The Contradiction of the Log Cabin Republicans


Active Member
May 7, 2020
I joined the Log Cabin Republicans as a Conservative that is for Samesex Liberty and Civil Rights, while living in Colorado. I became a delegate in 2012 and supported Ron Paul for nomination. When Mitt Romney became the nominee, I jumped ship and became a Libertarian, supporting the Civil Unions and Cannabis Legalization campaign, both of which had victories in Colorado. the Democratic party, I didn't want to join, because of Obama's role in the gun running scandal. In fact, as a Libertarian and Gnostic Christian Presbyter, I married a Samsexed couple, thus allowing them to sue the state according to the 1st and 14th Amendment.

In 2016, the Republican Party changed their platform into an anti Gay hate agenda attempting the reversal of Supreme Court Samesex marriage decision and the establishement of Samesex rights and Liberty in general. Why are the Log Cabins still Republican, even when the Republican party is opposed to their agenda? Maybe a Log Cabin can answer this? It's like... living in a wooden house with an open fire place.


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Samesex marriage is an obscenity, it opened door wide to all of the gender imbecility that you also most likely suck at toes of, I used to think gay's deserved perfect equality, no more, I watched video of 8 year old mentally ill boy named "Desmond" dancing for dollars in a gay men's nightclub in NYC dressed as a whore, all of the gay men were placing cash into the boys clothing, always between clothing and boy's skin, all as parent's of ill boy beamed with pride at their son, who will almost certainly, end up in a psych unit in the very near future! In other words, I saw the light, and gay's are not virtuous role models, they are 80% pederast, and 20% outright deviant. I am pleased you vaporized yourself from the republican party, you never should have been allowed in....
I joined the Log Cabin Republicans as a Conservative that is for Samesex Liberty and Civil Rights, while living in Colorado. I became a delegate in 2012 and supported Ron Paul for nomination. When Mitt Romney became the nominee, I jumped ship and became a Libertarian, supporting the Civil Unions and Cannabis Legalization campaign, both of which had victories in Colorado. the Democratic party, I didn't want to join, because of Obama's role in the gun running scandal. In fact, as a Libertarian and Gnostic Christian Presbyter, I married a Samsexed couple, thus allowing them to sue the state according to the 1st and 14th Amendment.

In 2016, the Republican Party changed their platform into an anti Gay hate agenda attempting the reversal of Supreme Court Samesex marriage decision and the establishement of Samesex rights and Liberty in general. Why are the Log Cabins still Republican, even when the Republican party is opposed to their agenda? Maybe a Log Cabin can answer this? It's like... living in a wooden house with an open fire place.

I can't speak for the Log Cabin Republicans, but as a conservative woman who has to constantly hear that Republicans are "anti-woman" and "misogynistic" and that I'm "voting against my own interests" because they don't support the agenda the left has decided is what all women want and need, I'm going to guess that they don't consider it to be "their agenda". Or possibly they consider other things to be more important to them.

Never rule out the possibility that your perspective is just that: YOURS. Not universal, objective fact seen and acknowledged by everyone, but just your own personal opinion.
I joined the Log Cabin Republicans as a Conservative that is for Samesex Liberty and Civil Rights, while living in Colorado. I became a delegate in 2012 and supported Ron Paul for nomination. When Mitt Romney became the nominee, I jumped ship and became a Libertarian, supporting the Civil Unions and Cannabis Legalization campaign, both of which had victories in Colorado. the Democratic party, I didn't want to join, because of Obama's role in the gun running scandal. In fact, as a Libertarian and Gnostic Christian Presbyter, I married a Samsexed couple, thus allowing them to sue the state according to the 1st and 14th Amendment.

In 2016, the Republican Party changed their platform into an anti Gay hate agenda attempting the reversal of Supreme Court Samesex marriage decision and the establishement of Samesex rights and Liberty in general. Why are the Log Cabins still Republican, even when the Republican party is opposed to their agenda? Maybe a Log Cabin can answer this? It's like... living in a wooden house with an open fire place.

I can't speak for the Log Cabin Republicans, but as a conservative woman who has to constantly hear that Republicans are "anti-woman" and "misogynistic" and that I'm "voting against my own interests" because they don't support the agenda the left has decided is what all women want and need, I'm going to guess that they don't consider it to be "their agenda". Or possibly they consider other things to be more important to them.

Never rule out the possibility that your perspective is just that: YOURS. Not universal, objective fact seen and acknowledged by everyone, but just your own personal opinion.

I feel sorry for all of you! I found out my college roommate and BF of 40+ years had been a secret member of the LC Repub. group for years! Being GAY I couldn't have fathomed a Mensa member like him ever voting Republican; esp. after their JIHAD against gay marriage and civil unions when running 2004 campaigns! I'll never figure out women who go along with conservative troglodytes that have been trying to close Planned Parenthood for decades even though their main service is women's cancer screening! A-hole conservatives go on Fox News nightly lying about them being abortion factories in every location! These people disgust me now after signing their souls over to Trump in 2016 while people are dropping dead in the streets! Lucky for me I'm old and don't have to deal with this insane $#!t much longer! Good luck suckers; if you survive! I just can't GAF anymore because the people of this country are obviously hopeless! :rolleyes:
I joined the Log Cabin Republicans as a Conservative that is for Samesex Liberty and Civil Rights, while living in Colorado. I became a delegate in 2012 and supported Ron Paul for nomination. When Mitt Romney became the nominee, I jumped ship and became a Libertarian, supporting the Civil Unions and Cannabis Legalization campaign, both of which had victories in Colorado. the Democratic party, I didn't want to join, because of Obama's role in the gun running scandal. In fact, as a Libertarian and Gnostic Christian Presbyter, I married a Samsexed couple, thus allowing them to sue the state according to the 1st and 14th Amendment.

In 2016, the Republican Party changed their platform into an anti Gay hate agenda attempting the reversal of Supreme Court Samesex marriage decision and the establishement of Samesex rights and Liberty in general. Why are the Log Cabins still Republican, even when the Republican party is opposed to their agenda? Maybe a Log Cabin can answer this? It's like... living in a wooden house with an open fire place.

I can't speak for the Log Cabin Republicans, but as a conservative woman who has to constantly hear that Republicans are "anti-woman" and "misogynistic" and that I'm "voting against my own interests" because they don't support the agenda the left has decided is what all women want and need, I'm going to guess that they don't consider it to be "their agenda". Or possibly they consider other things to be more important to them.

Never rule out the possibility that your perspective is just that: YOURS. Not universal, objective fact seen and acknowledged by everyone, but just your own personal opinion.

I feel sorry for all of you! I found out my college roommate and BF of 40+ years had been a secret member of the LC Repub. group for years! Being GAY I couldn't have fathomed a Mensa member like him ever voting Republican; esp. after their JIHAD against gay marriage and civil unions when running 2004 campaigns! I'll never figure out women who go along with conservative troglodytes that have been trying to close Planned Parenthood for decades even though their main service is women's cancer screening! A-hole conservatives go on Fox News nightly lying about them being abortion factories in every location! These people disgust me now after signing their souls over to Trump in 2016 while people are dropping dead in the streets! Lucky for me I'm old and don't have to deal with this insane $#!t much longer! Good luck suckers; if you survive! I just can't GAF anymore because the people of this country are obviously hopeless! :rolleyes:

I feel sorry for anyone who's ever been friends with you long enough to see what a self-satisfied, elitist boor you are, although I doubt they hung around much longer. Ever wonder why your friend was a "secret" member? None of MY friends have ever had to keep their beliefs and politics a secret from ME, possibly because I'm not an egotistical bully.

You might have an easier time fathoming why people do things if you shut your fucking headhole for two seconds, stopped telling them what they SHOULD want, and let them tell you what they actually DO want, and why. At the very least, it would give everyone's ears a rest from listening to your sanctimonious haranguing.
I joined the Log Cabin Republicans as a Conservative that is for Samesex Liberty and Civil Rights, while living in Colorado. I became a delegate in 2012 and supported Ron Paul for nomination. When Mitt Romney became the nominee, I jumped ship and became a Libertarian, supporting the Civil Unions and Cannabis Legalization campaign, both of which had victories in Colorado. the Democratic party, I didn't want to join, because of Obama's role in the gun running scandal. In fact, as a Libertarian and Gnostic Christian Presbyter, I married a Samsexed couple, thus allowing them to sue the state according to the 1st and 14th Amendment.

In 2016, the Republican Party changed their platform into an anti Gay hate agenda attempting the reversal of Supreme Court Samesex marriage decision and the establishement of Samesex rights and Liberty in general. Why are the Log Cabins still Republican, even when the Republican party is opposed to their agenda? Maybe a Log Cabin can answer this? It's like... living in a wooden house with an open fire place.

I can't speak for the Log Cabin Republicans, but as a conservative woman who has to constantly hear that Republicans are "anti-woman" and "misogynistic" and that I'm "voting against my own interests" because they don't support the agenda the left has decided is what all women want and need, I'm going to guess that they don't consider it to be "their agenda". Or possibly they consider other things to be more important to them.

Never rule out the possibility that your perspective is just that: YOURS. Not universal, objective fact seen and acknowledged by everyone, but just your own personal opinion.

I feel sorry for all of you! I found out my college roommate and BF of 40+ years had been a secret member of the LC Repub. group for years! Being GAY I couldn't have fathomed a Mensa member like him ever voting Republican; esp. after their JIHAD against gay marriage and civil unions when running 2004 campaigns! I'll never figure out women who go along with conservative troglodytes that have been trying to close Planned Parenthood for decades even though their main service is women's cancer screening! A-hole conservatives go on Fox News nightly lying about them being abortion factories in every location! These people disgust me now after signing their souls over to Trump in 2016 while people are dropping dead in the streets! Lucky for me I'm old and don't have to deal with this insane $#!t much longer! Good luck suckers; if you survive! I just can't GAF anymore because the people of this country are obviously hopeless! :rolleyes:
This is an important issue. This is not about rights. This is about superiority. Traditional marriage has been weakened immensely. At some point the term "breeders" is going to turn into a slave job. Sense needs to be used for all issues if it can be. You can see the mass undereducation of males now. And it is growing in numbers. What do you think the will do when there is no hope? Is it going to be like a propaganda TV or movie gang? They will end up blaming anyone not in their predicament. Even the BLM protesters are not totally enamored with the white people with them. The blame game exists when times go bad.
! A-hole conservatives go on Fox News nightly lying about them being abortion factories in every location!
Can you quote anyone on Fox News saying that every PP location is an abortion factory?

I predict that you cannot. You're just making shit up.
I joined the Log Cabin Republicans as a Conservative that is for Samesex Liberty and Civil Rights, while living in Colorado. I became a delegate in 2012 and supported Ron Paul for nomination. When Mitt Romney became the nominee, I jumped ship and became a Libertarian, supporting the Civil Unions and Cannabis Legalization campaign, both of which had victories in Colorado. the Democratic party, I didn't want to join, because of Obama's role in the gun running scandal. In fact, as a Libertarian and Gnostic Christian Presbyter, I married a Samsexed couple, thus allowing them to sue the state according to the 1st and 14th Amendment.

In 2016, the Republican Party changed their platform into an anti Gay hate agenda attempting the reversal of Supreme Court Samesex marriage decision and the establishement of Samesex rights and Liberty in general. Why are the Log Cabins still Republican, even when the Republican party is opposed to their agenda? Maybe a Log Cabin can answer this? It's like... living in a wooden house with an open fire place.

I can't speak for the Log Cabin Republicans, but as a conservative woman who has to constantly hear that Republicans are "anti-woman" and "misogynistic" and that I'm "voting against my own interests" because they don't support the agenda the left has decided is what all women want and need, I'm going to guess that they don't consider it to be "their agenda". Or possibly they consider other things to be more important to them.

Never rule out the possibility that your perspective is just that: YOURS. Not universal, objective fact seen and acknowledged by everyone, but just your own personal opinion.

I feel sorry for all of you! I found out my college roommate and BF of 40+ years had been a secret member of the LC Repub. group for years! Being GAY I couldn't have fathomed a Mensa member like him ever voting Republican; esp. after their JIHAD against gay marriage and civil unions when running 2004 campaigns! I'll never figure out women who go along with conservative troglodytes that have been trying to close Planned Parenthood for decades even though their main service is women's cancer screening! A-hole conservatives go on Fox News nightly lying about them being abortion factories in every location! These people disgust me now after signing their souls over to Trump in 2016 while people are dropping dead in the streets! Lucky for me I'm old and don't have to deal with this insane $#!t much longer! Good luck suckers; if you survive! I just can't GAF anymore because the people of this country are obviously hopeless! :rolleyes:

I feel sorry for anyone who's ever been friends with you long enough to see what a self-satisfied, elitist boor you are, although I doubt they hung around much longer. Ever wonder why your friend was a "secret" member? None of MY friends have ever had to keep their beliefs and politics a secret from ME, possibly because I'm not an egotistical bully.

You might have an easier time fathoming why people do things if you shut your fucking head-hole for two seconds, stop telling them what they SHOULD want, and let them tell you what they actually DO want, and why. At the very least, it would give everyone's ears a rest from listening to your sanctimonious haranguing.

People, notice this broad never denied anything I had to say so I must be on logical and factual footing! The "Flat Earth Society" is rearing their ugly heads demanding you "breeders" send your kids back to school on time this Fall! If you do this "as is," you truly are hopeless fks! :dunno:
I joined the Log Cabin Republicans as a Conservative that is for Samesex Liberty and Civil Rights, while living in Colorado. I became a delegate in 2012 and supported Ron Paul for nomination. When Mitt Romney became the nominee, I jumped ship and became a Libertarian, supporting the Civil Unions and Cannabis Legalization campaign, both of which had victories in Colorado. the Democratic party, I didn't want to join, because of Obama's role in the gun running scandal. In fact, as a Libertarian and Gnostic Christian Presbyter, I married a Samsexed couple, thus allowing them to sue the state according to the 1st and 14th Amendment.

In 2016, the Republican Party changed their platform into an anti Gay hate agenda attempting the reversal of Supreme Court Samesex marriage decision and the establishement of Samesex rights and Liberty in general. Why are the Log Cabins still Republican, even when the Republican party is opposed to their agenda? Maybe a Log Cabin can answer this? It's like... living in a wooden house with an open fire place.

I can't speak for the Log Cabin Republicans, but as a conservative woman who has to constantly hear that Republicans are "anti-woman" and "misogynistic" and that I'm "voting against my own interests" because they don't support the agenda the left has decided is what all women want and need, I'm going to guess that they don't consider it to be "their agenda". Or possibly they consider other things to be more important to them.

Never rule out the possibility that your perspective is just that: YOURS. Not universal, objective fact seen and acknowledged by everyone, but just your own personal opinion.

I feel sorry for all of you! I found out my college roommate and BF of 40+ years had been a secret member of the LC Repub. group for years! Being GAY I couldn't have fathomed a Mensa member like him ever voting Republican; esp. after their JIHAD against gay marriage and civil unions when running 2004 campaigns! I'll never figure out women who go along with conservative troglodytes that have been trying to close Planned Parenthood for decades even though their main service is women's cancer screening! A-hole conservatives go on Fox News nightly lying about them being abortion factories in every location! These people disgust me now after signing their souls over to Trump in 2016 while people are dropping dead in the streets! Lucky for me I'm old and don't have to deal with this insane $#!t much longer! Good luck suckers; if you survive! I just can't GAF anymore because the people of this country are obviously hopeless! :rolleyes:
This is an important issue. This is not about rights. This is about superiority. Traditional marriage has been weakened immensely. At some point the term "breeders" is going to turn into a slave job. Sense needs to be used for all issues if it can be. You can see the mass undereducation of males now. And it is growing in numbers. What do you think the will do when there is no hope? Is it going to be like a propaganda TV or movie gang? They will end up blaming anyone not in their predicament. Even the BLM protesters are not totally enamored with the white people with them. The blame game exists when times go bad.

There's the "blame game," then there's fk'n history we can look at! Bush 41 hands Clinton a mess; fact! Bill cleans it up and leaves "W" with a budget surplus; fact! "W" starts 2 wars, gives away that budget surplus, institutes all kinds of initiatives like "No Child Left Behind," then doesn't fund any of it causing the Nat'l Debt to inflate even faster; fact! Obama takes the mess left behind and even with Republicans kicking and screaming, we not only bring the economy back, we got something close to Nat'l Health after 100 years of futility! We have the "Affordable Care Act" and with a pandemic out there, Trump and his cronies are still trying to undermine it and take it out of existence with no replacement! They say they want to replace it, but with what? I haven't seen $#!t! That's what Republicans do, "NOTHING" and hope it all stays together; sorta like all those crumbling bridges! What a bunch of losers! We're all pathetic because we allow them to get away with it! Fine, destroy yourselves with whatever conservative leanings you think you need to get thru the night! Good luck with that! :dunno:
I joined the Log Cabin Republicans as a Conservative that is for Samesex Liberty and Civil Rights, while living in Colorado. I became a delegate in 2012 and supported Ron Paul for nomination. When Mitt Romney became the nominee, I jumped ship and became a Libertarian, supporting the Civil Unions and Cannabis Legalization campaign, both of which had victories in Colorado. the Democratic party, I didn't want to join, because of Obama's role in the gun running scandal. In fact, as a Libertarian and Gnostic Christian Presbyter, I married a Samsexed couple, thus allowing them to sue the state according to the 1st and 14th Amendment.

In 2016, the Republican Party changed their platform into an anti Gay hate agenda attempting the reversal of Supreme Court Samesex marriage decision and the establishement of Samesex rights and Liberty in general. Why are the Log Cabins still Republican, even when the Republican party is opposed to their agenda? Maybe a Log Cabin can answer this? It's like... living in a wooden house with an open fire place.

You are rather poorly informed. It was the Dem base in California who voted against gay marriage. Naturally Dems being the party that supports the will of the people sued in court to overturn the vote of their own base.
I joined the Log Cabin Republicans as a Conservative that is for Samesex Liberty and Civil Rights, while living in Colorado. I became a delegate in 2012 and supported Ron Paul for nomination. When Mitt Romney became the nominee, I jumped ship and became a Libertarian, supporting the Civil Unions and Cannabis Legalization campaign, both of which had victories in Colorado. the Democratic party, I didn't want to join, because of Obama's role in the gun running scandal. In fact, as a Libertarian and Gnostic Christian Presbyter, I married a Samsexed couple, thus allowing them to sue the state according to the 1st and 14th Amendment.

In 2016, the Republican Party changed their platform into an anti Gay hate agenda attempting the reversal of Supreme Court Samesex marriage decision and the establishement of Samesex rights and Liberty in general. Why are the Log Cabins still Republican, even when the Republican party is opposed to their agenda? Maybe a Log Cabin can answer this? It's like... living in a wooden house with an open fire place.

You are rather poorly informed. It was the Dem base in California who voted against gay marriage. Naturally Dems being the party that supports the will of the people sued in court to overturn the vote of their own base.

IIRC, it was more the Republican con artists that got the Black ministers and churches to side with them to get that vote! Fine! Again, suckers are born everyday! Gays, Blacks, Muslims, women, and even Mexicans voted for Republicans when they talk about all of us like DOGS! Gawd, you're all just beyond help! Update: BTW, pls stop believing the lies of Obama running guns! That program was started by "W" and was stopped when Obama found out about it! I guess if lies are spewed long enough, you guys believe anything; sorta like we allowed a Kenyan to lead the country for 2 terms! IDIOTS! :dunno:
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! A-hole conservatives go on Fox News nightly lying about them being abortion factories in every location!
Can you quote anyone on Fox News saying that every PP location is an abortion factory?

I predict that you cannot. You're just making shit up.

You aren't listening; ALL OF THEM! It's a damnable lie they perpetrate on their viewers all the time! They make out liberal women are in easy chairs, on an assembly line with legs up in stirrups as soon as they enter the door of PPP! Hannity's the worst of them with his unflinching face as he spews lie after lie! I guess that's why he makes such a good advisor to Trump! They live in the same swamp! :rolleyes:
I joined the Log Cabin Republicans as a Conservative that is for Samesex Liberty and Civil Rights, while living in Colorado. I became a delegate in 2012 and supported Ron Paul for nomination. When Mitt Romney became the nominee, I jumped ship and became a Libertarian, supporting the Civil Unions and Cannabis Legalization campaign, both of which had victories in Colorado. the Democratic party, I didn't want to join, because of Obama's role in the gun running scandal. In fact, as a Libertarian and Gnostic Christian Presbyter, I married a Samsexed couple, thus allowing them to sue the state according to the 1st and 14th Amendment.

In 2016, the Republican Party changed their platform into an anti Gay hate agenda attempting the reversal of Supreme Court Samesex marriage decision and the establishement of Samesex rights and Liberty in general. Why are the Log Cabins still Republican, even when the Republican party is opposed to their agenda? Maybe a Log Cabin can answer this? It's like... living in a wooden house with an open fire place.

I can't speak for the Log Cabin Republicans, but as a conservative woman who has to constantly hear that Republicans are "anti-woman" and "misogynistic" and that I'm "voting against my own interests" because they don't support the agenda the left has decided is what all women want and need, I'm going to guess that they don't consider it to be "their agenda". Or possibly they consider other things to be more important to them.

Never rule out the possibility that your perspective is just that: YOURS. Not universal, objective fact seen and acknowledged by everyone, but just your own personal opinion.

I feel sorry for all of you! I found out my college roommate and BF of 40+ years had been a secret member of the LC Repub. group for years! Being GAY I couldn't have fathomed a Mensa member like him ever voting Republican; esp. after their JIHAD against gay marriage and civil unions when running 2004 campaigns! I'll never figure out women who go along with conservative troglodytes that have been trying to close Planned Parenthood for decades even though their main service is women's cancer screening! A-hole conservatives go on Fox News nightly lying about them being abortion factories in every location! These people disgust me now after signing their souls over to Trump in 2016 while people are dropping dead in the streets! Lucky for me I'm old and don't have to deal with this insane $#!t much longer! Good luck suckers; if you survive! I just can't GAF anymore because the people of this country are obviously hopeless! :rolleyes:
This is an important issue. This is not about rights. This is about superiority. Traditional marriage has been weakened immensely. At some point the term "breeders" is going to turn into a slave job. Sense needs to be used for all issues if it can be. You can see the mass undereducation of males now. And it is growing in numbers. What do you think the will do when there is no hope? Is it going to be like a propaganda TV or movie gang? They will end up blaming anyone not in their predicament. Even the BLM protesters are not totally enamored with the white people with them. The blame game exists when times go bad.

There's the "blame game," then there's fk'n history we can look at! Bush 41 hands Clinton a mess; fact! Bill cleans it up and leaves "W" with a budget surplus; fact! "W" starts 2 wars, gives away that budget surplus, institutes all kinds of initiatives like "No Child Left Behind," then doesn't fund any of it causing the Nat'l Debt to inflate even faster; fact! Obama takes the mess left behind and even with Republicans kicking and screaming, we not only bring the economy back, we got something close to Nat'l Health after 100 years of futility! We have the "Affordable Care Act" and with a pandemic out there, Trump and his cronies are still trying to undermine it and take it out of existence with no replacement! They say they want to replace it, but with what? I haven't seen $#!t! That's what Republicans do, "NOTHING" and hope it all stays together; sorta like all those crumbling bridges! What a bunch of losers! We're all pathetic because we allow them to get away with it! Fine, destroy yourselves with whatever conservative leanings you think you need to get thru the night! Good luck with that! :dunno:
I think the Bush family was disappointing to. 1988 and 2000 I backed them. Clinton was not handed a mess. Clinton wasted two years with his wife having a say and nearly destroyed his Presidency. The 1994 Repub revolution saved his butt. The contract with America along with Democrats caused a balanced budget but a lot of it was smoke and mirrors and the last decade of the Baby Boomers highest wages also, and taxation. If it wasn't for Perot, Clinton would be a footnote in history. In 1996 also. Dole would have beat him.
! A-hole conservatives go on Fox News nightly lying about them being abortion factories in every location!
Can you quote anyone on Fox News saying that every PP location is an abortion factory?

I predict that you cannot. You're just making shit up.

You aren't listening; ALL OF THEM! It's a damnable lie they perpetrate on their viewers all the time! They make out liberal women are in easy chairs, on an assembly line with legs up in stirrups as soon as they enter the door of PPP! Hannity's the worst of them with his unflinching face as he spews lie after lie! I guess that's why he makes such a good advisor to Trump! They live in the same swamp! :rolleyes:
I obviously predicted correctly. You cannot directly quote Hannity or anyone else on Fox saying that abortions are performed at every PP location.

You are accusing them of lying, but you have just proven yourself to be a liar.
I joined the Log Cabin Republicans as a Conservative that is for Samesex Liberty and Civil Rights, while living in Colorado. I became a delegate in 2012 and supported Ron Paul for nomination. When Mitt Romney became the nominee, I jumped ship and became a Libertarian, supporting the Civil Unions and Cannabis Legalization campaign, both of which had victories in Colorado. the Democratic party, I didn't want to join, because of Obama's role in the gun running scandal. In fact, as a Libertarian and Gnostic Christian Presbyter, I married a Samsexed couple, thus allowing them to sue the state according to the 1st and 14th Amendment.

In 2016, the Republican Party changed their platform into an anti Gay hate agenda attempting the reversal of Supreme Court Samesex marriage decision and the establishement of Samesex rights and Liberty in general. Why are the Log Cabins still Republican, even when the Republican party is opposed to their agenda? Maybe a Log Cabin can answer this? It's like... living in a wooden house with an open fire place.

I can't speak for the Log Cabin Republicans, but as a conservative woman who has to constantly hear that Republicans are "anti-woman" and "misogynistic" and that I'm "voting against my own interests" because they don't support the agenda the left has decided is what all women want and need, I'm going to guess that they don't consider it to be "their agenda". Or possibly they consider other things to be more important to them.

Never rule out the possibility that your perspective is just that: YOURS. Not universal, objective fact seen and acknowledged by everyone, but just your own personal opinion.

I feel sorry for all of you! I found out my college roommate and BF of 40+ years had been a secret member of the LC Repub. group for years! Being GAY I couldn't have fathomed a Mensa member like him ever voting Republican; esp. after their JIHAD against gay marriage and civil unions when running 2004 campaigns! I'll never figure out women who go along with conservative troglodytes that have been trying to close Planned Parenthood for decades even though their main service is women's cancer screening! A-hole conservatives go on Fox News nightly lying about them being abortion factories in every location! These people disgust me now after signing their souls over to Trump in 2016 while people are dropping dead in the streets! Lucky for me I'm old and don't have to deal with this insane $#!t much longer! Good luck suckers; if you survive! I just can't GAF anymore because the people of this country are obviously hopeless! :rolleyes:
This is an important issue. This is not about rights. This is about superiority. Traditional marriage has been weakened immensely. At some point the term "breeders" is going to turn into a slave job. Sense needs to be used for all issues if it can be. You can see the mass undereducation of males now. And it is growing in numbers. What do you think the will do when there is no hope? Is it going to be like a propaganda TV or movie gang? They will end up blaming anyone not in their predicament. Even the BLM protesters are not totally enamored with the white people with them. The blame game exists when times go bad.

There's the "blame game," then there's fk'n history we can look at! Bush 41 hands Clinton a mess; fact! Bill cleans it up and leaves "W" with a budget surplus; fact! "W" starts 2 wars, gives away that budget surplus, institutes all kinds of initiatives like "No Child Left Behind," then doesn't fund any of it causing the Nat'l Debt to inflate even faster; fact! Obama takes the mess left behind and even with Republicans kicking and screaming, we not only bring the economy back, we got something close to Nat'l Health after 100 years of futility! We have the "Affordable Care Act" and with a pandemic out there, Trump and his cronies are still trying to undermine it and take it out of existence with no replacement! They say they want to replace it, but with what? I haven't seen $#!t! That's what Republicans do, "NOTHING" and hope it all stays together; sorta like all those crumbling bridges! What a bunch of losers! We're all pathetic because we allow them to get away with it! Fine, destroy yourselves with whatever conservative leanings you think you need to get thru the night! Good luck with that! :dunno:
I think the Bush family was disappointing too. 1988 and 2000 I backed them. Clinton was not handed a mess. Clinton wasted two years with his wife having a say and nearly destroyed his Presidency. The 1994 Repub. :rolleyes: revolution saved his butt. The contract with America along with Democrats caused a balanced budget but a lot of it was smoke and mirrors and the last decade of the Baby Boomers highest wages also, and taxation. If it wasn't for Perot, Clinton would be a footnote in history. In 1996 also. Dole would have beat him.

Well you have your view and I have mines! True enough Clinton may have fritter away some of his time placating Hillary, but many 1st Ladies have had more say; just not as overt! The "Contract On America" did help Clinton since they were so radical! The accomplishments they supposedly got were more ideological than actually getting anything accomplished over that "balanced budget" amendment! We were still on our way before "W" fk'd it all up along with Cheney! Funny how the last 3 Republican admin. sold us out one way or another to other countries! It's so sad "the people" can't see how treacherous these people have been; esp. Trump who's been on bended knee to Putin since day one! It's so pathetic to hear conservatives say out loud, "I'd rather be 'Red' than a Democrat!" You guys have truly fallen, allowing Russians all up in this admin.; Trump receiving them in the OVAL Office! I feel so sorry for the future of this country! How do we recover from such ineptitude? Who will be the 1st to try and "explain it all away" as if it didn't happen like the Jewish, Serbian, and Native American genocides perpetrated in the world's history! That's the conservative MO now; project, deny, and actual gaslight everyone around them to hold onto power! It's so sad it's been working so well for them! :dunno:
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! A-hole conservatives go on Fox News nightly lying about them being abortion factories in every location!
Can you quote anyone on Fox News saying that every PP location is an abortion factory?

I predict that you cannot. You're just making shit up.

You aren't listening; ALL OF THEM! It's a damnable lie they perpetrate on their viewers all the time! They make out liberal women are in easy chairs, on an assembly line with legs up in stirrups as soon as they enter the door of PPP! Hannity's the worst of them with his unflinching face as he spews lie after lie! I guess that's why he makes such a good advisor to Trump! They live in the same swamp! :rolleyes:
I obviously predicted correctly. You cannot directly quote Hannity or anyone else on Fox saying that abortions are performed at every PP location.

You are accusing them of lying, but you have just proven yourself to be a liar.

How truthful was Hannity when Fox News was telling their viewers that the Corona Virus was a HOAX back in January? They only came around months later when it seemed they would be sued for passing out such false claims seeing people "stricken" down out of the blue! Instead of commiserating about how unfortunate the pandemic spread, Fox spent time pointing finger at NY's mayor and Gov., hoping everyone would forget how silly they sounded as if this would all be over by July 4th! How soon we forget, but conservative memory has always been conveniently and predictably weak! :rolleyes:
Homosexuals seem sensitive about everything these days. I don't recall the republican platform of 2016 being an anti gay hate agenda. Maybe the cannabis agenda got to your head. .
I joined the Log Cabin Republicans as a Conservative that is for Samesex Liberty and Civil Rights, while living in Colorado. I became a delegate in 2012 and supported Ron Paul for nomination. When Mitt Romney became the nominee, I jumped ship and became a Libertarian, supporting the Civil Unions and Cannabis Legalization campaign, both of which had victories in Colorado. the Democratic party, I didn't want to join, because of Obama's role in the gun running scandal. In fact, as a Libertarian and Gnostic Christian Presbyter, I married a Samsexed couple, thus allowing them to sue the state according to the 1st and 14th Amendment.

In 2016, the Republican Party changed their platform into an anti Gay hate agenda attempting the reversal of Supreme Court Samesex marriage decision and the establishement of Samesex rights and Liberty in general. Why are the Log Cabins still Republican, even when the Republican party is opposed to their agenda? Maybe a Log Cabin can answer this? It's like... living in a wooden house with an open fire place.
Log cabin republicans are pretty much libertarians, like you and I. They feel like the Republican Party is more likely to address their ECONOMIC concerns, given that the Democrats are goose-stepping Bolshevik commie twats.
I feel sorry for all of you! I found out my college roommate and BF of 40+ years had been a secret member of the LC Repub. group for years! Being GAY I couldn't have fathomed a Mensa member like him ever voting Republican; esp. after their JIHAD against gay marriage and civil unions when running 2004 campaigns! I'll never figure out women who go along with conservative troglodytes that have been trying to close Planned Parenthood for decades even though their main service is women's cancer screening! A-hole conservatives go on Fox News nightly lying about them being abortion factories in every location! These people disgust me now after signing their souls over to Trump in 2016 while people are dropping dead in the streets! Lucky for me I'm old and don't have to deal with this insane $#!t much longer! Good luck suckers; if you survive! I just can't GAF anymore because the people of this country are obviously hopeless! :rolleyes:
Hitler made sure all the German Children were fed. Hitler was a great man. You are right, Planned Parenthood will screen a woman for cancer. Planned Parenthood is great?
Homosexuals seem sensitive about everything these days. I don't recall the republican platform of 2016 being an anti gay hate agenda. Maybe the cannabis agenda got to your head. .
I think it is NGOs, Non Government Organizations, who work to make people hate the USA, who divide the people. NGO's who claim to represent a group that is discriminated against. Certainly a better job than being a plumber or cutting lawns. Either way, I know gay fold and they don't all cry like we here in the media. They are being used by the few, to further the Democrat agenda of power and control.

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