Stop looking down on us, please.

I never attended an Ivy League college (maybe a better public university, but the GI Bill does not pay the full tuition of private universities). Also, higher academia means your level of degree, not what school(s) you attended. You can go to Blumpkin university and get your master's or Ph.D. and start doing research work, while you may have to work pretty hard since you don't have the credentials, you are still in the higher academic arena.

So, you somehow think this grants you an insight that none of us lower folk posses, from what I'm hearing. This is quite the spectacle. Going to college or getting a degree does not grant you absolute wisdom or intelligence. It's saddening to see you haven't gotten the memo.
You also keep crying about not specifically constructing an argument YET YOU HAVE NEVER GIVEN US YOUR PERSONAL REASONS FOR SUPPORTING HIM...hello?

Hello! You're the one lecturing me about constructing arguments, as yours have devolved into ad hominem.

Did you not read the OP? Or is reading comprehension not your forte? All my reasons were stated there. Your biases and preconceived judgements told you to ignore any reasons I gave for supporting Trump.

I'm sorry if you failed to grasp my point. That's not my problem.
I've read your post, now, maybe I've missed it, but it really seems like you spoke in generalities rather than listing your personal opinions on the matter.

Feel free to correct me and treat me like the neanderthal you seem to think I am. Please list, explicitly, in bullet fashion, your personal reasons for supporting Trump. Helps a stupid boy out.
"But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump."

It's not a matter of 'looking down,' it's a matter of bewilderment.

How any American could seek to disadvantage his fellow American simply because he is gay, or a Muslim, or Hispanic, or a woman exercising her right to privacy is indeed a mystery.

We can only assume it's a matter of ignorance and fear – where ignorance and fear soon become hate.

And when ignorance, fear, and hate are conjoined with the authoritarianism common to most conservatives and Trump supporters, intolerance and bigotry soon follow.

We can only tell you and other Trump supporters that your fear is unwarranted – there is nothing to fear from change, diversity, dissent, or expressions of individual liberty.

It's indeed sad that you're so consumed and blinded by your fear and ignorance that you're unable to embrace change, celebrate diversity, respect dissent, and revel in individual liberty.
What "promises" are you referring to?

The traditional Republican points, abortion, illegal immigration, marriage and etc. The promises.

What "wounds" should have been tended?

The ideological wounds.

What "wounds" is Trump a "tourniquet" for?

See the previous answer. When I was in ROTC, I was educated on the use of a tourniquet as part of a course on field triage. If you are severely wounded near a major artery say, your arm or leg, the best way to stop the bleeding is to apply a tourniquet. The down side is that in exigent circumstance, the person could lose the affected limb.

The moral of the story? Better to lose a limb than your life. That's what I meant by tourniquet.
Please list, explicitly, in bullet fashion, your personal reasons for supporting Trump.

If you had been reading carefully, you would have seen me give an explicit reason as to why I supported Trump.

"And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up."

If that doesn't edify you as to my reasons, I can't help you further.
I never attended an Ivy League college (maybe a better public university, but the GI Bill does not pay the full tuition of private universities). Also, higher academia means your level of degree, not what school(s) you attended. You can go to Blumpkin university and get your master's or Ph.D. and start doing research work, while you may have to work pretty hard since you don't have the credentials, you are still in the higher academic arena.

So, you somehow think this grants you an insight that none of us lower folk posses, from what I'm hearing. This is quite the spectacle. Going to college or getting a degree does not grant you absolute wisdom or intelligence. It's saddening to see you haven't gotten the memo.
I don't, I think that my life experience, in general grants me more wisdom than you. While I'm not as idealistic as I was when I was younger I am more experienced. I've been able to travel the world, see both 1st world and 3rd world nations. I've been able to meet people and see what they have to say and see how unique and wonderful America, and other nations, truly are. I've been able to take the time to visit many places around the nation, from the rolling, endless plains in South Dakota, to the harsh cold winter of the NE, to the tropics in Hawaii, to LA in the West, to Florida in the East.

I've been able to be deployed to combat, twice. I've experience the military and civilian side of life. I've went to both lower tech schools up to a better university studying in a program ranked in the top 10 in the nation. I've met people that come from towns with one stop light, to people raised in LA, Boston, or NY. I've been able to talk and be friends with radical left-ists, staunch Conservatives, super theoretical, highly intelligent individuals, to even (one of my best buds in Afghan) a former White Supremist skinhead from Kansas.

I've done a lot and sacrificed a lot of my selfishness (I don't have a family, and don't really intend to start one). With all that said, by being in war, knowing the dangers of xenophobia and actually being scared shitless of our country being in actual, full-fledged combat...I think I realize, far better than you, the real threat that Trump poses. I mean, most likely if Trump becomes president not a lot will change...he just lacks the political backing to get anything done. However, even if there is just a 1% chance that he starts doing what he wants, and we get into that worst case is so bad that it is worth avoiding altogether.

To be quite honest, moreso than any sort of logical constructed argument (which, if you provide your personal reasons I'd be more than willing to attack), it is my experiences that lead me to see Trump as a true danger to our nation.
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump, there would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we voted for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for one person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, high school dropouts, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."

I'm not going to blame every trump supporter for the actions of a few. Nor am I going to condemn Trump as a 'nazi' or a 'fascist' or some other awkward blanket label.

But I will ask a specific trump supporter to justify their support for trump's stated policies. Which vacillate between ludicriously vague, outright criminal, ominously counter to basic freedoms or poorly thought through.
There's your problem. It's that kind of elitism that pisses people off.

Elitism may piss people off, but Populism gets people killed.

You know what gets American citizens killed? Allowing illegals to pour across our border and murder them.
I don't think anybody "allows" illegals across the border...hence, the term, "illegal".

Thinking, not your strong suit. Go watch the National Geographic documentary on Mexico's Meth trafficking into the United States then once you have a sliver of knowledge perhaps we can discuss further.
So, your position is that we have corrupt officials that allow illegals across the border due to the drug trade? I'll allow that, the drug war is horrid for both our economy and Mexico's. I'm glad you are on the same side as me and are looking to legalize illicit drugs in the United States.

My position is that you are ill informed on the issue, pitifully ill informed. What is your position on the issue of 1/3 of illegals stealing $4 billion a year from American taxpayers? They were only stealing about $250 million a year under Bush, now its $4 billion plus and rising. We have bombed countries to rubble for killing fewer Americans than illegals have killed, your position on that?
Please list, explicitly, in bullet fashion, your personal reasons for supporting Trump.

If you had been reading carefully, you would have seen me give an explicit reason as to why I supported Trump.

"And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up."

If that doesn't edify you as to my reasons, I can't help you further.
You realize that if you have given up, you wouldn't even vote right (let's be honest, its a huge pain in the least in my state).

In order to vote FOR somebody you have to have a reason to motivate yourself into doing that. You just gave me a reason why you would vote for nobody.
Elitism may piss people off, but Populism gets people killed.

You know what gets American citizens killed? Allowing illegals to pour across our border and murder them.
I don't think anybody "allows" illegals across the border...hence, the term, "illegal".

Thinking, not your strong suit. Go watch the National Geographic documentary on Mexico's Meth trafficking into the United States then once you have a sliver of knowledge perhaps we can discuss further.
So, your position is that we have corrupt officials that allow illegals across the border due to the drug trade? I'll allow that, the drug war is horrid for both our economy and Mexico's. I'm glad you are on the same side as me and are looking to legalize illicit drugs in the United States.

My position is that you are ill informed on the issue, pitifully ill informed. What is your position on the issue of 1/3 of illegals stealing $4 billion a year from American taxpayers? They were only stealing about $250 million a year under Bush, now its $4 billion plus and rising. We have bombed countries to rubble for killing fewer Americans than illegals have killed, your position on that?
Like I said, I'm glad to hear that you are with us on stopping the drug war and legalizing all illicit substances. You have no complaints here my friend.
I don't, I think that my life experience, in general grants me more wisdom than you.

You know, you're the second person who has said something similar to me over the past 24 hours. Your life experience obviously didn't teach you any manners or sensibilities. Living longer doesn't always make you wiser than someone else. I don't know why people think that way. I've seen 80 year olds that were dumber than a rock, and they didn't have Alzheimer's either. I've also noticed that in some cases, growing older makes one more rigid in their ways. It closes them to new ideas or possibilities.

While I'm not as idealistic as I was when I was younger I am more experienced. I've been able to travel the world, see both 1st world and 3rd world nations. I've been able to meet people and see what they have to say and see how unique and wonderful America, and other nations, truly are. I've been able to take the time to visit many places around the nation, from the rolling, endless plains in South Dakota, to the harsh cold winter of the NE, to the tropics in Hawaii, to LA in the West, to Florida in the East.

Ah, great, now you're monologuing me. I don't care if you've been to Mars and back, to be honest.

I've been able to be deployed to combat, twice. I've experience the military and civilian side of life.

Thank you for your service then.

To be quite honest, moreso than any sort of logical constructed argument (which, if you provide your personal reasons I'd be more than willing to attack), it is my experiences that lead me to see Trump as a true danger to our nation.

Your experiences have taught you to look down on others who never shared them, or don't believe as you do. You have a classic "holier than thou" attitude. Not dissimilar to Trump's. You are dismissive. And you are fool enough to think that Trump, and subsequently I, are somehow a danger to "your" nation. How dare you.
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Which vacillate between ludicrously vague, outright criminal, ominously counter to basic freedoms or poorly thought through.

You won't see me doing any of that, I promise you. The reason can be simply stated in four words. It doesn't matter anymore.
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I don't, I think that my life experience, in general grants me more wisdom than you.

You know, you're the second person who has said something similar to me over the past 24 hours. Your life experience obviously didn't teach you any manners or sensibilities. Living longer doesn't always make you wiser than someone else. I don't know why people think that way. I've seen 80 year olds that were dumber than a rock, and they didn't have Alzheimer's either. I've also noticed that in some cases, growing older makes one more rigid in their ways. It closes them to new ideas or possibilities.

While I'm not as idealistic as I was when I was younger I am more experienced. I've been able to travel the world, see both 1st world and 3rd world nations. I've been able to meet people and see what they have to say and see how unique and wonderful America, and other nations, truly are. I've been able to take the time to visit many places around the nation, from the rolling, endless plains in South Dakota, to the harsh cold winter of the NE, to the tropics in Hawaii, to LA in the West, to Florida in the East.

Ah, great, now you're monologuing me. I don't care if you've been to Mars and back, to be honest.

I've been able to be deployed to combat, twice. I've experience the military and civilian side of life.

Thank you for your service then.

To be quite honest, moreso than any sort of logical constructed argument (which, if you provide your personal reasons I'd be more than willing to attack), it is my experiences that lead me to see Trump as a true danger to our nation.

Your experiences have taught you to look down on others who never shared them, or don't believe as you do. You have a classic "holier than thou" attitude. Not dissimilar to Trump's. You are dismissive. And you are fool enough to think that I somehow am a danger to "your" nation. How dare you.
Personally, I'm pretty scared that I'll eventually reach a day where I'm set in my ways. I think that now, at least, I'm fortunate enough to have a relatively flexible mind.

If you don't care where I've been (and I don't necessarily blame you) don't go out of your way to thank me.

If you ever reach the upper echelon of something you will understand my attitude, either because you have become me yourself, or because you rub shoulders with individuals with similar attitudes than me. It isn't something I can explain if you haven't experienced it yourself. All I can say is that you need to do something, just one thing, focus on it, work crazy hard at it...harder than anybody, and reach that platform where you are at the near pinnacle. You'll see that the guys near the top, they don't see the guys on the bottom or the middle as their equals. They KNOW that they are better than them (whether that be performance or knowledge). You won't see it until you reach that upper echelon in whatever you do.

You keep comparing me to Trump in and associating that with a negative. This makes it all the more curious why you support him?

BTW I don't necessarily look down on others if they think differently than me as long as they can articulate how they feel and give me a well constructed argument for their reasoning. That is a far cry from a guy who just said that his reason to vote for Trump was "I gave up" There was a guy on another thread that is an ardent Pro-Lifer. Now, I'm a pro-choice guy, but the Pro-life advocate (Chuz_Life I think) really knows his stuff and was able to both tell us why he thinks why he does as well as make compelling arguments to try and convince others. Now, I'm still pro-choice, but I'm sold as far as people like that are concerned. People that know what they feel, why they feel it, and spend hours upon hours building up the knowledge base to support that cannot help but respect that.

On the other hand you give us "I gave up"...really?
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If you don't care where I've been (and I don't necessarily blame you) don't go out of your way to thank me.

Given that I've had multiple generations in my family fight in wars throughout the past century, that is something I recognize well, and even if I don't like you, I'll thank you nonetheless. It is admirable for any man or woman to put their life on the line for the sake of his or her country.

Don't get me wrong, even as I lob angry ripostes at you, I have nothing against you. At all. I get caught up sometimes, which is a failing of mine, admittedly.

If you ever reach the upper echelon of something you will understand my attitude, either because you have become me yourself, or because you rub shoulders with individuals with similar attitudes than me.

Ahh, I see. A common man like me must reach "the upper echelon" of something before he is seen as an equal. That's the very definition of elitism. I don't want to reach a stage in my life where I spend most of it comparing people to my experiences and disregarding them out of hand.

You keep comparing me to Trump in and associating that with a negative. This makes it all the more curious why you support him?

How many times must you ask me? You somehow equate voting for someone as support. I don't. Support. Trump. But I do understand why others do. Though, I have gotten to a point where I feel it doesn't matter who I vote for, it will all be the same. But, as I was taught by my grandmother, voting is a civic duty. If you don't vote, you have no place complaining about who is elected or what policy is passed.

It's as simple as that, sir.
You'll see that the guys near the top, the don't see the guys on the bottom or the middle as their equals. They KNOW that they are better than them (whether that be performance or knowledge). You won't see it until you reach that upper echelon in whatever you do.

And it is for that reason why I would prefer to spend my time down here on Earth, among mere mortals like myself.
If you don't care where I've been (and I don't necessarily blame you) don't go out of your way to thank me.

Given that I've had multiple generations in my family fight in wars throughout the past century, that is something I recognize well, and even if I don't like you, I'll thank you nonetheless. It is admirable for any man or woman to put their life on the line for the sake of his or her country.

Don't get me wrong, even as I lob angry ripostes at you, I have nothing against you. At all. I get caught up sometimes, which is a failing of mine, admittedly.

If you ever reach the upper echelon of something you will understand my attitude, either because you have become me yourself, or because you rub shoulders with individuals with similar attitudes than me.

Ahh, I see. A common man like me must reach "the upper echelon" of something before he is seen as an equal. That's the very definition of elitism. I don't want to reach a stage in my life where I spend most of it comparing people to my experiences and disregarding them out of hand.

You keep comparing me to Trump in and associating that with a negative. This makes it all the more curious why you support him?

How many times must you ask me? You somehow equate voting for someone as support. I don't. Support. Trump. But I do understand why others do. Though, I have gotten to a point where I feel it doesn't matter who I vote for, it will all be the same. But, as I was taught by my grandmother, voting is a civic duty. If you don't vote, you have no place complaining about who is elected or what policy is passed.

It's as simple as that, sir.
You know, I may actually believe that if you weren't so passionately defending your stance. If you gave up, if you didn't wouldn't be spending hours upon hours defending that viewpoint. Whether you are honest enough with yourself or wise enough to realize it, you are a passionate supporter of Trump. As such, I've asked before, and I'll ask again...why? It is pretty clear you have done anything but "give up".

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