Stacey Abrams Blames Being Called Out for Mask Hypocrisy is Racist

I’m not playing semantics I’m just being straight. The OP said she called her attacks racists. She certainly did not. It’s very simple.

She cited BHM, which is close enough and has NOTHING to do with her choice to remain maskless, in fact ASKING young children to mask so she wouldn't have to.

Shameful. Horrid.
She cited BHM, which is close enough and has NOTHING to do with her choice to remain maskless, in fact ASKING young children to mask so she wouldn't have to.

Shameful. Horrid.
Citing black history month and the purpose of her visit to the school is very very very different than calling somebody racist. To try and say one is the same as the other is absurd.
Citing black history month and the purpose of her visit to the school is very very very different than calling somebody racist. To try and say one is the same as the other is absurd.

She (and the rest of Big Left) gets away with stuff like this because of people like you. We all see that she doesn't give a shit about masks and knows they don't work, but because of useful idiots like you, she can keep oppressing other people. Good job.
She (and the rest of Big Left) gets away with stuff like this because of people like you. We all see that she doesn't give a shit about masks and knows they don't work, but because of useful idiots like you, she can keep oppressing other people. Good job.
I don’t like Abrams, I think kids wearing masks in schools is useless, I think that picture she took is embarrassing and absurd. She deserves every bit of critique for the photo. What is totally unnecessary is to lie and say she called her attackers racist when she didn’t. It’s a pointless lie when there are many other legit things to critique. This is all very obvious, why can’t you admit it?

So, Abrams gets caught red handed and now she blames it on (what else) 'racism.' What an arrogant POS. From the looks of her SHE is the one who should be wearing a mask. Enough said.
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Awww... poor snowflakes. So easily triggered.
So it's not a big deal ... eh ? I beg to differ it's a huge
Big Deal and she knows it.It almost single-handidly
destroyed any hope she has for being a likely Georgia
Governor.The fact she refused to concede her loss in
2018 and then using the GOP as some cudgel accusing
of Jim Crow voting agendas.
She's virtually in no position whatsoever to git back
up on her Holier than thou perch.
She's washed-up.No way to reinvent herself.
She's a known quantity.
Well, yes.....I am triggered by little fat tyrants who dictate face diapers on children while absolving themselves. But, I get it, you just bend over and let them harm children.
LOL I was right. This is what triggers you enough to label her a tyrant?

Your orange fuhrer instigates a mob to storm the Capitol building to kidnap legislatures and hang the VP but that's a-ok.

A democrat is caught not wearing a mask and you idiots immediately label that as tyranny!

And you retards wonder why you are not taken seriously. :itsok:
LOL I was right. This is what triggers you enough to label her a tyrant?

Your orange fuhrer instigates a mob to storm the Capitol building to kidnap legislatures and hang the VP but that's a-ok.

A democrat is caught not wearing a mask and you idiots immediately label that as tyranny!

And you retards wonder why you are not taken seriously. :itsok:
Republican logiks.
LOL I was right. This is what triggers you enough to label her a tyrant?

Your orange fuhrer instigates a mob to storm the Capitol building to kidnap legislatures and hang the VP but that's a-ok.

A democrat is caught not wearing a mask and you idiots immediately label that as tyranny!

And you retards wonder why you are not taken seriously. :itsok:
There is no way in Hell or high water that most everyone
doesn't know about Stacey Abrams.No finer example of a
Democrat troublemaker.In which there are many.
She's the poster girl { gal } for fomenting a political
There is no way in Hell or high water that most everyone
doesn't know about Stacey Abrams.No finer example of a
Democrat troublemaker.In which there are many.
She's the poster girl { gal } for fomenting a political
And that relates to my question, how? A bit early in the day to get high, no?

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