The Angst Of The Left Has Reached A Boiling Point

The Alt-Right are like closet monsters. They only exist if we let them.
Yup, and that is why they were run out of Charlottesville on a rail.

No place accepts them Jake. They are like cocaroaches, they all scatter when day light hits them. But still, they are naught but boogy men meant to scare people during an election year.
They have been steadily upping the level of abhorrent behavior but the restaurant debacle turned some heads
Only so many tantrums can be accommodated and now some liberals are re-evaluating just how steadfastly do they want to cling to these classless nutcases
Who wants balance, who wants reason, winning is what's important. maybe everything will be peachy keen, we made it through the horrors of the last two wars, we can live with 8 years of this congress & president. there are some red flags flashing. but if we have a fair & open election then majority rules.
The left did it to themselves. They had the House won and were going to make the Senate interesting. For whatever reason, they couldn't wait until the game was actually won before going off the deep end. Now, I think it will be a good night for the GOP, and Trump in November. There is no way the Dems win the House back if they continue on like this the rest of the way. If this were a sport, I would say the Dems were choking. Still a lot of time on the clock and anything can happen. But it is pretty remarkable to watch.

Somehow the left thinks that harrassing people in food establishments is going to win them votes.

Moderates are not real keen on that shit.

Please an anti gay person should not expect a gay person to wait on her.

But a gay person should expect someone to bake a cake for them? :abgg2q.jpg:
It's in court, and court does not happen as quickly as KGB and Crixus and BasqueRomance think.
The truth of the matter is that far right is desperate based on what is being posted on this board.

Their fear is based on the receding, shrinking red-based, Russian-driven alt right vote.

An Updated Look At The Race For The Senate has shown that the built-in Senate advantage for the GOP this fall is collapsing.

The elections are going to result in a blue House and a stale-mated Senate. Three of the GOP senators that will be left simply won't vote for another Gorsuch type pick.

If only the mainstream of the GOP would stand up and grow a set of balls and put down the Alt Right inspired-by-Russian anti-American voters.

If the Congress goes blue and Trump ends up being impeachment, the far right will riot and the LEO/military will kill them and jail the rest.

Both parties need to work together to resolve issues that are trying to tear the country apart.
I'm not reading anything in that information about any Republican incumbents losing their seats. I think you need a lesson in critical reading and thinking.
The truth of the matter is that far right is desperate based on what is being posted on this board.

Their fear is based on the receding, shrinking red-based, Russian-driven alt right vote.

An Updated Look At The Race For The Senate has shown that the built-in Senate advantage for the GOP this fall is collapsing.

The elections are going to result in a blue House and a stale-mated Senate. Three of the GOP senators that will be left simply won't vote for another Gorsuch type pick.

If only the mainstream of the GOP would stand up and grow a set of balls and put down the Alt Right inspired-by-Russian anti-American voters.

If the Congress goes blue and Trump ends up being impeachment, the far right will riot and the LEO/military will kill them and jail the rest.

Both parties need to work together to resolve issues that are trying to tear the country apart.
I'm not reading anything in that information about any Republican incumbents losing their seats. I think you need a lesson in critical reading and thinking.

They will likely gain one or two.

The blue wave is turning into a red riptide.

So long democrats....suck on it.
If you look at what is being posted on this board, you will see that the left is desperate. The same fears and concerns are being recycled with ferocity....

Especially now that Trump will appoint Kennedy's replacement.

Additionally, the blue wave looks like it could be a red riptide. The GOP will keep the senate and will likely keep the house.

Ginsburg won't last two years and I can't imagine how tough it will be for them when that happens.

Elections have consequences and it is being felt.

It's time to let the moderate side of the democratic party have a voice and to get away from all these screeching left wingers. They will likely start rioting.

In the end, though, they have to be careful about pulling on a Tiger's tail. You can only go into so many restraunts and verbally assail so many people before you feel it back.

I look forward to the country have a good conversation around key issues going forward. Issues that don't currently get any attention.

After serving my country under five Presidents I must say this is the first time I've experienced a real sense of hope. Patriotism has always been there and this feeling is also that but magnified. Twenty-seven years in uniform and its just electric. I live a mile off an army base. Listening to reveille the last several mornings has been like a renewed call to duty. It's also the first time I've checked daily for Presidential speeches and interviews and have devoured them. Our President is a man to rally around and believe in, and the military supports him fully.

I think you are correct. Slack tide has ended. The tides have turned and are coming back in. The Left has stretched the average American's tolerance past the limit and voters are demanding the nation take a step back from the brink of worldwide debauchery and cultural replacement. The Left has been and is trying to sell out and betray the most fundamental American values. With faith, hope and luck all that has begun to change.
It's not the republicans breaking up. It's the democrats peeling off as socialists. This leaves the democrats with nowhere to go but the #walkaway movement.

There is no blue wave. Possibly there never was. It was born as a pacifier for democrat angst.
The truth of the matter is that far right is desperate based on what is being posted on this board.

Their fear is based on the receding, shrinking red-based, Russian-driven alt right vote.

An Updated Look At The Race For The Senate has shown that the built-in Senate advantage for the GOP this fall is collapsing.

The elections are going to result in a blue House and a stale-mated Senate. Three of the GOP senators that will be left simply won't vote for another Gorsuch type pick.

If only the mainstream of the GOP would stand up and grow a set of balls and put down the Alt Right inspired-by-Russian anti-American voters.

If the Congress goes blue and Trump ends up being impeachment, the far right will riot and the LEO/military will kill them and jail the rest.

Both parties need to work together to resolve issues that are trying to tear the country apart.
I'm not reading anything in that information about any Republican incumbents losing their seats. I think you need a lesson in critical reading and thinking.
You are talking a few elections yesterday that have no bearing on the fall other than those few elections. Since last fall, the general elections in the various states have resulted in overwhelming victories (think Moore, NJ, VA, WI, and elsewhere) that are beginning to eat away at Republican numbers. The OP is really minimal in the larger scheme of things for this fall.
The Prog Angst is going to get worse when they lose BIGLY...due to their violence against normal people.

The truth of the matter is that far right is desperate based on what is being posted on this board.

Their fear is based on the receding, shrinking red-based, Russian-driven alt right vote.

An Updated Look At The Race For The Senate has shown that the built-in Senate advantage for the GOP this fall is collapsing.

The elections are going to result in a blue House and a stale-mated Senate. Three of the GOP senators that will be left simply won't vote for another Gorsuch type pick.

If only the mainstream of the GOP would stand up and grow a set of balls and put down the Alt Right inspired-by-Russian anti-American voters.

If the Congress goes blue and Trump ends up being impeachment, the far right will riot and the LEO/military will kill them and jail the rest.

Both parties need to work together to resolve issues that are trying to tear the country apart.

You haven't figured this out yet...have you, Jakey! The confirmation of a new Supreme Court justice will take place this Fall before the elections! Now if Harry Reid hadn't set the precedence of using the "nuclear option"....something that he was WARNED was shortsighted because someday the favor could be returned...then the Democrats might be able to keep Trump from nominating a new Justice! But they only need 51 votes because of what Reid whoever Trump wants...Trump gets! Got a problem with that? Go see Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama and tell them that they screwed up! Oh, and the sound you're hearing? It's conservatives LAUGHING at you!
Yup, as Murkowski and Collins are laughing at you. :)

Almost every woman in their states will weigh in on this vote, if the candidate is one who will vote to narrow abortion rights.
Yup, as Murkowski and Collins are laughing at you. :)

Almost every woman in their states will weigh in on this vote, if the candidate is one who will vote to narrow abortion rights.

You really think Donald Trump is fixated on overturning Roe v Wade? Oh, on the left are going to use that as your "talking point" to try and scare people! I keep forgetting...that's all that you do these days.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Jakey but didn't Senator Collins and Senator Murkowski vote for Neil Gorsuch? Why do you think they won't vote for the next Trump nominee? Sorry but I'm STILL laughing at you!

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