Stop looking down on us, please.

However, a lot of the adjectives, such as "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", are quite warranted. Why? Well, one of the basics of intellectual valuation is the ability to weigh between two different variables, both with positives and negatives, and choose the "best" or "least damaging" one.

No. None of those monikers are warranted. They are labels, only used in the minds of people like yourself to separate us from what you see as civil and acceptable society. How arrogant.

The flaw in your reasoning is that you somehow know which one is the "best" or the "least damaging." Enough damage has already been done by people we placed our trust in before, to be honest.

If you do support Trump you have, by default, shown a marked inability to fairly compare variables and make the correct decision.

And this is exactly my point. You move from complementing me to insulting me in the same post. Really? You don't get to define what is the "correct decision." If I were so unintelligent as a Trump supporter, do you really think I would be able to so easily put my sentiments and my reasoning into words like I did in the OP? I considered voting for Rubio and Kasich numerous times. Rubio started telling dick jokes, and Kasich didn't have much of a spine. Cruz showed himself to be a liar and a dirty player.

With that being said, I guess you're just one of many individuals given to stereotyping people.
You know there are a lot people who make really nice sounding and (on the surface) what looks to be well-constructed arguments. I recognize that you put thought and effort into your post, and for that, I certainly applaud you.

You are certainly correct, I do not get to define what the "correct decision" is. Honestly, it will probably take ~10ish years to get a better perspective on what to think of this election cycle. I'll allow for that. However, I do believe that, given this knowledge, that perhaps one of the better measures on judging our candidates would be how the world views them, as they tend to be relatively unaffected by political leanings.

If we consider this, it becomes pretty clear that Trump, somebody the world both hates and tends to laugh at (unless you are Putin...he's pretty much the only guy that likes Trump, which is honestly more of a negative than a positive), is probably the worst candidate we can consider. If you add back in partisan politics, the choice only becomes even more clear. One of Obama's worst failings is that he was not connected enough in Washington to get done what he was looking to get done. A lot of his years are marked by stalemates and battles between both his administration and Congress and the parties in Congress battling among themselves. Trump has CLEARLY shown that he would only exasperate such a fact, it wouldn't be uncalled for considering a worst case scenario of a civil war when he takes office considering we may very likely be facing an executive branch militarizing itself to force policies that neither the judicial nor the legislative branches agree with.

On the other hand, if you consider a worst case scenario of even the worst among other candidates (in my mind Clinton) it isn't much worse than just continuing business as usual, draining money from the lower classes and enriching the hyper wealthy. Now, for sure, we do need a change in this country. However, not all change is good change...just voting for change for the sake of wanting change is literally a fool's philosophy.

Edit: Seeing as I'm a fan of people like Kanye West and Michael Jordan, I tend to see no real issue with being called arrogant.
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I don't really blame Trump voters who already voted for him. I would have too (well, not really because we haven't voted yet in Arizona) because I agree with pretty much everything he says. Build the wall, ding mehico for the cost, ban muslims from Syria because we can't confirm who they are. No way we can deport all the illegals with the judges we have now, but we can certainly get rid of thousands of them who are criminals, on welfare, over-extended visas and pass Kate's Law. And we need to teach China, Japan, and Putin lessons in trade deals they will never forget. Rubio has the same plans.

I just don't believe a word Trump says. I don't believe he's a conservative. And I don't believe he can withstand what the MSM will unveil on him if he's the nominee....leaving him in a political dumpster fire and Hillary in the White House. I support Rubio...he's the real deal whether the snow-blind Trumpettes see it or not.
One of Obama's worst failings is that he was not connected enough in Washington to get done what he was looking to get done.

You talk as if that would have been a good thing. Add that to the list of the 1001 things that make people support Trump. Too many connections to Washington DC, and no connection to the people.
Why Donald Trump's Defense of Social Security Is Brilliant It's this kind of busting ideological barriers has made Trump the leader. He's broken with GOP policies on entitlements, on the individual mandate that was central to Obamacare and on trade. He's not a liberal or a Democrat but he is charting new waters and given the total ossification of both parties, this kind of glasnost has to be welcomed.
Short of an endorsement but not far considering what article say about dem party
Yo, I voted for him because he was on T.V.? "The Apprentice" Love that show, especially when he says? TemplarKormac, you`re FIRED!

Yo, I never even watched "The Apprentice." I didn't vote for him because of his popularity. I voted for him for reasons I stated in post #1. And for the record, the person I associate the "You're fired" with more, is this guy. See, WWF/E wrestling was my thing back in the day:


Oh and by the way, that's what you should say to your psychic. Because you most certainly failed to read my mind.
Yo, I voted for him because he was on T.V.? "The Apprentice" Love that show, especially when he says? TemplarKormac, you`re FIRED!

Yo, I never even watched "The Apprentice." I didn't vote for him because of his popularity. I voted for him for reasons I stated in post #1. And for the record, the person I associate the "You're fired" with more, is this guy. See, WWF/E wrestling was my thing back in the day:


Oh and by the way, that's what you should say to your psychic. Because you most certainly failed to read my mind.
Please tell me you don't watch sweaty, steroided men in underwear dance around with each other for your entertainment.
You say that, but you support literally have huge, gaping loopholes in your logic.

And when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, you make my point.

You don't like Trump's attitude, but you do quite the Trump impression yourself, you have little room to lecture me about my logic.
Yo, I voted for him because he was on T.V.? "The Apprentice" Love that show, especially when he says? TemplarKormac, you`re FIRED!

Yo, I never even watched "The Apprentice." I didn't vote for him because of his popularity. I voted for him for reasons I stated in post #1. And for the record, the person I associate the "You're fired" with more, is this guy. See, WWF/E wrestling was my thing back in the day:

Acutally --- that speaks volumes about the vote you admitted to in post 1.
See, Never, you tried to put
I tend to see no real issue with being called arrogant.

There's your problem. It's that kind of elitism that pisses people off.
You say that, but you support literally have huge, gaping loopholes in your logic.

You A) Look down on me for supporting Trump

B) You insult my intelligence for supporting Trump

C) You stated yourself you had no issue being called arrogant, which ironically sounds like something Trump would say

D) and overall, you resort to the same petty insults that Trump resorts to.

And you lecture me about my logic, given that you seem to exhibit the same behavior?
Yo, I voted for him because he was on T.V.? "The Apprentice" Love that show, especially when he says? TemplarKormac, you`re FIRED!

Yo, I never even watched "The Apprentice." I didn't vote for him because of his popularity. I voted for him for reasons I stated in post #1. And for the record, the person I associate the "You're fired" with more, is this guy. See, WWF/E wrestling was my thing back in the day:

Acutally --- that speaks volumes about the vote you admitted to in post 1.

Are you interested in me Pogo? Because that sounded like you trying to hit off me.
You say that, but you support literally have huge, gaping loopholes in your logic.

And when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, you make my point.

You don't like Trump's attitude, but you do quite the Trump impression yourself, you have little room to lecture me about my logic.
I think Trump's attitude is great in the business world. I'll argue on his behalf all the way tomorrow on how much of a great business man he is.

Unfortunately, the President isn't a business man...different positions have different considerations. Generally, if you are egotistical or arrogant it IS a huge downside for a politician. You aren't going to get many world leaders to side on your fact, you might offend a few of them into arming against you. Some people, with intellect, can discern the difference between different situations and different positions. Such is the case here where, in the position of being president, being arrogant is a huge negative. You, on the other hand, not only hate arrogance as a generality, but you have a guy displaying said arrogance in one of the worst positions to display it...but you support him. Sad, sad day for your logical train. I'd go so far to say that personality and perception of personality is so important that you could almost write off Trump as a candidate based solely upon his arrogance, not even considering his radical and absurd stances.
See, Never, you tried to put
I tend to see no real issue with being called arrogant.

There's your problem. It's that kind of elitism that pisses people off.
You say that, but you support literally have huge, gaping loopholes in your logic.

You A) Look down on me for supporting Trump

B) You insult my intelligence for supporting Trump

C) You stated yourself you had no issue being called arrogant, which ironically sounds like something Trump would say

D) and overall, you resort to the same petty insults that Trump resorts to.

And you lecture me about my logic, given that you seem to exhibit the same behavior?
Let's be honest, you support Trump. Which means that the tactics he uses are proven to be effective to you. I'd have to be an idiot not to just keep calling you names and yelling as much as possible...if you were to respond to rational arguments you really wouldn't even think of supporting him. Now, for sure, I tend to more enjoy rational discussions...but those won't work on you. I have to remember to just keep hammering home how much of a complete retard you are...since you seem to enjoy and support those types of tactics.

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