Stop looking down on us, please.

I'm human. Therefore I only appreciate rationality--however a rational being is something we humans are not.

Look, it makes perfect sense.

I unerstand where you are coming from. You are tired of following the "sensible" path. You are tired of being the only rational person in the room.

So you tried something nutty! In slang, it is called "going on a nut roll". Since all the reasonable and rational paths taken has failed, you decided to break down walls, blow up doors.

You went crazy because sanity does not seem to work for you.

That is natural human behavior. No need to think about it, just act from intuition!

Well, if that's how it's going to be, I'll speak in a language that only you and your maladroit friends will be able to understand.


Are you flicking me off because I am saying your rationale is not rational.
Or because we humans are naturally irrational, hence I can't look down on your insane acts
Here I'll do it again.

When I look down for Trump supporters I can't see them, as they are underneath my shoe and just as unworthy. Fungus supporting fungus.

Please, he says, we are but poor humble Hitler Youth. Pass...
That fungus is the next POTUS
Not a chance. He can't win (I've seen the numbers) but please, run him.
Honestly, given the likely scenario of Trump vs. Clinton, I'd say that it is a toss up.
When I look down for Trump supporters I can't see them, as they are underneath my shoe and just as unworthy. Fungus supporting fungus.

Please, he says, we are but poor humble Hitler Youth. Pass...
That fungus is the next POTUS
Not a chance. He can't win (I've seen the numbers) but please, run him.
Honestly, given the likely scenario of Trump vs. Clinton, I'd say that it is a toss up.
You can say anything you like, that doesn't make it true...
Trump talks like a ten-year-old and appeals to people that think like ten-year-olds.
"I know words, I have the best words"

The real world is nuanced and hard and Trump supporters don't want to have to think about things...they want simple and simplistic answers...therefore they don't care that he doesn't actually have any plans that he can spell out, plans require thinking about and they don't want that...and they want someone to take care of everything for them.
Just like a ten-year-old.
Trump talks like a ten-year-old and appeals to people that think like ten-year-olds.
"I know words, I have the best words"

The real world is nuanced and hard and Trump supporters don't want to have to think about things...they want simple and simplistic answers...therefore they don't care that he doesn't actually have any plans that he can spell out, plans require thinking about and they don't want that...and they want someone to take care of everything for them.
Just like a ten-year-old.
Trump is their new Deal Leader, obviously...
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump, there would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we voted for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for one person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, high school dropouts, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."

I think this is actually a pretty reasonable post. You present that you are frustrated and tired of the same old thing. Fair enough, I am too. I am an independent and I cannot understand why the national debt of 19 trillion dollars isn't front and center as an issue. (and everyone keep your 'it's his fault it's their fault' to yourselves please).

I would love to see a viable third party candidate who could get enough people of both parties to vote for him/her and turn the establishment upside down.

But Trump isn't the guy. I mean Jesus H Christ have you been watching? His behavior is what a president should exhibit? I like the no-nonsense bravado towards the establishment political class he puts out, but his rhetoric towards other human beings is that of a madman. He speaks like a teenager who has grown up with no rules and no sense of what normal society is.

I thank you for the, what I see as, sincere post regarding your views on Trump, but my only response is he isn't the one. As desperate as many of us are for a complete overhaul of this political system this guy is the wrong choice.

Edit: Let me just add it may be a good moment for a political party that is made up of all walks that have had it with the entire political establishment to arise.

-Stop borrowing money and pay off the debt
-Fix the infrastructure of the entire country
-Simplify the tax code
-Control the borders but allow guest workers and vetted immigrants in as we have always done (see Statue of Liberty)

If there isn't a small core of issues most Americans can agree are just common sense then what we have now is what we have.
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I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump, there would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we voted for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for one person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, high school dropouts, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."
you republicans have fought against obama from his very start ,,,for you to compare repubs fighting against trump as greater than your vileness towards a rightful president shows me you're either dishonest or politically stupid
Ok...So lets do a little comparison....During either of Obama's campaigns, how many protesters screamed, yelled, held up signs and demanded Obama NOT have a right to speak?......
Not interested in your reply..Just provide examples....That MATCH what your side is doing at Trump rallies...Have at it....
I suppose if you're voting for Trump you had to write that OP dissertation to convince yourself you're doing the right thing.

All I have to do is here about him inciting people to violence and I know I won't vote for him.

Lol, yeah and you would have voted for him ohterwise?

People are not so stupid as to believe libtard bullshit lies any more.

Only college students and yellow dog Democrats fall for that shit.
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump, there would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we voted for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for one person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, high school dropouts, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."

I think this is actually a pretty reasonable post. You present that you are frustrated and tired of the same old thing. Fair enough, I am too. I am an independent and I cannot understand why the national debt of 19 trillion dollars isn't front and center as an issue. (and everyone keep your 'it's his fault it's their fault' to yourselves please).

I would love to see a viable third party candidate who could get enough people of both parties to vote for him/her and turn the establishment upside down.

But Trump isn't the guy. I mean Jesus H Christ have you been watching? His behavior is what a president should exhibit? I like the no-nonsense bravado towards the establishment political class he puts out, but his rhetoric towards other human beings is that of a madman. He speaks like a teenager who has grown up with no rules and no sense of what normal society is.

I thank you for the, what I see as, sincere post regarding your views on Trump, but my only response is he isn't the one. As desperate as many of us are for a complete overhaul of this political system this guy is the wrong choice.

Trump is not directing his comments to policy wonks and pundits. He is speaking directly to average Americans, and you liberals thinks that that proves Trump cannot think in complex terms.

No, he understands advertising and knows that aiming at the average viewer is how you win them over, not by dissertations on Meet the PRess.
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump, there would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we voted for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for one person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, high school dropouts, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."

I think this is actually a pretty reasonable post. You present that you are frustrated and tired of the same old thing. Fair enough, I am too. I am an independent and I cannot understand why the national debt of 19 trillion dollars isn't front and center as an issue. (and everyone keep your 'it's his fault it's their fault' to yourselves please).

I would love to see a viable third party candidate who could get enough people of both parties to vote for him/her and turn the establishment upside down.

But Trump isn't the guy. I mean Jesus H Christ have you been watching? His behavior is what a president should exhibit? I like the no-nonsense bravado towards the establishment political class he puts out, but his rhetoric towards other human beings is that of a madman. He speaks like a teenager who has grown up with no rules and no sense of what normal society is.

I thank you for the, what I see as, sincere post regarding your views on Trump, but my only response is he isn't the one. As desperate as many of us are for a complete overhaul of this political system this guy is the wrong choice.
And Hillary Clinton IS the right choice?....
Trump is not directing his comments to policy wonks and pundits. He is speaking directly to average Americans, and you liberals thinks that that proves Trump cannot think in complex terms.

No, he understands advertising and knows that aiming at the average viewer is how you win them over, not by dissertations on Meet the PRess.
Been there, fuck that...
However, a lot of the adjectives, such as "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", are quite warranted. Why? Well, one of the basics of intellectual valuation is the ability to weigh between two different variables, both with positives and negatives, and choose the "best" or "least damaging" one.

No. None of those monikers are warranted. They are labels, only used in the minds of people like yourself to separate us from what you see as civil and acceptable society. How arrogant.

The flaw in your reasoning is that you somehow know which one is the "best" or the "least damaging." Enough damage has already been done by people we placed our trust in before, to be honest.

If you do support Trump you have, by default, shown a marked inability to fairly compare variables and make the correct decision.

And this is exactly my point. You move from complementing me to insulting me in the same post. Really? You don't get to define what is the "correct decision." If I were so unintelligent as a Trump supporter, do you really think I would be able to so easily put my sentiments and my reasoning into words like I did in the OP? I considered voting for Rubio and Kasich numerous times. Rubio started telling dick jokes, and Kasich didn't have much of a spine. Cruz showed himself to be a liar and a dirty player.

With that being said, I guess you're just one of many individuals given to stereotyping people.
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Trump talks like a ten-year-old and appeals to people that think like ten-year-olds.
"I know words, I have the best words"

The real world is nuanced and hard and Trump supporters don't want to have to think about things...they want simple and simplistic answers...therefore they don't care that he doesn't actually have any plans that he can spell out, plans require thinking about and they don't want that...and they want someone to take care of everything for them.
Just like a ten-year-old.

If common sense was really common we would be better off. Sure he may not appeal to PHD in Middle Eastern archeology or ??? Hell yeah, we want someone to "take care of everything" for us. We PAY 50% overall for them to do the JOB. They win the lottery, free money for life. Work for it.
you republicans have fought against obama from his very start ,,,for you to compare repubs fighting against trump as greater than your vileness towards a rightful president shows me you're either dishonest or politically stupid

"Rightful president"

You make him sound like a king, eddie. And that's why people are pissed, because to put it frankly, he's been acting like one.

And I believe the term you're looking for is "politically incorrect" not "politically stupid."
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump, there would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we voted for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for one person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, high school dropouts, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."

I think this is actually a pretty reasonable post. You present that you are frustrated and tired of the same old thing. Fair enough, I am too. I am an independent and I cannot understand why the national debt of 19 trillion dollars isn't front and center as an issue. (and everyone keep your 'it's his fault it's their fault' to yourselves please).

I would love to see a viable third party candidate who could get enough people of both parties to vote for him/her and turn the establishment upside down.

But Trump isn't the guy. I mean Jesus H Christ have you been watching? His behavior is what a president should exhibit? I like the no-nonsense bravado towards the establishment political class he puts out, but his rhetoric towards other human beings is that of a madman. He speaks like a teenager who has grown up with no rules and no sense of what normal society is.

I thank you for the, what I see as, sincere post regarding your views on Trump, but my only response is he isn't the one. As desperate as many of us are for a complete overhaul of this political system this guy is the wrong choice.
And Hillary Clinton IS the right choice?....

All the rest of the choices are marginal. I've been posting for six months that I'd like to see a Kasich/Sanders or Sanders/Kasich ticket. It won't happen.

And this is part of why people are drawn to Trump, the lack of anything other than the same we've had before. But Trump is not presidential material. If he hadn't come out as batty from the beginning I would have had a hard long look at him. But he almost immediately said all the Mexicans coming across the border are rapists. President of the local men's club, sure. Of the US? Can't do it.
All I have to do is here about him inciting people to violence and I know I won't vote for him.

As my grandmother so wisely pointed out to me at a young age, "don't believe everything you see on TV."

I suppose if you're voting for Trump you had to write that OP dissertation to convince yourself you're doing the right thing.

You know, it's condescending posts like these that make people want to pull for Trump. It's not a self affirmation. I voted for Trump. The deed has been done. I made up my mind.
When I look down for Trump supporters I can't see them, as they are underneath my shoe and just as unworthy. Fungus supporting fungus.

Please, he says, we are but poor humble Hitler Youth. Pass...
That fungus is the next POTUS
Not a chance. He can't win (I've seen the numbers) but please, run him.
Honestly, given the likely scenario of Trump vs. Clinton, I'd say that it is a toss up.
If by convention time the left can look at those numbers and see that, the super delegates just might thrown in with Bernie. . . :lmao:

Against Bernie, he might be toast. Look what Soros helped the Bernie supporters do in Chicago.

Hell, if people can be fooled into believing the Kerfuffle in Chicago was Trump's fault, I'm sure they can convince Americans to vote for a Socialist.


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