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The Cincinnatus Manifesto: We Are All To Blame!


Mar 1, 2013
Before I begin, it is important for you to understand that my identity does not matter. Whether I am black or white, republican or democrat, Jew or gentile, male or female does not matter. The only facts about myself that you need to know are that I am a proud American citizen and a member of a generation that watches day-by-day as the future of our beloved country grows more and more uncertain. A generation that will one day be entrusted to ensure this country prospers as it always has. The only question is in what state this country will be when that time comes. Will it still be the last best hope of man on earth, or will it be debt-ridden and divided more than ever? Will other nations look upon it as the city on a hill, leading the world ever forward with confidence and strength? Or will they simply look away and banter about how the mighty have fallen? The history of the nation’s future is being written as we speak, and unfortunately the outlook remains grim.
As the angst over the sad state of affairs in our nation spreads, the American people look to Congress, the President, or the opposite party and quickly cast blame upon one or perhaps all three. But this is a representative democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people and it is the people who must decide what is best for the nation. Not a congressman, or the President, or the chief justice, but the people. We the people, need only look into a mirror to find the root of the debacle. In most cases however, we sit idly by and watch all that we have striven so hard for swirl down the drain. We wait for the government to fix our problems rather than tackle them ourselves or we divide ourselves and stubbornly block any path to a resolution. We would be prudent to listen to the words of the late Ronald Reagan when he said, “you and I are told increasingly we have to choose between a left or right. Well I’d like to suggest there is no such thing as a left or right, there is only an up or down.” “Up” or “down”, those are the only choices we now face as a nation. There can be no more Democrat or Republican, no more one-percent versus the ninety-nine percent, only Americans compromising with Americans to save the country.
But the answer is not that simple. Fear has left Congress gridlocked. Its members fret that their constituency will terminate their careers if they venture to solve the problem posed by entitlements. But fear is what drives these constituencies to threaten the vitality of their representative’s career. The Baby Boomers, the most politically active age group, stand scared to lose the benefits they worked their entire lives for whether those be social security pensions or Medicare and Medicaid assistance. All three of those programs, particularly Social Security will bankrupt my generation before we are even of age to use them. They are the Elephant In the Room that the older generation refuses to confront because they are content with the benefits to which they are so dependent. This point seems to remain elusive on newscasts, as stories of congressional and presidential “he said, she said,” make headlines. The nation focuses instead on which tax bracket will pay more and achieve absolutely nothing in the process. One tax bracket or the other will not solve this issue because the main problem is not taxes…it’s out of control spending. The first step to collectively solving this problem is for the older generation to cast fear aside and let their congressman know that a feasible solution must be found. Why is it unacceptable to use social security for those who need it most? Why can’t we create a program where I can save some of the money I put into the system in a 401k-type fund that can grow and that I can pass on to my family? Why can’t the other portion of my money go to supporting the impoverished and disabled at the same time? The answer is that there is no reason this sort of program cannot exist, it’s just that many older citizens can’t get past the idea that they are not going to lose benefits in the process. They impulsively believe they will get the short end of the stick without ever really understanding how the program works to their advantage. This sort of thinking and nay-saying is paralyzing the wheels of progress sentencing future Americans to financial difficulty. But it is not only the older generation that exacerbates the issue, it is my generation’s lack of coordinated political activism that will haunt us years from now.
The country’s impressions of the youth’s political activism has unfortunately been tainted by the chaos, disorganization, and misdirected messages of the Occupy Movement. While I admire this movement’s political spunk, it truly achieved nothing. Even if it had succeeded it would still have achieved nothing because it focused its efforts on the wrong issue. Taxing the rich to death to achieve some sort of fantastical moral victory is not going to fill the nation’s coffers. In fact, it will barely dent the monstrosity that is now our deficit. Furthermore, getting the point across by causing civil disturbances and openly engaging in Woodstock-like behavior on Wall Street will only serve to cause Congress to turn a blind-eye. If my generation wants to achieve a meaningful political victory it must first educate itself on the true problem we face and then make sure the political leaders of this country understand that handing us a financial disaster a mere decade or two down the road is unacceptable. We must demand that entitlements are fixed and we have to do it through controlled political activism. Letters and petitions go a long way when sent in mass. But as of right now, my generation cannot see past the next episode of South Park or Family Guy. We remain latent and content with our video games and Youtube videos. Our nation’s financial security, and by extension, strength, is at stake and we do not seem to really care? This must not, and cannot be and it has to change NOW. We must make a stand while there is still ground to stand upon. Stake your claim to your own future before it is too late, I beg of you. I refuse to look my children in the eye and tell them that I did nothing to create an America that was fiscally strong and safe for them to grow up in. The thought that they may shoulder the burden for my mistakes is more than I can bear. We cannot allow it to happen.
Right now America stands at a crossroads. Down one road is a responsible path to success paved by fixing entitlements responsibly and down the other lies the can we kick with every passing day. That can lies at the bottom of a heaping pile of debt and signifies the death knell of American power. We as the people of the United States of America must resolve to take the first path and avoid the second. But as I said before it will not be easy as our political divisiveness grows wider. We must take a stand. We must say that we are no longer afraid to solve entitlement reform. We must tell Congress and the President that we do care about what happens to this country and will not accept anything short of a solid long-term solution as soon as humanly possible. We must cast aside left and right and see our collective problem as up or down. Only then will we be able to move the wheels of progress forward and avoid disaster. I am a proud American who believes this is the greatest country on the planet. I know many of you believe it too and wish more than anything to keep it that way. But if we are to protect this bastion of democracy, then we must take advantage of the rights it has provided to us and help steer our representatives onto the correct course. In the words of Reagan, “we must preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth…” The power to do so is yours America, now what will you do with it?

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