The real lesson of the Progressive Fatwa against Trump

Guess you're going to have to wait and find out, rubic turd... It's like if I were to wrongfully accuse you of being a democrat voter who supports now illegal abortions killing baby fetuses. I send the indictment now from your past support of abortions and your hearsay on politics. Throw in "34 felonies" because there can be all types of them to throw out. I think loitering can be a felony. Then idiots like you get thrown the true red meat.
You’re pulling all this out of your ass and have shown that you will blindly defend trump no matter what he is accused of and no matter what evidence backs it up. That means you can’t be respected or taken seriously
You’re pulling all this out of your ass and have shown that you will blindly defend trump no matter what he is accused of and no matter what evidence backs it up. That means you can’t be respected or taken seriously

Evidence of hearsay like me saying I slept with your mother. Even though it would be like barf. But still.. it turns out to be hearsay I can't prove because it's hearsay.
Evidence of hearsay like me saying I slept with your mother. Even though it would be like barf. But still.. it turns out to be hearsay I can't prove because it's hearsay.
Yes you’re basing all your opinions off heresay and media propaganda. Not on facts and evidence. That says something about the type of person you are… gullible
Don’t most law abiding citizens want to see those who break the law held to account?
Then Maoist Democrats have to stop changing laws that permit violence, lowering of felonies, letting out violent career criminals out of jail with no bail and teaching CRT to our young.
Then Maoist Democrats have to stop changing laws that permit violence, lowering of felonies, letting out violent career criminals out of jail with no bail and teaching CRT to our young.
Why? Our system of government has the ability for elected leaders to make and change laws. That’s how it’s always worked.
The real lesson of the Progressive Fatwa against Trump is that since they're going to kill you if you don't agree, you might as well declare total war and roll back their entire agenda.

Take back the schools, enforce Section 230 and make social media platforms and not publishers, throw the traitors in leadership of the Intel Agencies and military into Gitmo, declare the WEF a terrorist organization

Play time is over, folks

I just read there will be no mugshot. Not sure how much credibility there is to that but if true, it seems even the Progs have realized this is backfiring badly
I just read there will be no mugshot. Not sure how much credibility there is to that but if true, it seems even the Progs have realized this is backfiring badly
You’re right… cause it was all about the mugshot! 👍 haha
You’re right… cause it was all about the mugshot! 👍 haha

You have beclowned yourselves with this. It's embarrassing and you can't even see it.

Can I remind you of Robert Mueller? The Mueller investigation. Yeah, it was "Mueller Time" and some bag on Christmas. (Mueller-Mas? Some stupid thing)

And now you've really gone scorched earth, including Mac1958 fantasizing about Trump hanging himself on the stand. But you know it's the ground your standing on also going up in ash, you pack of absolute dunderheads
You have beclowned yourselves with this. It's embarrassing and you can't even see it.

Can I remind you of Robert Mueller? The Mueller investigation. Yeah, it was "Mueller Time" and some bag on Christmas. (Mueller-Mas? Some stupid thing)

And now you've really gone scorched earth, including Mac1958 fantasizing about Trump hanging himself on the stand. But you know it's the ground your standing on also going up in ash, you pack of absolute dunderheads
Mueller was hired by a guy Trump appointed to run the DOJ. And Trump was prosecuted by a state and a grand jury. I do t know this whole “you guys” thing you’re talking about but it’s fantasyland
Mueller was hired by a guy Trump appointed to run the DOJ. And Trump was prosecuted by a state and a grand jury. I do t know this whole “you guys” thing you’re talking about but it’s fantasyland

Right. The fact that Trump was "prosecuted by a state and grand jury" is just exactly why I'm saying

United States: 1776-2023

You have no idea the depths of which many, if not about half of us, understand that this is over.

And once about half the nation understands that America is over, what happens? Well, we're about to find out.
Right. The fact that Trump was "prosecuted by a state and grand jury" is just exactly why I'm saying

United States: 1776-2023

You have no idea the depths of which many, if not about half of us, understand that this is over.

And once about half the nation understands that America is over, what happens? Well, we're about to find out.
America is over because Donald Trump got busted?! Haha. Looks to me like the swamp is getting drained. And it’s about time

Play time is over, folks

Aha. And what means this now? That you will 'hang' Donald Trump on reason of high treason because you are an US-American patriot - or you will kiss his backside because you are an US-American idiot?

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