Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

America is fucked. I blame the fucking canadians. They brought this pussification to North America.


You forgot a word. Pussy progressive canucks. Progressive being the key adjective. I can't apologize enough for Celine Dion and the Bieber. But hey we gave you John Candy, Rush and Captain Kirk baby and that's just for starters.

Still doesn't make up for Bieber. Either take him back or I want a pony.


I'll work on that pony. Sorries for the Bieb.

We'll let it slide THIS time. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN. I probably don't have room in my garage for a pony anyway.
I'll store it in my shed for you. A pony would fit. But I get to ride it!

That's fine. But the thread OP is about schools stating those words CANNOT be said.
What does God have to do with Thanksgiving? Or a gold sticky star?
Thanksgiving Day is the special day set aside to thank....GOD....for all the many blessings He has given us.

Now what does that have to do with God?

I do not understand your question.
Thanksgiving is for giving thanks for food, bounty, etc. One can serve food at home on a special day and God not have anything to do with it. But, ok. I will go along with what you said.

So the next question is..what about those little colored sticky stars?
We didnt have little sticky stars at our school, we were too poor, so I dont know.

I have to agree. The where and when I grew up in, we had grades that reflected our achievements.
Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

A Brooklyn principal is generating controversy for her removal of certain traditions at her school.

The New York Post reports that Eujin Kim of PS 169 has put an end to recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as references to Santa Claus, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.

In fact, the latter terms are being broadly referred to as "winter celebrations" and the "harvest festival," respectively.

These new policies were reportedly communicated to staff in a memo that referred to students' diverse families and that "not all children celebrate the same holidays."

PTA officials were also notified of the changes, and the president has said they include a ban on stars which can have a religious association.

Oy. What's next? A ban on breathing?

OK. It is a little nuts, but even cursory mention of other religious celebrations had been made in the past, the ones complaining now probably wouldn't have become so iron assed.
I don't much care for Celine Dion. And I loathe Bieber.
Bieber's nothing more than an entitled little rich-bitch criminal. The canucks are welcome to take him back. My daughter has made him anathema in her home. The granddaughters are encouraged to seek better symbols.
That's fine. But the thread OP is about schools stating those words CANNOT be said.

Except that the OP article doesn't actually say the school banned those words. It's actually pretty unclear about exactly what has gone on at the school, probably because it is based on shoddy information. :dunno:
I tried to find some sticky stars but all I could find were those dots. The kind you put on yard sale items and whatnot. Back in wagon wheel days, we had tinfoil sticky stars in blue, green, gold, red and silver. In 5th grade, our teacher had a wall with all the kids names written on paper and different colored stars for whatever we were excelling in...which prompted other students to get more stars. Gold were the super duper ones. I had lots of those under the Art section. :)
Ooooh! Competition... that's BAD! Can't have some students receiving more stars of better colors than others...that might harm the self-esteem of those who don't want to put the "sweat equity" into earning stars.
Neener neener nanny booboo, I got more gold stars than those in my class room! :funnyface:

And...we all managed to survive that horror! :lol:
No, I see it more as Not forcing people to participate in things they'd prefer to opt out of if they want to. But you seem to be saying whatever is tried to be accommodating, we can't win and must therefore just give up our traditions and religious holiday practices. Not really fair. Not really gonna happen, I suspect.

I see education as something that should be done by smart people.

I know kids learn better when they're comfortable. Not when they're being bullied. Not when they're made to be singled out.
They aren't being bullied and they are opting out if they want to. Can't change the whole system because some kids or people have different beliefs, and it would be grossly unfair to make them participate. That's the solution, rather than changing everything for the many to completely accommodate the few.

So, let's have Muslim stuff, Jewish stuff, Buddhist stuff etc, then anyone who wants to opt out can opt out.

Can't change the system? Why not just take religion out of schools, it doesn't belong in schools. School is for EDUCATION, not for fairy stories.

We're talking traditions as well. I think the more we embrace everyone's traditions the more hope we have for a better understanding of each other. Yes our countries are melting pots but one has to learn about each ingredient to properly cook our "dish" of multi cultural families uniting under one roof.

And schools should be the "kitchen". To be tolerant is to be well informed and understanding where other people come from. Traditions should be recognized and celebrated.

So you're in favor of the schools celebrating Ramadan?

To learn about Ramadan? No problem at all. Ditto Hanukkah. I went to a high school with a large Jewish student body and we held a joint celebration before the break in December celebrating both faiths including the singing of each others carols in the choir.

If any parent was uncomfortable they didn't have to attend the after school hours concert celebration. All I'm trying to point out is that with knowledge comes understanding of each other and our heritages.

ETA: who wouldn't love the extra holiday time off?
Neener neener nanny booboo, I got more gold stars than those in my class room! :funnyface:

And...we all managed to survive that horror! :lol:
Imagine that! So, what's different about today's children?
Not a durn thang! Oh. Wait. Except learning to be intolerant?
I guess you're right, kids are still pretty much the same but the way they are indoctrinated has definitely changed. Remember when your dad would jam on the brakes and all the kids would fly from the back dash to the front seat? Hell, so many died, I'm surprised there were enough of us left to engender the next generation.
I see education as something that should be done by smart people.

I know kids learn better when they're comfortable. Not when they're being bullied. Not when they're made to be singled out.
They aren't being bullied and they are opting out if they want to. Can't change the whole system because some kids or people have different beliefs, and it would be grossly unfair to make them participate. That's the solution, rather than changing everything for the many to completely accommodate the few.

So, let's have Muslim stuff, Jewish stuff, Buddhist stuff etc, then anyone who wants to opt out can opt out.

Can't change the system? Why not just take religion out of schools, it doesn't belong in schools. School is for EDUCATION, not for fairy stories.

We're talking traditions as well. I think the more we embrace everyone's traditions the more hope we have for a better understanding of each other. Yes our countries are melting pots but one has to learn about each ingredient to properly cook our "dish" of multi cultural families uniting under one roof.

And schools should be the "kitchen". To be tolerant is to be well informed and understanding where other people come from. Traditions should be recognized and celebrated.

So you're in favor of the schools celebrating Ramadan?

To learn about Ramadan? No problem at all. Ditto Hanukkah. I went to a high school with a large Jewish student body and we held a joint celebration before the break in December celebrating both faiths including the singing of each others carols in the choir.

If any parent was uncomfortable they didn't have to attend the after school hours concert celebration. All I'm trying to point out is that with knowledge comes understanding of each other and our heritages.

ETA: who wouldn't love the extra holiday time off?
Point is, most of those parents did not feel uncomfortable, or offended. They accepted things and went on with their lives. They did not fear that their children would be somehow polluted by contact with other ideas and heritages.
Much more on the way.

Those who hate this country's history and traditions won't stop until they have laid waste to both.
30 years ago it would have been "obvious" that I was a Communist, now it's "obvious" I'm a Muslim because... because you find the common enemy, then you label anyone who disagrees with you with that label.

No, you're a Muslim because you claimed to be, and then did not deny it when given the chance.
. The bigoted left wing atheist principal has been overruled. The superintendent of schools marched into the school and with two fifth graders led the school in the Pledge of Allegiance. Later the Principal apologized for banning Santa.
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Kind of like bullying. You can participate in the fighting, but seeing as you're different (weaker) and will get the shit kicked out of you, you choose not to, however sometimes it's not a matter of whether you choose, you'll be made to feel bad not matter what.
No, I see it more as Not forcing people to participate in things they'd prefer to opt out of if they want to. But you seem to be saying whatever is tried to be accommodating, we can't win and must therefore just give up our traditions and religious holiday practices. Not really fair. Not really gonna happen, I suspect.

I see education as something that should be done by smart people.

I know kids learn better when they're comfortable. Not when they're being bullied. Not when they're made to be singled out.
They aren't being bullied and they are opting out if they want to. Can't change the whole system because some kids or people have different beliefs, and it would be grossly unfair to make them participate. That's the solution, rather than changing everything for the many to completely accommodate the few.

So, let's have Muslim stuff, Jewish stuff, Buddhist stuff etc, then anyone who wants to opt out can opt out.

Can't change the system? Why not just take religion out of schools, it doesn't belong in schools. School is for EDUCATION, not for fairy stories.
Well, you have a point there. Could get a bit time consuming, although I'm sure there are schools in Europe which do just that. I do find it sad to think of losing Christmas and Easter at school even though I'm not religious myself. They were lovely times of the year to be in school.

Christmas is a nice time of year. But why? Is it the religious, or is it just that people celebrate something? Having a "winter festival", no religious, with things that make it fun, present giving, decorations and the like, what's wrong with that? If kids want to have it as Christmas, then fine, but everyone should be allowed to partake in this, and unless the school is 100% of a faith, then it isn't going to happen.
So we should just impose religion on people then, because it's tradition.

Upon whom is religion forced by a secular celebration?

You don't like us waking you up at 5am with loud noise over speakers and forcing you to go to pray, then feck off and go to another country.

Us? Are you Muslim?

That's called a "public nuisance". I understand that is indeed forced upon non-Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan.
Yes, I think FW just told us he's a Muslim. Not that I'm surprised.

You think? What, you mean you're telling people stuff and you don't know? Why doesn't that surprise me.

"I'm not telling you any personal information" = You're a Muslim.


Some people need to learn some basic brain skills.
Calm down, you are the one that used the word 'us' in reference to your muezzin doing his thang and calling or forcing the call to prayers on unwilling people. You said 'us'. Either write more clearly or expect the reader to see that you are saying you are a Muslim. And quit swearing at me. It's not my fault you're writing is sometimes incoherent.

You're the one who picked up on a pronoun and decided it was important.

The reality was I was pretending to be someone and then speaking as if I were that person.


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