Southern Nationalists putting up SECEDE billboards

You do realize 99% of Klans HATE nazis? The Klan sees its self as American and nazis as well foreigners and a foreign ideology. My name does stand for Our Race Is Our Nation. Has nothing to do with some obscure group of morons calling themselves the ORION knights.
Sure thing. Hey, why not just be honest? It's the Internet and it has lots of crazy little Nazis running around.
Well first figure out if I am a nazi or a klansman lol
Its secession movements. Yep they are in several states. The League of the South is merely a southern nationalist group nothing more nothing less. They welcome blacks,jews,mexicans etc. They want a free dixie. Free from federal oppression.

They are a White Nationalist organization. Nazis.
LMAO wrong junior. Might want to tell those jews and blacks in the LOS they are in a
"nazi" group. Also White Nationalist and Nazi are 2 totally different things.
You do realize 99% of Klans HATE nazis?

Not since Don Black melded them together in the White Nationalist movement to overcome the dwindling numbers and power of both.
You do realize that there are HUNDREDS of klans right? White Nationalism is an Ideology not a movement. There are different groups that believe in that ideology though. Most klans don't like "nazis".
You do realize 99% of Klans HATE nazis? The Klan sees its self as American and nazis as well foreigners and a foreign ideology. My name does stand for Our Race Is Our Nation. Has nothing to do with some obscure group of morons calling themselves the ORION knights.
Sure thing. Hey, why not just be honest? It's the Internet and it has lots of crazy little Nazis running around.
Well first figure out if I am a nazi or a klansman lol

LMAO wrong junior. Might want to tell those jews and blacks in the LOS they are in a
"nazi" group. Also White Nationalist and Nazi are 2 totally different things.
You do realize 99% of Klans HATE nazis?

Not since Don Black melded them together in the White Nationalist movement to overcome the dwindling numbers and power of both.
You do realize that there are HUNDREDS of klans right? White Nationalism is an Ideology not a movement. There are different groups that believe in that ideology though. Most klans don't like "nazis".
Not sure why the Nazi label would bother you? The goals are the same.
LOL so only nazis want that? Would you call Farrakhan a nazi because he wants the same thing for black women,men and children?
No you called me a nazi LOL...why would only a nazi or racist want a safe nation of his own people? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
I hope they don't secede

We would miss them. Maybe if we get rid of that Kenyan they might stay?
Georgia ?secede? billboard project | Southern Nationalist Network

Awesome to see. The LOS refuses to discuss the race issue in this country its just a southern nationalist group but its part of the way there. FREE DIXIE!

Please. Let them go. Along with Texass, Arizona, Alaska, Oklahoma and whatever bunch of teabaggers think they'll have a sustainable economy afterwards.

The average IQ of Americans will go up exponentially.

Just when I think you couldn't be any more of a moron, you post shit like this...
You are the Nazi my little friend, and you are not alone here.

I should have picked up on the Jack London quote, too.

Its out there for all to see. I am a white man first and a socialist next. :D
Has anyone ever noticed that when someone veers so far right, they eventually wind up on the radical left. :eusa_hand:
If the south really wanted to secede they'd vote to become part of Russia. We know that works.

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