

The reason is, because you are wrong, and you know you are wrong.

I didn't address this stupidity before because it's precisely that - a stupid premise. Here's a news flash for y'all, butchie: Lots of straight guys like you hang out at gay bars. And like homophobes like you, they're there because they want to suck some forbidden fruit. How's that for your one night stand???

Sounds like to me the boy has trouble with women and cars and fails to appreciate the alluring complexities and powers of both.

This "boy" is 66 and a master of both, potlicker. :cool:

I don't think IQ tests are particularly valid so your boasting doesn't impress me.

Master of both what, boy? I mean, no offense, but you really do not appear to understand women too well. I don't think most homophobic people do.

lol, that reminds me of a video I saw:

[ame=]Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriends - YouTube[/ame]
How many gay guys should the owner allow, before his bar becomes a gay bar?

If heterosexual homophobes were more secure with their own sexuality, they wouldn't have a problem with gays. If they didn't have a problem with gays, they would continue to patronize such an establishment and it would never become a gay bar. The biggest problem gay haters have is that they are afraid they might catch a gay person's gayness. We have always tried to quarantine things that we are afraid of.

If gays are comfortable with their sexuality, how come they need gay bars? Are they afraid they may catch a person's straightness?


Most gay bars are frequented by gay singles looking for other gay singles. They are not likely to find many of those in a non-gay bar. Secondly, when a gay person goes into a non-gay bar, they may well be threatened, even physicially by other homophobic patrons. One thing is certain, you aren't very bright.
If heterosexual homophobes were more secure with their own sexuality, they wouldn't have a problem with gays. If they didn't have a problem with gays, they would continue to patronize such an establishment and it would never become a gay bar. The biggest problem gay haters have is that they are afraid they might catch a gay person's gayness. We have always tried to quarantine things that we are afraid of.

If gays are comfortable with their sexuality, how come they need gay bars? Are they afraid they may catch a person's straightness?


Most gay bars are frequented by gay singles looking for other gay singles. They are not likely to find many of those in a non-gay bar. Secondly, when a gay person goes into a non-gay bar, they may well be threatened, even physicially by other homophobic patrons. One thing is certain, you aren't very bright.
I understand the first. Makes sense and I have no problem with that. Just like I have no problem with straight bars

Hmm, a lot of those gay bars in San Francisco and West Hollywood. All those gay bashers in LA and SF. Perhaps you can give me an example of a gay being attacked for being gay at a non-gay bar in either of those cities recently? Any American city for that matter.

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