Student Suspended for Removing Mexican Flag

What I've learned from this thread so far:

Gunny, RGS, Lonestar, Willow and a few others are bigoted against all Mexicans simply because some Mexicans are in this country illegally. If that isn't clear to anyone at this point, you're either braindead or not paying attention.

And you are a liar as well as bodecea and ravi.

mani, ravi, and bodeccer are bigoted against hard working, tax paying, law abiding American citizens. they have no problem with 50 million illegals sneaking in, stealing jobs, stealing benefits, and stealing ID.. not a problem,, let one little American kid touch a mexican flag though and they will unleash the dogs of hell onto him.
What I've learned from this thread so far:

Gunny, RGS, Lonestar, Willow and a few others are bigoted against all Mexicans simply because some Mexicans are in this country illegally. If that isn't clear to anyone at this point, you're either braindead or not paying attention.

And you are a liar as well as bodecea and ravi.

Really? You accuse us of supporting Illegal Immigration....have proof of that? Nope. You are the liar here. What a surprise. Not as if we really believe anything you say anyways.

I called you a liar, period.
Didn't anyone ever tell you that two wrongs doesn't make a right?

Did anyone tell you that 20 MILLION illegals in our country supported by people like you and Ravi are a greater wrong then someone removing a Mexican flag from a US School? You retards routinely announce we can do nothing about the illegals and waste no time defending them and demanding amnesty. Amnesty is EXACTLY why there are 20 MILLION of them now. In 86 we had 2 million and granted them amnesty setting the stage for this time around.

If you eat fresh vegetables or fruit then you support them being here also.
Quit demanding them and they go away. If no one hired them none would come.
Please do not attempt to claim that only liberals hire illegal immigrants.
I bet 10K that most employers of illegal immigrants vote Republican. Just fact.

If it is indeed a fact then it shouldn't be hard for you to prove it.
Didn't anyone ever tell you that two wrongs doesn't make a right?

Did anyone tell you that 20 MILLION illegals in our country supported by people like you and Ravi are a greater wrong then someone removing a Mexican flag from a US School? You retards routinely announce we can do nothing about the illegals and waste no time defending them and demanding amnesty. Amnesty is EXACTLY why there are 20 MILLION of them now. In 86 we had 2 million and granted them amnesty setting the stage for this time around.

If you eat fresh vegetables or fruit then you support them being here also.
Quit demanding them and they go away. If no one hired them none would come.
Please do not attempt to claim that only liberals hire illegal immigrants.
I bet 10K that most employers of illegal immigrants vote Republican. Just fact.

I guess you are just to ignorant to realize that lots and lots and lots of Americans are willing and able and do, grow and pick their own vegetables. We really don't need the likes of you to pick our tomatoes. not if it means giving away our country. and I'm willing to let you prove that the employers of illegal immigrants vote Republican. stinks of high shit to me since it's the aclu that puts the kibosh on every attempt to identify illegals, their employers, and institute a tamper proof ID system..
Did anyone tell you that 20 MILLION illegals in our country supported by people like you and Ravi are a greater wrong then someone removing a Mexican flag from a US School? You retards routinely announce we can do nothing about the illegals and waste no time defending them and demanding amnesty. Amnesty is EXACTLY why there are 20 MILLION of them now. In 86 we had 2 million and granted them amnesty setting the stage for this time around.

If you eat fresh vegetables or fruit then you support them being here also.
Quit demanding them and they go away. If no one hired them none would come.
Please do not attempt to claim that only liberals hire illegal immigrants.
I bet 10K that most employers of illegal immigrants vote Republican. Just fact.

If it is indeed a fact then it shouldn't be hard for you to prove it.

The largest number of illegals work in service jobs, not on farms. I would guess that with the large number of small business involved, the demographics would mimic the general population. That would mean a higher percentage of Democrats than Republicans. Thus, the, "most employers of illegal immigrants vote Republican" statement false.
What I've learned from this thread so far:

Gunny, RGS, Lonestar, Willow and a few others are bigoted against all Mexicans simply because some Mexicans are in this country illegally. If that isn't clear to anyone at this point, you're either braindead or not paying attention.

And you are a liar as well as bodecea and ravi.

mani, ravi, and bodeccer are bigoted against hard working, tax paying, law abiding American citizens. they have no problem with 50 million illegals sneaking in, stealing jobs, stealing benefits, and stealing ID.. not a problem,, let one little American kid touch a mexican flag though and they will unleash the dogs of hell onto him.

Willow loves criminals as long as they are white. You and LL make a perfect couple.
not a single reason in the world to punish this student or any american, as long as you allow 20 -30 illegal mexicans to break the law. none what so ever.

Your logic....:lol::lol:

That means, no American will ever be punished for robbing, assaulting, or killing a Mexican-American while there are Illegals in this country. That gives lying, stealing people as yourself carte blanche. You must like that a lot.

why would you claim to uphold the law and then turn away from 30 million illegals breaking the law makes no sense.. does it.. what does equal justice under the law mean to you? If 30 million get special treamtent why not the rest of us??

It's 30 million now? Where'd you get that figure? Or are you making even more shit up?

And what exactly have YOU done to help keep illegals out of the U.S.? Besides lie and encourage crimes against Hispanics, that is.
Your logic....:lol::lol:

That means, no American will ever be punished for robbing, assaulting, or killing a Mexican-American while there are Illegals in this country. That gives lying, stealing people as yourself carte blanche. You must like that a lot.

why would you claim to uphold the law and then turn away from 30 million illegals breaking the law makes no sense.. does it.. what does equal justice under the law mean to you? If 30 million get special treamtent why not the rest of us??

It's 30 million now? Where'd you get that figure? Or are you making even more shit up?

And what exactly have YOU done to help keep illegals out of the U.S.? Besides lie and encourage crimes against Hispanics, that is.


if i went down to the border with me spyglasses you'd sic the aclu on me.. asswipe.
And you are a liar as well as bodecea and ravi.

mani, ravi, and bodeccer are bigoted against hard working, tax paying, law abiding American citizens. they have no problem with 50 million illegals sneaking in, stealing jobs, stealing benefits, and stealing ID.. not a problem,, let one little American kid touch a mexican flag though and they will unleash the dogs of hell onto him.

Willow loves criminals as long as they are white. You and LL make a perfect couple.

dang! you found me out..
why would you claim to uphold the law and then turn away from 30 million illegals breaking the law makes no sense.. does it.. what does equal justice under the law mean to you? If 30 million get special treamtent why not the rest of us??

It's 30 million now? Where'd you get that figure? Or are you making even more shit up?

And what exactly have YOU done to help keep illegals out of the U.S.? Besides lie and encourage crimes against Hispanics, that is.


if i went down to the border with me spyglasses you'd sic the aclu on me.. asswipe.

THAT'S what you'd do? :lol::lol::lol: I'm sure that would certainly help stem the they all walk by you wondering at the weird gringo with the "spyglasses". :lol::lol::lol: your silence, you admit to lying about the 30 there anything you wouldn't lie about?
If you eat fresh vegetables or fruit then you support them being here also.
Quit demanding them and they go away. If no one hired them none would come.
Please do not attempt to claim that only liberals hire illegal immigrants.
I bet 10K that most employers of illegal immigrants vote Republican. Just fact.

And to add to that...if we were to do a statistical study on the #s of Illegals coming into our country over the last 40 years, the BIGGEST spike would be in the 80s, when Reagan granted Amnesty. And who in the last 10 years has brought up Amnesty again? That Democrat, Bush...right?

I think you draw a false conclusion. I think a higher correlation would be the relative difference in economic conditions between Mexico and the US. The greater the difference the greater the migration.

No shit.
They come for he jobs and we hire them.
How is that a "false conclusion"?
Your post supports my facts 100%.
Did anyone tell you that 20 MILLION illegals in our country supported by people like you and Ravi are a greater wrong then someone removing a Mexican flag from a US School? You retards routinely announce we can do nothing about the illegals and waste no time defending them and demanding amnesty. Amnesty is EXACTLY why there are 20 MILLION of them now. In 86 we had 2 million and granted them amnesty setting the stage for this time around.

If you eat fresh vegetables or fruit then you support them being here also.
Quit demanding them and they go away. If no one hired them none would come.
Please do not attempt to claim that only liberals hire illegal immigrants.
I bet 10K that most employers of illegal immigrants vote Republican. Just fact.

If it is indeed a fact then it shouldn't be hard for you to prove it.

UR right. The proof is: they are here, we hire them and they work.
What more proof do you need?
And to add to that...if we were to do a statistical study on the #s of Illegals coming into our country over the last 40 years, the BIGGEST spike would be in the 80s, when Reagan granted Amnesty. And who in the last 10 years has brought up Amnesty again? That Democrat, Bush...right?

I think you draw a false conclusion. I think a higher correlation would be the relative difference in economic conditions between Mexico and the US. The greater the difference the greater the migration.

No shit.
They come for he jobs and we hire them.
How is that a "false conclusion"?
Your post supports my facts 100%.

Your post mentioned amnesty and not jobs. Thanks for the clarification.
It's 30 million now? Where'd you get that figure? Or are you making even more shit up?

And what exactly have YOU done to help keep illegals out of the U.S.? Besides lie and encourage crimes against Hispanics, that is.


if i went down to the border with me spyglasses you'd sic the aclu on me.. asswipe.

THAT'S what you'd do? :lol::lol::lol: I'm sure that would certainly help stem the they all walk by you wondering at the weird gringo with the "spyglasses". :lol::lol::lol: your silence, you admit to lying about the 30 there anything you wouldn't lie about?

I lie about you being a dencent human being. When I say it don't believe me.
The logic of the rightwingtards: Because most of our illegal immigrants come from Mexico, law abiding Mexican/Americans are not allowed to celebrate their heritage and their personal property should not be protected under American law.

Ignorant doucherags, every one of you... and then some.

Not true, not even close.
Not true.

It is true, Nick stated that on KTRH radio the day after it happened. I have no reason to doubt him.
No he didn't. Not that it matters...he had no right to remove the flag and throw it away.

It's really funny watching the cons justifying criminal behavior.

The flag was flying higher than the American flag, he had every right to remove it. What he didn't have was the right to throw it away, but if it's true that the assistant principal wouldn't take the flag, then I can forgive him for throwing it away.
It is true, Nick stated that on KTRH radio the day after it happened. I have no reason to doubt him.
No he didn't. Not that it matters...he had no right to remove the flag and throw it away.

It's really funny watching the cons justifying criminal behavior.

The flag was flying higher than the American flag,
he had every right to remove it. What he didn't have was the right to throw it away, but if it's true that the assistant principal wouldn't take the flag, then I can forgive him for throwing it away.
No it wasn't. And even if it was, he had no right to take it down.

Okay, you're back into idiot mode so I'll ignore your stupid comments.
No he didn't. Not that it matters...he had no right to remove the flag and throw it away.

It's really funny watching the cons justifying criminal behavior.

Yes he did you stupid fuck, I heard him say it. He had every right to do what he did and he has a tremendous amount of support. As a matter of fact you can donate to Nick's college fund that was created in his honor after this incident took place. Just follow the link.
He had no right.

He should be thankful that he wasn't arrested for theft and destruction of property. He could have spent the night in juvie and been sentenced to community service and lived with the indignity of a record for a couple of years.

But, no, he instead went on the radio and cried like a little baby that he was punished at all. His parents failed him by allowing him to do this. And you fail him by encouraging his lack of personal responsibility.

Which doesn't surprise me. Personal responsibility is for everyone but you and your entitlement junky ilk.

Not only did he have the right to remove the Mexican flag which was hanging higher than the American flag, he had the duty. Whoever hung it there disrespected this country by hanging it higher than our flag.

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