The black view on the 2020 presidential election

I will vote for him before I will vote for trump.

Do you agree with this take on Bloomberg?
I don't like Bloomberg and the only way I will vote for him is if he is the nominee. trump supported stop and frisk and still does. And you know trump supported redlining. trump is filling the courts with racist judges and if he gets a second term will probably add another racist to the supreme court. Bloomberg won't do that.
Is every white person a racist to you?
I think I have made myself very clear on that matter.
I fail to see why we should assume blacks have no independent thoughts and will vote as a single block no matter what. Seems insulting to people

Because of Historical Record?

The historical record of fucked up republican policies are why more of us don't vote republican.

What Republican policies do you all find to be "fucked up"? Record low unemployment rates? Peace and Prosperity? Pro-Life?
Let me know when trump has made black unemployment equal to whites instead of double that of whites.

trump is the president now. Whataboutobama doesn't cut it. Especially when black unemployment was dropping for 7 years before trump sat his lard ass in the presidents chair. But since we want to play whataboutobama, maybe if Obama got a third term and a democratic congress for the last 2 years, black unemployment would be the same as whites.
Not unless he found that "Magic Wand" that Trump must if found. Either Trump found that magic wand or he is a smart businessman and had the knowledge to make magic happen.
It has been neither.
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

One of my co-workers is a brother and when we talk about Fat Donnie he laughs.

A brother.

We have a bonafide expert here ya'll.
We work together. I depend on him as much as he depends on me. And by the way, Fuck You.

And, fuck you.
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

One of my co-workers is a brother and when we talk about Fat Donnie he laughs.

A brother.

We have a bonafide expert here ya'll.
We work together. I depend on him as much as he depends on me. And by the way, Fuck You.

Is his name Barack, and are you two on the down low?
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

One of my co-workers is a brother and when we talk about Fat Donnie he laughs.

A brother.

We have a bonafide expert here ya'll.

Blacks will not be voting in large numbers for trump. I mean if Mike Tyson can represent all blacks...

Larger than normal
The plantation be losing its hold a little.
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

One of my co-workers is a brother and when we talk about Fat Donnie he laughs.

A brother.

We have a bonafide expert here ya'll.

Blacks will not be voting in large numbers for trump. I mean if Mike Tyson can represent all blacks...

I don't think that Iron Mike necessarily represents "all" blacks, but a growing number who appreciate what a tremendous job our President is doing. Did you know that both Tyson and Trump are among those enshrined in the WWE Hall of Fame.

This is the consensus of the black community.​
This is racist against blacks when you generalize the entire race as being this fucking ignorant. I KNOW there are freethinking and intelligent blacks out there, so your post is a lie.
Interesting point of view. So its your contention that black voters are really pissed about what Trump did about black unemployment and his failure to open the borders for millions of illegals, and really pine for double digit unemployment, limitless abortion, gay marriage and economic collapse.

You might be right for all I know

Blacks use their own toes for target practice.
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

Blacks have been allowed to vote since 1865, moron.
Your poll shows that Trump had 15% of the Black Vote when the poll was taken back in September, 2019.

He only got 8% in 2016. If he gets 15% this time; he's almost certainly won the election.

And, similar polls taken more recently than way back in September show his per cent of the Black Vote as high as 33%. Some show more like 20 or 25%---a huge SURE WIN improvement.
That poll doesn't say anything about the black vote and currently black support for trump stays at around 10 percent. Rasmussen polls don't count so just understand that there is no 33 percent black support for trump. So learn this, when whites are happy that 2/3'rds of all blacks don't like a white presidential candidate, you have a problem. When you think 2/3's of blacks not liking you is a good thing, you got problems. When you try manipulating 85 percent dislike into some kind of positive, you've got problems. You've done all this.
What is your "10%" figure based on, other than pure whim, that is?
I fail to see why we should assume blacks have no independent thoughts and will vote as a single block no matter what. Seems insulting to people

Because of Historical Record?

The historical record of fucked up republican policies are why more of us don't vote republican.

What Republican policies do you all find to be "fucked up"? Record low unemployment rates? Peace and Prosperity? Pro-Life?

Republican policy did not create the black unemployment we see now.

According to 24/7 Wall St, that means that Black unemployment is 86% above the national average. It is also 112% higher than the rate among white Americans, and 125% above the rate for Asian Americans. This means that overall the unemployment rate for Blacks under Obama’s administration versus the rate under Trump’s administration is about the same.



House passes Voting Rights bill with just one Republican vote
By Josh Israel
December 6, 2019

The Voting Rights Advancement Act aims to restore protections decimated by the Supreme Court in 2013.

The House of Representatives passed H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019, by a vote of 228-186 on Friday.

Just one Republican — Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) — voted for it, while 186 Republicans voted no.

The historical record of fucked up republican policies are why more of us don't vote republican.
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

If you want to get rid of racism. People like you need to shut the fuk up and quit bringing it up. I am not, most of us are not racist. YOU ARE
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

Blacks have been allowed to vote since 1865, moron.
Wrong. A law was passed that got shot down during the civil rights cases of the 1880's. The right for blacks to vote was determined a state right, not a federal one. So states could deny blacks the right to vote and did. Do not try to argue when you don't know what you're talking about.
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

One of my co-workers is a brother and when we talk about Fat Donnie he laughs.

A brother.

We have a bonafide expert here ya'll.
We work together. I depend on him as much as he depends on me. And by the way, Fuck You.

Is his name Barack, and are you two on the down low?
You think that bothers me eh BillyBoy. Sounds to me that talking about dick fascinates you.
Your poll shows that Trump had 15% of the Black Vote when the poll was taken back in September, 2019.

He only got 8% in 2016. If he gets 15% this time; he's almost certainly won the election.

And, similar polls taken more recently than way back in September show his per cent of the Black Vote as high as 33%. Some show more like 20 or 25%---a huge SURE WIN improvement.
That poll doesn't say anything about the black vote and currently black support for trump stays at around 10 percent. Rasmussen polls don't count so just understand that there is no 33 percent black support for trump. So learn this, when whites are happy that 2/3'rds of all blacks don't like a white presidential candidate, you have a problem. When you think 2/3's of blacks not liking you is a good thing, you got problems. When you try manipulating 85 percent dislike into some kind of positive, you've got problems. You've done all this.
What is your "10%" figure based on, other than pure whim, that is?
Gallup polls for the last 3 years. Look white boy, I am black and no matter what, I know more about how blacks do things than you do.
We have so many white experts on how it is to be black here. Funny how none of them have ever lived as a black person. Most have never spent any significant time with blacks. And when it comes to our politics, we get all the assumptions and stupid comments about plantations or misquote of legendary black leaders from the past. Blacks have been able to vote nationwide since 1964. In 1964, blacks voted for Johnson knowing he was a racist, but he was trying to do something about civil rights. Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. In every presidential election since 1964 but one, blacks have had to vote for white men who had racism in their past, but no serious candidate blatantly ran on open and naked racism in the democratic party as Reagan, Bush 1 and trump has done in the republican party. So white republicans in these forums who are desperately pandering to blacks by using the most racist attempts to outreach by lying about the republican past and invoking images of plantations need to stop trying to paint every democrat as the man who did worse then our current president who came down the escalator and opened up his campaign with racism and has continued with it ever since.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

If you want to get rid of racism. People like you need to shut the fuk up and quit bringing it up. I am not, most of us are not racist. YOU ARE

So if we want to get rid of terrorism, we just stop talking about it. Right?

"A 2017 poll done the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, finds that while Americans widely say they oppose racism and white nationalism, many still appear to hold far-right, white supremacist views.

The Ipsos poll, for Thomson Reuters and the University of Virginia Center for Politics, was conducted online from Aug. 21 to Sept. 5 ― in the weeks following the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville. It sampled around 5,360 American adults, asking questions about race that respondents could agree or disagree with to varying degrees.

“While there is relatively little national endorsement of neo-Nazis and white supremacists,” according to the release describing the poll’s findings, “there are troubling levels of support for certain racially-charged ideas and attitudes frequently expressed by extremist groups.”

While the vast majority of Americans polled expressed support for racial equality when asked in so many words ― 70 percent strongly agreed that “all races are equal,” and 89 percent agreed that all races should be treated equally ― people’s responses got murkier when it came to expressing their viewpoints on particular issues related to race and extremism.

Thirty-one percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that ‘America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.’

For instance, while only 8 percent of respondents said they supported white nationalism as a group or movement, a far larger percentage said they supported viewpoints widely held by white supremacist groups: 31 percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that “America must protect and preserve its White European heritage,” and 39 percent agreed that “white people are currently under attack in this country.”

Most Americans Oppose White Supremacists, But Many Share Their Views: Poll | HuffPost

In 2017 .00046 percent of all Americans died by murder. Do we stop talking about that too?


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