The Bush Admin. Never Lied To Justify the Invasion of Iraq.

Let us know when a legit government or the UN files war crimes against Bush for the OBVIOUS lies that they claim exist.


I never did get the answer the other day. Why didn't Obama conduct an independent investigation LIKE ALL MORON LIBERALS were expecting him to do? Especially when he had that super majority?

I will tell you what never occurs to these know it all academic types who know nothing about logistics. It never occurs to any of them that perhaps there is intel that we will never know about and Obama became privy to only after he became president.

Hence the reasons he did not conduct an investigation, the reason he never closed down GTMO and the reason he carried out drone strikes on terrorists that they claimed did not exist.

However, of course since Obama needs to placate is perpetually naive moronic base, he lies to them nonstop. Especially in election years where the democrats expands and edifies their stupid base who can never be convinced of anything.

The funny thing is how they really believe they always know more than the intel that none of us are privy to. It is hilarious watching them squirm and scratch while they cannot explain why Bush was not investigated like they thought when Obama took office.


There have been numerous post with links made to answer your questions, including the one above that suggest Obama committed impeachable offenses by protecting Bush from prosecution in not only this country, but foreign counties as well, particularly Spain. His efforts were exposed by leaked documents.

Bush, Cheney and others in the administration have been convicted of war crimes in Malaysia, a recognized government and country. As far as the Muslim world is concerned, Bush is a convicted war criminal. If he or Cheney travel to Malaysia or some allies of Malaysia that have extradition treaties, they will be arrested.
You need to stop watching FOX News. the evidence is overwhelming that they worked to string together unreliable "evidence" from highly questionable sources.

Anything to the contrary is outright lies and propaganda. Bush 2 was the worst President in the history of the United States as well as the most corrupt.
You need to stop watching FOX News. the evidence is overwhelming that they worked to string together unreliable "evidence" from highly questionable sources.

Anything to the contrary is outright lies and propaganda. Bush 2 was the worst President in the history of the United States as well as the most corrupt.

By what standard? Even assuming Iraq was an unnecessary war, LBJ lost 12 times as many in Vietnam.

Wilson lost a similar number in WW1.

Most corrupt? IIRC the Bush Admin. had the FEWEST of its appointed officials convicted of crimes than any 8 year admin. since WW2.
The Bush Admin. Never Lied To Justify the Invasion of Iraq.

Why make a claim when all you have to do it go to Youtube? We know Saddam was enemies with al Qaeda and al Qaeda only went into Iraq after we destroyed the Iraqi government.
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After 9-11 we gave Bush a 9-11 Card

It allowed him to do anything he thought necessary to fight terrorism. We gave him the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, Afghanistan and even looked the other way when he engaged in torture

But what Bush really wanted was Iraq. But nobody could link Iraq to 9-11. So what could Bush do?

Claim that Saddam was going to give WMDs to terrorists. We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.

Bush lied

Saddam's Iraq was already deemed a threat independent of 9-11. I will always stand by Bush's decision to take out Saddam in the wake of watching 19 human waste punks kill 3,000 Americans with Airplanes. Bush gave Saddam every opportunity over an 18 month period following 9-11 to comply and or step down. Hussein did not. In that same time period, Bush used the intel he inherited from the previous admin as well as talking points from Clinton, Reid, Pelosi, Albright, Berger, and Tenet to build his case to Democrats. Democrats had every opportunity to expose Bush for lies.

They could not then and they can't in hindsight because Bush used Democrat intel and talking points. If Bush lied, then that makes Democrats liars too.

I see why you are confused! You don't read very well, do you? In post#96 I went to great lengths to get to the crucial chain of events that determined when Bush became complicit in deceiving the public, the Democrats and everyone who was not present when Tenet briefed him on 18 September 2002.:

On Sept. 18, 2002, CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on top-secret intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, according to two former senior IA officers. Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam’s inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again. Nor was the intelligence included in the National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002, which stated categorically that Iraq possessed WMD

Senator Bob Graham asked for a National Intelligence Report on IRAQ. Tenet's office, promulgated that key document justifying the Invasion. This was the document that moved Congress to support the invasion of Iraq. It was the contents of the NIE that galvanized huge swaths of the American people behind Bush and his plans for invasion.
No one had cause to doubt or to challenge the veracity of Tenet's report except George Bush. He knew the truth and suppressed it. Prior to the 18 Sept 2002 briefing with Tenet, I might agree that Bush had not consciously lied. But after that date, anything he said pertaining to WMDs in Iraq was a LIE!

The majority Democrat Congress supported the war but cannot be said to have lied along with Bush. They had not heard the briefing of 18 Sept 2002 and I doubt if Colin Powell did! Bush allowed them t0o continue believing the contents of the fabricated data in the NIE so that he could fulfill his longing to execute vengeance upon Saddam Hussein!

Tenet, although appointed by Clinton, seemed apolitical. There was no apparent preference for either the GOP or the Democrats on his part. He was not" democrat Intel; as so you perniciously put it!
Let us know when a legit government or the UN files war crimes against Bush for the OBVIOUS lies that they claim exist.


I never did get the answer the other day. Why didn't Obama conduct an independent investigation LIKE ALL MORON LIBERALS were expecting him to do? Especially when he had that super majority?

I will tell you what never occurs to these know it all academic types who know nothing about logistics. It never occurs to any of them that perhaps there is intel that we will never know about and Obama became privy to only after he became president.

Hence the reasons he did not conduct an investigation, the reason he never closed down GTMO and the reason he carried out drone strikes on terrorists that they claimed did not exist.

However, of course since Obama needs to placate is perpetually naive moronic base, he lies to them nonstop. Especially in election years where the democrats expands and edifies their stupid base who can never be convinced of anything.

The funny thing is how they really believe they always know more than the intel that none of us are privy to. It is hilarious watching them squirm and scratch while they cannot explain why Bush was not investigated like they thought when Obama took office.


The reason Democrats did not bring the Bush administration up on charges was because they did not want to drag the country through the mud. Unlike Republicans who kept a Whitewater investigation going for seven years or impeached over a blowjob, Democrats realize what these investigations do to the country

Oh right, so the war that Obama was against he just increased and sought to increase it in Iraq too. Yes, he did.

So the reason he did not conduct an investigation was simply cause he did not want to drag the country through the mud? That is all you got?

Yet that same good guy conducted drone strikes along with expanding the war. You know what that evidence ACTUALLY SHOWS? It actually shows there are aspects of this war that we the people are not privy to. Obama of course is privy to those things and once he took office, he saw the reality.

Of course he needs to placate his constituency. He needs to edify that base and people like you. He talks his game and lies to you about EVERYTHING. You never stop to ask yourselves if whether or not it is even possible that there are indeed things that is a lot more crucial with this war on terrorism. It never occurs to anyone that perhaps this war on terror is not about overthrowing one country or deposing one leader.

You can say Saddam is dead and it has done nothing. Well, I can say bin laden is dead and it has done nothing. Seemingly anyway. This is more than taking out one leader. The long term goal is about attempting to win the hearts and minds of those people that are perpetually tortured by these throw backs.

It is also not as simple as us just leaving the region. It is not as simple as that, and the only chance this country or the world has is to educate the region. Our presence is essential and as I mentioned it is the same scenario as us still having bases in Japan. The Japanese were once as fanatical as these muslims. If we has just left Japan in 1945 or 46 the country would have fell into those fanatical elements that still existed there. The same problem would have happened 20 years later.

That is the logistical reality. Fact is there is more than one reason we NEED bases around the world now. One to protect our enemies by establishing a presence and creating a buffer between Japan and her enemies. The other is for rapid deployment in regions that are potential hot spots.

The liberals in this country always think they know more than the experts and always think they understand what all of the intelligence says or what the intel is revealing. The simple fact is if Bush deliberately lied and if it was so obvious he would have been charged by the world through the UN and he has not. Not only that, but the Nobel Peace prize winner expanded the mythical war. You all never wonder why that is.

It is pathetic.
Let us know when a legit government or the UN files war crimes against Bush for the OBVIOUS lies that they claim exist.


I never did get the answer the other day. Why didn't Obama conduct an independent investigation LIKE ALL MORON LIBERALS were expecting him to do? Especially when he had that super majority?

I will tell you what never occurs to these know it all academic types who know nothing about logistics. It never occurs to any of them that perhaps there is intel that we will never know about and Obama became privy to only after he became president.

Hence the reasons he did not conduct an investigation, the reason he never closed down GTMO and the reason he carried out drone strikes on terrorists that they claimed did not exist.

However, of course since Obama needs to placate is perpetually naive moronic base, he lies to them nonstop. Especially in election years where the democrats expands and edifies their stupid base who can never be convinced of anything.

The funny thing is how they really believe they always know more than the intel that none of us are privy to. It is hilarious watching them squirm and scratch while they cannot explain why Bush was not investigated like they thought when Obama took office.


The reason Democrats did not bring the Bush administration up on charges was because they did not want to drag the country through the mud. Unlike Republicans who kept a Whitewater investigation going for seven years or impeached over a blowjob, Democrats realize what these investigations do to the country

Oh right, so the war that Obama was against he just increased and sought to increase it in Iraq too. Yes, he did.

So the reason he did not conduct an investigation was simply cause he did not want to drag the country through the mud? That is all you got?

Yet that same good guy conducted drone strikes along with expanding the war. You know what that evidence ACTUALLY SHOWS? It actually shows there are aspects of this war that we the people are not privy to. Obama of course is privy to those things and once he took office, he saw the reality.

Of course he needs to placate his constituency. He needs to edify that base and people like you. He talks his game and lies to you about EVERYTHING. You never stop to ask yourselves if whether or not it is even possible that there are indeed things that is a lot more crucial with this war on terrorism. It never occurs to anyone that perhaps this war on terror is not about overthrowing one country or deposing one leader.

You can say Saddam is dead and it has done nothing. Well, I can say bin laden is dead and it has done nothing. Seemingly anyway. This is more than taking out one leader. The long term goal is about attempting to win the hearts and minds of those people that are perpetually tortured by these throw backs.

It is also not as simple as us just leaving the region. It is not as simple as that, and the only chance this country or the world has is to educate the region. Our presence is essential and as I mentioned it is the same scenario as us still having bases in Japan. The Japanese were once as fanatical as these muslims. If we has just left Japan in 1945 or 46 the country would have fell into those fanatical elements that still existed there. The same problem would have happened 20 years later.

That is the logistical reality. Fact is there is more than one reason we NEED bases around the world now. One to protect our enemies by establishing a presence and creating a buffer between Japan and her enemies. The other is for rapid deployment in regions that are potential hot spots.

The liberals in this country always think they know more than the experts and always think they understand what all of the intelligence says or what the intel is revealing. The simple fact is if Bush deliberately lied and if it was so obvious he would have been charged by the world through the UN and he has not. Not only that, but the Nobel Peace prize winner expanded the mythical war. You all never wonder why that is.

It is pathetic.

So the reason he did not conduct an investigation was simply cause he did not want to drag the country through the mud? That is all you got?

Just like how Ford pardoned Nixon. Democtats knew that airing the Bush dirty laundry was not in the best interests of the country

We can be certain that if the shoe was on the other foot that Republicans would not have hesitated to prosecute
Democrat Quotes on Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction
"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face."
--Madeline Albright, Feb 18, 1998

"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."
--Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
Letter to President Clinton, signed by:
-- Democratic Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others, Oct. 9, 1998

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
-Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998

"Hussein has ... chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies."
-- Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999

"There is no doubt that ... Saddam Hussein has reinvigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to redefine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies."
Letter to President Bush, Signed by:
-- Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL), and others, Dec 5, 2001

"We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and th! e means of delivering them."
-- Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002

"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
-- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power."
-- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002

"The last UN weapons inspectors left Iraq in October of 1998. We are confident that Saddam Hussein retains some stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, and that he has since embarked on a crash course to build up his chemical and biological warfare capabilities. Intelligence reports indicate that he is seeking nuclear weapons..."
-- Sen. Robert Byrd (D, WV), Oct. 3, 2002

"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002

"He has systematically violated, over the course of the past 11 years, every significant UN resolution that has demanded that he disarm and destroy his chemical and biological weapons, and any nuclear capacity. This he has refused to do"
-- Rep. Henry Waxman (D, CA), Oct. 10, 2002

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
-- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

"We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL), Dec. 8, 2002

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003

Yeah these f'kers lied too...

Let's just hang all of them...

Congress received their information from the CIA. Never did the CIA tell Congress (or SoS Powell) that their source for this information was a guy codenamed "curveball" whom they never interviewed, or that the intel agencies in Germany and England had cautioned them about the trustworthiness of "curveball" and that after we had gone in--when they did finally interview "curveball", they issued a burn notice on his intelligence.

Of course you won't watch the video.

Okay so he says he lied to bring down Saddam, he wasn't the source for the Democrat's quotes in this post, so they were just as wrong correct?

Or are you going to continue to lie?


So all of this Intel was from bad sources then?

I can't stand how two faced and chicken shit you and your fellow asshole liberals are...

Sad truth is you probably lie to EDIT in the same fashion...

Yeah, Curveball didn't brief Congress; the CIA did. The CIA used Curveball as their source for briefing Congress (even though they were warned of his untrustworthiness and had never questioned him directly) and for briefing Secretary Powell as was proven by the video.

When you trust the CIA is telling you the truth and are debating what action to take based on the intel, you are comfortable with what they told you. However, as we know now, the CIA was cooking the intel to get the result the administration wanted.

No WMDs found, no nukes found. Bush lied...people died. It's a fact; get used to it.
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The reason Democrats did not bring the Bush administration up on charges was because they did not want to drag the country through the mud. Unlike Republicans who kept a Whitewater investigation going for seven years or impeached over a blowjob, Democrats realize what these investigations do to the country

Oh right, so the war that Obama was against he just increased and sought to increase it in Iraq too. Yes, he did.

So the reason he did not conduct an investigation was simply cause he did not want to drag the country through the mud? That is all you got?

Yet that same good guy conducted drone strikes along with expanding the war. You know what that evidence ACTUALLY SHOWS? It actually shows there are aspects of this war that we the people are not privy to. Obama of course is privy to those things and once he took office, he saw the reality.

Of course he needs to placate his constituency. He needs to edify that base and people like you. He talks his game and lies to you about EVERYTHING. You never stop to ask yourselves if whether or not it is even possible that there are indeed things that is a lot more crucial with this war on terrorism. It never occurs to anyone that perhaps this war on terror is not about overthrowing one country or deposing one leader.

You can say Saddam is dead and it has done nothing. Well, I can say bin laden is dead and it has done nothing. Seemingly anyway. This is more than taking out one leader. The long term goal is about attempting to win the hearts and minds of those people that are perpetually tortured by these throw backs.

It is also not as simple as us just leaving the region. It is not as simple as that, and the only chance this country or the world has is to educate the region. Our presence is essential and as I mentioned it is the same scenario as us still having bases in Japan. The Japanese were once as fanatical as these muslims. If we has just left Japan in 1945 or 46 the country would have fell into those fanatical elements that still existed there. The same problem would have happened 20 years later.

That is the logistical reality. Fact is there is more than one reason we NEED bases around the world now. One to protect our enemies by establishing a presence and creating a buffer between Japan and her enemies. The other is for rapid deployment in regions that are potential hot spots.

The liberals in this country always think they know more than the experts and always think they understand what all of the intelligence says or what the intel is revealing. The simple fact is if Bush deliberately lied and if it was so obvious he would have been charged by the world through the UN and he has not. Not only that, but the Nobel Peace prize winner expanded the mythical war. You all never wonder why that is.

It is pathetic.

So the reason he did not conduct an investigation was simply cause he did not want to drag the country through the mud? That is all you got?

Just like how Ford pardoned Nixon. Democtats knew that airing the Bush dirty laundry was not in the best interests of the country

We can be certain that if the shoe was on the other foot that Republicans would not have hesitated to prosecute

If the shoe was on the other foot? You are suggesting the democrats never investigated republicans for anything. Interesting how the democrats and liberals alike when ape shit over the biggest so what crime of the century when Nixon spied on 5 democrats, and over the arms for hostages.

Oh, but those do not count. Cause whitewater in your fucking mind was no real crime, but the spying on 5 democrats was.

Here is the official white water timeline, that according to a hypocrite like rightwinger is no big deal.

Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton join with James B. and Susan McDougal to borrow $203,000 to buy 220 acres of land in Arkansas' Ozark Mountains. They soon form the Whitewater Development Corp., intending to build vacation homes.

Clinton is elected governor.

Clinton loses his reelection bid and enters private legal practice.

James McDougal, who served briefly as Gov. Clinton's economic development director, quits government to buy a small bank in Kingston, Ark. He loans $30,000 to Hillary Clinton to build a model house on a Whitewater lot.

McDougal buys a small savings and loan and names it Madison Guaranty.

After two years as a private citizen, Clinton is once again elected governor.

Federal regulators begin to question the financial stability and lending practices of Madison Guaranty, criticizing Madison's speculative land deals, insider-lending and hefty commissions paid to the McDougals and others.

Clinton is reelected.

James McDougal holds a fund-raising event at Madison Guaranty to help pay off a $50,000 Clinton campaign debt. Investigators later determine some of the money was improperly withdrawn from depositor funds.

McDougal hires the Rose Law Firm, where Hillary Clinton is a partner, to do legal work for the ailing savings and loan.

Hillary Clinton and another Rose lawyer seek state regulatory approval for recapitalization plan for Madison.

McDougal borrows $300,000 from a company owned by David Hale, a former Little Rock judge. Hale's company receives federal funds from the Small Business Administration to lend to disadvantaged business owners, but an investigation 10 years later alleges that he lent up to $3 million to political figures instead.

Citing improper practices, federal regulators remove McDougal as Madison Guaranty's president, but he retains ownership.

Witnesses from the Rose Law Firm say Hillary Clinton requested the destruction of Madison land contract files.

Hillary Clinton writes James McDougal to ask for power of attorney to sell off remaining Whitewater lots and clear up bank obligations.

Madison Guaranty collapses after a series of bad loans and a change in government accounting procedures. The federal government shuts it down and spends $60 million bailing it out.

James McDougal is indicted on federal fraud charges related to his management of a Madison real estate subsidiary.

McDougal is acquitted.

The Clinton presidential campaign gathers information on Whitewater and Madison Guaranty. A report commissioned by the campaign claims the Clintons lost $68,000 on Whitewater, an estimate later adjusted down to somewhat over $40,000.

The Federal Resolution Trust Corp., investigating causes of Madison's failure, sends a referral to the Justice Department that names the Clintons as "potential beneficiaries" of illegal activities at Madison.

January 1993
Clinton's first term as president begins.

May 1993
White House fires seven employees in the travel office, possibly to make room for Clinton friends. An FBI investigation of the office ensues, allegedly opened under pressure from the White House to justify the firings.

June 1993
Deputy White House Counsel Vincent Foster files three years of delinquent Whitewater corporate tax returns.

July 1993
Foster is found dead in a Washington area park. Police rule the death a suicide. Federal investigators are not allowed access to Foster's office immediately after the discovery, but White House aides enter Foster's office shortly after his death, giving rise to speculation that files were removed from his office.

September 1993
First of three meetings in which Treasury Department officials tip off Clinton aides about the progress of the RTC investigation.

October 1993
RTC's criminal referral is rejected by Paula Casey, U.S. attorney in Little Rock and former law student of Bill Clinton.

December 1993
The White House agrees to turn over Whitewater documents to the Justice Department, which had been preparing to subpoena them. These documents include files found in Foster's office.

January 1994
Attorney General Janet Reno names New York lawyer and former U.S. attorney Robert B. Fiske Jr. as special counsel to investigate the Clintons' involvement in Whitewater. Fiske announces he will also explore a potential link between Foster's suicide and his intimate knowledge of the developing Whitewater scandal.

February 1994
Republican attorney Jay Stephens is appointed to head the Resolution Trust Corp.'s investigation of the failure of Madison Guaranty.

March 1994
Webster L. Hubbell abruptly resigns as associate attorney general after allegations are raised about his conduct at the Rose Law Firm. Two of Clinton's top political advisers call business friends and line up more than $500,000 for Hubbell, including $100,000 from the Lippo Group. Hubbell is later convicted of fraud and serves 18 months in jail.

Summer 1994
The House and Senate Banking committees begin hearings on Whitewater. Twenty-nine Clinton administration officials are subpoenaed or testify at congressional hearings. All are cleared of any wrongdoing.

August 5, 1994
A U.S. Court of Appeals panel refuses to re-appoint Fiske as special counsel, citing a possible conflict of interest because he was appointed by Clinton's attorney general, Janet Reno. Kenneth W. Starr, a former federal appeals court judge and U.S. solicitor who worked in the Reagan and Bush administrations, succeeds Fiske as the independent counsel to investigate Whitewater-Madison matters. He reissues subpoenas for documents, such as the Rose billing records of Hillary Clinton. Whitewater Time Line

Continued...... Whitewater Time Line

Jan. 3, 1995
The Democratic majority on the Senate Banking Committee releases a report finding no laws were broken in the Whitewater matter.

April 22, 1995
Starr interviews the Clintons privately.

July 18, 1995
The Senate Special Whitewater Committee, chaired by Republican Alfonse D'Amato, begins hearings on Whitewater and on Foster's suicide. D'Amato is also a chairman of Republican Bob Dole's presidential campaign. The hearings last 11 months.

Aug. 10, 1995
The House Banking Committee, chaired by Republican Jim Leach of Iowa, finishes its examination and finds no illegalities.

Aug. 17, 1995
A grand jury charges James and Susan McDougal and Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker with bank fraud relating to questionable loans.

Oct. 26, 1995
The Senate Whitewater committee issues 49 subpoenas to federal agencies and others involved in the affair.

Dec. 12, 1995
White House associate counsel William H. Kennedy III, who worked at the Rose Law Firm, refuses to release subpoenaed notes of a 1993 meeting between administration officials and the president's lawyers about Whitewater.

Dec. 20, 1995
The Senate votes along party lines to enforce the subpoena. The next day, the White House drops its claim to attorney-client privilege and releases the notes. They prove vague and do not reveal any illegality, but contain the phrase "Vacuum Rose law files WWDC Docs – subpoena."

Jan. 4, 1996
Hillary Clinton's billing records from the Rose Law Firm are found on a table in the White House residence book room after two years. Clinton aide Carolyn Huber says she found the bills in August 1995 but didn't realize their significance until coming across them again. The documents include copies of bills for Hillary Clinton's legal work, showing she performed 60 hours of legal work for Madison in 1985 and 1986.

Jan. 8, 1996
In a commentary titled "Blizzard of Lies," New York Times columnist William Safire describes Hillary Clinton as "a congenital liar." White House press secretary Michael McCurry said if Clinton were not president he "would have delivered a more forceful response to that [column] on the bridge of Mr. Safire's nose."

Jan. 15, 1996
Republicans suggest billing documents may have been withheld from their investigation to disguise how much work Hillary Clinton had done for Madison Guaranty. The White House issues a denial.

Jan. 22, 1996
Kenneth Starr subpoenas Hillary Clinton in a criminal probe to determine if records were intentionally withheld. This is the first time a wife of a sitting president has been subpoenaed.

Jan. 26, 1996
Hillary Clinton testifies before a grand jury about the discovery and content of the billing records.

March 4, 1996
Whitewater trial of Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker (D) and the McDougals begins in Little Rock.

April 22, 1996
David Hale, the former owner of a government-funded lending company who has pleaded guilty to two felonies, testifies at Whitewater trial that in early 1985 then governor Bill Clinton pressured him to make a fraudulent $300,000 loan to Susan McDougal and asked that his name be kept out of the transaction.

April 28, 1996
Clinton testifies on videotape as a defense witness for just over four hours. He denies Hale's charge. The tape is played to the Whitewater trial jury on May 9.

May 26, 1996
Gov. Tucker and the McDougals are convicted of nearly all the fraud and conspiracy charges Starr lodged against them 10 months earlier.

May 28, 1996
The White House acknowledges that during four months in late 1993 it wrongly collected FBI background reports on hundreds, including prominent Republicans. Director of personnel security, Craig Livingstone, later takes responsibility.

June 17, 1996
"Second" Whitewater trial begins. Arkansas bankers Herby Branscum Jr. and Robert Hill are accused of illegally using bank funds to reimburse themselves for political contributions, including contributions to Clinton's gubernatorial and presidential campaigns.

June 18, 1996
The Senate Whitewater committee finishes its investigation. Republicans and Democrats remain divided in their respective reports on whether the Clintons committed any ethical breaches.

July 7, 1996
President Clinton testifies on tape for the second Whitewater trial.

July 15, 1996
Jim Guy Tucker resigns as governor of Arkansas.

July 16 & 17, 1996
Deputy White House Counsel Bruce Lindsey, named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Branscum-Hill trial, testifies about his role as the treasurer of Clinton's gubernatorial reelection effort in 1990. He says he never sought to conceal from regulators two large cash withdrawals he ordered.

July 18, 1996
President Clinton's videotaped testimony from July 7 is aired at the trial. In it, Clinton denies naming the two defendants to unsalaried state posts in exchange for contributions to his 1990 gubernatorial campaign.

Aug. 1, 1996
In a major setback for Starr's investigation, Branscum and Hill are cleared on four counts of bank fraud by a federal jury, which deadlocks on seven other charges.

Aug. 19, 1996
Former governor Tucker receives a suspended four-year sentence after his doctor testifies that he would likely die of liver disease if imprisoned. Tucker is placed under home detention and fined $319,000.

Aug. 20, 1996
Susan McDougal is sentenced to two years in prison for her role in obtaining an illegal loan for the Whitewater venture.

Sept. 4, 1996
Susan McDougal, who had considered cooperating with prosecutors, says she doesn't trust them. She enters jail for contempt of court rather than testify in front of a grand jury.

Sept. 23, 1996
An FDIC inspector general's report concludes Hillary Clinton drafted a real estate document that Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan used to "deceive" federal regulators in 1986.

Sept. 30, 1996
The General Accounting Office reports that independent counsels investigating President Clinton and his administration have spent more than $25 million. Starr alone has spent more than $17 million.

Nov. 24, 1996
Clinton's former campaign strategist for the 1992 election, James Carville, announces plans to attack Starr as a partisan hatchet man with a right-wing agenda.

Feb. 17, 1997
Starr unexpectedly announces he will leave his post as independent counsel in August to become the dean of Pepperdine University Law School in California. After much criticism, Starr reverses his decision four days later and resolves to keep his post until after the investigation is completed.

April 10, 1997
On a radio talk show, Hillary Clinton denies that hush money was arranged for former law partner Webster L. Hubbell. She says Whitewater reminds her "of some people's obsession with UFOs and the Hale-Bopp comet some days."

April 14, 1997
James B. McDougal is sentenced to three years in prison for his conviction on 18 fraud and conspiracy charges. Starr requested a reduced sentence for McDougal for assisting the prosecution.

April 22, 1997
The U.S. District Court extends the Whitewater grand jury's term six more months, until Nov. 7, after Starr says he has "extensive evidence" of possible obstruction of justice.

April 25, 1997
8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, overruling a lower court, says the White House must turn over subpoenaed notes to Starr. The notes, for which the White House claimed attorney-client privilege, were taken by White House lawyers when investigators questioned the First Lady.

May 2, 1997
The White House announces that it will appeal the decision on the subpoenaed notes to the Supreme Court.

June 23, 1997
The Supreme Court refuses to hear the appeal, and the White House turns over the notes.

June 25, 1997
The Washington Post reports that Whitewater prosecutors have been questioning Arkansas state troopers about President Clinton's personal life, including possible extramarital affairs he may have had while Arkansas governor.

July 15, 1997
Starr's office concludes that Vincent Foster's death in 1993 was a suicide.

July 30, 1997
Susan McDougal, being detained for contempt of court, is moved into a federal detention facility after seven months in two Los Angeles jails, much of which she spent locked in a windowless cell 23 hours a day. The move comes a week after the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit alleging that McDougal was being held, at Starr's request, in "barbaric" conditions in an attempt to coerce her to testify.

Sept. 30, 1997
The General Accounting Office announces that Starr had spent over $25 million on his investigation as of March 1997.

January 16, 1998
Starr receives permission to expand his investigation into whether Clinton and his close friend Vernon E. Jordan Jr. encouraged a 24-year-old former White House intern to lie under oath about her alleged affair with the president.

March 8, 1998
James McDougal dies just months before he hoped to be released from prison.

April 1, 1998
The General Accounting Office announces that Starr had spent nearly $30 million on his investigation as of September 1997.

April 16, 1998
Starr says there is no end in sight to his investigation, and officially declines the Pepperdine job, which was being held open for him.

April 23, 1998
Susan McDougal, finally serving her two-year fraud sentence after completing her 18-month contempt of court sentence, refuses yet again to testify before Starr's Little Rock grand jury.

April 25, 1998
Starr and deputies question Hillary Rodham Clinton about Whitewater for nearly five hours at the White House. The testimony is videotaped for the Little Rock grand jury.

April 30, 1998
A new set of tax evasion and fraud charges is brought against Webster Hubbell.

May 4, 1998
Susan McDougal is indicted on charges of criminal contempt and obstruction.

April 30, 1998
A federal judge dismisses the tax and fraud charges against Hubbell and criticizes Starr for going on "the quintessential fishing expedition."

Nov. 13, 1998
Starr brings a third indictment against Hubbell, this one alleging lies to Congress and federal banking regulators.

Nov. 19, 1998
During the first day of impeachment hearings, Starr clears Clinton in relation to the firing of White House travel office workers in 1993 and the improper collection of FBI files revealed in 1996. He also says his office drafted an impeachment referral stemming from Whitewater in 1997, but decided not to send it because the evidence was insufficient.


All of this according to a hypocrite like rightwinger is no big deal. Plus, according to rightwinger the reason why Obama would not investigate Bush for war crimes (which according to these morons resulted in MILLIONS OF DEATHS) was because he did not want to drag the nation through the mud. All while the liberals and the democrats drag the country through the mud. Are they denying the drag the nation through the mud? I think they are. All while their messiah went on to apologize to the world for America. Interesting. He must not have been dragging the country through the mud. Yeah......

He of course glosses over my point that there may very well be things that we do not know since we are not privy to all of the intel and that more than any other reason was why Obama did not close GTMO and went on a drone mission to kill the mythical terrorists.

Instead of admitting that there may very well be things that they are not privy to (since every liberal is a know it all dick head) they claim they were against those drone strikes. They of course still cannot see how Obama placates his moronic know it all base when he plays politics with troop numbers. He pacifies their ignorant protests and they all call him a hero again.

Fucking ignorant hypocrites.
Last edited: Whitewater Time Line

Jan. 3, 1995
The Democratic majority on the Senate Banking Committee releases a report finding no laws were broken in the Whitewater matter.

April 22, 1995
Starr interviews the Clintons privately.

July 18, 1995
The Senate Special Whitewater Committee, chaired by Republican Alfonse D'Amato, begins hearings on Whitewater and on Foster's suicide. D'Amato is also a chairman of Republican Bob Dole's presidential campaign. The hearings last 11 months.

Aug. 10, 1995
The House Banking Committee, chaired by Republican Jim Leach of Iowa, finishes its examination and finds no illegalities.

Aug. 17, 1995
A grand jury charges James and Susan McDougal and Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker with bank fraud relating to questionable loans.

Oct. 26, 1995
The Senate Whitewater committee issues 49 subpoenas to federal agencies and others involved in the affair.

Dec. 12, 1995
White House associate counsel William H. Kennedy III, who worked at the Rose Law Firm, refuses to release subpoenaed notes of a 1993 meeting between administration officials and the president's lawyers about Whitewater.

Dec. 20, 1995
The Senate votes along party lines to enforce the subpoena. The next day, the White House drops its claim to attorney-client privilege and releases the notes. They prove vague and do not reveal any illegality, but contain the phrase "Vacuum Rose law files WWDC Docs – subpoena."

Jan. 4, 1996
Hillary Clinton's billing records from the Rose Law Firm are found on a table in the White House residence book room after two years. Clinton aide Carolyn Huber says she found the bills in August 1995 but didn't realize their significance until coming across them again. The documents include copies of bills for Hillary Clinton's legal work, showing she performed 60 hours of legal work for Madison in 1985 and 1986.

Jan. 8, 1996
In a commentary titled "Blizzard of Lies," New York Times columnist William Safire describes Hillary Clinton as "a congenital liar." White House press secretary Michael McCurry said if Clinton were not president he "would have delivered a more forceful response to that [column] on the bridge of Mr. Safire's nose."

Jan. 15, 1996
Republicans suggest billing documents may have been withheld from their investigation to disguise how much work Hillary Clinton had done for Madison Guaranty. The White House issues a denial.

Jan. 22, 1996
Kenneth Starr subpoenas Hillary Clinton in a criminal probe to determine if records were intentionally withheld. This is the first time a wife of a sitting president has been subpoenaed.

Jan. 26, 1996
Hillary Clinton testifies before a grand jury about the discovery and content of the billing records.

March 4, 1996
Whitewater trial of Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker (D) and the McDougals begins in Little Rock.

April 22, 1996
David Hale, the former owner of a government-funded lending company who has pleaded guilty to two felonies, testifies at Whitewater trial that in early 1985 then governor Bill Clinton pressured him to make a fraudulent $300,000 loan to Susan McDougal and asked that his name be kept out of the transaction.

April 28, 1996
Clinton testifies on videotape as a defense witness for just over four hours. He denies Hale's charge. The tape is played to the Whitewater trial jury on May 9.

May 26, 1996
Gov. Tucker and the McDougals are convicted of nearly all the fraud and conspiracy charges Starr lodged against them 10 months earlier.

May 28, 1996
The White House acknowledges that during four months in late 1993 it wrongly collected FBI background reports on hundreds, including prominent Republicans. Director of personnel security, Craig Livingstone, later takes responsibility.

June 17, 1996
"Second" Whitewater trial begins. Arkansas bankers Herby Branscum Jr. and Robert Hill are accused of illegally using bank funds to reimburse themselves for political contributions, including contributions to Clinton's gubernatorial and presidential campaigns.

June 18, 1996
The Senate Whitewater committee finishes its investigation. Republicans and Democrats remain divided in their respective reports on whether the Clintons committed any ethical breaches.

July 7, 1996
President Clinton testifies on tape for the second Whitewater trial.

July 15, 1996
Jim Guy Tucker resigns as governor of Arkansas.

July 16 & 17, 1996
Deputy White House Counsel Bruce Lindsey, named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Branscum-Hill trial, testifies about his role as the treasurer of Clinton's gubernatorial reelection effort in 1990. He says he never sought to conceal from regulators two large cash withdrawals he ordered.

July 18, 1996
President Clinton's videotaped testimony from July 7 is aired at the trial. In it, Clinton denies naming the two defendants to unsalaried state posts in exchange for contributions to his 1990 gubernatorial campaign.

Aug. 1, 1996
In a major setback for Starr's investigation, Branscum and Hill are cleared on four counts of bank fraud by a federal jury, which deadlocks on seven other charges.

Aug. 19, 1996
Former governor Tucker receives a suspended four-year sentence after his doctor testifies that he would likely die of liver disease if imprisoned. Tucker is placed under home detention and fined $319,000.

Aug. 20, 1996
Susan McDougal is sentenced to two years in prison for her role in obtaining an illegal loan for the Whitewater venture.

Sept. 4, 1996
Susan McDougal, who had considered cooperating with prosecutors, says she doesn't trust them. She enters jail for contempt of court rather than testify in front of a grand jury.

Sept. 23, 1996
An FDIC inspector general's report concludes Hillary Clinton drafted a real estate document that Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan used to "deceive" federal regulators in 1986.

Sept. 30, 1996
The General Accounting Office reports that independent counsels investigating President Clinton and his administration have spent more than $25 million. Starr alone has spent more than $17 million.

Nov. 24, 1996
Clinton's former campaign strategist for the 1992 election, James Carville, announces plans to attack Starr as a partisan hatchet man with a right-wing agenda.

Feb. 17, 1997
Starr unexpectedly announces he will leave his post as independent counsel in August to become the dean of Pepperdine University Law School in California. After much criticism, Starr reverses his decision four days later and resolves to keep his post until after the investigation is completed.

April 10, 1997
On a radio talk show, Hillary Clinton denies that hush money was arranged for former law partner Webster L. Hubbell. She says Whitewater reminds her "of some people's obsession with UFOs and the Hale-Bopp comet some days."

April 14, 1997
James B. McDougal is sentenced to three years in prison for his conviction on 18 fraud and conspiracy charges. Starr requested a reduced sentence for McDougal for assisting the prosecution.

April 22, 1997
The U.S. District Court extends the Whitewater grand jury's term six more months, until Nov. 7, after Starr says he has "extensive evidence" of possible obstruction of justice.

April 25, 1997
8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, overruling a lower court, says the White House must turn over subpoenaed notes to Starr. The notes, for which the White House claimed attorney-client privilege, were taken by White House lawyers when investigators questioned the First Lady.

May 2, 1997
The White House announces that it will appeal the decision on the subpoenaed notes to the Supreme Court.

June 23, 1997
The Supreme Court refuses to hear the appeal, and the White House turns over the notes.

June 25, 1997
The Washington Post reports that Whitewater prosecutors have been questioning Arkansas state troopers about President Clinton's personal life, including possible extramarital affairs he may have had while Arkansas governor.

July 15, 1997
Starr's office concludes that Vincent Foster's death in 1993 was a suicide.

July 30, 1997
Susan McDougal, being detained for contempt of court, is moved into a federal detention facility after seven months in two Los Angeles jails, much of which she spent locked in a windowless cell 23 hours a day. The move comes a week after the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit alleging that McDougal was being held, at Starr's request, in "barbaric" conditions in an attempt to coerce her to testify.

Sept. 30, 1997
The General Accounting Office announces that Starr had spent over $25 million on his investigation as of March 1997.

January 16, 1998
Starr receives permission to expand his investigation into whether Clinton and his close friend Vernon E. Jordan Jr. encouraged a 24-year-old former White House intern to lie under oath about her alleged affair with the president.

March 8, 1998
James McDougal dies just months before he hoped to be released from prison.

April 1, 1998
The General Accounting Office announces that Starr had spent nearly $30 million on his investigation as of September 1997.

April 16, 1998
Starr says there is no end in sight to his investigation, and officially declines the Pepperdine job, which was being held open for him.

April 23, 1998
Susan McDougal, finally serving her two-year fraud sentence after completing her 18-month contempt of court sentence, refuses yet again to testify before Starr's Little Rock grand jury.

April 25, 1998
Starr and deputies question Hillary Rodham Clinton about Whitewater for nearly five hours at the White House. The testimony is videotaped for the Little Rock grand jury.

April 30, 1998
A new set of tax evasion and fraud charges is brought against Webster Hubbell.

May 4, 1998
Susan McDougal is indicted on charges of criminal contempt and obstruction.

April 30, 1998
A federal judge dismisses the tax and fraud charges against Hubbell and criticizes Starr for going on "the quintessential fishing expedition."

Nov. 13, 1998
Starr brings a third indictment against Hubbell, this one alleging lies to Congress and federal banking regulators.

Nov. 19, 1998
During the first day of impeachment hearings, Starr clears Clinton in relation to the firing of White House travel office workers in 1993 and the improper collection of FBI files revealed in 1996. He also says his office drafted an impeachment referral stemming from Whitewater in 1997, but decided not to send it because the evidence was insufficient.


All of this according to a hypocrite like rightwinger is no big deal. Plus, according to rightwinger the reason why Obama would not investigate Bush for war crimes (which according to these morons resulted in MILLIONS OF DEATHS) was because he did not want to drag the nation through the mud. All while the liberals and the democrats drag the country through the mud. Are they denying the drag the nation through the mud? I think they are. All while their messiah went on to apologize to the world for America. Interesting. He must not have been dragging the country through the mud. Yeah......

He of course glosses over my point that there may very well be things that we do not know since we are not privy to all of the intel and that more than any other reason was why Obama did not close GTMO and went on a drone mission to kill the mythical terrorists.

Instead of admitting that there may very well be things that they are not privy to (since ever liberal is a know it all dick head) they claim they were against those drone strikes. They of course still cannot see how Obama placates his moronic know it all base when he plays politics with troop numbers. He pacifies their ignorant protests and they all call him a hero again.

Fucking ignorant hypocrites.

Thanks for demonstrating the Republican obsession with non-stories
Some butthurt never ends

But look at the bright guys can revive your Whitewater witch hunt once Hillary is elected Whitewater Time Line

Jan. 3, 1995
The Democratic majority on the Senate Banking Committee releases a report finding no laws were broken in the Whitewater matter.

April 22, 1995
Starr interviews the Clintons privately.

July 18, 1995
The Senate Special Whitewater Committee, chaired by Republican Alfonse D'Amato, begins hearings on Whitewater and on Foster's suicide. D'Amato is also a chairman of Republican Bob Dole's presidential campaign. The hearings last 11 months.

Aug. 10, 1995
The House Banking Committee, chaired by Republican Jim Leach of Iowa, finishes its examination and finds no illegalities.

Aug. 17, 1995
A grand jury charges James and Susan McDougal and Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker with bank fraud relating to questionable loans.

Oct. 26, 1995
The Senate Whitewater committee issues 49 subpoenas to federal agencies and others involved in the affair.

Dec. 12, 1995
White House associate counsel William H. Kennedy III, who worked at the Rose Law Firm, refuses to release subpoenaed notes of a 1993 meeting between administration officials and the president's lawyers about Whitewater.

Dec. 20, 1995
The Senate votes along party lines to enforce the subpoena. The next day, the White House drops its claim to attorney-client privilege and releases the notes. They prove vague and do not reveal any illegality, but contain the phrase "Vacuum Rose law files WWDC Docs – subpoena."

Jan. 4, 1996
Hillary Clinton's billing records from the Rose Law Firm are found on a table in the White House residence book room after two years. Clinton aide Carolyn Huber says she found the bills in August 1995 but didn't realize their significance until coming across them again. The documents include copies of bills for Hillary Clinton's legal work, showing she performed 60 hours of legal work for Madison in 1985 and 1986.

Jan. 8, 1996
In a commentary titled "Blizzard of Lies," New York Times columnist William Safire describes Hillary Clinton as "a congenital liar." White House press secretary Michael McCurry said if Clinton were not president he "would have delivered a more forceful response to that [column] on the bridge of Mr. Safire's nose."

Jan. 15, 1996
Republicans suggest billing documents may have been withheld from their investigation to disguise how much work Hillary Clinton had done for Madison Guaranty. The White House issues a denial.

Jan. 22, 1996
Kenneth Starr subpoenas Hillary Clinton in a criminal probe to determine if records were intentionally withheld. This is the first time a wife of a sitting president has been subpoenaed.

Jan. 26, 1996
Hillary Clinton testifies before a grand jury about the discovery and content of the billing records.

March 4, 1996
Whitewater trial of Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker (D) and the McDougals begins in Little Rock.

April 22, 1996
David Hale, the former owner of a government-funded lending company who has pleaded guilty to two felonies, testifies at Whitewater trial that in early 1985 then governor Bill Clinton pressured him to make a fraudulent $300,000 loan to Susan McDougal and asked that his name be kept out of the transaction.

April 28, 1996
Clinton testifies on videotape as a defense witness for just over four hours. He denies Hale's charge. The tape is played to the Whitewater trial jury on May 9.

May 26, 1996
Gov. Tucker and the McDougals are convicted of nearly all the fraud and conspiracy charges Starr lodged against them 10 months earlier.

May 28, 1996
The White House acknowledges that during four months in late 1993 it wrongly collected FBI background reports on hundreds, including prominent Republicans. Director of personnel security, Craig Livingstone, later takes responsibility.

June 17, 1996
"Second" Whitewater trial begins. Arkansas bankers Herby Branscum Jr. and Robert Hill are accused of illegally using bank funds to reimburse themselves for political contributions, including contributions to Clinton's gubernatorial and presidential campaigns.

June 18, 1996
The Senate Whitewater committee finishes its investigation. Republicans and Democrats remain divided in their respective reports on whether the Clintons committed any ethical breaches.

July 7, 1996
President Clinton testifies on tape for the second Whitewater trial.

July 15, 1996
Jim Guy Tucker resigns as governor of Arkansas.

July 16 & 17, 1996
Deputy White House Counsel Bruce Lindsey, named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Branscum-Hill trial, testifies about his role as the treasurer of Clinton's gubernatorial reelection effort in 1990. He says he never sought to conceal from regulators two large cash withdrawals he ordered.

July 18, 1996
President Clinton's videotaped testimony from July 7 is aired at the trial. In it, Clinton denies naming the two defendants to unsalaried state posts in exchange for contributions to his 1990 gubernatorial campaign.

Aug. 1, 1996
In a major setback for Starr's investigation, Branscum and Hill are cleared on four counts of bank fraud by a federal jury, which deadlocks on seven other charges.

Aug. 19, 1996
Former governor Tucker receives a suspended four-year sentence after his doctor testifies that he would likely die of liver disease if imprisoned. Tucker is placed under home detention and fined $319,000.

Aug. 20, 1996
Susan McDougal is sentenced to two years in prison for her role in obtaining an illegal loan for the Whitewater venture.

Sept. 4, 1996
Susan McDougal, who had considered cooperating with prosecutors, says she doesn't trust them. She enters jail for contempt of court rather than testify in front of a grand jury.

Sept. 23, 1996
An FDIC inspector general's report concludes Hillary Clinton drafted a real estate document that Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan used to "deceive" federal regulators in 1986.

Sept. 30, 1996
The General Accounting Office reports that independent counsels investigating President Clinton and his administration have spent more than $25 million. Starr alone has spent more than $17 million.

Nov. 24, 1996
Clinton's former campaign strategist for the 1992 election, James Carville, announces plans to attack Starr as a partisan hatchet man with a right-wing agenda.

Feb. 17, 1997
Starr unexpectedly announces he will leave his post as independent counsel in August to become the dean of Pepperdine University Law School in California. After much criticism, Starr reverses his decision four days later and resolves to keep his post until after the investigation is completed.

April 10, 1997
On a radio talk show, Hillary Clinton denies that hush money was arranged for former law partner Webster L. Hubbell. She says Whitewater reminds her "of some people's obsession with UFOs and the Hale-Bopp comet some days."

April 14, 1997
James B. McDougal is sentenced to three years in prison for his conviction on 18 fraud and conspiracy charges. Starr requested a reduced sentence for McDougal for assisting the prosecution.

April 22, 1997
The U.S. District Court extends the Whitewater grand jury's term six more months, until Nov. 7, after Starr says he has "extensive evidence" of possible obstruction of justice.

April 25, 1997
8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, overruling a lower court, says the White House must turn over subpoenaed notes to Starr. The notes, for which the White House claimed attorney-client privilege, were taken by White House lawyers when investigators questioned the First Lady.

May 2, 1997
The White House announces that it will appeal the decision on the subpoenaed notes to the Supreme Court.

June 23, 1997
The Supreme Court refuses to hear the appeal, and the White House turns over the notes.

June 25, 1997
The Washington Post reports that Whitewater prosecutors have been questioning Arkansas state troopers about President Clinton's personal life, including possible extramarital affairs he may have had while Arkansas governor.

July 15, 1997
Starr's office concludes that Vincent Foster's death in 1993 was a suicide.

July 30, 1997
Susan McDougal, being detained for contempt of court, is moved into a federal detention facility after seven months in two Los Angeles jails, much of which she spent locked in a windowless cell 23 hours a day. The move comes a week after the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit alleging that McDougal was being held, at Starr's request, in "barbaric" conditions in an attempt to coerce her to testify.

Sept. 30, 1997
The General Accounting Office announces that Starr had spent over $25 million on his investigation as of March 1997.

January 16, 1998
Starr receives permission to expand his investigation into whether Clinton and his close friend Vernon E. Jordan Jr. encouraged a 24-year-old former White House intern to lie under oath about her alleged affair with the president.

March 8, 1998
James McDougal dies just months before he hoped to be released from prison.

April 1, 1998
The General Accounting Office announces that Starr had spent nearly $30 million on his investigation as of September 1997.

April 16, 1998
Starr says there is no end in sight to his investigation, and officially declines the Pepperdine job, which was being held open for him.

April 23, 1998
Susan McDougal, finally serving her two-year fraud sentence after completing her 18-month contempt of court sentence, refuses yet again to testify before Starr's Little Rock grand jury.

April 25, 1998
Starr and deputies question Hillary Rodham Clinton about Whitewater for nearly five hours at the White House. The testimony is videotaped for the Little Rock grand jury.

April 30, 1998
A new set of tax evasion and fraud charges is brought against Webster Hubbell.

May 4, 1998
Susan McDougal is indicted on charges of criminal contempt and obstruction.

April 30, 1998
A federal judge dismisses the tax and fraud charges against Hubbell and criticizes Starr for going on "the quintessential fishing expedition."

Nov. 13, 1998
Starr brings a third indictment against Hubbell, this one alleging lies to Congress and federal banking regulators.

Nov. 19, 1998
During the first day of impeachment hearings, Starr clears Clinton in relation to the firing of White House travel office workers in 1993 and the improper collection of FBI files revealed in 1996. He also says his office drafted an impeachment referral stemming from Whitewater in 1997, but decided not to send it because the evidence was insufficient.


All of this according to a hypocrite like rightwinger is no big deal. Plus, according to rightwinger the reason why Obama would not investigate Bush for war crimes (which according to these morons resulted in MILLIONS OF DEATHS) was because he did not want to drag the nation through the mud. All while the liberals and the democrats drag the country through the mud. Are they denying the drag the nation through the mud? I think they are. All while their messiah went on to apologize to the world for America. Interesting. He must not have been dragging the country through the mud. Yeah......

He of course glosses over my point that there may very well be things that we do not know since we are not privy to all of the intel and that more than any other reason was why Obama did not close GTMO and went on a drone mission to kill the mythical terrorists.

Instead of admitting that there may very well be things that they are not privy to (since ever liberal is a know it all dick head) they claim they were against those drone strikes. They of course still cannot see how Obama placates his moronic know it all base when he plays politics with troop numbers. He pacifies their ignorant protests and they all call him a hero again.

Fucking ignorant hypocrites.

Thanks for demonstrating the Republican obsession with non-stories
Some butthurt never ends

But look at the bright guys can revive your Whitewater witch hunt once Hillary is elected

Yes folks, even with overwhelming evidence not only do they show they do not care about scams of corporate type greed, they show they actually stand for nothing. No principles whatsoever.


He admits it right here. This on top of the so called claim that Obama did not want to drag the nation through the mud even though that is all he and the liberal base do.

All while Obama continued and expanded Bush policies against the so called terrorists that they insisted were myths made up by Cheney and Bush.

They claim to be against the drone strikes and righwinger will still not admit he nor any other liberal moron is not privy to top secret intel. They would never admit that.

That would mean they need to admit Bush's policies were correct in regards to the war against terrorism. Well, it would have to be.

It is too bad the democrats paint themselves into a corner by needing to placate their moronic know it all liberal base. Whitewater Time Line

Jan. 3, 1995
The Democratic majority on the Senate Banking Committee releases a report finding no laws were broken in the Whitewater matter.

April 22, 1995
Starr interviews the Clintons privately.

July 18, 1995
The Senate Special Whitewater Committee, chaired by Republican Alfonse D'Amato, begins hearings on Whitewater and on Foster's suicide. D'Amato is also a chairman of Republican Bob Dole's presidential campaign. The hearings last 11 months.

Aug. 10, 1995
The House Banking Committee, chaired by Republican Jim Leach of Iowa, finishes its examination and finds no illegalities.

Aug. 17, 1995
A grand jury charges James and Susan McDougal and Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker with bank fraud relating to questionable loans.

Oct. 26, 1995
The Senate Whitewater committee issues 49 subpoenas to federal agencies and others involved in the affair.

Dec. 12, 1995
White House associate counsel William H. Kennedy III, who worked at the Rose Law Firm, refuses to release subpoenaed notes of a 1993 meeting between administration officials and the president's lawyers about Whitewater.

Dec. 20, 1995
The Senate votes along party lines to enforce the subpoena. The next day, the White House drops its claim to attorney-client privilege and releases the notes. They prove vague and do not reveal any illegality, but contain the phrase "Vacuum Rose law files WWDC Docs – subpoena."

Jan. 4, 1996
Hillary Clinton's billing records from the Rose Law Firm are found on a table in the White House residence book room after two years. Clinton aide Carolyn Huber says she found the bills in August 1995 but didn't realize their significance until coming across them again. The documents include copies of bills for Hillary Clinton's legal work, showing she performed 60 hours of legal work for Madison in 1985 and 1986.

Jan. 8, 1996
In a commentary titled "Blizzard of Lies," New York Times columnist William Safire describes Hillary Clinton as "a congenital liar." White House press secretary Michael McCurry said if Clinton were not president he "would have delivered a more forceful response to that [column] on the bridge of Mr. Safire's nose."

Jan. 15, 1996
Republicans suggest billing documents may have been withheld from their investigation to disguise how much work Hillary Clinton had done for Madison Guaranty. The White House issues a denial.

Jan. 22, 1996
Kenneth Starr subpoenas Hillary Clinton in a criminal probe to determine if records were intentionally withheld. This is the first time a wife of a sitting president has been subpoenaed.

Jan. 26, 1996
Hillary Clinton testifies before a grand jury about the discovery and content of the billing records.

March 4, 1996
Whitewater trial of Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker (D) and the McDougals begins in Little Rock.

April 22, 1996
David Hale, the former owner of a government-funded lending company who has pleaded guilty to two felonies, testifies at Whitewater trial that in early 1985 then governor Bill Clinton pressured him to make a fraudulent $300,000 loan to Susan McDougal and asked that his name be kept out of the transaction.

April 28, 1996
Clinton testifies on videotape as a defense witness for just over four hours. He denies Hale's charge. The tape is played to the Whitewater trial jury on May 9.

May 26, 1996
Gov. Tucker and the McDougals are convicted of nearly all the fraud and conspiracy charges Starr lodged against them 10 months earlier.

May 28, 1996
The White House acknowledges that during four months in late 1993 it wrongly collected FBI background reports on hundreds, including prominent Republicans. Director of personnel security, Craig Livingstone, later takes responsibility.

June 17, 1996
"Second" Whitewater trial begins. Arkansas bankers Herby Branscum Jr. and Robert Hill are accused of illegally using bank funds to reimburse themselves for political contributions, including contributions to Clinton's gubernatorial and presidential campaigns.

June 18, 1996
The Senate Whitewater committee finishes its investigation. Republicans and Democrats remain divided in their respective reports on whether the Clintons committed any ethical breaches.

July 7, 1996
President Clinton testifies on tape for the second Whitewater trial.

July 15, 1996
Jim Guy Tucker resigns as governor of Arkansas.

July 16 & 17, 1996
Deputy White House Counsel Bruce Lindsey, named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Branscum-Hill trial, testifies about his role as the treasurer of Clinton's gubernatorial reelection effort in 1990. He says he never sought to conceal from regulators two large cash withdrawals he ordered.

July 18, 1996
President Clinton's videotaped testimony from July 7 is aired at the trial. In it, Clinton denies naming the two defendants to unsalaried state posts in exchange for contributions to his 1990 gubernatorial campaign.

Aug. 1, 1996
In a major setback for Starr's investigation, Branscum and Hill are cleared on four counts of bank fraud by a federal jury, which deadlocks on seven other charges.

Aug. 19, 1996
Former governor Tucker receives a suspended four-year sentence after his doctor testifies that he would likely die of liver disease if imprisoned. Tucker is placed under home detention and fined $319,000.

Aug. 20, 1996
Susan McDougal is sentenced to two years in prison for her role in obtaining an illegal loan for the Whitewater venture.

Sept. 4, 1996
Susan McDougal, who had considered cooperating with prosecutors, says she doesn't trust them. She enters jail for contempt of court rather than testify in front of a grand jury.

Sept. 23, 1996
An FDIC inspector general's report concludes Hillary Clinton drafted a real estate document that Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan used to "deceive" federal regulators in 1986.

Sept. 30, 1996
The General Accounting Office reports that independent counsels investigating President Clinton and his administration have spent more than $25 million. Starr alone has spent more than $17 million.

Nov. 24, 1996
Clinton's former campaign strategist for the 1992 election, James Carville, announces plans to attack Starr as a partisan hatchet man with a right-wing agenda.

Feb. 17, 1997
Starr unexpectedly announces he will leave his post as independent counsel in August to become the dean of Pepperdine University Law School in California. After much criticism, Starr reverses his decision four days later and resolves to keep his post until after the investigation is completed.

April 10, 1997
On a radio talk show, Hillary Clinton denies that hush money was arranged for former law partner Webster L. Hubbell. She says Whitewater reminds her "of some people's obsession with UFOs and the Hale-Bopp comet some days."

April 14, 1997
James B. McDougal is sentenced to three years in prison for his conviction on 18 fraud and conspiracy charges. Starr requested a reduced sentence for McDougal for assisting the prosecution.

April 22, 1997
The U.S. District Court extends the Whitewater grand jury's term six more months, until Nov. 7, after Starr says he has "extensive evidence" of possible obstruction of justice.

April 25, 1997
8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, overruling a lower court, says the White House must turn over subpoenaed notes to Starr. The notes, for which the White House claimed attorney-client privilege, were taken by White House lawyers when investigators questioned the First Lady.

May 2, 1997
The White House announces that it will appeal the decision on the subpoenaed notes to the Supreme Court.

June 23, 1997
The Supreme Court refuses to hear the appeal, and the White House turns over the notes.

June 25, 1997
The Washington Post reports that Whitewater prosecutors have been questioning Arkansas state troopers about President Clinton's personal life, including possible extramarital affairs he may have had while Arkansas governor.

July 15, 1997
Starr's office concludes that Vincent Foster's death in 1993 was a suicide.

July 30, 1997
Susan McDougal, being detained for contempt of court, is moved into a federal detention facility after seven months in two Los Angeles jails, much of which she spent locked in a windowless cell 23 hours a day. The move comes a week after the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit alleging that McDougal was being held, at Starr's request, in "barbaric" conditions in an attempt to coerce her to testify.

Sept. 30, 1997
The General Accounting Office announces that Starr had spent over $25 million on his investigation as of March 1997.

January 16, 1998
Starr receives permission to expand his investigation into whether Clinton and his close friend Vernon E. Jordan Jr. encouraged a 24-year-old former White House intern to lie under oath about her alleged affair with the president.

March 8, 1998
James McDougal dies just months before he hoped to be released from prison.

April 1, 1998
The General Accounting Office announces that Starr had spent nearly $30 million on his investigation as of September 1997.

April 16, 1998
Starr says there is no end in sight to his investigation, and officially declines the Pepperdine job, which was being held open for him.

April 23, 1998
Susan McDougal, finally serving her two-year fraud sentence after completing her 18-month contempt of court sentence, refuses yet again to testify before Starr's Little Rock grand jury.

April 25, 1998
Starr and deputies question Hillary Rodham Clinton about Whitewater for nearly five hours at the White House. The testimony is videotaped for the Little Rock grand jury.

April 30, 1998
A new set of tax evasion and fraud charges is brought against Webster Hubbell.

May 4, 1998
Susan McDougal is indicted on charges of criminal contempt and obstruction.

April 30, 1998
A federal judge dismisses the tax and fraud charges against Hubbell and criticizes Starr for going on "the quintessential fishing expedition."

Nov. 13, 1998
Starr brings a third indictment against Hubbell, this one alleging lies to Congress and federal banking regulators.

Nov. 19, 1998
During the first day of impeachment hearings, Starr clears Clinton in relation to the firing of White House travel office workers in 1993 and the improper collection of FBI files revealed in 1996. He also says his office drafted an impeachment referral stemming from Whitewater in 1997, but decided not to send it because the evidence was insufficient.


All of this according to a hypocrite like rightwinger is no big deal. Plus, according to rightwinger the reason why Obama would not investigate Bush for war crimes (which according to these morons resulted in MILLIONS OF DEATHS) was because he did not want to drag the nation through the mud. All while the liberals and the democrats drag the country through the mud. Are they denying the drag the nation through the mud? I think they are. All while their messiah went on to apologize to the world for America. Interesting. He must not have been dragging the country through the mud. Yeah......

He of course glosses over my point that there may very well be things that we do not know since we are not privy to all of the intel and that more than any other reason was why Obama did not close GTMO and went on a drone mission to kill the mythical terrorists.

Instead of admitting that there may very well be things that they are not privy to (since ever liberal is a know it all dick head) they claim they were against those drone strikes. They of course still cannot see how Obama placates his moronic know it all base when he plays politics with troop numbers. He pacifies their ignorant protests and they all call him a hero again.

Fucking ignorant hypocrites.

Thanks for demonstrating the Republican obsession with non-stories
Some butthurt never ends

But look at the bright guys can revive your Whitewater witch hunt once Hillary is elected

Yes folks, even with overwhelming evidence not only do they show they do not care about scams of corporate type greed, they show they actually stand for nothing. No principles whatsoever.


He admits it right here. This on top of the so called claim that Obama did not want to drag the nation through the mud even though that is all he and the liberal base do.

All while Obama continued and expanded Bush policies against the so called terrorists that they insisted were myths made up by Cheney and Bush.

They claim to be against the drone strikes and righwinger will still not admit he nor any other liberal moron is not privy to top secret intel. They would never admit that.

That would mean they need to admit Bush's policies were correct in regards to the war against terrorism. Well, it would have to be.

It is too bad the democrats paint themselves into a corner by needing to placate their moronic know it all liberal base.

Nobody could have done a better job in demonstrating just how petty and vindictive todays Republicans are

Thanks for your help
Thanks for demonstrating the Republican obsession with non-stories
Some butthurt never ends

But look at the bright guys can revive your Whitewater witch hunt once Hillary is elected

Yes folks, even with overwhelming evidence not only do they show they do not care about scams of corporate type greed, they show they actually stand for nothing. No principles whatsoever.


He admits it right here. This on top of the so called claim that Obama did not want to drag the nation through the mud even though that is all he and the liberal base do.

All while Obama continued and expanded Bush policies against the so called terrorists that they insisted were myths made up by Cheney and Bush.

They claim to be against the drone strikes and righwinger will still not admit he nor any other liberal moron is not privy to top secret intel. They would never admit that.

That would mean they need to admit Bush's policies were correct in regards to the war against terrorism. Well, it would have to be.

It is too bad the democrats paint themselves into a corner by needing to placate their moronic know it all liberal base.

Nobody could have done a better job in demonstrating just how petty and vindictive todays Republicans are

Thanks for your help

Yeah, you should keep on telling yourselves how much more you know than those who are privy to intel that we are not.

That way you can make yourself feel comfortable and not deal with your cognitive dissonance when trying to explain to anyone why Obama expanded the Bush policies.

Since Obama knew he would be questioned about his hypocrisy since he spent all of his presidential campaign crushing Bush and making false promises like closing GTMO in his first year, he needed to pacify the morons on the left and continuously plays politics with our troops.

Regardless of how obvious it is that he really wanted to continue the anti-terror Bush policies. Since, like I said, he is privy to intel that you and I are not.

You defending all things democrat since it is obvious they are so guilty of things that make watergate look like stealing a cookie from a cookie jar, only further affirms my claims that you are all worth nothing and worthy of zero respect.

All while you claim republicans are so petty, while you still claim Nixon was such a "crook."

Folks, they have no control over their hypocrisy or their ignorance.
Last edited:
Yes folks, even with overwhelming evidence not only do they show they do not care about scams of corporate type greed, they show they actually stand for nothing. No principles whatsoever.


He admits it right here. This on top of the so called claim that Obama did not want to drag the nation through the mud even though that is all he and the liberal base do.

All while Obama continued and expanded Bush policies against the so called terrorists that they insisted were myths made up by Cheney and Bush.

They claim to be against the drone strikes and righwinger will still not admit he nor any other liberal moron is not privy to top secret intel. They would never admit that.

That would mean they need to admit Bush's policies were correct in regards to the war against terrorism. Well, it would have to be.

It is too bad the democrats paint themselves into a corner by needing to placate their moronic know it all liberal base.

Nobody could have done a better job in demonstrating just how petty and vindictive todays Republicans are

Thanks for your help

Yeah, you should keep on telling yourselves how much more you know than those who are privy to intel that we are not.

That way you can make yourself feel comfortable and not deal with your cognitive dissonance when trying to explain to anyone why Obama expanded the Bush policies.

Since Obama knew he would be questioned about his hypocrisy since he spent all of his presidential campaign crushing Bush and making false promises like closing GTMO in his first year, he needed to pacify the morons on the left and continuously plays politics with our troops.

Regardless of how obvious it is that he really wanted to continue the anti-terror Bush policies. Since, like I said, he is privy to intel that you and I are not.

You defending all things democrat since it is obvious they are so guilty of things that make watergate look like stealing a cookie from a cookie jar, only further affirms my claims that you are all worth nothing and worthy of zero respect.

All while you claim republicans are so petty, while you still claim Nixon was such a "crook."

Folks, they have no control over their hypocrisy or their ignorance.

Nixon was caught with his pants down and paid the price. Nobody to blame but himself
Nobody could have done a better job in demonstrating just how petty and vindictive todays Republicans are

Thanks for your help

Yeah, you should keep on telling yourselves how much more you know than those who are privy to intel that we are not.

That way you can make yourself feel comfortable and not deal with your cognitive dissonance when trying to explain to anyone why Obama expanded the Bush policies.

Since Obama knew he would be questioned about his hypocrisy since he spent all of his presidential campaign crushing Bush and making false promises like closing GTMO in his first year, he needed to pacify the morons on the left and continuously plays politics with our troops.

Regardless of how obvious it is that he really wanted to continue the anti-terror Bush policies. Since, like I said, he is privy to intel that you and I are not.

You defending all things democrat since it is obvious they are so guilty of things that make watergate look like stealing a cookie from a cookie jar, only further affirms my claims that you are all worth nothing and worthy of zero respect.

All while you claim republicans are so petty, while you still claim Nixon was such a "crook."

Folks, they have no control over their hypocrisy or their ignorance.

Nixon was caught with his pants down and paid the price. Nobody to blame but himself

Like I said folks, no control whatsoever over their ignorance or their hypocrisy.


They stand for nothing and rightwinger keeps proving it.

Tell us again why Obama continued Bush policies that he campaigned against in order to gain votes in 2008. He then took office and it turned out he lied about everything.

Meaning, he broke virtually every promise.

It must be hard to placate such morons when the morons consist of 99% of the democratic voting base. Think about the corner they pain themselves in.

The voting base always think they know more than those who are privy to actual information. Such is the manner of the liberals and such is the character of the democratic voting base.

Look at rightwinger displaying his pathetic academia hypocrisy here. Hell, he does it in every thread with every post. This is just classic stuff.

Nixon spying on five democrats? His types....... are all......


Whenever democrats are caught red handed either spying on all of America, or using the IRS illegally, or being guilty of mass corporate scandals, or anything at all they are all....

According to his VP, as written in his memoirs, he was forced to resign under threat of assassination by Nixon and Alexander Haig. He resigned and was convicted of being a felony crook.
According to his VP, as written in his memoirs, he was forced to resign under threat of assassination by Nixon and Alexander Haig. He resigned and was convicted of being a felony crook.

Nixon spies on 5 democrats and the petty democrats are all.......




When democrats are caught doing anything from murder to corporate scandals, or whatever.....they are all....


Their hypocrisy on full display, all while they either ignore the fact that Obama continued Bush policies on terrorists, or they claim he is doing more than Bush against terrorists that were myths to them, or they brag that he ended the Bush policies even though Obama in fact expanded them.

LOL at liberals thinking they are so intelligent by defending all sides of every issue then not realizing that means they stand for nothing.
Yeah, you should keep on telling yourselves how much more you know than those who are privy to intel that we are not.

That way you can make yourself feel comfortable and not deal with your cognitive dissonance when trying to explain to anyone why Obama expanded the Bush policies.

Since Obama knew he would be questioned about his hypocrisy since he spent all of his presidential campaign crushing Bush and making false promises like closing GTMO in his first year, he needed to pacify the morons on the left and continuously plays politics with our troops.

Regardless of how obvious it is that he really wanted to continue the anti-terror Bush policies. Since, like I said, he is privy to intel that you and I are not.

You defending all things democrat since it is obvious they are so guilty of things that make watergate look like stealing a cookie from a cookie jar, only further affirms my claims that you are all worth nothing and worthy of zero respect.

All while you claim republicans are so petty, while you still claim Nixon was such a "crook."

Folks, they have no control over their hypocrisy or their ignorance.

Nixon was caught with his pants down and paid the price. Nobody to blame but himself

Like I said folks, no control whatsoever over their ignorance or their hypocrisy.


They stand for nothing and rightwinger keeps proving it.

Tell us again why Obama continued Bush policies that he campaigned against in order to gain votes in 2008. He then took office and it turned out he lied about everything.

Meaning, he broke virtually every promise.

It must be hard to placate such morons when the morons consist of 99% of the democratic voting base. Think about the corner they pain themselves in.

The voting base always think they know more than those who are privy to actual information. Such is the manner of the liberals and such is the character of the democratic voting base.

Look at rightwinger displaying his pathetic academia hypocrisy here. Hell, he does it in every thread with every post. This is just classic stuff.

Nixon spying on five democrats? His types....... are all......


Whenever democrats are caught red handed either spying on all of America, or using the IRS illegally, or being guilty of mass corporate scandals, or anything at all they are all....


Which Bush policies are you talking about? What promises are you claiming he broke? Why do you continuously use old data that is irrelevant to the topic. Stuff like Saddam having WMD's in the 80's and 90's and/or people supporting the Bush claims before they knew they were being lied to? I'll bet you are going to blame Obama for not closing GTMO and I'll bet you never read the wikileak/Turley link about why Obama didn't try to prosecute Bush for war crimes.
By the way, you used a term that confused me in one of your post. What is logistical reality? My Quartermaster use to scream that sometimes. I don't think he meant what you meant.
Nixon was caught with his pants down and paid the price. Nobody to blame but himself

Like I said folks, no control whatsoever over their ignorance or their hypocrisy.


They stand for nothing and rightwinger keeps proving it.

Tell us again why Obama continued Bush policies that he campaigned against in order to gain votes in 2008. He then took office and it turned out he lied about everything.

Meaning, he broke virtually every promise.

It must be hard to placate such morons when the morons consist of 99% of the democratic voting base. Think about the corner they pain themselves in.

The voting base always think they know more than those who are privy to actual information. Such is the manner of the liberals and such is the character of the democratic voting base.

Look at rightwinger displaying his pathetic academia hypocrisy here. Hell, he does it in every thread with every post. This is just classic stuff.

Nixon spying on five democrats? His types....... are all......


Whenever democrats are caught red handed either spying on all of America, or using the IRS illegally, or being guilty of mass corporate scandals, or anything at all they are all....


Which Bush policies are you talking about? What promises are you claiming he broke? Why do you continuously use old data that is irrelevant to the topic. Stuff like Saddam having WMD's in the 80's and 90's and/or people supporting the Bush claims before they knew they were being lied to? I'll bet you are going to blame Obama for not closing GTMO and I'll bet you never read the wikileak/Turley link about why Obama didn't try to prosecute Bush for war crimes.
By the way, you used a term that confused me in one of your post. What is logistical reality? My Quartermaster use to scream that sometimes. I don't think he meant what you meant.

On President Barack Obama's second full day in the Oval Office in 2009, he signed important executive orders that signaled a clear break with the excesses of George W. Bush's “war on terror.” Obama decreed that the Guantanamo Bay prison camp would be closed in a year and that the United States would no longer perpetrate torture. No longer would men, some of them innocent, languish without charges in what has been described as an American gulag by Amnesty International. No longer would men be subjected to brutal interrogation tactics that clearly amounted to torture, like water boarding.

The orders would “restore the standards of due process and the core constitutional values that have made this country great even in the midst of war, even in dealing with terrorism,” said Obama.

Fast-forward to today. Guantanamo remains open, warrantless wiretapping continues, and drone strikes have accelerated, leading to the deaths of innocent civilians and a burst in support for anti-American forces in Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia. Instead of breaking with the Bush era, Obama has codified and permanently institutionalized the “war on terror” framework that has characterized American foreign policy since the September 11, 2001 attacks. And they have done all of this largely in secret, refusing to open up about how drone strikes are decided on. So while torture has been thrown out of the American playbook, other black marks remain. Obama has done everything but restore “core constitutional values” to how the U.S. conducts itself around the world.

Perhaps the most potent symbol of Obama's willingness to institutionalize Bush-era frameworks for dealing with terrorism is his January 2013 appointment of John Brennan as new Central Intelligence Agency director. Brennan was a key supporter of many Bush-favored tactics used by the CIA, including torture and extraordinary rendition. When Obama first contemplated appointing Brennan in his first term to the post he's been appointed to now, the outcry was swift and Brennan pulled out from consideration. Now, the reaction has been meek—a symbol of how Bush-era military and intelligence tactics have become normalized to the extent that nobody bats an eye when a man with a sordid record at the CIA is appointed to head up the entire agency.

Obama has kept the U.S. on a permanent war footing with no end in sight through a variety of methods. Here are five ways the Obama administration has institutionalized the never-ending war on terror.

1. Drones

The image of the gray, pilotless aircraft flying through the sky to eventually rain hellfire down will be indelibly tied to Obama. His administration has made drone strikes in countries like Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan the weapon of choice when it comes to dealing with suspected militants. You have to look at the numbers of drone strikes under the Bush and Obama administrations to truly appreciate how Obama has taken this Bush tool and increased its use exponentially.

The first drone strike in U.S. history occurred in 2002, when a CIA-operated drone fired on three men in Afghanistan. The drone strikes have since migrated over to battlefields away from U.S.-declared wars. In Pakistan, the Bush administration carried out a total of 52 strikes, according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, which closely tracks drone strikes. That led to the deaths of an estimated 438 people, including 182 civilians and 112 children. But the Obama administration has ordered at least 300 drone strikes in Pakistan—and Obama's second term has yet to begun. Those strikes have killed about 2,152 people, including 290 civilians, of whom 64 were children.

The drone strikes also have a devastating impact beyond the deaths reported. As a New York University/Stanford University study on drone strikes stated, the constant buzzing of drones in the sky “terrorizes men, women, and children, giving rise to anxiety and psychological trauma among civilian communities. Those living under drones have to face the constant worry that a deadly strike may be fired at any moment, and the knowledge that they are powerless to protect themselves.”

Instead of looking forward to how this permanent drone war might end, the Obama administration has decided to institutionalize the process. In October 2012, the Washington Post revealed that the administration had undertaken a two-year long strategy to institutionalize what has become known as the “kill list,” or the list of suspected terrorists the Obama administration unilaterally decides to kill by drone strikes. The administration calls it the “disposition matrix,” which refers to the different plans the administration has to “dispose” of suspected militants. The Post described the “matrix” as part of “the highly classified practice of targeted killing, transforming ad-hoc elements into a counterterrorism infrastructure capable of sustaining a seemingly permanent war.”

2. Warrantless Wiretapping

One of the enduring scandals of the George W. Bush years was that administration's practice of wiretapping American citizens with no warrant in order to spy on suspected terrorists. The New York Times, which broke the story in 2005, reported that “months after the Sept. 11 attacks, President Bush secretly authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on Americans and others inside the United States to search for evidence of terrorist activity without the court-approved warrants ordinarily required for domestic spying.” The move raised concerns that the Bush administration was crossing constitutional limits on wiretapping Americans.

But the outcry from those concerned with civil liberties has largely been muted in the Obama era. In late December 2012, President Obama signed an extension of a law that allows the U.S. to “eavesdrop on communications and review email without following an open and public warrant process,” as NPR summed it up. The law was an extension of the 2008 law that legalized the Bush administration's wiretapping of American citizens.

As national security blogger Marcy Wheeler notes in a recent piece for the Nation, the president's signature on the new bill on wiretapping means that the U.S. “has nearly unrestrained authority to eavesdrop on those who communicate with people outside the country. The government doesn’t even need to show that these foreign targets are terrorists or that the conversations center around a plot. This means any international communication may be subject to wiretapping.”

3. Proxy Detentions

Under the Bush administration, the process of “extraordinary rendition” involved abducting people accused of terrorism and shipping them off to another country where they were interrogated and tortured. The Obama administration has continued to use foreign countries to detain and interrogate suspects, but the details of how they do it are changed from the Bush era. Still, the overall practice of using other security forces to do your dirty work remains in place.

The Washington Post reported on January 1 that “the Obama administration has embraced rendition — the practice of holding and interrogating terrorism suspects in other countries without due process — despite widespread condemnation of the tactic in the years after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.” While the Post used the term “rendition,” the more accurate term would be “proxy detention,” as Mother Jones pointed out.

The most recent iterations of the practice of using other countries to detain suspects the U.S. wants to interrogate have been in countries like Dijibouti and Nigeria. The Post reported on one December 2011 case in which an man from Eritrea “revealed that he had been questioned in a Ni*ger*ian jail by what a U.S. interrogator described as a 'dirty' team of American agents who ignored the suspect’s right to remain silent or have a lawyer, according to court proceedings.”

Other cases have been publicized by Mother Jones. The magazine reported on the case of Yonas Fikre, a Muslim-American from Oregon who was detained in the United Arab Emirates. There, Fikre and his lawyers claim, he was beaten and held in stress positions. He claims there was cooperation between the FBI and UAE security forces. So the FBI was using the UAE forces to detain people the U.S. wanted to interrogate.

Will Congress Rein In Illegal Spying? | The Nation

Plan for hunting terrorists signals U.S. intends to keep adding names to kill lists - The Washington Post

4. Guantanamo

Although the continued operation of the Guantanamo Bay camp is hardly the sole fault of President Obama, it does symbolize the abject failure to reject the Bush administration's approach to terrorism.

While it's important to note that the Republican Party has blocked Obama's desire to close Guantanamo, he has not expended political capital on closing the prison and has signed bills that restrict his ability to do so. The most recent bill concerning Guantanamo Bay crossed his desk at the beginning of the year.

Despite threatening to veto the bill because it restricted the executive branch's authority, Obama signed it, and curtailed his own ability to move ahead on closing the infamous camp, where people have languished without charge for years on end. The National Defense Authorization Act of 2013, where the Guantanamo provisions are included, restricts “the transfer of detainees into the United States for any purpose, including trials in federal court. It also requires the defense secretary to meet rigorous conditions before any detainee can be returned to his own country or resettled in a third country,” according to the Washington Post.

Human rights activists blasted the move. “Indefinite detention without trial at Guantanamo is illegal, unsustainable and against U.S. national security interests, and it needs to end,” Human Rights Watch's Andrea Prasow told the Post. “The administration should not continue to just blame Congress. President Obama should follow through on his earlier commitments and make the effort to overcome the transfer restrictions.”

Bill?s Guantanamo Bay provisions have human rights groups upset with Obama - The Washington Post

5 Ways President Obama Has Doubled Down on Bush's Most Tragic Mistakes | Alternet


Watch folks, they will either not acknowledge them, obfuscate from the facts with some lame brain excuse, and will certainly not admit that they are not wiser than those privy to intel that they are not privy to.


Cause liberals are hypocrites who think they know every fucking thing.

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