Zone1 The Delusions Continue.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
The delusions continue. Tommy Tuberville should have stuck with coaching football. And anyone else who believes this needs a brain replacement.


This is amazing.
Your ilk foisted "looking at color" upon us and you now are all down in the mouth because we don't like what we see when we do take the hard look. Given your deeds I don't know what else you expected people to think of you.

Me, all I see is a ethnicity (blacks) where the view is not much worth the climb to prop-up anymore. I deem you hopeless and given the choice I'd wash my hands of you.

Sadly I'll be taxed to my dying day to prop you people up and I resent that greatly given there are a lot more deserving folks out there.

If, after untold billions have been spent to "uplift" blacks they can't do any better for themselves than they are currently are doing then you have a lot of other issues with yourselves that have shit-all to do with the white taxpayers you people you steal from.
I don't come to a message board to go elsewhere. A message board is for you to tell me what's on your mind.
A link is ok for support, not to speak for.
The requuirment is that we post a coouple of lines and support it with a linked article. So read the link. Or post in another thread.
The requuirment is that we post a coouple of lines and support it with a linked article. So read the link. Or post in another thread.

You did not post a couple lines of anything substantive.
You simply said go look over there, I am too lazy to post a couple lines as to the subject.
I clicked the link and couldn’t read the article. I guess its not an article, his link goes to the ”MSN Start Page”.

Anyway, it’s a video segment from Fox Business. Basically an evil YT man is daring to suggest that things should be based on merit. And that all this woke CRT BS is racism.

He also dares to claim that we shouldn’t ”see color”, which is contrary to the modern woke doctrine that we need to see someone‘s color and treat them according to the color of their skin. Oddly, that’s the same thing racists like the KKK have always said.

Racism is an attitude being pushed on Americans: Sen. Tommy Tuberville | Fox Business Video

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