South Carolina Republican Primary Thread

What an amazing speech from Trump! omg!!!!!

Here's what I project. When Carson pulls out, he will throw his support to Trump. Not a whole lot there.
Bush should drop out early next week. He will throw his support to Rubio. That will put Rubio in almost a dead heat with Trump. Rubio is the Establishment boy now.
Nope, you're leaving out the Cruz factor.
No it doesn't, even in unlikely event Bernie Sanders won every Primary, the Party can take it off him with the Super Delegates all siding with Hillary.

Democracy the Democratic Party way :rolleyes-41:

Bernie is toast now. He really always was. Hillary is the face of the Democratic Party.

Hopefully he will drain Hillary of energy and funding. It is a shame really how the DNC has fucked Sanders.
they haven't f'd him....the rules were in place for decades, Bernie knows the rules and knew the rules before the contest began.... he can capture unpledged delegates up to the actual convention vote....nothing is set.... he can win simply on votes as well....but if i were him, i'd start working on getting support from super delegates to vote for him and show them he can truly win in a National election.

NOW READ THIS THREAD that Jackson posted on Republican super delegates/unpledged delegates and the rules for them that were recently changed.


But not all of them will be won during the state-by-state series of caucuses and primaries that will take place during the first half of 2016. Of the total of 2,472 Republican delegates, 437 of them are unpledged delegates – and 168 of those are members of the Republican National Committee.

In order to win the Republican nomination without any of the unpledged delegates, Trump would need to win 60.78 percent of the delegates that are up for grabs during the caucuses and primaries. And considering that his poll support is hovering around 30 percent right now, that is a very tall order.

In the past, it was easier for a front-runner to pile up delegates in “winner take all” states, but for this election cycle the Republicans have changed quite a few things. In 2016, all states that hold caucuses or primaries before March 15th must award their delegates proportionally.

In 2016, more delegates will be allocated on a proportional basis by the Republicans than ever before, and with such a crowded field that makes it quite likely that no candidate will have secured enough delegates for the nomination by the time the Republican convention rolls around.

The following comes from the Hill…

More than 20 top GOP officials discussed at a dinner on Monday the party’s strategy in the event of a brokered convention amid Donald Trump’s consistent lead in the polls.

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) listened as several longtime party members argued the establishment must lay the groundwork for a floor fight if Trump storms through the presidential primaries, five sources familiar with the meeting told The Washington Post.

In the event of a “brokered convention”, it is almost inevitable that an establishment candidate would emerge as the nominee. That list would include names such as Bush, Rubio and Romney, and it would exclude names such as Trump, Cruz and Carson.

Even if Trump captures every single one of these delegates, however, he would still need to capture over 700 of the nearly 2,000 remaining delegates in order to emerge as the nominee, and here is where the math gets much more difficult for him.

Even if he captures every single delegate awarded to candidates who win a plurality of the votes in a state, he would still need to win approximately 37 percent of the remaining delegates to capture the nomination — under the various and often complex rules that each state uses to allocate these delegates.

Currently, the Real Clear Politics polling average shows Trump leading the GOP field with about 30 percent of the vote, so his current polls likely do not give him enough support to capture the nomination outright.

So in the end, we could very well see a “brokered convention” for the first time in decades, and the damage done to the Republican party by a brokered convention could potentially hand the general election to Hillary Clinton.
How The Republican Establishment Can Keep Donald Trump From Getting The Nomination

So, if trump doesn't have the support from the RNC, he probably won't get the nomination. The only edge Trump might have is to keep claiming he'll go third party which means an inevitable loss for the Republicans.
Be prepared to hear him warning the DNC again, again and again.
All Republican delegates have to vote for the assigned candidate, and the 'super delegates' in the GOP are pledged to support whoever wins their state. So they cant do what the DNC is doing to Sanders.

And The way up to around 500 Super delegates have already endorsed Clinton is just reprehensible. She got all the super delegates from NEw Hampshire even though Sanders won the state by 20% of the vote!

The Democratic Party is anti-democratic. Which most of us have long known anyway.
if it is a BROKERED Convention, because Trump has not received enough delegates from States to win, THEN THE ABOVE scenario CAN take place.... A brokered convention means un pledged delegates become free agents, if I understand this correctly?

the RNC changed their rules according to the articles Jackson posted and ALL STATES in a primary or caucuses before march 15 have to proportionately divide their delegates....

AS SAID, the RNC rules changed.

AND the RNC can still ''dick'' him....

Yes, if the first ballot does not produce a winning candidate, then the following rounds of voting are open to whatever the delegates decide to do. That is why it is important for ground game people to make sure that the delegates finally selected in the state conventions are genuinely supportive of their candidate and not stealth candidates for other candidates like the Ron Paul people almost pulled off in about a dozen states in 2012.
I guess Roger Ailles is chewing a leather bone right about now.



Meanwhile the Dems continue looking for a legit Presidential candidate.


Does Trump get all the delegates from SC or is this another where the delegates get split?

He got 38 delegates, nobody else got any

This is very good! OMG the Republicans don't have those Super Delegates like the Democrats do?
The republicans do have superdelegates, but not like or as many as the Democrats.
"For Republicans, there are generally three unpledged delegates in each state, consisting of the state chairman and two RNC committee members. However, according to the RNC communications director Sean Spicer, convention rules obligate those RNC members to vote according to the result of primary elections held in their states."
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OK, South Carolina is winner take all by STATE and Congressional district.

SC has 21 district, 26 at-large, 3 RNC delegates and the winner of each gets all the delegates for that district or the state.

So Trump has at least 29 delegates plus whatever he has won in the district level contests. But so far, Cruz has not taken a lead in any of the districts, Rubio has a few and Trump the rest.
OK, South Carolina is winner take all by STATE and Congressional district.

SC has 21 district, 26 at-large, 3 RNC delegates and the winner of each gets all the delegates for that district or the state.

So Trump has at least 29 delegates plus whatever he has won in the district level contests. But so far, Cruz has not taken a lead in any of the districts, Rubio has a few and Trump the rest.

CNN just said that Trump has won at least 41 delegates.
And once again more than 60 percent of republicans vote for someone other than Trump.
Once again, Trump takes most of the votes, proving there is a movement in this country that we don't like how our politics work. We want a change from the Establishment Rule.

That is exactly right. That is why I think Trump gets most of Cruzes people except the cadre, and almost all of Carsons people too. These are anti-establishment candidates.

Kasich is not getting out before Ohio, which is like March 15th I think. That will already have more than half the delegates awarded and Trump a mathematically insurmountable lead by then.
Did anyone hear Carson's speech? He talked about how corrupt our politics are. We are tired of that. That's one of the reasons Trump gets the "Truth " vote. I wish Carson was doing better so he could be in contention for VP.

Looks like it could be Kasich.
OK, South Carolina is winner take all by STATE and Congressional district.

SC has 21 district, 26 at-large, 3 RNC delegates and the winner of each gets all the delegates for that district or the state.

So Trump has at least 29 delegates plus whatever he has won in the district level contests. But so far, Cruz has not taken a lead in any of the districts, Rubio has a few and Trump the rest.

CNN just said that Trump has won at least 41 delegates.
I am just wondering if Cruz will get any, Rubio should.

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