The inevitable victory of the Left

Germany welcomed change in the 1930s. Russia welcomed change in 1917. To take credit for the advancement of civilization is a bizarre claim.

Change and advancement are the same? lol

To take credit for the advancement of civilization is a sweet leap, even for the soft-minded liberal. :)
It's a fact. For every great step mankind ever made there were always those who fought it. Who were those people who insisted the earth was the center of the universe or derided Pasteur for suggesting germs caused disease or still call Darwin a fraud? They were conservatives.

Certainly not me, I believe Darwin, Pasteur and that the earth is a sphere. On the other hand, I don't believe it is good to be all black & white on your views of the world. I have problems with liberal social beliefs that harm the family and would go to all ends to lie about the reality of one group just to not have said people wake up to reality..

"I have problems with liberal social beliefs that harm the family and would go to all ends to lie about the reality of one group just to not have said people wake up to reality.."

False premises, distortions and LIES, without it what would righties have?

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

Statistics reveal that the city holding the most beneficiaries of the SNAP program (a favorite target of the GOP) is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Owsley County, Kentucky earns the lowest median household income in the country, but they are the most prolific government-takers in U.S. existence.

It 8217 s Official White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp 8216 Moochers 8217 in the Country Americans Against the Tea Party

PLEASE tell me what 'lies' about 'one group'? You mean Muslims are gonna get US? LOL

The black family is the perfect example of liberal beliefs in what the perfect family is...Single woman attempting to raise the children and killing herself at the same time without a father around. Real good for the black gangs raise the children. lol, lol, lol.

If you look around you, you will see that most of the attacks are from muslims...None so blind as the idiot that doesn't look around them and see who is doing it.

God, I hate you pure leftist and rightest. Two groups of extremist assholes!
To take credit for the advancement of civilization is a sweet leap, even for the soft-minded liberal. :)
It's a fact. For every great step mankind ever made there were always those who fought it. Who were those people who insisted the earth was the center of the universe or derided Pasteur for suggesting germs caused disease or still call Darwin a fraud? They were conservatives.
Conservatives want to conserve what works. Progressives want to shout the same slogans they have for the last 50 years. To take credit for the advancement of civilization by a single political party is simply bizarre.

Political party? Conservative or progressive party? lol

IDEOLOGY, right wingers are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history.
Thank you, Dad. Strange how these 'Conservatives' have never read a history book, yet know it all.
Hey if it makes you feel good to think your political party is going to take over the world, or even America, have at it. :)
As usual you refuse to see the point. Progress always prevails, it is not a narrowly political thing but something that permeates the entire spectrum of human society. You cannot deny that every visionary that changed the world for the better had to fight the establishment to do it, who were these people who opposed them if not conservatives who feared change?
As already stated, change is not always good. Ask Germany and Russia.

True, totalitarian regimes like them, which fit the conservative model is usually bad
But it was change, which is always brought on by the progressive ideology. Good call.
It's a fact. For every great step mankind ever made there were always those who fought it. Who were those people who insisted the earth was the center of the universe or derided Pasteur for suggesting germs caused disease or still call Darwin a fraud? They were conservatives.
Political party? Conservative or progressive party? lol

IDEOLOGY, right wingers are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history.
Thank you, Dad. Strange how these 'Conservatives' have never read a history book, yet know it all.
Hey if it makes you feel good to think your political party is going to take over the world, or even America, have at it. :)
As usual you refuse to see the point. Progress always prevails, it is not a narrowly political thing but something that permeates the entire spectrum of human society. You cannot deny that every visionary that changed the world for the better had to fight the establishment to do it, who were these people who opposed them if not conservatives who feared change?
As already stated, change is not always good. Ask Germany and Russia.
Change is not always good but it is inevitable and those who fight it eventually lose. Wanting things to stay the same out of fear never got us anything except stagnation and eventual domination by a more flexible and imaginative competitor.
Innovation is not a liberal ideology.
Innovation is the fruit of a flexible and fearless mind, conservatives do not possess such a thing.
It's already over. They're just dragging out the inevitable. The population is becoming more liberal as it becomes more educated and diverse. Support for liberal policies like drug legalization, feminism and abortion, and using words as a first resort rather than drones and bombs is going to keep growing. Support for the conservative positions like racism, sexism, and xenophobia are going to die off with the aging conservative population. I can honestly see a purely liberal America within the next fifty years if demographic trends continue. The main things holding us back from this are the bastions of the Right: the fear mongering conservative media, traditional Christian whitebread society, and religion. Luckily all three of these things are dying at record pace.

Forgetting your ridiculous unfounded assertions, I see no evidence that things won't continue business as usual. The status quo will continue to be reinforced, and change will always be slow and incremental, never radical - exactly as Madison intended.

Hey if it makes you feel good to think your political party is going to take over the world, or even America, have at it. :)
As usual you refuse to see the point. Progress always prevails, it is not a narrowly political thing but something that permeates the entire spectrum of human society. You cannot deny that every visionary that changed the world for the better had to fight the establishment to do it, who were these people who opposed them if not conservatives who feared change?
As already stated, change is not always good. Ask Germany and Russia.
Change is not always good but it is inevitable and those who fight it eventually lose. Wanting things to stay the same out of fear never got us anything except stagnation and eventual domination by a more flexible and imaginative competitor.
Innovation is not a liberal ideology.
Innovation is the fruit of a flexible and fearless mind, conservatives do not possess such a thing.

Depends on the development of child. 10 weeks Is a whole different story than 10 weeks before birth. Wouldn't you agree?
It's a fact. For every great step mankind ever made there were always those who fought it. Who were those people who insisted the earth was the center of the universe or derided Pasteur for suggesting germs caused disease or still call Darwin a fraud? They were conservatives.
Political party? Conservative or progressive party? lol

IDEOLOGY, right wingers are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history.
Thank you, Dad. Strange how these 'Conservatives' have never read a history book, yet know it all.
Hey if it makes you feel good to think your political party is going to take over the world, or even America, have at it. :)
As usual you refuse to see the point. Progress always prevails, it is not a narrowly political thing but something that permeates the entire spectrum of human society. You cannot deny that every visionary that changed the world for the better had to fight the establishment to do it, who were these people who opposed them if not conservatives who feared change?
As already stated, change is not always good. Ask Germany and Russia.

True, totalitarian regimes like them, which fit the conservative model is usually bad
But it was change, which is always brought on by the progressive ideology. Good call.
Gal, you are completely full of it. Dictatorship, by it's very nature, is anything but progressive. Progressive is the education of the people, and having those people make the decisions that govern their future. That was the basis of the radical ideas that founded this nation. And dictators, whether of the right or left, cannot abide those ideas.
Change and advancement are the same? lol

To take credit for the advancement of civilization is a sweet leap, even for the soft-minded liberal. :)
It's a fact. For every great step mankind ever made there were always those who fought it. Who were those people who insisted the earth was the center of the universe or derided Pasteur for suggesting germs caused disease or still call Darwin a fraud? They were conservatives.

Certainly not me, I believe Darwin, Pasteur and that the earth is a sphere. On the other hand, I don't believe it is good to be all black & white on your views of the world. I have problems with liberal social beliefs that harm the family and would go to all ends to lie about the reality of one group just to not have said people wake up to reality..

"I have problems with liberal social beliefs that harm the family and would go to all ends to lie about the reality of one group just to not have said people wake up to reality.."

False premises, distortions and LIES, without it what would righties have?

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

Statistics reveal that the city holding the most beneficiaries of the SNAP program (a favorite target of the GOP) is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Owsley County, Kentucky earns the lowest median household income in the country, but they are the most prolific government-takers in U.S. existence.

It 8217 s Official White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp 8216 Moochers 8217 in the Country Americans Against the Tea Party

PLEASE tell me what 'lies' about 'one group'? You mean Muslims are gonna get US? LOL

The black family is the perfect example of liberal beliefs in what the perfect family is...Single woman attempting to raise the children and killing herself at the same time without a father around. Real good for the black gangs raise the children. lol, lol, lol.

If you look around you, you will see that most of the attacks are from muslims...None so blind as the idiot that doesn't look around them and see who is doing it.

God, I hate you pure leftist and rightest. Two groups of extremist assholes!

I hate morons who can't critically think OR be honest

Let me guess, welfare created the problems for black families right? NOT the war on drugs? NOT defunding programs that assist in education? NOT the way US education system is funded, generally from local property taxes!

Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America

Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90 of All Terrorist Attacks in America Global Research


Europol Report: All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 99.6% that Aren’t

Europol Report All Terrorists are Muslims...Except the 99.6 that Aren t

You need to grow a brain
It's already over. They're just dragging out the inevitable. The population is becoming more liberal as it becomes more educated and diverse. Support for liberal policies like drug legalization, feminism and abortion, and using words as a first resort rather than drones and bombs is going to keep growing. Support for the conservative positions like racism, sexism, and xenophobia are going to die off with the aging conservative population. I can honestly see a purely liberal America within the next fifty years if demographic trends continue. The main things holding us back from this are the bastions of the Right: the fear mongering conservative media, traditional Christian whitebread society, and religion. Luckily all three of these things are dying at record pace.

Forgetting your ridiculous unfounded assertions, I see no evidence that things won't continue business as usual. The status quo will continue to be reinforced, and change will always be slow and incremental, never radical - exactly as Madison intended.

Well, yes and no. The Civil War brought very radical and rapid change. Before the Civil War it was the 'United States are', after the Civil War, 'the United States is'. At a very terrible cost. Incremental would have been better.

And what we are seeing today with the Health Care in this nation is an incremental approach to a better system, something that most of the other first world nations already have.
It's a fact. For every great step mankind ever made there were always those who fought it. Who were those people who insisted the earth was the center of the universe or derided Pasteur for suggesting germs caused disease or still call Darwin a fraud? They were conservatives.
Political party? Conservative or progressive party? lol

IDEOLOGY, right wingers are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history.
Thank you, Dad. Strange how these 'Conservatives' have never read a history book, yet know it all.
Hey if it makes you feel good to think your political party is going to take over the world, or even America, have at it. :)
As usual you refuse to see the point. Progress always prevails, it is not a narrowly political thing but something that permeates the entire spectrum of human society. You cannot deny that every visionary that changed the world for the better had to fight the establishment to do it, who were these people who opposed them if not conservatives who feared change?
As already stated, change is not always good. Ask Germany and Russia.

True, totalitarian regimes like them, which fit the conservative model is usually bad
But it was change, which is always brought on by the progressive ideology. Good call.

Just like Dubya, Oh right, we were losing 700,000+ jobs a month and our economy tanked 9%+ his last quarter

I know, Obama pales next to him right? lol
Hey if it makes you feel good to think your political party is going to take over the world, or even America, have at it. :)
As usual you refuse to see the point. Progress always prevails, it is not a narrowly political thing but something that permeates the entire spectrum of human society. You cannot deny that every visionary that changed the world for the better had to fight the establishment to do it, who were these people who opposed them if not conservatives who feared change?
As already stated, change is not always good. Ask Germany and Russia.

True, totalitarian regimes like them, which fit the conservative model is usually bad
But it was change, which is always brought on by the progressive ideology. Good call.
Gal, you are completely full of it. Dictatorship, by it's very nature, is anything but progressive. Progressive is the education of the people, and having those people make the decisions that govern their future. That was the basis of the radical ideas that founded this nation. And dictators, whether of the right or left, cannot abide those ideas.
No matter their origins authoritarian regimes always become rigidly conservative and bound by a dogmatic aversion to social challenge or change. No progressive ever held tightly to the past and favored the stagnant stability of monolithic power structures over social progress.
It's already over. They're just dragging out the inevitable. The population is becoming more liberal as it becomes more educated and diverse. Support for liberal policies like drug legalization, feminism and abortion, and using words as a first resort rather than drones and bombs is going to keep growing. Support for the conservative positions like racism, sexism, and xenophobia are going to die off with the aging conservative population. I can honestly see a purely liberal America within the next fifty years if demographic trends continue. The main things holding us back from this are the bastions of the Right: the fear mongering conservative media, traditional Christian whitebread society, and religion. Luckily all three of these things are dying at record pace.

Forgetting your ridiculous unfounded assertions, I see no evidence that things won't continue business as usual. The status quo will continue to be reinforced, and change will always be slow and incremental, never radical - exactly as Madison intended.

Well, yes and no. The Civil War brought very radical and rapid change. Before the Civil War it was the 'United States are', after the Civil War, 'the United States is'. At a very terrible cost. Incremental would have been better.

And what we are seeing today with the Health Care in this nation is an incremental approach to a better system, something that most of the other first world nations already have.

I don't think it was radical/rapid in the greater context. The change that came following the Civil War was the culmination of a cultural battle of differences that dated back to long before the Constitution was signed.

And I also disagree with the spirit of your meaning on health care. although I concede that "slow and incremental" has already grabbed hold, and that with the nature of the beast of bureaucracy, it's unlikely that this will change direction.
Hey if it makes you feel good to think your political party is going to take over the world, or even America, have at it. :)
As usual you refuse to see the point. Progress always prevails, it is not a narrowly political thing but something that permeates the entire spectrum of human society. You cannot deny that every visionary that changed the world for the better had to fight the establishment to do it, who were these people who opposed them if not conservatives who feared change?
As already stated, change is not always good. Ask Germany and Russia.
Change is not always good but it is inevitable and those who fight it eventually lose. Wanting things to stay the same out of fear never got us anything except stagnation and eventual domination by a more flexible and imaginative competitor.
Innovation is not a liberal ideology.
Innovation is the fruit of a flexible and fearless mind, conservatives do not possess such a thing.
If liberals want to take credit for the advancement of mankind, conservatives can take the credit for conserving conditions in the universe since the beginning of humanity. Both are silly notions. :)
The liberal policies are becoming more popular? As I recall we had some elections just over two months ago in the run up to those elections the liberal President stated he was not on the ballot but his polices (liberal ones) were the results of those elections do not support the claim made.
Liberals lost because of identity politics and accusing the majority of this country of being racist & sexist.

A loser for the left that's for sure...

If the left focused on minimum wage, education, science, r&d and infrastructure = you on the right would of lost.
It's already over. They're just dragging out the inevitable. The population is becoming more liberal as it becomes more educated and diverse. Support for liberal policies like drug legalization, feminism and abortion, and using words as a first resort rather than drones and bombs is going to keep growing. Support for the conservative positions like racism, sexism, and xenophobia are going to die off with the aging conservative population. I can honestly see a purely liberal America within the next fifty years if demographic trends continue. The main things holding us back from this are the bastions of the Right: the fear mongering conservative media, traditional Christian whitebread society, and religion. Luckily all three of these things are dying at record pace.
Whatever. You want my money come get it scumbag.
As usual you refuse to see the point. Progress always prevails, it is not a narrowly political thing but something that permeates the entire spectrum of human society. You cannot deny that every visionary that changed the world for the better had to fight the establishment to do it, who were these people who opposed them if not conservatives who feared change?
As already stated, change is not always good. Ask Germany and Russia.
Change is not always good but it is inevitable and those who fight it eventually lose. Wanting things to stay the same out of fear never got us anything except stagnation and eventual domination by a more flexible and imaginative competitor.
Innovation is not a liberal ideology.
Innovation is the fruit of a flexible and fearless mind, conservatives do not possess such a thing.
If liberals want to take credit for the advancement of mankind, conservatives can take the credit for conserving conditions in the universe since the beginning of humanity. Both are silly notions. :)
I have already said that conservatives are the guardians of stability and the status quo which is not necessary a bad thing until they start denying the reality of things. When things are in balance the pace of change is not too sudden but the really important challenges get met with sober imagination. Conservatives and progressives both have roles to play in society but all too often conservatives get too scared and try to set back the clock to time when they were less fearful. It never works but conservatives are nothing if not blindly and perversely stubborn.
As already stated, change is not always good. Ask Germany and Russia.
Change is not always good but it is inevitable and those who fight it eventually lose. Wanting things to stay the same out of fear never got us anything except stagnation and eventual domination by a more flexible and imaginative competitor.
Innovation is not a liberal ideology.
Innovation is the fruit of a flexible and fearless mind, conservatives do not possess such a thing.
If liberals want to take credit for the advancement of mankind, conservatives can take the credit for conserving conditions in the universe since the beginning of humanity. Both are silly notions. :)
I have already said that conservatives are the guardians of stability and the status quo which is not necessary a bad thing until they start denying the reality of things. When things are in balance the pace of change is not too sudden but the really important challenges get met with sober imagination. Conservatives and progressives both have roles to play in society but all too often conservatives get too scared and try to set back the clock to time when they were less fearful. It never works but conservatives are nothing if not blindly and perversely stubborn.

I assure you the right has no monopoly on stubbornness.


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