Stop Treating Trump Like He's An Evil Genius. He's Just A Bumbling Senile Racist


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Racism is the last refuge of a talentless politician and it always has been. It works in America, just barely, but all politicians know that their legacy will write them off as hacks if it’s their only trick. Donald Trump is a one trick pony with zero shame and zero legitimate legacy to worry about.

Stop treating Trump like he’s an evil genius when in fact he’s just an incompetent idiot who’s only ever had one play, one move, one winning characteristic: he was already viewed as a cretin so he was willing to sink lower than any legitimate business person or politician was willing to sink. That’s been his only path in life, because he was always 2nd rate garbage in the Manhattan world he was brought up in and always hungered to be a legitimate member of. His is the life of the 2nd generation mobster, the ambitiously insecure silver-spoon fed man who can’t hack it in the legitimate world so they fall back on the 2nd rate path to success. Trump has proven time and again that he’s always the dumbest most incompetent person in the room.

Racism is the last refuge of a talentless politician and it always has been. It works in America, just barely, but all politicians know that their legacy will write them off as hacks if it’s their only trick. Donald Trump is a one trick pony with zero shame and zero legitimate legacy to worry about.

Stop treating Trump like he’s an evil genius when in fact he’s just an incompetent idiot who’s only ever had one play, one move, one winning characteristic: he was already viewed as a cretin so he was willing to sink lower than any legitimate business person or politician was willing to sink. That’s been his only path in life, because he was always 2nd rate garbage in the Manhattan world he was brought up in and always hungered to be a legitimate member of. His is the life of the 2nd generation mobster, the ambitiously insecure silver-spoon fed man who can’t hack it in the legitimate world so they fall back on the 2nd rate path to success. Trump has proven time and again that he’s always the dumbest most incompetent person in the room.

You're thinking about Joe Biden.
Yet more tiresome agitprop dreck from Daily Kooks, echoing the same banal recriminations.

You two-bit assholes seriously need to get some new material.

Racism is the last refuge of a talentless politician and it always has been. It works in America, just barely, but all politicians know that their legacy will write them off as hacks if it’s their only trick. Donald Trump is a one trick pony with zero shame and zero legitimate legacy to worry about.

Stop treating Trump like he’s an evil genius when in fact he’s just an incompetent idiot who’s only ever had one play, one move, one winning characteristic: he was already viewed as a cretin so he was willing to sink lower than any legitimate business person or politician was willing to sink. That’s been his only path in life, because he was always 2nd rate garbage in the Manhattan world he was brought up in and always hungered to be a legitimate member of. His is the life of the 2nd generation mobster, the ambitiously insecure silver-spoon fed man who can’t hack it in the legitimate world so they fall back on the 2nd rate path to success. Trump has proven time and again that he’s always the dumbest most incompetent person in the room.

skewy when are you going to stop treating him like he is?...
Racism is the last refuge of a talentless politician and it always has been. It works in America, just barely, but all politicians know that their legacy will write them off as hacks if it’s their only trick. Donald Trump is a one trick pony with zero shame and zero legitimate legacy to worry about.

Stop treating Trump like he’s an evil genius when in fact he’s just an incompetent idiot who’s only ever had one play, one move, one winning characteristic: he was already viewed as a cretin so he was willing to sink lower than any legitimate business person or politician was willing to sink. That’s been his only path in life, because he was always 2nd rate garbage in the Manhattan world he was brought up in and always hungered to be a legitimate member of. His is the life of the 2nd generation mobster, the ambitiously insecure silver-spoon fed man who can’t hack it in the legitimate world so they fall back on the 2nd rate path to success. Trump has proven time and again that he’s always the dumbest most incompetent person in the room.

Progs send their brownshirts slaves out to die for all mighty party. That is the real hate. The real racism. African Americans used all the time for their beefs which Progs string along. Like the fiat currency though there is an expiration date at some point. There are some things that can meet at the same time to cause a lot of pain and misery. If it does it will be the Perfect Storm.
Racism is the last refuge of a talentless politician and it always has been. It works in America, just barely, but all politicians know that their legacy will write them off as hacks if it’s their only trick. Donald Trump is a one trick pony with zero shame and zero legitimate legacy to worry about.

Stop treating Trump like he’s an evil genius when in fact he’s just an incompetent idiot who’s only ever had one play, one move, one winning characteristic: he was already viewed as a cretin so he was willing to sink lower than any legitimate business person or politician was willing to sink. That’s been his only path in life, because he was always 2nd rate garbage in the Manhattan world he was brought up in and always hungered to be a legitimate member of. His is the life of the 2nd generation mobster, the ambitiously insecure silver-spoon fed man who can’t hack it in the legitimate world so they fall back on the 2nd rate path to success. Trump has proven time and again that he’s always the dumbest most incompetent person in the room.

Poor skrewey, reading his comic book stories again.
You need to get packed....
Only one cult goosestepper.
And as usual you have things backwards once again Mrs. Jones.
It’s true – Trump is a talentless politician who resorts to racism because he has only ‘concepts’ of policy.

Trump’s racist lie that Haitians are eating pets is proof of that.

And Trump voters attempt to defend Trump’s racism because most are in fact racists.
Racism is the last refuge of a talentless politician and it always has been. It works in America, just barely, but all politicians know that their legacy will write them off as hacks if it’s their only trick. Donald Trump is a one trick pony with zero shame and zero legitimate legacy to worry about.

Stop treating Trump like he’s an evil genius when in fact he’s just an incompetent idiot who’s only ever had one play, one move, one winning characteristic: he was already viewed as a cretin so he was willing to sink lower than any legitimate business person or politician was willing to sink. That’s been his only path in life, because he was always 2nd rate garbage in the Manhattan world he was brought up in and always hungered to be a legitimate member of. His is the life of the 2nd generation mobster, the ambitiously insecure silver-spoon fed man who can’t hack it in the legitimate world so they fall back on the 2nd rate path to success. Trump has proven time and again that he’s always the dumbest most incompetent person in the room.

Anytime you want to talk policy instead of bullshit, Skews, let me know. You smear Trump with garbage like this because you KNOW that progressive policy doesn't work and what Trump did when he was President before DID work!
It’s true – Trump is a talentless politician who resorts to racism because he has only ‘concepts’ of policy.

Trump’s racist lie that Haitians are eating pets is proof of that.

And Trump voters attempt to defend Trump’s racism because most are in fact racists.
So, riddle me this Batgirl....
What happens when 20,000 illegal Haitians, who use cats and other animals as voodoo sacrifices in their religious rituals, are dumped into a midwestern town all at once? Do they immediately become Methodists or Baptists or Catholics like their neighbors? Eat cheese and lunchmeat sandwiches and salads?
So, you see, there is nothing racist about pointing out Haitians being Haitians Mrs. Jones....
If anybody “takes” skrewey as intelligent, they have no business worrying about Trump.

Is this a clean start type thread?


Color me all surprised.

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