Stacey Abrams Blames Being Called Out for Mask Hypocrisy is Racist

And that relates to my question, how? A bit early in the day to get high, no?
Such high brow use of juvenile humor.
Most any column regarding Abrams is never at a loss
for some comment or radical statement by her.
As if she's in some contest.To see who she can
out radicalize.Whether AOC or maybe the latest
Black toadie { Cori Bush or Ayanna Pressely }.
The kids look like they have more brains than Abrams.
And it's not like she broke with School Policy.
That everyone wear a mask.I believe it was reported
she arrived at the school with a mask and decided to
take if off.If that helps any.As to her repeated use
of belligerence.Like refusing to this day in Conceding
her 2018 loss to Governor Kemp.
And it's not like she broke with School Policy.
That everyone wear a mask.I believe it was reported
she arrived at the school with a mask and decided to
take if off.If that helps any.As to her repeated use
of belligerence.Like refusing to this day in Conceding
her 2018 loss to Governor Kemp.
Elitist Dems take their masks off for the camera because they are self-promoting monsters....they are in love with themselves and really have no time nor patients or concern for us little people....they are as fake and phony as a person can be....
Elitist Dems take their masks off for the camera because they are self-promoting monsters....they are in love with themselves and really have no time nor patients or concern for us little people....they are as fake and phony as a person can be....
PLus they think they can just out smart-aleck any
and all when questioned.As in where was your mask ?.
Like with L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti when seen walking
alongside Magic Johnson.His excuse.
He was holding his breath to make for a nice
Photo op.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaah ... Righto
Such high brow use of juvenile humor.
Most any column regarding Abrams is never at a loss
for some comment or radical statement by her.
As if she's in some contest.To see who she can
out radicalize.Whether AOC or maybe the latest
Black toadie { Cori Bush or Ayanna Pressely }.
Which is it? Is my brand of humor high-brow or juvenile? LOL

And what the heck are you babbling about? Did I mention that I don't know who Abrams is? Whatever gave you that idea? You are either high or forgot to take your meds. Your writing style and your gibberish indicates as much. Hope you feel better.
And it's not like she broke with School Policy.
That everyone wear a mask.I believe it was reported
she arrived at the school with a mask and decided to
take if off.If that helps any.As to her repeated use
of belligerence.Like refusing to this day in Conceding
her 2018 loss to Governor Kemp.
Actually, Abrams did concede to Gov Kemp.

But, I am curious. Are you this upset that a certain orange douche bag refuses to concede to Biden or do you reserve your anger only for uppity black women? Enquiring minds want to know.
Well, yes.....I am triggered by little fat tyrants who dictate face diapers on children while absolving themselves. But, I get it, you just bend over and let them harm children.
She only took it off for a couple of minutes under certain circumstances. We should stop listening to you people on this crap. Get vaccinated for God's sake and end this thing. Besides that you are 97 times more likely to die if you're not vaccinated. Why didn't you do this with polio and smallpox? Because you were brain washed into it by scumbags, for your information...
No, THIS is the face of tranny!



wait a minute.

counting the letters.

one two three four.......

never mind
this is more like it! Biden with Billie Eilish and another worthy musical dude

There’s nothing under the Sun the Left will not blame on racism.

Another Black Democrat gets exposed for hypocrisy and rather than own up to it and be accountable, she pulls out her race card. So predictable (…. And pathetic). How is she going to lead if she can’t be accountable?
Well, yes.....I am triggered by little fat tyrants who dictate face diapers on children while absolving themselves. But, I get it, you just bend over and let them harm children.
I listen ed to Abrams last night defending herself.... which was a mistake by the way she shouldn't even try to do that..... Her explanation smelled like a whole barn full. As she was finishing up her fifth Pizza...
I could definitely hear undertones of doubt and anger in her desperation to absolve herself of a massive public gaffe. Lol...


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