Tax cut benefits

/----/ I'll type slowly so you can follow. I'm Tea Party conservative. I want massive cuts to spending. My one vote only goes so far in my Blue State and my pleas to the RINOs in Congress fall on deaf ears. So when was the last time you voted for a fiscal conservative?

It is easy to call yourself a Tea Party conservative all the while voting for people who keep spending more and more.

2016, I voted for the only fiscal conservative that was on the ballot

When was the last time you did?
/----/ I gotcha' you want me to stay home on election day in protest which would help your side elect more tax and spend democRATs. Or better yet, waste my vote on some third party candidate that has zero chance of winning which would help your side elect more tax and spend democRATs. OK.
/----/ I'll type slowly so you can follow. I'm Tea Party conservative. I want massive cuts to spending. My one vote only goes so far in my Blue State and my pleas to the RINOs in Congress fall on deaf ears. So when was the last time you voted for a fiscal conservative?

It is easy to call yourself a Tea Party conservative all the while voting for people who keep spending more and more.

2016, I voted for the only fiscal conservative that was on the ballot

When was the last time you did?
/----/ I gotcha' you want me to stay home on election day in protest which would help your side elect more tax and spend democRATs. Or better yet, waste my vote on some third party candidate that has zero chance of winning which would help your side elect more tax and spend democRATs. OK.

Fucking hypocrite, you ask me when the last time I for a fiscal conservative and when you find out it was the last election you suddenly change tactics because you are a lying piece of shit that does not vote for fiscal conservatives.

I dont fucking vote for Dems, never have, never will. But your partisan zealot mind cannot grasp that there are more than two choices out there, so fuck off.

Talk about wasting votes, did the candidate you voted for win your state?
Only a fool wants to pay high taxes, and if anyone lives off of a budget of any type they’re going to spend less on things that really help the economy. The fucking federal government helps no economy, is not part of the economy, never will be part of the economy, depresses the economy.

I do not want to pay higher taxes, but I also do not want to saddle my kids and grandkids with huge amounts of debt because we were greedy fuckers that wanted a huge government but would not pay for it.

Let me ask you this, what would you think of an individual who told you they were living an extravagant lifestyle they could not afford and are financing it through debt their kids would have to pay after they were dead? Would you think, that is one hell of a person or would you think they are a dirtbag?

I think the honest thing to do is to pay for what we spend and not leave it for the next generations. Why are you so willing to fuck over the next generation?

Me just like millions of other people just like me spent far less During the obama years then what they would’ve with a conservative president and Congress.

I have never let who the POTUS is dictate what I spend, why do you give the POTUS that much power over your life?
/----/ "but I also do not want to saddle my kids and grandkids with huge amounts of debt " Well Bravo for you. Not That higher taxes ever go to paying down the debt, but is used by corrupt career politicians to secure their reelection.

BULLSHIT excuse making - which spending got cut when tax-cuts were passed in 2000 and 2017? NO SPENDING GOT CUT is the answer.

There is at this point little-to-no relationship between what we spend and what we tax.

You support fiscally irresponsible policies - own up to that fact.
/----/ As a member of the Tea Party, I support massive spending cuts -- just for the record.

Specifically on this tax-cut bill you support collecting less revenue with no corresponding spending cuts - that is fiscally irresponsible and you should own up to that.
Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


Thanks for the link. Now, lets put the two things together.

Jan 1982 taxes were cut....unemployment rose for 14 straight months
Jan 1993 taxes were raised....unemployment dropped for 24 straight months
Jan 2003 taxes were cut....unemployment rose for 8 months and then dropped for 29 months
Jan 2013 taxes were raised...unemployment dropped for 60 months.
/----. "Jan 1982 taxes were cut....unemployment rose for 14 straight months " It did not. It spiked in 1983 then went down
US Unemployment Rate by Year
Jan 1, 1989 5.40%
Jan 1, 1988 5.70%
Jan 1, 1987 6.60%
Jan 1, 1986 6.70%
Jan 1, 1985 7.30%
Jan 1, 1984 8.00%
Jan 1, 1983 10.40%
Jan 1, 1982 8.60%
Jan 1, 1981 7.50%
Jan 1, 1980 6.30%

You are aware that 14 months from Jan 1982 is in 1983? Right? There are 12 months in a year, so 14 months would move you to the next year. Do I need to draw you a picture?
/----/ You're correct. My bad. I was thinking 14 years.

Its cool, we all make mistakes.

Here is my bottom line, I am a numbers guy, it is what I do for a living. I am not a theory guy, so when someone gives me a theory not backed up by numbers I pretty much dismiss it.

The numbers show that there is very little, if any correlation between tax rates and employment rates. As such, I do not believe there is any correlation between tax rates and employment rates.

Just like with tax cuts and revenue increases, the numbers show that revenue growth is slowed after a tax cut. The numbers are indisputable, the only argument against it is "in theory" tax cuts bring in more money.

A few days ago there was a thread about GDP growth and tax revenue growth where the OP tried to claim that the former led to the latter. Yet, his own numbers showed there was only a very weak correlation between the two. It sounds good in theory, but the numbers do not actually back it up.

Most things that sound good in theory, but our economy is much too complex for anyone one thing to have a large impact on it.

I'm a lefty.

You are a righty.

So in theory we should be spending time arguing with each other, but we don't and are often talking in parallel. Why? Because in reality most of these threads and issues nowadays stem not from difference of opinion but from very bizarre differences on FACTS.

I do not think that this is a symmetric issue that applies to both sides either. Lefties push some of their own bullshit for sure, but it is really incomparable to straight up alternate fact universe that is spreading on the right.
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I'm a lefty.

You are a righty.

So in theory we should be spending time arguing with each other, but we don't and are often talking in parallel. Why? Because in reality most of these threads and issues nowadays stem not from difference of opinion but from very bizarre differences on FACTS.

You are correct. We live in the era of "alternative facts" and people feel they have the right to ignore any fact that does not fit into their worldview.

It is like the numbers I posted above, the data is accurate and the calculations were done correctly, the numbers are what they are. But they do not fit the worldview of people so they offer opinion pieces where people are talking theories vice reality.
Only a fool wants to pay high taxes, and if anyone lives off of a budget of any type they’re going to spend less on things that really help the economy. The fucking federal government helps no economy, is not part of the economy, never will be part of the economy, depresses the economy.

I do not want to pay higher taxes, but I also do not want to saddle my kids and grandkids with huge amounts of debt because we were greedy fuckers that wanted a huge government but would not pay for it.

Let me ask you this, what would you think of an individual who told you they were living an extravagant lifestyle they could not afford and are financing it through debt their kids would have to pay after they were dead? Would you think, that is one hell of a person or would you think they are a dirtbag?

I think the honest thing to do is to pay for what we spend and not leave it for the next generations. Why are you so willing to fuck over the next generation?

Me just like millions of other people just like me spent far less During the obama years then what they would’ve with a conservative president and Congress.

I have never let who the POTUS is dictate what I spend, why do you give the POTUS that much power over your life?
/----/ "but I also do not want to saddle my kids and grandkids with huge amounts of debt " Well Bravo for you. Not That higher taxes ever go to paying down the debt, but is used by corrupt career politicians to secure their reelection.

BULLSHIT excuse making - which spending got cut when tax-cuts were passed in 2000 and 2017? NO SPENDING GOT CUT is the answer.

There is at this point little-to-no relationship between what we spend and what we tax.

You support fiscally irresponsible policies - own up to that fact.
/----/ As a member of the Tea Party, I support massive spending cuts -- just for the record.

Specifically on this tax-cut bill you support collecting less revenue with no corresponding spending cuts - that is fiscally irresponsible and you should own up to that.
/----/ You're just making up bullsh*t to have something to post. when did I say no corresponding cuts in spending? In fact since the early 80s I'v said cut spending to get rid of the debt.
I do not want to pay higher taxes, but I also do not want to saddle my kids and grandkids with huge amounts of debt because we were greedy fuckers that wanted a huge government but would not pay for it.

Let me ask you this, what would you think of an individual who told you they were living an extravagant lifestyle they could not afford and are financing it through debt their kids would have to pay after they were dead? Would you think, that is one hell of a person or would you think they are a dirtbag?

I think the honest thing to do is to pay for what we spend and not leave it for the next generations. Why are you so willing to fuck over the next generation?

I have never let who the POTUS is dictate what I spend, why do you give the POTUS that much power over your life?
/----/ "but I also do not want to saddle my kids and grandkids with huge amounts of debt " Well Bravo for you. Not That higher taxes ever go to paying down the debt, but is used by corrupt career politicians to secure their reelection.

BULLSHIT excuse making - which spending got cut when tax-cuts were passed in 2000 and 2017? NO SPENDING GOT CUT is the answer.

There is at this point little-to-no relationship between what we spend and what we tax.

You support fiscally irresponsible policies - own up to that fact.
/----/ As a member of the Tea Party, I support massive spending cuts -- just for the record.

Specifically on this tax-cut bill you support collecting less revenue with no corresponding spending cuts - that is fiscally irresponsible and you should own up to that.
/----/ You're just making up bullsh*t to have something to post. when did I say no corresponding cuts in spending? In fact since the early 80s I'v said cut spending to get rid of the debt.

The tax-cut bill is NOT PAID-FOR. That's just the fact of the matter.

How many times have you been through these tax-cuts? And you still don't know how this dance goes?

Republicans swoop in promising fiscal sanity along with tax-cuts...but when they get into office they just blow up the deficits with tax-cuts and NEVER pay for any of it.

So when are righties like you (that keep lip-servicing fiscal restraint) going to wise up and demand corresponding spending cuts are to be done BEFORE, NOT AFTER any further erosion of revenues?
/----/ "but I also do not want to saddle my kids and grandkids with huge amounts of debt " Well Bravo for you. Not That higher taxes ever go to paying down the debt, but is used by corrupt career politicians to secure their reelection.

BULLSHIT excuse making - which spending got cut when tax-cuts were passed in 2000 and 2017? NO SPENDING GOT CUT is the answer.

There is at this point little-to-no relationship between what we spend and what we tax.

You support fiscally irresponsible policies - own up to that fact.
/----/ As a member of the Tea Party, I support massive spending cuts -- just for the record.

Specifically on this tax-cut bill you support collecting less revenue with no corresponding spending cuts - that is fiscally irresponsible and you should own up to that.
/----/ You're just making up bullsh*t to have something to post. when did I say no corresponding cuts in spending? In fact since the early 80s I'v said cut spending to get rid of the debt.

The tax-cut bill is NOT PAID-FOR. That's just the fact of the matter.

How many times have you been through these tax-cuts? And you still don't know how this dance goes?

Republicans swoop in promising fiscal sanity along with tax-cuts...but when they get into office they just blow up the deficits with tax-cuts and NEVER pay for any of it.

So when are righties like you (that keep lip-servicing fiscal restraint) going to wise up and demand corresponding spending cuts are to be done BEFORE, NOT AFTER any further erosion of revenues?
Well not if you can’t stop increasing spending. Nothing will. It’s called bankruptcy
Hi taxes always destroy economies
I posted the unemployment per year, highs are always during hi taxes

Lying bastard, you did not post any information about the tax rate and did not show any correlation between the tax rate coming down and the unemployment rate.
You missed that chart Charlie

Your chart was nothing but the unemployment rate, you did not have the tax rate anywhere one it. As such your chart showed nothing about the relationship between the UE and tax rates.
Hi taxes always destroy economies
I posted the unemployment per year, highs are always during hi taxes

Lying bastard, you did not post any information about the tax rate and did not show any correlation between the tax rate coming down and the unemployment rate.
You missed that chart Charlie

Your chart was nothing but the unemployment rate, you did not have the tax rate anywhere one it. As such your chart showed nothing about the relationship between the UE and tax rates.
/—-/,go pound sand and mail your refund back to the treasury
Hi taxes always destroy economies
I posted the unemployment per year, highs are always during hi taxes

Lying bastard, you did not post any information about the tax rate and did not show any correlation between the tax rate coming down and the unemployment rate.
You missed that chart Charlie

Your chart was nothing but the unemployment rate, you did not have the tax rate anywhere one it. As such your chart showed nothing about the relationship between the UE and tax rates.
/—-/,go pound sand and mail your refund back to the treasury

Another canned zealot answer. It is easy to see which of you are on the same talking points emails.
I posted the unemployment per year, highs are always during hi taxes

Lying bastard, you did not post any information about the tax rate and did not show any correlation between the tax rate coming down and the unemployment rate.
You missed that chart Charlie

Your chart was nothing but the unemployment rate, you did not have the tax rate anywhere one it. As such your chart showed nothing about the relationship between the UE and tax rates.
/—-/,go pound sand and mail your refund back to the treasury

Another canned zealot answer. It is easy to see which of you are on the same talking points emails.
He’s spot on. Why keep the extra money?
Lying bastard, you did not post any information about the tax rate and did not show any correlation between the tax rate coming down and the unemployment rate.
You missed that chart Charlie

Your chart was nothing but the unemployment rate, you did not have the tax rate anywhere one it. As such your chart showed nothing about the relationship between the UE and tax rates.
/—-/,go pound sand and mail your refund back to the treasury

Another canned zealot answer. It is easy to see which of you are on the same talking points emails.
He’s spot on. Why keep the extra money?

Of course you think it is spot on, you are on the same talking points email chain.

But it is a stupid question. It would be like me asking you Trump zealots why you will take you SS or Medicare when you are the right age after decades of whining about entitlement programs and socialism. But I have never known a Con to refuse their SS check. And they shouldn't.

As for the "extra" money, actually I am not keeping most of it as I had to up my extra withholdings so that I am not screwed next year and end up paying the government even more than I normally have to.
You missed that chart Charlie

Your chart was nothing but the unemployment rate, you did not have the tax rate anywhere one it. As such your chart showed nothing about the relationship between the UE and tax rates.
/—-/,go pound sand and mail your refund back to the treasury

Another canned zealot answer. It is easy to see which of you are on the same talking points emails.
He’s spot on. Why keep the extra money?

Of course you think it is spot on, you are on the same talking points email chain.

But it is a stupid question. It would be like me asking you Trump zealots why you will take you SS or Medicare when you are the right age after decades of whining about entitlement programs and socialism. But I have never known a Con to refuse their SS check. And they shouldn't.

As for the "extra" money, actually I am not keeping most of it as I had to up my extra withholdings so that I am not screwed next year and end up paying the government even more than I normally have to.
/——/ But but but the gubmint needs the money more than you do. BTW I paid into SS and Medicaid my whole life. They aren’t entitlement. Welfare is s handout
Your chart was nothing but the unemployment rate, you did not have the tax rate anywhere one it. As such your chart showed nothing about the relationship between the UE and tax rates.
/—-/,go pound sand and mail your refund back to the treasury

Another canned zealot answer. It is easy to see which of you are on the same talking points emails.
He’s spot on. Why keep the extra money?

Of course you think it is spot on, you are on the same talking points email chain.

But it is a stupid question. It would be like me asking you Trump zealots why you will take you SS or Medicare when you are the right age after decades of whining about entitlement programs and socialism. But I have never known a Con to refuse their SS check. And they shouldn't.

As for the "extra" money, actually I am not keeping most of it as I had to up my extra withholdings so that I am not screwed next year and end up paying the government even more than I normally have to.
/——/ But but but the gubmint needs the money more than you do. BTW I paid into SS and Medicaid my whole life. They aren’t entitlement. Welfare is s handout

The Govt does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. But as long as we have a spending problem I think we should pay for it and not give the bill to our children and grandchildren.

You whine about welfare being a handout, but the Govt spending more than it brings in is the same thing, you are getting a handout paid for by our children and grandchildren. Till people like you start to give a shit about spending and debt, the current generation is basically running the Govt on handouts.
/—-/,go pound sand and mail your refund back to the treasury

Another canned zealot answer. It is easy to see which of you are on the same talking points emails.
He’s spot on. Why keep the extra money?

Of course you think it is spot on, you are on the same talking points email chain.

But it is a stupid question. It would be like me asking you Trump zealots why you will take you SS or Medicare when you are the right age after decades of whining about entitlement programs and socialism. But I have never known a Con to refuse their SS check. And they shouldn't.

As for the "extra" money, actually I am not keeping most of it as I had to up my extra withholdings so that I am not screwed next year and end up paying the government even more than I normally have to.
/——/ But but but the gubmint needs the money more than you do. BTW I paid into SS and Medicaid my whole life. They aren’t entitlement. Welfare is s handout

The Govt does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. But as long as we have a spending problem I think we should pay for it and not give the bill to our children and grandchildren.

You whine about welfare being a handout, but the Govt spending more than it brings in is the same thing, you are getting a handout paid for by our children and grandchildren. Till people like you start to give a shit about spending and debt, the current generation is basically running the Govt on handouts.
/——/ Until people like you stop turning our country into a Eurotrash Socialist slave state we will continue to fight you people. Deal with it.
Another canned zealot answer. It is easy to see which of you are on the same talking points emails.
He’s spot on. Why keep the extra money?

Of course you think it is spot on, you are on the same talking points email chain.

But it is a stupid question. It would be like me asking you Trump zealots why you will take you SS or Medicare when you are the right age after decades of whining about entitlement programs and socialism. But I have never known a Con to refuse their SS check. And they shouldn't.

As for the "extra" money, actually I am not keeping most of it as I had to up my extra withholdings so that I am not screwed next year and end up paying the government even more than I normally have to.
/——/ But but but the gubmint needs the money more than you do. BTW I paid into SS and Medicaid my whole life. They aren’t entitlement. Welfare is s handout

The Govt does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. But as long as we have a spending problem I think we should pay for it and not give the bill to our children and grandchildren.

You whine about welfare being a handout, but the Govt spending more than it brings in is the same thing, you are getting a handout paid for by our children and grandchildren. Till people like you start to give a shit about spending and debt, the current generation is basically running the Govt on handouts.
/——/ Until people like you stop turning our country into a Eurotrash Socialist slave state we will continue to fight you people. Deal with it.

So, your plan to stop the "Socialist slave state" is to spend more and more and more money that we do not have.

Fuck, dude that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

I think the truth of the matter is that you are just a greedy bastard that cares about nobody but yourself and you want more and more and more from your Govt without paying for it.
You missed that chart Charlie

Your chart was nothing but the unemployment rate, you did not have the tax rate anywhere one it. As such your chart showed nothing about the relationship between the UE and tax rates.
/—-/,go pound sand and mail your refund back to the treasury

Another canned zealot answer. It is easy to see which of you are on the same talking points emails.
He’s spot on. Why keep the extra money?

Of course you think it is spot on, you are on the same talking points email chain.

But it is a stupid question. It would be like me asking you Trump zealots why you will take you SS or Medicare when you are the right age after decades of whining about entitlement programs and socialism. But I have never known a Con to refuse their SS check. And they shouldn't.

As for the "extra" money, actually I am not keeping most of it as I had to up my extra withholdings so that I am not screwed next year and end up paying the government even more than I normally have to.
No what’s stupid is someone complaining about paying too little in taxes and waiting for the government to say pay more rather than just giving more voluntarily and bitching about what’s allowed legally.
Your chart was nothing but the unemployment rate, you did not have the tax rate anywhere one it. As such your chart showed nothing about the relationship between the UE and tax rates.
/—-/,go pound sand and mail your refund back to the treasury

Another canned zealot answer. It is easy to see which of you are on the same talking points emails.
He’s spot on. Why keep the extra money?

Of course you think it is spot on, you are on the same talking points email chain.

But it is a stupid question. It would be like me asking you Trump zealots why you will take you SS or Medicare when you are the right age after decades of whining about entitlement programs and socialism. But I have never known a Con to refuse their SS check. And they shouldn't.

As for the "extra" money, actually I am not keeping most of it as I had to up my extra withholdings so that I am not screwed next year and end up paying the government even more than I normally have to.
No what’s stupid is someone complaining about paying too little in taxes and waiting for the government to say pay more rather than just giving more voluntarily and bitching about what’s allowed legally.

I do not complain about personally paying too little taxes, I probably pay 3 times what you do. I pay way more than my fairshare.

You are just one more greedy bastard that wants free shit from the Govt. You want the Govt to keep spending more and more money so you can have your cake and then you want the next generations to pay for it. You are basically a welfare queen.

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