Student Suspended for Removing Mexican Flag

There's those semantics again. I bet you agree that Mexicans and Canadians are Americans because it's a continent, don't you?

Huh? What the hell are you talking about? Mexico is Mexico. Canada is Canada. US is US.

And none of that changes the fact that the Mexican. Flag. Wasn't. Flown. - either above, below, or alongside the U.S. flag.

You want to use the word "displayed" go ahead, it was still wrong.

Did you read the Flag Code...the part about being above or below the American flag ONLY applies if they are grouped together in a single display. Read the Code yourself.
There's those semantics again. I bet you agree that Mexicans and Canadians are Americans because it's a continent, don't you?

Huh? What the hell are you talking about? Mexico is Mexico. Canada is Canada. US is US.

And none of that changes the fact that the Mexican. Flag. Wasn't. Flown. - either above, below, or alongside the U.S. flag.

You want to use the word "displayed" go ahead, it was still wrong.

If it was "wrong", the student could have simply removed it, and re-displayed it lower. But he didn't, did he? He threw it in the trash can. THAT is wrong, rude, provocative.
See? All Hispanics are illegals, so "real" Americans can do whatever they want to them. This post confirms that thought.

you are the most superior of ALL MORONS you even have MODMORON whipped..:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

the concept of equal justice under the law eludes you huh? tsk tsk tsk.

I am NOT the one advocating that someone who does something to Hispanics should be excused because of what some other Hispanics are doing. That would be you.

So, you do advocate punishing hispanics for breaking into the country, stealing jobs, stealing identity? what punishment do you advocate for hispanics who do these things??
"I think what's happening is that people are frustrated because patriotism is being downplayed or spat-upon while we're supposed to celebrate the culture and the nationality of other nations," said Michael Berry, a radio host on 740 KTRH-AM in Houston. "And I think Americans have had enough of that."

What is patriotism? Is it patriotic to trash other other countries? Is that patriotism? Is our love of our own country so fragile it can not admit to the cultural and ethnic diversity that created the country we live in?

Wingnuts have taken over "patriotism" as if they had a patent on it.
When I visit my mom, there is a local hispanic heritage festival celebrating Cindo De Mayo that I've gone to. I love Mexican food.

Where I live, there is a local Italian heritage festival I go to. I love Italian food.

There is a local Highlander festival I go to also - I love the music and sheep dogs (seriously...the food just isn't that great).

I see many flags displayed in many ways. In all 3 of those, I see the U.S. flag prominantly displayed as well. These people are AMERICANS, who are also proud of their ethnic heritage and it's contribution to our country. No one should have to be made to feel ashamed.
"I think what's happening is that people are frustrated because patriotism is being downplayed or spat-upon while we're supposed to celebrate the culture and the nationality of other nations," said Michael Berry, a radio host on 740 KTRH-AM in Houston. "And I think Americans have had enough of that."

What is patriotism? Is it patriotic to trash other other countries? Is that patriotism? Is our love of our own country so fragile it can not admit to the cultural and ethnic diversity that created the country we live in?

Wingnuts have taken over "patriotism" as if they had a patent on it.

Well,, answer us this.. if 30 million of us stole into mexico, got on the dole, took what few jobs they had, threw our garbage all over the place and thumbed our noses at their laws would we be patriotic enough for you then,, if not we could do a few murders, kidnappings, and home invasions for good measure,, oh and we get to fly our flag down there too, donna forget that.
"I think what's happening is that people are frustrated because patriotism is being downplayed or spat-upon while we're supposed to celebrate the culture and the nationality of other nations,"
Patriotism means pretending that Americans all descended from people with fair skin. Celebrating your heritage is frowned upon, unless it is a heritage that doesn't make us real Americans uncomfortable. It is still okay to celebrate St. Paddy's day, for instance.
"I think what's happening is that people are frustrated because patriotism is being downplayed or spat-upon while we're supposed to celebrate the culture and the nationality of other nations," said Michael Berry, a radio host on 740 KTRH-AM in Houston. "And I think Americans have had enough of that."

What is patriotism? Is it patriotic to trash other other countries? Is that patriotism? Is our love of our own country so fragile it can not admit to the cultural and ethnic diversity that created the country we live in?

Wingnuts have taken over "patriotism" as if they had a patent on it.

Well,, answer us this.. if 30 million of us stole into mexico, got on the dole, took what few jobs they had, threw our garbage all over the place and thumbed our noses at their laws would we be patriotic enough for you then,, if not we could do a few murders, kidnappings, and home invasions for good measure,, oh and we get to fly our flag down there too, donna forget that.

30 million illigal immigrants aren't on the dole. Lets stick to facts.

So, basically - you're saying that because you buy into the stereotype that most Mexican immigrants (legal/illegal) are dole using lazy assed violent dirty lawbreaking marauders that means it's ok to insult those who aren't? Unfortunately...the facts don't support stereotypes.

They used to think the same about the Chinese, the Irish, the East Europeans, the Jews (particularly from Eastern Europe). Some things never change.
"I think what's happening is that people are frustrated because patriotism is being downplayed or spat-upon while we're supposed to celebrate the culture and the nationality of other nations,"
Patriotism means pretending that Americans all descended from people with fair skin. Celebrating your heritage is frowned upon, unless it is a heritage that doesn't make us real Americans uncomfortable. It is still okay to celebrate St. Paddy's day, for instance.

you be so racist ravi the racist. :lol: why do you hate white people..
so in essence what ravi the racist is saying is that black and brown people may be excused from being law abiding citizens. only little white boys should be punished. yes,, I think we have it now.
"I think what's happening is that people are frustrated because patriotism is being downplayed or spat-upon while we're supposed to celebrate the culture and the nationality of other nations,"
Patriotism means pretending that Americans all descended from people with fair skin. Celebrating your heritage is frowned upon, unless it is a heritage that doesn't make us real Americans uncomfortable. It is still okay to celebrate St. Paddy's day, for instance.

Bulcrap. You seen a picture of my family lately? We come in all races. We melted. We are proud Americans and many of us have served in the Armed forces.
so in essence what ravi the racist is saying is that black and brown people may be excused from being law abiding citizens. only little white boys should be punished. yes,, I think we have it now.

Who's excusing anyone from breaking the law?
"I think what's happening is that people are frustrated because patriotism is being downplayed or spat-upon while we're supposed to celebrate the culture and the nationality of other nations,"
Patriotism means pretending that Americans all descended from people with fair skin. Celebrating your heritage is frowned upon, unless it is a heritage that doesn't make us real Americans uncomfortable. It is still okay to celebrate St. Paddy's day, for instance.

Bulcrap. You seen a picture of my family lately? We come in all races. We melted. We are proud Americans and many of us have served in the Armed forces.

As have many American immigrants of Mexican and Latin American heritage.

so in essence what ravi the racist is saying is that black and brown people may be excused from being law abiding citizens. only little white boys should be punished. yes,, I think we have it now.
No. If a black or brown student took down someone else's property and threw it away I'd also agree that a three day suspension was a fair punishment.
"I think what's happening is that people are frustrated because patriotism is being downplayed or spat-upon while we're supposed to celebrate the culture and the nationality of other nations,"
Patriotism means pretending that Americans all descended from people with fair skin. Celebrating your heritage is frowned upon, unless it is a heritage that doesn't make us real Americans uncomfortable. It is still okay to celebrate St. Paddy's day, for instance.

Bulcrap. You seen a picture of my family lately? We come in all races. We melted. We are proud Americans and many of us have served in the Armed forces.
As are many people that celebrate their heritage. There is nothing wrong with an American celebrating their it African, Irish, Italian, Chinese, Arab, Mexican...etc., etc., etc.
Like i said: FUCK mexico. Do you see any mexican schools hanging American flags on the 4th of July? No? Of course not. That shit hole, dirt eating nation is about as educated as their water is palatable.
Like i said: FUCK mexico. Do you see any mexican schools hanging American flags on the 4th of July? No? Of course not. That shit hole, dirt eating nation is about as educated as their water is palatable.

Why are we basing our standards on other nation's behaviors?
Patriotism means pretending that Americans all descended from people with fair skin. Celebrating your heritage is frowned upon, unless it is a heritage that doesn't make us real Americans uncomfortable. It is still okay to celebrate St. Paddy's day, for instance.

Bulcrap. You seen a picture of my family lately? We come in all races. We melted. We are proud Americans and many of us have served in the Armed forces.

As have many American immigrants of Mexican and Latin American heritage.


Have you ever heard of an organization called "you don't speak for me"? They're as upset about the illegals and Mexicans taking over our country as we are and they are legal Mexican immigrants and Americans of Hispanic descent. Your picture was of sorry you can't tell the difference.

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