The Pope calls for end of death penalty

Pope calls for worldwide abolition of death penalty

There is no evidence that it acts as a deterrent, so its application is purely revenge/punishment.

Is he right or misguided ?
1. If it's not fair, make it fair. All those questionable cases should have never been death penalty cases. It should only be used when there's no question the person did it. The uber driver in Saginaw who drove around shooting people. He should be put to death but Michigan doesn't have the death penalty.

2. If you only use it for slam dunk cases the appeal process doesn't have to be so expensive. Ten bullets is cheap.

3. Life in prison isn't so bad once you get used to it I bet.

I see no reason to feed house educate and entertain these animals for their entire life. It's like social security Medicare and a free senior citizen home early retirement
The New Testament says that the law ("a life for a life") can be practiced...wonder why he would talk against the New Testament.

Such a sentence like "life for a life" could mean only to give the own life instead of a killed life. A man who for example accidentally killed someone was for example responsible for the life of the old mother of the killed person. Do you have a concrete context in the NT?

It's in one of Paul's epistles.

I was not able to find it there. ... But I enjoyed very much to read textes from Paul by taking a special view to the word "life" in his textes. Thank you for this idea. It's fascinating.

I'll do a search for you and get back to you with an edit of this post...

EDIT - This is Galatians 5:3, NIV:

"(3)Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law."

Here Paul says that the law can be practiced if one wants to be circumcised.

This are the first four sentences of the letter from Paul to the people in Galata, chapter 5:

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. Look: I, Paul, say to you that if you accept circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law.You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. ...


That's the whitest music video ever.

What does every other church leader say about the death penalty and why don't we listen to them?
If we were founded by Christians and Christians in Texas are pro death penalty, how is it that as we become a more liberal secular society we move towards eliminating the death penalty?

Are Christians now against the death penalty and what took them so long? And why are Christians split on this? Isn't it clear in your holy books?
Only god can make souls. And he stillborns some of their bodies, and others he deforms or gives cancer...

God does not "give" cancer or deformities. Rather the souls enter physical bodies, some--simply by the nature of being physical bodies may develop deformity or illness. In my career as teacher, I have met many beautiful souls in deformed, ill bodies. It appears that God can work with souls no matter what physical troubles they face and live with in this physical realm.
So why does god put them in deformed and dead or dying bodies?
... That's the whitest music video ever.

You are the racist - not so I.

What does every other church leader say about the death penalty and why don't we listen to them?

I would say your "we" listens not to anything what Christians say to you, because your "we" is part of an antichristian identity. Indeed you need no one to find out that Jesus Christ was once a victim of death penalty. Sure you are able to ignore what you could know. That's your decision. Nevertheless this question is not independent from the christian faith.

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... Catholics are not required to be either pro or con the death penalty. ....

What's wrong. Death penalty is not compatible with the catholic faith. The only reason for death penalty in former times was it to eliminate extremly dangerous human beings - so everyone was able to live in peace. But today prisons are save, so there's no need any longer for death penalty.

You misquoted that...Meriweather said that.

You don't understand: Jesus was a victim of death penatly. That's an essential reason why never a Christian is able to be a friend of death penalty.

You don't understand: Jesus was a victim of death penatly. That's an essential reason why never a Christian is able to be a friend of death penalty.

As the story goes.

The truth is the brain is fantastic! It starts to function just before you are born, and fully functions until you join a religion.

I don't understand what you like to say with this words.

Really enjoyed the music and video zaangalewa.

The language barrier maybe in conversing or is it maybe that there is just a difference in the particular parishes that one is accustom to?

I'm not in tune to the Catholic church ways much but it seems the Catholic Church has generally been against capital punishment. I believe it should be a last resort punishment or solution. If the nations of the world cannot come into agreement that life is precious people will just continue to destroy one another.
Pope calls for worldwide abolition of death penalty

There is no evidence that it acts as a deterrent, so its application is purely revenge/punishment.

Is he right or misguided ?
Funny the world spins more and more out of control and gets more lawless by the day the further we get from regularly enforcing it.....makes ya go hhhhmmmmmmm

What do you call control? To kill someone - or to be wise enough not to kill?

Civilization requires tending, it doesnt just happen.....cant put it on cruise control........obviously prison isnt the answer........lib theory lies in waste
Pope calls for worldwide abolition of death penalty

There is no evidence that it acts as a deterrent, so its application is purely revenge/punishment.

Is he right or misguided ?
Funny the world spins more and more out of control and gets more lawless by the day the further we get from regularly enforcing it.....makes ya go hhhhmmmmmmm

What do you call control? To kill someone - or to be wise enough not to kill?

Civilization requires tending,

Culture and civilisation are unevitable - that's part of our identity as human beings.

it doesnt just happen.....cant put it on cruise control........obviously prison isnt the answer........lib theory lies in waste

I give you an example: Here in Germany all policemen together used in 2011 for example 85 shots in context with crimes. Most shots were warnings and only 6 people were killed from policemen. No one thinks in Germany anything is out of control only because policemen are nearly never using weapons or because death penalty is not existing any longer since decades.

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Nice switch of topics from how to treat murderers.......... cant stay on topic eh.........
... Catholics are not required to be either pro or con the death penalty. ....

What's wrong. Death penalty is not compatible with the catholic faith. The only reason for death penalty in former times was it to eliminate extremly dangerous human beings - so everyone was able to live in peace. But today prisons are save, so there's no need any longer for death penalty.

You misquoted that...Meriweather said that.

You don't understand: Jesus was a victim of death penatly. That's an essential reason why never a Christian is able to be a friend of death penalty.

The law says a life for a life and Paul says that the law can be practiced.

You show with this sentence only that you don't read the bible and you don't have any idea about the christian religion and traditions. Fortunatelly god is not a dead thing to claim - god is alive. So I will ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten your heart to find the beauties and happinesses of lifes. May god never bring anyone in the force to have to kill you as you like to kill others.

You nit-wit, God is the one who said "a life for a life;" I didn't write the Bible, j*ckass.
Pope calls for worldwide abolition of death penalty

There is no evidence that it acts as a deterrent, so its application is purely revenge/punishment.

Is he right or misguided ?
1. If it's not fair, make it fair. All those questionable cases should have never been death penalty cases. It should only be used when there's no question the person did it. The uber driver in Saginaw who drove around shooting people. He should be put to death but Michigan doesn't have the death penalty.

2. If you only use it for slam dunk cases the appeal process doesn't have to be so expensive. Ten bullets is cheap.

3. Life in prison isn't so bad once you get used to it I bet.

I see no reason to feed house educate and entertain these animals for their entire life. It's like social security Medicare and a free senior citizen home early retirement
The New Testament says that the law ("a life for a life") can be practiced...wonder why he would talk against the New Testament.

Such a sentence like "life for a life" could mean only to give the own life instead of a killed life. A man who for example accidentally killed someone was for example responsible for the life of the old mother of the killed person. Do you have a concrete context in the NT?

It's in one of Paul's epistles.

I was not able to find it there. ... But I enjoyed very much to read textes from Paul by taking a special view to the word "life" in his textes. Thank you for this idea. It's fascinating.

I'll do a search for you and get back to you with an edit of this post...

EDIT - This is Galatians 5:3, NIV:

"(3)Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law."

Here Paul says that the law can be practiced if one wants to be circumcised.

This are the first four sentences of the letter from Paul to the people in Galata, chapter 5:

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. Look: I, Paul, say to you that if you accept circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law.You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. ...


American government *is* secular ("severed from Christ.") As the Scripture says if one wants to be severed from Christ, he can do the law.
What's wrong. Death penalty is not compatible with the catholic faith. The only reason for death penalty in former times was it to eliminate extremly dangerous human beings - so everyone was able to live in peace. But today prisons are save, so there's no need any longer for death penalty.

You misquoted that...Meriweather said that.

You don't understand: Jesus was a victim of death penatly. That's an essential reason why never a Christian is able to be a friend of death penalty.

The law says a life for a life and Paul says that the law can be practiced.

You show with this sentence only that you don't read the bible and you don't have any idea about the christian religion and traditions. Fortunatelly god is not a dead thing to claim - god is alive. So I will ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten your heart to find the beauties and happinesses of lifes. May god never bring anyone in the force to have to kill you as you like to kill others.

You nit-wit, God is the one who said "a life for a life;" I didn't write the Bible, j*ckass.

No. Some guys 1500 years ago wrote that God spake. You didn't write the bible? Who did?
You misquoted that...Meriweather said that.

You don't understand: Jesus was a victim of death penatly. That's an essential reason why never a Christian is able to be a friend of death penalty.

The law says a life for a life and Paul says that the law can be practiced.

You show with this sentence only that you don't read the bible and you don't have any idea about the christian religion and traditions. Fortunatelly god is not a dead thing to claim - god is alive. So I will ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten your heart to find the beauties and happinesses of lifes. May god never bring anyone in the force to have to kill you as you like to kill others.

You nit-wit,

A lack of spirit is not my problem nor a problem of the world.

God is the one who said "a life for a life;" I didn't write the Bible, j*ckass.

If you don't understand what you are speaking about - why do you try it, if you don't like to learn?

No. Some guys 1500 years ago wrote that God spake. You didn't write the bible? Who did?

If you have a question in context with god then you may ask me. I will give you the best of all possible answers I'm able to give to you. Same did my ancestors in all times of history since human beings are existing. I don't know what you are doing if you speak with others - but it seems to me it has not a lot to do with communication, understanding and philosophy. Why for heavens sake is misusing an Antichristrian like you the bible by trying to fight for death penalty? That's as crazy as death penalty on its own is crazy.

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Pope calls for worldwide abolition of death penalty

There is no evidence that it acts as a deterrent, so its application is purely revenge/punishment.

Is he right or misguided ?

Not true that it isn't a deterrent. For one, the guilty won't be able to kill again.

I would sayPope Francis is misguided like a misguided missile :uhoh3:.

You are misleading on your own. It's completly impossible for any Christian in the world to be a friend of death penalty.

You don't understand: Jesus was a victim of death penatly. That's an essential reason why never a Christian is able to be a friend of death penalty.

The law says a life for a life and Paul says that the law can be practiced.

You show with this sentence only that you don't read the bible and you don't have any idea about the christian religion and traditions. Fortunatelly god is not a dead thing to claim - god is alive. So I will ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten your heart to find the beauties and happinesses of lifes. May god never bring anyone in the force to have to kill you as you like to kill others.

You nit-wit,

A lack of spirit is not my problem nor a problem of the world.

God is the one who said "a life for a life;" I didn't write the Bible, j*ckass.

If you don't understand what you are speaking about - why do you try it, if you don't like to learn?

No. Some guys 1500 years ago wrote that God spake. You didn't write the bible? Who did?

If you have a question in context with god then you may ask me. I will give you the best of all possible answers I'm able to give to you. Same did my ancestors in all times of history since human beings are existing. I don't know what you are doing if you speak with others - but it seems to me it has not a lot to do with communication, understanding and philosophy. Why for heavens sake is misusing an Antichristrian like you the bible by trying to fight for death penalty? That's as crazy as death penalty on its own is crazy.

Who cares what you and your ancestors say?
The law says a life for a life and Paul says that the law can be practiced.

You show with this sentence only that you don't read the bible and you don't have any idea about the christian religion and traditions. Fortunatelly god is not a dead thing to claim - god is alive. So I will ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten your heart to find the beauties and happinesses of lifes. May god never bring anyone in the force to have to kill you as you like to kill others.

You nit-wit,

A lack of spirit is not my problem nor a problem of the world.

God is the one who said "a life for a life;" I didn't write the Bible, j*ckass.

If you don't understand what you are speaking about - why do you try it, if you don't like to learn?

No. Some guys 1500 years ago wrote that God spake. You didn't write the bible? Who did?

If you have a question in context with god then you may ask me. I will give you the best of all possible answers I'm able to give to you. Same did my ancestors in all times of history since human beings are existing. I don't know what you are doing if you speak with others - but it seems to me it has not a lot to do with communication, understanding and philosophy. Why for heavens sake is misusing an Antichristrian like you the bible by trying to fight for death penalty? That's as crazy as death penalty on its own is crazy.

Who cares what you and your ancestors say?

I. And I say it is impossible for every Christian in the world to be a friend of death penalty, because Jesus Christ himselve personally was once a victim of death penalty. Specially I agree with Pope Francis that it is essential for Catholics to fight against death penalty. I'm convinced death penalty is not compatible with the catholic faith nor with the will of god.

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