The aftermath of the Rittenhouse trial exposes a bitter divide across the nation.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The aftermath of the Rittenhouse trial exposes a bitter divide across the nation.

One day, when sufficient distance has been gained from the Current Year to permit sober reflection on our own era, the recent past will no doubt be seen as a watershed in American political history. The election of Barack Obama in 2008 gave politics a religious sheen for Millennials just coming of age, and for Boomers hoping to avoid confronting the wreckage left in the wake of their rule. The election of Donald Trump in 2016 gave the new religion its devil. From Russia collusion to #MeToo, from Covington Catholic to Judge Kavanaugh, American culture and politics in the years since has been an unbroken series of witch crazes, lynch mobs, and human sacrifices (some successfully carried out, others not). The Democratic Party, the corporate press, and progressive activists openly embraced political violence as a means to achieve policy goals, block political appointments, and now, to attempt to affect court decisions.
Kenosha police reported that over half of all the people arrested in the first two nights of violence last year had come from out of town. This was not an uprising of the Kenosha underclass against the system that was oppressing them. This was an organized attack on an American city. The refrain of centrists-at-all-costs and weak-kneed Republicans has been that, innocent or not, Kyle Rittenhouse “should not have been there.” Indeed, 17-year-old boys should not have to take up arms to defend their communities from attacks incited by Democratic Party politicians and the corporate media and facilitated and carried out by organizations funded by multinational corporations.
America still stands on the precipice of a dark abyss. The fact is, we live in a society where mass political violence has been normalized, and because it’s being used as a political and ideological bludgeon to threaten and intimidate the people of this country, the authorities have abdicated their responsibility to protect life and property. The people who have created these conditions are the same baying for the blood of Kyle Rittenhouse for defending himself from three of their own. But this is still America, and it is the people—not the media, not the politicians, not the celebrities or bureaucrats or activists, but only a jury of Kyle Rittenhouse’s peers—who render final judgment on the righteousness of his actions.
Sometimes the good guys win. We celebrate the just exoneration of Kyle Rittenhouse. But we must remain aware that the Left has a longer memory than we do, and typically exacts steep costs for their occasional defeats.

How many terrorist/anarchists and biased journalists crossed State Lines with High Capacity Transmission Devices that were then used to disseminate deliberate False Statements in an effort to create racial strife, anxiety, looting and arson all in the name of making a buck?
Oddly a number of these "protester/rioters" are career felons intermixed with misled people like Grosskreutz and College professors/teachers that were not residents of Kenosha or Wisconsin for that matter.
Cell phones are easy for the Gov't to track, locations and records are available for weeks after an incident, so that Leo's can track participants or people of interest after-the-fact.
The FBI/STASI did exactly that to identify January 6 protestors.
Yet, they haven't gone after ANTIFA or BLM. That's because the Gov't indirectly sponsors along with Amazon, Facebook those terrorist organizations. They treat them as allies.
The Feb 4, 2021 Time magazine issue lays it out in depth.
See: The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
It seems (rich white elitist) liberals just recently discovered blacks existed in 2008 and NOW blacks are the center of the liberal progressive universe. So many levels of condescension and sheer arrogance here. "Racism is bad" is their mantra...Guess what? Blacks have been around millions of years, (shock and dismay) Human beings evolved from Africa.
Somebody should take that kid under their wing, sit him down & tell him to stay the hell away from bottom feeders like Tucker Carlson & other right wing goons who will use him only for their own gain. And when they can't milk this kid anymore they'll discard him like a used fast food wrapper.

It's over. Tucker Carlson & the rest of them will soon find another bright shiny object for you Trump Moonies to gape at.
Clipper We just saw a bottom feeding, scum licking lawyer LIE his ass off to try and put Kyle away FOR LIFE. Fortunately he was as incompetent as he was corrupt. We also saw everyone from the Woke Left starting with the President on down vilifying Kyle. It was an utterly disgusting display and not what America is about. Kyle will be just fine associating with Tucker, Sean and anyone at Fox who support an innocent young man.
Somebody should take that kid under their wing, sit him down & tell him to stay the hell away from bottom feeders like Tucker Carlson & other right wing goons who will use him only for their own gain. And when they can't milk this kid anymore they'll discard him like a used fast food wrapper.

It's over. Tucker Carlson & the rest of them will soon find another bright shiny object for you Trump Moonies to gape at.
Now that is almost funny considering what CNN and the other left wing looney tunes did to this kid calling him a racist etc and there were no blacks or other minorities involved in this shooting.
Somebody should take that kid under their wing, sit him down & tell him to stay the hell away from bottom feeders like Tucker Carlson & other right wing goons who will use him only for their own gain. And when they can't milk this kid anymore they'll discard him like a used fast food wrapper.

It's over. Tucker Carlson & the rest of them will soon find another bright shiny object for you Trump Moonies to gape at.
That's good advice. So what's the other alternative is there? The other bottom feeder commercial media like CNN doesn't seem like viable option either. They sorta lie and misrepresent and other wise propagandize. Where do we go for just FACTS?

The aftermath of the Rittenhouse trial exposes a bitter divide across the nation.

One day, when sufficient distance has been gained from the Current Year to permit sober reflection on our own era, the recent past will no doubt be seen as a watershed in American political history. The election of Barack Obama in 2008 gave politics a religious sheen for Millennials just coming of age, and for Boomers hoping to avoid confronting the wreckage left in the wake of their rule. The election of Donald Trump in 2016 gave the new religion its devil. From Russia collusion to #MeToo, from Covington Catholic to Judge Kavanaugh, American culture and politics in the years since has been an unbroken series of witch crazes, lynch mobs, and human sacrifices (some successfully carried out, others not). The Democratic Party, the corporate press, and progressive activists openly embraced political violence as a means to achieve policy goals, block political appointments, and now, to attempt to affect court decisions.
Kenosha police reported that over half of all the people arrested in the first two nights of violence last year had come from out of town. This was not an uprising of the Kenosha underclass against the system that was oppressing them. This was an organized attack on an American city. The refrain of centrists-at-all-costs and weak-kneed Republicans has been that, innocent or not, Kyle Rittenhouse “should not have been there.” Indeed, 17-year-old boys should not have to take up arms to defend their communities from attacks incited by Democratic Party politicians and the corporate media and facilitated and carried out by organizations funded by multinational corporations.
America still stands on the precipice of a dark abyss. The fact is, we live in a society where mass political violence has been normalized, and because it’s being used as a political and ideological bludgeon to threaten and intimidate the people of this country, the authorities have abdicated their responsibility to protect life and property. The people who have created these conditions are the same baying for the blood of Kyle Rittenhouse for defending himself from three of their own. But this is still America, and it is the people—not the media, not the politicians, not the celebrities or bureaucrats or activists, but only a jury of Kyle Rittenhouse’s peers—who render final judgment on the righteousness of his actions.
Sometimes the good guys win. We celebrate the just exoneration of Kyle Rittenhouse. But we must remain aware that the Left has a longer memory than we do, and typically exacts steep costs for their occasional defeats.

How many terrorist/anarchists and biased journalists crossed State Lines with High Capacity Transmission Devices that were then used to disseminate deliberate False Statements in an effort to create racial strife, anxiety, looting and arson all in the name of making a buck?
Oddly a number of these "protester/rioters" are career felons intermixed with misled people like Grosskreutz and College professors/teachers that were not residents of Kenosha or Wisconsin for that matter.
Cell phones are easy for the Gov't to track, locations and records are available for weeks after an incident, so that Leo's can track participants or people of interest after-the-fact.
The FBI/STASI did exactly that to identify January 6 protestors.
Yet, they haven't gone after ANTIFA or BLM. That's because the Gov't indirectly sponsors along with Amazon, Facebook those terrorist organizations. They treat them as allies.
The Feb 4, 2021 Time magazine issue lays it out in depth.
See: The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
The divide wasn't was created.

Both sides have engaged in creating a larger divide with accusations and name calling.
Somebody should take that kid under their wing, sit him down & tell him to stay the hell away from bottom feeders like Tucker Carlson & other right wing goons who will use him only for their own gain. And when they can't milk this kid anymore they'll discard him like a used fast food wrapper.

It's over. Tucker Carlson & the rest of them will soon find another bright shiny object for you Trump Moonies to gape at.
Funny, I was thinking exactly the same thing, about you, and then they could fly you into side of a mountain at around 400 knots, or perhaps show you the door of the aircraft at 5000 feet of altitude... :fu:

The aftermath of the Rittenhouse trial exposes a bitter divide across the nation.

One day, when sufficient distance has been gained from the Current Year to permit sober reflection on our own era, the recent past will no doubt be seen as a watershed in American political history. The election of Barack Obama in 2008 gave politics a religious sheen for Millennials just coming of age, and for Boomers hoping to avoid confronting the wreckage left in the wake of their rule. The election of Donald Trump in 2016 gave the new religion its devil. From Russia collusion to #MeToo, from Covington Catholic to Judge Kavanaugh, American culture and politics in the years since has been an unbroken series of witch crazes, lynch mobs, and human sacrifices (some successfully carried out, others not). The Democratic Party, the corporate press, and progressive activists openly embraced political violence as a means to achieve policy goals, block political appointments, and now, to attempt to affect court decisions.
Kenosha police reported that over half of all the people arrested in the first two nights of violence last year had come from out of town. This was not an uprising of the Kenosha underclass against the system that was oppressing them. This was an organized attack on an American city. The refrain of centrists-at-all-costs and weak-kneed Republicans has been that, innocent or not, Kyle Rittenhouse “should not have been there.” Indeed, 17-year-old boys should not have to take up arms to defend their communities from attacks incited by Democratic Party politicians and the corporate media and facilitated and carried out by organizations funded by multinational corporations.
America still stands on the precipice of a dark abyss. The fact is, we live in a society where mass political violence has been normalized, and because it’s being used as a political and ideological bludgeon to threaten and intimidate the people of this country, the authorities have abdicated their responsibility to protect life and property. The people who have created these conditions are the same baying for the blood of Kyle Rittenhouse for defending himself from three of their own. But this is still America, and it is the people—not the media, not the politicians, not the celebrities or bureaucrats or activists, but only a jury of Kyle Rittenhouse’s peers—who render final judgment on the righteousness of his actions.
Sometimes the good guys win. We celebrate the just exoneration of Kyle Rittenhouse. But we must remain aware that the Left has a longer memory than we do, and typically exacts steep costs for their occasional defeats.

How many terrorist/anarchists and biased journalists crossed State Lines with High Capacity Transmission Devices that were then used to disseminate deliberate False Statements in an effort to create racial strife, anxiety, looting and arson all in the name of making a buck?
Oddly a number of these "protester/rioters" are career felons intermixed with misled people like Grosskreutz and College professors/teachers that were not residents of Kenosha or Wisconsin for that matter.
Cell phones are easy for the Gov't to track, locations and records are available for weeks after an incident, so that Leo's can track participants or people of interest after-the-fact.
The FBI/STASI did exactly that to identify January 6 protestors.
Yet, they haven't gone after ANTIFA or BLM. That's because the Gov't indirectly sponsors along with Amazon, Facebook those terrorist organizations. They treat them as allies.
The Feb 4, 2021 Time magazine issue lays it out in depth.
See: The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
Divide as you mean about 20% of the country are flaming leftist idiots, 60% of the country are spineless moderates who sway which ever way the wind blows, and 20% who want to save this country from going total fucking Communist. Yeah, that trial showed that a 17 year old boy(the same age as Trayvon) defended himself(not bash a white latino's head into the ground) against people who were trying to kill him. Just remember how the left adored the "if Obama had a son, he would look like dead Trayvon", who was going to beat the shit out of a gay guy, and Kyle who shot and killed a known pedophile who was yelling the "N" word....
Somebody should take that kid under their wing, sit him down & tell him to stay the hell away from bottom feeders like Tucker Carlson & other right wing goons who will use him only for their own gain. And when they can't milk this kid anymore they'll discard him like a used fast food wrapper.

It's over. Tucker Carlson & the rest of them will soon find another bright shiny object for you Trump Moonies to gape at.
I have nothing in common with the depraved lying dishonest cheating Democrats. They can pound sand.
I feel the same about Lying, Cheating, Dishonest (R).
I honestly hate BOTH parties, but I can at least admit it.
You can't.
Fuck the (D) and Fuck the (R).
So YES, pound your OWN fucking sand too.
There are FAKE Americans among us.
And RWI's are the largest offenders.
Somebody should take that kid under their wing, sit him down & tell him to stay the hell away from bottom feeders like Tucker Carlson & other right wing goons who will use him only for their own gain. And when they can't milk this kid anymore they'll discard him like a used fast food wrapper.

It's over. Tucker Carlson & the rest of them will soon find another bright shiny object for you Trump Moonies to gape at.
sort of like the left did with Stormy…but she got stuck losing money in that raw deal

The most important lesson for Kyle, and one he’ll never forget, is never under estimate the violence of demafacist cultist
Deep divide on this issue?........I really don't think so, or at least I've not heard anything out in the real world to make me think that there is.

It's more like the media is wagging the dog than anything else with both "sides" trying to make hay over it.

I did hear a funny remark today:

"Who would you rather have watch your kids, Rittenhouse or Biden?"

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